View Full Version : "Tranny Chaser?"...Men show some self-respect!

08-27-2005, 08:59 PM
Not looking to start a controversy, but I have gotten tired of the "tranny chaser" label. I see some girls throwing this term around like a baseball bat with razor blades in it and I'm tired of it.

I am attracted to transsexuals. Have I ever paid for sex with a TS? Yes. Have I ever dated a TS? Yes. Would I pay for sex again with a TS? Probably not, unless it was one of my all time favorites and I felt like treating myself. Does this make me a tranny chaser? No, because I'm not really sure that term applies to anything in reality.

I also hate the word "trick". A lot of girls have the "once a trick, always a trick" mentality, although it seems that prostitution is, at first, the easiest way for some of us to break into the scene. Eventually we can develop friendships and other relationships with TS's on mutual terms that don't necessarily involve money.

But ultimately, this is a post for the men. Show some self-respect. Some of you do, but some of you suck up incessantly to a few of the more high profile girls on here and it's sad. It's not like they're going to remember your bucket of compliments for them at some party, fall in love with you, and give you free sex for life. I see some men on this board agreeing with the most ridiculous statements a few girls make like over-exictied puppies, particularly when these girls (and I do mean a FEW girls, not a lot) make denigrating or derrogatory comments about men. Personally, I don't "chase" any girls because 1) ultimately it isn't necessary if you have a personality and 2) girls see it as pathetic.

So, the "tranny-chaser" label is essentially the fault of overly-fetishized men who'll say anything to a girl so they can suck their dick. I say liberate yourselves from thinking with the wrong head and develop real relationships with girls rather than worshipping them as idols! Most of the girls in here DESERVE respect and they should be treated as such. But those girls that DON'T treat the MEN with respect? Well, I think I've made my point.........

Just my little brain-fart for the day.


P.S. Notice that I did not "call out" anybody by name. If it doesn't apply, let it fly.

08-27-2005, 09:07 PM
But ultimately, this is a post for the men. Show some self-respect. Some of you do, but some of you suck up incessantly to a few of the more high profile girls on here and it's sad. It's not like they're going to remember your bucket of compliments for them at some party, fall in love with you, and give you free sex for life. I see some men on this board agreeing with the most ridiculous statements a few girls make like over-exictied puppies, particularly when these girls (and I do mean a FEW girls, not a lot) make denigrating or derrogatory comments about men. Personally, I don't "chase" any girls because 1) ultimately it isn't necessary if you have a personality and 2) girls see it as pathetic.


08-27-2005, 10:42 PM
But ultimately, this is a post for the men. Show some self-respect. Some of you do, but some of you suck up incessantly to a few of the more high profile girls on here and it's sad. It's not like they're going to remember your bucket of compliments for them at some party, fall in love with you, and give you free sex for life. I see some men on this board agreeing with the most ridiculous statements a few girls make like over-exictied puppies, particularly when these girls (and I do mean a FEW girls, not a lot) make denigrating or derrogatory comments about men. Personally, I don't "chase" any girls because 1) ultimately it isn't necessary if you have a personality and 2) girls see it as pathetic.


I second that emotion/motion!

08-27-2005, 11:57 PM
Good to know I'm not alone, although I had a feeling JWBL already knew where I was coming from.


08-28-2005, 04:47 AM


08-28-2005, 06:03 AM
Preachin' to the choir, Boss...preachin to the choir. It would even be better if some guys had better taste....ahh...forget it.

I know where you're coming from though. I've seen some shady things said about guys and a whole lot of butt kissing follow too.

Like my father told me when I was young, a woman ain't nothing but a man turned outside in; don't let a woman do anything that you wouldn't let a man do to you.

*words to live by*

08-28-2005, 02:51 PM
Did you find the caps lock key yet???

Right on with your post. I have an extra roll of TP is one of the gurls needs some -LOL

Hey megabody, I got SM strokers #11, that one had penelope on it, she looks real cute, but her friend is even cuter.

There was another even cuter one that I saw, but I forget who, anyway, I enjoyed penelope, is she in any other movies???

08-28-2005, 08:26 PM
Tranny chaser is just a word, it has never bothered me. Over the years I've chased trannies all the way around the block and back, paid all the dues and it is what it is. I have several close friends that are transexuals, some I've dated before then became friends with and some I've never dated and am friends with, it's part of my lifestyle.

I think it boils down to the type of thrill you're looking for, if that ten to twenty minutes worth of sex that you pay top dollar for is satisfying, then it is what it is, all you've done is pay for sex whatever you want to call it.

