View Full Version : Nicole Kidman to play transexual movie role

11-10-2008, 03:22 AM
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11-10-2008, 04:08 AM
Omg I will love to see Charlize doing this! Charlize is one of my favorite actresses she is beautiful and a great actress!

11-10-2008, 04:12 AM
This will be a great movie (as long as certain TG'd activist are kept far away and historians are kept close at hand.)

11-10-2008, 04:15 AM
I support any movies that puts transsexuality out there however I wasn't a fan of TransAmerica I wasn't a fan of the storyline or things said.

11-10-2008, 04:47 AM
Exactly who I was thinking of and why. Just let us see the unfettered truth of who lili elbe was and not a story made to make TS/TG's look good. People will detect bull shit and not like it.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
11-10-2008, 01:09 PM
Interesting! I can't wait to see Nicole play a tranny. :P



11-10-2008, 06:57 PM
Great to see a trans movie with real star power behind it... just wish they would put real T-girls in. Sadly all these movies fall a bit flat because they attempt to show a transition with someone who doesn't need one. Since the transition period is so central to this movie it will be sad to have that glossed over.


11-10-2008, 07:12 PM
\one two three four five six seven eight nine ten

11-10-2008, 07:25 PM
Great to see a trans movie with real star power behind it... just wish they would put real T-girls in. Sadly all these movies fall a bit flat because they attempt to show a transition with someone who doesn't need one. Since the transition period is so central to this movie it will be sad to have that glossed over.

SeanHere we go again. Look, if you're an investor or studio head backing this film with millions, you need to make you're money back. So you're not gonna put an unknown trans with little(porn doesnt count) or no experience in the lead role. And since they're telling a true story, they have to come as close as they can to what the trans(in the story) actually looks like. Not a very wide range of trans who even have limited experience to chose from. And she would also have to carry a multi-million dollar film. No one will take that chance. Not now.

11-10-2008, 10:55 PM
Sorry, but I rarely see the movie machine try to make a movie with what the people actually look like. They universally put in people who look better than the real person, and often enough people who have only a passing resemblance. Make up is where they try to make up the difference in looks, usually they look for someone who can give the right attitude to the part, with a nod to general body type. At least from what I've seen.

Now your argument on star power is very true, a well know name will get you a certain set that you just won't otherwise. The only problem is that is the same argument that was used to keep Asians and American Indian folks out of the movies for decades on end. At some point someone has to start taking the chance or you won't ever get someone with experience or reputation to do the parts.

Part of the issue here, is that without the visual cues, most folks won't pick up on the actual issues involved in transitioning. Trying to explain to family over the years all the strain and fear that goes with being trans didn't work at all until I brought home some folks. Seeing folks try to hide actual give aways is very different than seeing some genetic girl play the part.

It's a bit like making a movie about Black folks in the sixties and just papering over the racism. It may be beautiful but it isn't the real story, which I believe they are trying to tell here.

Anyway, there is lots of argument to be had here... but it was a simple wish that they bring in someone from the community, so that it feels more authentic (unlike having a blond Nordic type playing an Sicilian Don). Particularly as they are apparently telling the actual transition time period story where the physical limitations really do matter.


11-11-2008, 12:10 AM
And since they're telling a true story, they have to come as close as they can to what the trans(in the story) actually looks like. Not a very wide range of trans who even have limited experience to chose from. .

well if you want a true story w/ true representation... i think any middle aged actor would be a better choice then the gorgeous nicole




yeah she looks like a real delicate flower

clooney woulda been a more accurate portrayal

11-11-2008, 01:41 AM
Sorry, but I rarely see the movie machine try to make a movie with what the people actually look like. They universally put in people who look better than the real person, and often enough people who have only a passing resemblance. Make up is where they try to make up the difference in looks, usually they look for someone who can give the right attitude to the part, with a nod to general body type. At least from what I've seen.

Now your argument on star power is very true, a well know name will get you a certain set that you just won't otherwise. The only problem is that is the same argument that was used to keep Asians and American Indian folks out of the movies for decades on end. At some point someone has to start taking the chance or you won't ever get someone with experience or reputation to do the parts.

Part of the issue here, is that without the visual cues, most folks won't pick up on the actual issues involved in transitioning. Trying to explain to family over the years all the strain and fear that goes with being trans didn't work at all until I brought home some folks. Seeing folks try to hide actual give aways is very different than seeing some genetic girl play the part.

It's a bit like making a movie about Black folks in the sixties and just papering over the racism. It may be beautiful but it isn't the real story, which I believe they are trying to tell here.

Anyway, there is lots of argument to be had here... but it was a simple wish that they bring in someone from the community, so that it feels more authentic (unlike having a blond Nordic type playing an Sicilian Don). Particularly as they are apparently telling the actual transition time period story where the physical limitations really do matter.

