View Full Version : Sex Crusade Against Mormon Husbands!

11-06-2008, 01:33 AM
Bigotrists, poligamist and pedophilic views on marriage managed to make their way to California. Darn Utah, Darn Mormons. They poured millions of dollars to marginalize our community, establish they religious beliefs upon us and make us fuck with OUR CALIFORNIA constitution!

Not fair! We left them alone! yet they pushed prop 8 till the end!

So NOW let's return the favor. Get to their families, the same way the got to ours... The plan is simple. Fuck then, get evidence, and EXPOSE them.

Married Mormon men as just like the rest. Bored to death with their below average vanilla sex. I know some that tried to get into my pants before, never did anything, as I felt bad for their families... but now, they will be receiving a surprising out of the blue phone call from me.... Losers! they will be digging their own grave!

Sure, many people will suffer. But for sure not as much as I did over the years with this b@#$#@.

Let's give all those "traditional Marriages" a big all traditional "Whore of Babylon"

Hey, we can even start a new porn site, staring married Mormon Husbands! will be a mixture of ha.com and cheaters lol Fun stuff

11-06-2008, 05:59 AM
sounds like a good idea.

Now remember, I'm originally from Utah. But I have NEVER been a mormon. And I growing up in Utah as a non-member, you can imagine it was a little rough for me as a kid also. Mormon kids can be sadistic little fuckers.

11-06-2008, 11:21 AM
Mormon joke... yeah I know, Mormons ARE a joke...

How come the Mormons are so against same sex marriage?

Because the old pedophiles are afraid their multiple teenage wives might decide they don't need the old coots around and marry each other instead. :-)

On a serious note - remember Mormons are a religious sect, formed a hundred years ago because some charismatic fool with a made up name (John Smith... gimme a break) got a bunch of other fools to believe he was a Prophet. It's all a sham so men can prey on young girls.

TS Jamie :-)

11-06-2008, 11:57 AM
It sounds pretty good being a Mormon male , I went out with a girl who was a mormon who told me I could not only marry her but a few of her friends.Sounds a good deal to be honest. I binned her though because she wouldn't put out and was a bit weird. kept trying to get me to join them by using the multiple wives bribery thing.

Nice to see religious bigotry is alive and well on hungangels ! You don't think other unmormon people might have a problem with two poofters getting married ?, most of my mates think they should be shot and they are not religious.

London Guy
11-06-2008, 04:59 PM
! You don't think other unmormon people might have a problem with two poofters getting married ?, most of my mates think they should be shot and they are not religious.

Do yer old china plates know you frequent HA Arnie lad!

11-06-2008, 05:11 PM
If you hate religion so much, why would you want to subject yourself to a religious sacrament? Most people that oppose same-sex marriage also support the idea of civil unions.

By the way, gays have the right to marry. There is no question on the application for a marriage license in any state inquiring about the applicant's sexual orientation.

11-06-2008, 07:26 PM
For all their faults, Mormons actually have a pretty amusing mythology that their faith is based on. I'll summarize it as well as I understand it:

God tells some tribe to flee Jerusalem around 600BC, so the tribe sails across the ocean and arrives in either North or Central America. One of these guys is named Moroni, who eventually becomes an angel. Some shit happens and there is a war between good and evil, Jesus apparently shows up at some point, and (as always) no physical evidence of any of this happening is left behind.

Moroni waits a couple thousand years, then tells Joseph Smith (avid treasure hunter and nut job) that some golden tablets are buried in a hill near his home recording this nonsense. Joe finds the tablets, has trouble translating them, supposedly has 116 pages stolen from him, get's bitch slapped by Moroni, and then God tells him to just translate the pages that didn't get ripped off.

Smith starts some communes, then eventually settles in Utah. Polygamy and child abuse runs wild, and Native Americans everywhere wonder why they never heard of Moroni or Nephi or any books made of gold hidden in hill sides before this Smith guy started blabbing away.

It's an absurdly amusing story.


11-06-2008, 07:43 PM
hahaha!! brilliantly hilarious. :D

11-06-2008, 07:50 PM
That's about right Honda. To be honest practically anyone saying that god speaks to them could be called insane. The difference is the message.

In between setting up those communes and moving to utah... Have you ever considered why the Mormon's moved way the hell out there?

The History and Beliefs of the Mormons: from a site called truth net which talks about the history and belief's of all kinds of religions. (http://www.truthnet.org/Christianity/Cults/Mormon7/) There were more than one occasion where they were attacked by non Mormons. One time the Missouri state militia was called out to attack a town full of Mormons. They have been through allot and scapegoating them will not change anything.

I'll bet that less than 2% of the electorate in California is Mormon.

OTOH as a Muslim it is good to for once not hear people mindlessly scapegoating my breatheren.

Here's a hint for my sisters in CA. Making fun of or degrading people who voted against you is not going to make them vote for you. The only thing that will ovrturn a vote is another vote. Any court would be loath to overturn a vote without say... scheduling some kind of a revote.

11-06-2008, 07:50 PM
Moroni = lol

11-06-2008, 08:48 PM
Brenda, I'm normally pretty supportive of you view... but in this one your misplaced.

Yes the Mormons did get driven west, but they also orchestrated a small number of massacres of non-mormons heading west.

They moved into towns en mass, intending to dominate the vote and in effect create a limited theocracy. Folks fought back against what was seen as a religious cult takeover of their towns.

I am friendly with a number of active Mormons and a couple of ex- types. The religion has its good and bad points, but historically, it has had some really troubling actions. Their book reads like a good science fiction novel, especially given we have been able to excavate a large number of the areas they claim had great cities.

The basic core of the faith is that while we serve God, he is but one god, and each of us may aspire to become God of our own world, never the equal of our god though. We do this through perfect obedience to God and his prophets. That's pretty boiled down, but that is core of the religion... the specifics of the great migrations and south american cultures and the gold pages... all window dressing for a path to perfection and the power and responsibilities that perfection will bring.

As to why would you want to be married if its a religious sacrament you don't agree with... you wouldn't. But it's not a religious sacrament, it's a legal institution that has wormed it's way into secular law. You want the tax benefits, the inheritance rights, the shared custody of children. Most of these you can get through careful legal contracting, but not all, and in almost all cases a blood family member can challenge those arrangements in court.

Get religion out of my law and I won't want your religous and outdated word.

Not that I'm feeling pissy about it....


11-06-2008, 08:48 PM
That's about right Honda. To be honest practically anyone saying that god speaks to them could be called insane. The difference is the message.

In between setting up those communes and moving to utah... Have you ever considered why the Mormon's moved way the hell out there?

The History and Beliefs of the Mormons: from a site called truth net which talks about the history and belief's of all kinds of religions. (http://www.truthnet.org/Christianity/Cults/Mormon7/) There were more than one occasion where they were attacked by non Mormons. One time the Missouri state militia was called out to attack a town full of Mormons. They have been through allot and scapegoating them will not change anything.

I'll bet that less than 2% of the electorate in California is Mormon.

OTOH as a Muslim it is good to for once not hear people mindlessly scapegoating my breatheren.

Here's a hint for my sisters in CA. Making fun of or degrading people who voted against you is not going to make them vote for you. The only thing that will ovrturn a vote is another vote. Any court would be loath to overturn a vote without say... scheduling some kind of a revote.

Clearly scapegoating any persons faith is wrong, it's their actions that should be held accountable. My view of faith is based on my paternal grandmothers take on the issue. She went to church once a week primarily to tithe 10% to help the poor.

If she could have just mailed her donations in, she would have. She honestly thought most of the other people attending her church were a bunch of loons.

11-06-2008, 09:18 PM
Brenda, I'm normally pretty supportive of you view... but in this one your misplaced.

Yes the Mormons did get driven west, but they also orchestrated a small number of massacres of non-mormons heading west.

They moved into towns en mass, intending to dominate the vote and in effect create a limited theocracy. Folks fought back against what was seen as a religious cult takeover of their towns.

I am friendly with a number of active Mormons and a couple of ex- types. The religion has its good and bad points, but historically, it has had some really troubling actions. Their book reads like a good science fiction novel, especially given we have been able to excavate a large number of the areas they claim had great cities.