As far as fauning over any of these girls, well, they are who they are and the men whose interests are them, are who they are as well. Tranny chasing or whatever you want to call it, it's just another bad habit that is time consuming and costly, just deal with it for what it is.

08-28-2005, 09:06 PM
Tranny chaser is just a word, it has never bothered me. Over the years I've chased trannies all the way around the block and back, paid all the dues and it is what it is. I have several close friends that are transexuals, some I've dated before then became friends with and some I've never dated and am friends with, it's part of my lifestyle.

I think it boils down to the type of thrill you're looking for, if that ten to twenty minutes worth of sex that you pay top dollar for is satisfying, then it is what it is, all you've done is pay for sex whatever you want to call it.

As far as fauning over any of these girls, well, they are who they are and the men whose interests are them, are who they are as well. Tranny chasing or whatever you want to call it, it's just another bad habit that is time consuming and costly, just deal with it for what it is.

That's all well and good if that works for you, it works for you. The original poster's point was, every guy isn't like you. Some guys take abuse that no man should be taking. It also makes it hard for guys that are looking for more than just hooking up (there are a few) to find a girl because they encounter so many guys that are just that "thirsty."

You've seen this. A girl walks up to a guy, "Buy me a drink." The guy buys her a drink immediately. The girl walks off. Or my favorite, a guy walks up to a girl, "Hi, blah, blah, blah...." The girl says, "It's $80 for a lapdance, I don't want to talk to you." (I'm exaggerating a _little_ but not much) The guy forks over $80 gets a 30 sec half-assed dance and the girl leaves.

You know that's not right, but you've seen it happen. That shouldn't be.

Some guys are into the girls because they're super-feminine, no other reason. It's hard to get that point across when you have 100 guys like that, easy money, messed up/stank attitudes.

It's like everybody wants to be the nice guy and they get shytted on to a point where girls can't tell the difference between a normal guy and an asskisser.

08-29-2005, 01:42 AM

08-30-2005, 06:06 PM
I find it a little surprising that only ONE girl replied to this post (even though I did say it was for the men). I wonder why?

I'd be interested in hearing Vicki's take on it, at least.


08-30-2005, 07:32 PM
Wow..... :shock:
MEGABODY.. You think you know statistics huh?
My take on this "issue" is, this community is like all communities. You have your good apples and bad apples. Of course life is full of bad apples. But you must sift to get to the good ones. That what makes life so exciting :D .
To say tranny chaser this, or tranny selling themselves have no lives and that thats all we do, is lame. We are so quick to judge what we do not understand. Remember folks its just opinions based on experiences. Maybe you folks need better experiences :wink: ...
KISSES.......... :D

08-30-2005, 07:51 PM
While I mostly agree with the original post by castabyss, I have to disagree with a couple of the replies.

Megabody wrote -

Obviously, I don't hate the word "admirer" and in fact, I personally admire
many people, including some TG women, who are brave enough to be true to themselves,
to speak the truth (as they see it), and stand up for others, who might not be so self-confident, in a world that's quick to criticize.

Not all TG women are escorts, and Junior's excellent post http://www.hungangels.com/board/viewtopic.php?t=3850
should be thoroughly read by all.

BUT, If your only possible cause of interest is sex, then you're not looking
for a relationship. You're looking just to get laid, and that's okay, but
you shouldn't complain if you are treated like a "trick".

If you are looking at the whole person, and you treat the girl decently,
like another worthwhile human being, who you would enjoy knowing -
then, yes, you have a right to expect reciprocation.

But now, NickThe Quick wrote -
"Little hard to imagine since I don't buy B***** drinks, but that B***** would be wearing that drink if she tried that shit on me."

Not being a doormat, for girls to walk on, is one thing, but this kind of statement just makes a guy look rude and ill-mannered.
If this is your attitude, do you honestly expect to be successful with women.

DUH !!!!!

You don't have to dis-respect otherpeople, to retain your self-respect.

08-30-2005, 10:15 PM

08-31-2005, 12:52 AM
Well I am nice to most people here, but never to kiss anyone's ass, as I will probably never meet anyone of you; I would gain nothing from it.
I really don't care if someone does have that intention, that's their personal issue. Everyone get's their eyes opened at one point, and even though castabyss' post was well intended it wasn't really necessary IMO.

08-31-2005, 01:21 AM
People who kiss ass are always bad news. I’m not talking about someone giving a sincere and well intended compliment; I’m talking about sycophants looking to toady up. Believe it or not, I’ve actually fired employees for kissing ass (though, I always used some other legally acceptable justification). Why? Trust is critical.