SeanSomewhat true, somewhat not. It varies from film to film, but in biographical depictions, star power comes first, looks second. I know plenty of films where they got it right, and others where the actor looks nothing like the real person. Make-up artist work very hard too ya know. Look, we went through decades of only seeing whites in leading and starring roles in american cinema. Blacks were for the most part not even noticed(dont even get me started on whites playing in black face) and latinos and asians werent even thought of. We've come to a point where blacks now star in multi million dollar projects as well as latins. And asians are starting to make a mark also. Are we ready for trans women? Its a much harder barrier to climb than race. You may see a sprinkle here and there, but nothing prominent. Why? Several reasons. There is a stigma attached to trans women thanks to Maury and Springer. You can blame them for that, but you can also blame the girls that willingly participate in that foolishness. There is also the prostitution/porn factor. Which is kinda fucked up cause Hollywood in some ways is basically legalized prostitution. Sex favors in exchange for jobs still occur. And yes, a few gg's and men from porn have been able to cross over to legit work on a grand scale, but that stigma is still there also. Just ask Ron jeremy. Most People in middle america only see this side of trans. They immediately associate trans women with these things. And that is where a large part of Nielsen ratings come from. So trying to market something else that shows trans in a completely different light is extremely difficult. I think what Eric is doing could possibly open some minds and eyes, but the whole explotation factor will take years to reverse. And I think I mentioned this before. Do you really see Tom Cruise or Denzel signing on to a project where the female love interest is a pre-op? Now if its in the script, thats totally different. See, this is a very challenging undertaking. But if Hollywood ever sees a way to do this and make money, they'll do it. Hey, if Jennifer Hudson(her personal tragedy aside) can win an oscar for basically singing a song(good performance but I will never agree that it was oscar worthy work) then anything is possible. But the chance(they see it as a risk) that you're looking for someone to take will only happen if the see money. Show me the money. Thats Hollywood.

11-11-2008, 01:43 AM
well I am sure they will do make up on Nicole to make her look more manly etc

11-11-2008, 01:46 AM
And since they're telling a true story, they have to come as close as they can to what the trans(in the story) actually looks like. Not a very wide range of trans who even have limited experience to chose from. .

well if you want a true story w/ true representation... i think any middle aged actor would be a better choice then the gorgeous nicole




yeah she looks like a real delicate flower

clooney woulda been a more accurate portrayalLike I said in my previous post. Sometimes they come close, sometimes they dont. I never saw pics of this woman, so in this instance, I stand corrected. But make-up does wonders and make-up artist are paid well to change looks.

11-12-2008, 10:32 AM
Go watch the couple of episodes of Dirty Sexy Money... they did it right. And while perhaps not the best example of a star with some name power, he does have name recognition with did a number of scenes with a trans actor. In bed even.



11-12-2008, 04:20 PM
Go watch the couple of episodes of Dirty Sexy Money... they did it right. And while perhaps not the best example of a star with some name power, he does have name recognition with did a number of scenes with a trans actor. In bed even.


SeanThats one example, and not a very good one either. First off, she's a post-op, and If it was Alec instead of Billy, you might have a point. Billy is b list. Look, face it, when and if this does happen, it will be the actor who makes the call. On an individual basis. Dont look for an A list actor to do this unless its in the script, or people just dont know. I just can't see this as an accepted way of casting female parts industry wide. Way too many brilliant genetic female actresses out there.

11-13-2008, 12:35 AM
Yes a b actor, but also a TV show not a movie.

Not a female part... a part that is specifically a trans part. Yes she's post op, but post op is fine... still a person who has come through the trans community, dealt with the voice and build issues.

Not expecting them to pull a trans person to do a genetic part, but a trans person telling a historic trans story makes sense to me.


11-13-2008, 12:53 AM
Yes a b actor, but also a TV show not a movie.

Not a female part... a part that is specifically a trans part. Yes she's post op, but post op is fine... still a person who has come through the trans community, dealt with the voice and build issues.

Not expecting them to pull a trans person to do a genetic part, but a trans person telling a historic trans story makes sense to me.
SeanOk. And this all goes back to the money factor. I'm sure you'll find a handful of indie features where this occurs. But not a studio backed major feature. As long as we have very bankable female stars that can pass for trans, don't look for a trans playing a trans very often. And Hollywood really doesnt seem very interested in telling stories about trans and their community. Its just not something they invest a lot of time in. Which is actually kinda fucked up also, because a lot of people in Hollywood that green light projects are gay. Go figure.

11-13-2008, 05:27 AM
wil she have sunday roast in it all aussies love a sunday roast

11-13-2008, 08:44 AM

I said I WISHED they would do it differently.

I didn't say I expected them to do it differently.

It's okay to want things to be better, really. We can want things we don't expect to get, without it being whining or problematic. If you like these women playing the part, great! Go see the movie, enjoy them for what they are, I certainly will.

But if no one asks for change it won't happen. No one will grease a wheel if it doesn't squeak. This whole discussion reminds me of folks asking why gays have to be so in your face with their relationships, holding hands in public like that.

Every other minority has had to stand up and argue that they should represent themselves more often than not on stage and screen. It's beyond obvious that Hollywood has to be pushed to do these kinds of movies with people who are actually part of the communities being represented.

So go ahead and support the movie, it helps to make the theme a money maker for hollywood. But by all means, don't just accept them doing it any way they want as the only way it can be. If you want the T community to be able to represent itself in entertainment, say so. Maybe next time someone will take a chance. Lots of movies get made with no names... that's where we get our new stars, maybe if we make it plain what we want we'll see that down the road.


11-14-2008, 02:34 AM
Nicole is not a good box-office draw, in fact she's the worst!

11-16-2008, 10:23 PM
...don't mean to detract from the somewhat scholarly nature of the discussion here, but this topic sorta got me fantasizin and, well, there ya go

11-16-2008, 11:08 PM

I totally agree with you on this. I think it's a shame that they can't have a tgirl play, a tgirl. It's little different when the part calls for an ugly GGirl though. Haven't you noticed how the girls that are cast as ugly usually aren't really. They usually just do some bad hair and bad makeup and call them ugly. I guess the thing to remember is that Hollywood and the Movies aren't real. If this movie can portray tgirls in a positive light I think that is about the best we can hope for at this point.

11-16-2008, 11:09 PM
...don't mean to detract from the somewhat scholarly nature of the discussion here, but this topic sorta got me fantasizin and, well, there ya go

Too hot -- :shock: