View Full Version : drugs

11-08-2008, 04:10 AM
I'm a real straight guy (lol, get it?) but seriously, I don't do drugs, or even drink for that matter. I was a Jr. High drunk, a completely washed up highschooler, and then a fallen Marine at one time. The first two times required full out treatment to sober me up.

I've actually never taken a legal drink of alcohol in my whole life so far (and hopefully I never will). I went on the wagon at 20.

It's amazing how much drug use their is with the girls. I feel like such an ass for being a regular non using guy, like I don't fit in. But I CAN'T, (well, I'm free to if I want, but know the results won't be any different than they ever have been my whole life, so I don't).

I'm not an anti, and don't judge people, but man, I KNOW the dangers, and devote my life to helping people who are addicts. Drunks are usually born that way, ya just can't make one, if they ever drink, they are going to be prone to it, but drugs are much different. A drug addict can be man made, with no genetic factors. Hitler even did experiments that proved it.
Ya can't make a drunk a drunk, but you can make a heroin or cocaine addict through repeated exposure.

Ahhhhhh, I'm rambeling, just be careful everyone.

11-08-2008, 03:57 PM
I don't do drugs either, I do like a couple of drinks occasionally but do not get the urge to get drunk for the sake of it. Stay straight-edge buddy its the way to be..

11-08-2008, 04:18 PM
Don't do drugs and have never done so. As for alcohol- I've been really drunk only once, that was enough.

11-08-2008, 04:25 PM
My experience is quite different and i have been on the lash since I first went to sea two weeks before my 16th birthday many years ago.I agree that some people should never be let near alcohol, let alone drugs, and we all know a few of them. Personally I've enjoyed being shit-faced drunk on several different continents over the years and am happily imbibing as I type. I guess the moral of the story is 'don't fuck about with something you cannot handle'. I've never been a danger to anyone other than myself. Slainte Bhoy!

11-08-2008, 06:45 PM
A drug addict can be man made, with no genetic factors. Hitler even did experiments that proved it.

I think, generally speaking, that if Hitler was involved in any sort of experimentations the results of that research would be somewhat questionable. That being said, I would have to agree that drug use and wildly excessive drinking ceases to be amusing once a person reaches adulthood.

I know some people look back at High School and say "I was such a mess, how did I survive. . ." which is fine.

Personally, I enjoyed the hell out of being a stoner and keg party enthusiast. I have no regrets at all.


Fu Manchu
11-08-2008, 07:19 PM
i have been on the lash

Good UK shout

11-08-2008, 07:35 PM
I smoke weed, it keeps me out of trouble and gives me super powers.

11-08-2008, 08:29 PM
:peanutbutter :claps :rock2

We are becoming more and more polarized in society on issues like drugs, politics, and so much more. I posted a few pics from girls that were under the influence and suddenly, not only were those photos cast in a negative light but, to my surprise, the thread was yanked - on HA! lol We have people on here from all purient walks of life expressing themselves freely and yet, if you mention getting high or seeing someone else high or drunk, you're being irresponsible.

Each person has their own path, their cross, their own deal. If you or someone you love has or had a struggle with alchohol or drugs, that's serious and we all have sympathy and compassion for their struggle - their kampf. But not everyone is destined to be out of control if they do a line, smoke a bowl or 10 or have a drink a couple of times a year. They're fortunate and they can have a few laughs.

So, with all respect for people struggling with addiction, I only add let's not completely curse anyone who parties. Magic in a word, right? "Use" v. "party"; "partake" v. "abuse".

My 10 cents. Oh and once a Marine, always a Marine. You deserve a lot of credit for that title.

11-08-2008, 10:01 PM
I smoke weed, it keeps me out of trouble and gives me super powers.

We should smoke down sometime that way I can see these powers..

11-09-2008, 02:38 AM
Ironically, I'm a huge marijuana proponent, it does not effect people the way that alcohol and harder drugs can. Ya, their is the risk of becoming a 40 year old man living in his mom's basement LOL, but people don't beat their wives on it etc...

Some people have a stone hard character when it comes to drugs, even very hard ones, they just seem to be able to use occasionally, and always have a take it or leave it attitude about it. Then again, some people are fooling themselves too.

I'm not scared of being drunk, and not being in control of my life anymore, it's the fear of the spiritual death that makes me bolt upright from a sound sleep once in awhile.

Their is so much to get "high" with, like helping someone out, volunteering in the community, saying a prayer, a general comfort that their is something in this universe that's in charge, and I'm not it (what a relief) lol

For me, my addiction/alcoholism is the best thing that's ever happened to me, I didn't have the subtle disease, mine was hard and fast, so I stood at a turning point at a very young age. One way led to death pain and despaire, the other to life and happiness. Few have to make that choice so boldly. I did, and it's brought something so beautiful into my life I can't even begin to explain it. I wish that for everyone, whether they are playing with drugs or not.

11-09-2008, 03:58 AM
Ironically, I'm a huge marijuana proponent, it does not effect people the way that alcohol and harder drugs can. Ya, their is the risk of becoming a 40 year old man living in his mom's basement LOL, but people don't beat their wives on it etc...

Some people have a stone hard character when it comes to drugs, even very hard ones, they just seem to be able to use occasionally, and always have a take it or leave it attitude about it. Then again, some people are fooling themselves too.

I'm not scared of being drunk, and not being in control of my life anymore, it's the fear of the spiritual death that makes me bolt upright from a sound sleep once in awhile.

Their is so much to get "high" with, like helping someone out, volunteering in the community, saying a prayer, a general comfort that their is something in this universe that's in charge, and I'm not it (what a relief) lol

For me, my addiction/alcoholism is the best thing that's ever happened to me, I didn't have the subtle disease, mine was hard and fast, so I stood at a turning point at a very young age. One way led to death pain and despaire, the other to life and happiness. Few have to make that choice so boldly. I did, and it's brought something so beautiful into my life I can't even begin to explain it. I wish that for everyone, whether they are playing with drugs or not.

We've all read people's thoughts on getting high or drunk and either they're for or against. It's rare you ever read someone's thoughts like this - where you make a great argument against it, which we all have a deep respect for from your story, but you still express a sense of some understanding or compassion for those that choose to use without much serious consequence or damage to their lives and those around them.

This is what we need to see more of - compassion and understanding. Well done.