08-31-2005, 01:25 AM
People who kiss ass are always bad news. I’m not talking about someone giving a sincere and well intended compliment; I’m talking about sycophants looking to toady up. Believe it or not, I’ve actually fired employees for kissing ass (though, I always used some other legally acceptable justification). Why? Trust is critical.


.........which is when they hopefully get their eyes opened.

03-04-2006, 09:45 PM
I read this thread after the one about showing respect.

Funny how posters in this thread say not to kiss ass, and they dont kiss ass yet in the respect post they ask that all newbies kiss their ass since they are veterans and have 500 plus posts.

No one should kiss anyones ass, whether they have tits and a dick or 500 posts.

I think these two tie together. T-girls are sick of "tricks" and "Marks" and "kiss asses". Others are tired of the elitist snobs who feel that since they have posted 500 times that they deserve a fucking parade in their honor.

Everyone is here for something, be it conversation since they are lonely or information if they are curious.

Aside from that if you are hoping to get more from a message board, or you expect more from a message board, you need to escape the cubicle and get out in life.

03-04-2006, 10:33 PM
Not looking to start a controversy, but I have gotten tired of the "tranny chaser" label. I see some girls throwing this term around like a baseball bat with razor blades in it and I'm tired of it.

I am attracted to transsexuals. Have I ever paid for sex with a TS? Yes. Have I ever dated a TS? Yes. Would I pay for sex again with a TS? Probably not, unless it was one of my all time favorites and I felt like treating myself. Does this make me a tranny chaser? No, because I'm not really sure that term applies to anything in reality.

I also hate the word "trick". A lot of girls have the "once a trick, always a trick" mentality, although it seems that prostitution is, at first, the easiest way for some of us to break into the scene. Eventually we can develop friendships and other relationships with TS's on mutual terms that don't necessarily involve money.

But ultimately, this is a post for the men. Show some self-respect. Some of you do, but some of you suck up incessantly to a few of the more high profile girls on here and it's sad. It's not like they're going to remember your bucket of compliments for them at some party, fall in love with you, and give you free sex for life. I see some men on this board agreeing with the most ridiculous statements a few girls make like over-exictied puppies, particularly when these girls (and I do mean a FEW girls, not a lot) make denigrating or derrogatory comments about men. Personally, I don't "chase" any girls because 1) ultimately it isn't necessary if you have a personality and 2) girls see it as pathetic.

So, the "tranny-chaser" label is essentially the fault of overly-fetishized men who'll say anything to a girl so they can suck their dick. I say liberate yourselves from thinking with the wrong head and develop real relationships with girls rather than worshipping them as idols! Most of the girls in here DESERVE respect and they should be treated as such. But those girls that DON'T treat the MEN with respect? Well, I think I've made my point.........

Just my little brain-fart for the day.


P.S. Notice that I did not "call out" anybody by name. If it doesn't apply, let it fly.

It's A Very Shitty And Demeaning Label. Never Have Liked It...Never Will.

03-05-2006, 01:50 AM
Well well well, like my little brother says (by the way he likes TS women also) it's good not feeling like the the Lone Ranger. I prefer TS women. But, I'm tired of being compared to "tricks and chasers". I just came out of a LTR with a TS. Trying to find someone who is relationship minded is almost impossible. But hell, I'll keep my eyes open.
Guy's who kiss ass really make it difficult for the fellas who are sincere. Ladies we love youand respect you. But don't lump us in the same category. And let the church say AMEN!

Hugh Jarrod
03-05-2006, 01:51 AM
Well it's pretty simple don't snivel at the ground anyone walks on, stand tall be a man. Pay compliments where they are do, if someone posts a pic of a gurl and says she's hot agree if you agree, disagree if you don't. It all depends on what you mean, I know guys who say dam I'd let her do whatever she wanted as a way of saying "she's fine". Others I know say something similar like I'll be your slave etc.? Basically what I'm saying is speak you mind I agree with the original post show some respect for yourself and don't just blindly back a gurl because you're a fan or you think kissing as will get you somewhere. I love kissing a gurl's ass, just literally not figuratively. Do you honestly think any of these gurls or women in general will be there for you in the future if you just go with everything they say and have no self-respect for yourself? I have many Tgurl friends , and non date snivelling little bitches. They all date assertive men (not talking top or bottom so don't turn it into that)

03-05-2006, 02:49 AM
why is everyone so concerned about what people think of them?

i am sure i am described, or though of in many ways by many people that i wpuld disagree or would find offensive-

ultimately, as long as you know what you are- and who you are that is all that matters

03-05-2006, 02:57 AM

03-05-2006, 03:15 AM
why is everyone so concerned about what people think of them?

Allanh, dear, it's a blanket desire by all to be liked, in some way or degree. It's human nature, sad as it is. :?

Let's face it, if we are to ever meet, the last thing I'd want to find out is that you are thinking/feeling "Oh, gawd, it's that ass/asshole/asskisser from HA". :roll:

BTW, any ass-kissing I may do will be in person, with my lips. Muah! :lol:

03-05-2006, 04:24 AM
well- i am sure some people have plenty of assumptions when they meet me. but that is cool.

look- the are what 6 billion people in the world? expect a considerable amount not to like you

i am not arguing with anyone- but the point is that certain people will always have pre-conceptions and judgements and prejudices about others.

i give people the benefit of the doubt until they prove me otherwise-
and i don't see every man who is into transsexuals as a tranny chaser or a 'trick'- in fact, i hate the word 'trick'. i never use it because it's derogatory to me.

just as i don't see all black people as dangerous, or all jews as cheap- i see people as people and take them at face value, until i can make my own judgements individually.

i think A LOT of men who use this argument as the girls seeing them a certain way- view the girls a certain way as well.

03-05-2006, 04:50 AM
if you feel it doesnt apply to you then dont worry about it... most girls only call the chasers chasers :D so if ur not one then why are you worried?

03-05-2006, 04:51 AM
well- i am sure some people have plenty of assumptions when they meet me. but that is cool.

look- the are what 6 billion people in the world? expect a considerable amount not to like you

i am not arguing with anyone- but the point is that certain people will always have pre-conceptions and judgements and prejudices about others.

i give people the benefit of the doubt until they prove me otherwise-
and i don't see every man who is into transsexuals as a tranny chaser or a 'trick'- in fact, i hate the word 'trick'. i never use it because it's derogatory to me.

just as i don't see all black people as dangerous, or all jews as cheap- i see people as people and take them at face value, until i can make my own judgements individually.

i think A LOT of men who use this argument as the girls seeing them a certain way- view the girls a certain way as well.

what she said... co-sign

03-05-2006, 05:15 AM
why is everyone so concerned about what people think of them?

i am sure i am described, or though of in many ways by many people that i wpuld disagree or would find offensive-

ultimately, as long as you know what you are- and who you are that is all that matters

Too right. I stopped caring a while ago what people think of me. It's actually liberating - then you can sort of find out who you are, and not who people think you are.

I usually don't respond to this sort of thing but I do believe you're dead on.

03-05-2006, 05:16 AM
"They all date assertive men (not talking top or bottom so don't turn it into that)"

- Hugh Jarrod

No offense, but I hate that. The need for someone to be "assertive" is cartoonish and weird, S/M stuff. If you're not holding keys to launch nuclear missles or something, power between people is pretty dumb and shows signs of issues and weakness on a personal basis.

I'm in favor of "Free to be you and me", goofy happy shit. I know most girls don't find that hot, but that's my take on the subject. . .

And if you wanna fight about it, I'll hit you in the head with a metal pipe.


Hugh Jarrod
03-05-2006, 11:05 AM
"They all date assertive men (not talking top or bottom so don't turn it into that)"

- Hugh Jarrod

No offense, but I hate that. The need for someone to be "assertive" is cartoonish and weird, S/M stuff. If you're not holding keys to launch nuclear missles or something, power between people is pretty dumb and shows signs of issues and weakness on a personal basis.

I'm in favor of "Free to be you and me", goofy happy shit. I know most girls don't find that hot, but that's my take on the subject. . .

And if you wanna fight about it, I'll hit you in the head with a metal pipe.


Basically be you and I'll be me is all good and I agree to that. As far as assertiveness goes what I mean is just don't be a snivelling wimp. I understand your point and actually agree. As for the metal pipe, ehh been hit with a bat before and stabbed in the chest so bring it. :lol:

03-05-2006, 03:53 PM
Whoops. I actually remember reading about your getting hit with the bat/stabby thing, and with that now in mind my goofy comment seems kinda rude.

Seriously, no offense was intended. That situation sucked, I'm sure.

03-07-2006, 11:00 PM
:deadhorse :banghead :violin :frustrated :footinmouth :sleep :sleep

03-07-2006, 11:43 PM