The basic core of the faith is that while we serve God, he is but one god, and each of us may aspire to become God of our own world, never the equal of our god though. We do this through perfect obedience to God and his prophets. That's pretty boiled down, but that is core of the religion... the specifics of the great migrations and south american cultures and the gold pages... all window dressing for a path to perfection and the power and responsibilities that perfection will bring.

As to why would you want to be married if its a religious sacrament you don't agree with... you wouldn't. But it's not a religious sacrament, it's a legal institution that has wormed it's way into secular law. You want the tax benefits, the inheritance rights, the shared custody of children. Most of these you can get through careful legal contracting, but not all, and in almost all cases a blood family member can challenge those arrangements in court.

Get religion out of my law and I won't want your religous and outdated word.

Not that I'm feeling pissy about it....


Yes hold them responsible. But be reasonable. How many mormons are there in CA VS how many chritians who voted for prop 8 are there. Talk about them. Or is it because like most americans, most here think of themselves at least nominally as christians and one cannot point out flaws or craziness in one's own faith. (Like the good honest beliefe that god could die or would need to reproduce yet there is only one god in that beliefe system and if you don't beleive in him you will go to hell no matter what kind of a person you were.... That reasonable religion you all subscribe to? :-/ )

11-06-2008, 09:38 PM
In all honesty, this is not a discussion to create persecution or harass any religion. America is about freedom of expression and action. If you want to believe that God spoke -or not- to John Smith, that is your right and your freedom. Our constitution protects you, and we all honor that protection.

However, when those religious organizations get into the political arena so outspokenly, they have elected to become a political group, whose ideas and believes become questionable and it is the right and of every voter to learn the facts, to understand what these political groups stands for.

The Mormons decided and funded this homophobic measure; their self-righteous, arrogant attitude towards our community has made their way into our California Constitution. This particular POLICAL group view on marriage is very bizarre. They condone a sexist polygamist marriages (women only get to have one husband, who they have to share), and the scariest of all, 50 y/o men marry 15, 16 and 17 y/o women. So yes, THEY condone pedophilic relationships.

So, that’s why I have a problem the Mormons. 100 000 of them plagued our streets to promote their religious views on marriage on Nov 4, views that quite honestly are fucked up!

Skwisgarr Skwigelf
11-07-2008, 12:02 AM
For all their faults, Mormons actually have a pretty amusing mythology that their faith is based on. I'll summarize it as well as I understand it:

God tells some tribe to flee Jerusalem around 600BC, so the tribe sails across the ocean and arrives in either North or Central America. One of these guys is named Moroni, who eventually becomes an angel. Some shit happens and there is a war between good and evil, Jesus apparently shows up at some point, and (as always) no physical evidence of any of this happening is left behind.

Moroni waits a couple thousand years, then tells Joseph Smith (avid treasure hunter and nut job) that some golden tablets are buried in a hill near his home recording this nonsense. Joe finds the tablets, has trouble translating them, supposedly has 116 pages stolen from him, get's bitch slapped by Moroni, and then God tells him to just translate the pages that didn't get ripped off.

Smith starts some communes, then eventually settles in Utah. Polygamy and child abuse runs wild, and Native Americans everywhere wonder why they never heard of Moroni or Nephi or any books made of gold hidden in hill sides before this Smith guy started blabbing away.

It's an absurdly amusing story.


I like how Jesus like the great pumpkin never leaves any evidence

11-07-2008, 12:05 AM
I 100 000 of them plagued our streets to promote their religious views on marriage on Nov 4, views that quite honestly are fucked up!


11-07-2008, 08:01 AM
Burn them all!

11-07-2008, 10:44 AM
Brenda darling, I'm being nice about this... but don't ever assume you know someones religion. I didn't tell you what my faith is, if any, so don't try to change the subject by attacking something you know nothing about.

Second issue, is addressed nicely above. They pumped a lot of money into this event... last numbers I heard were a third or more of the total cash burned on that side. If there are so few Mormons in Cali, why did they bring all that foreign money in to affect what should have been an in state issue?

The issue I pointed out with their religious text and beliefs is relevant. It shows that even though parts of their story are demonstratably false, they continue to insist it happened exactly that way. To me this means that any discussion with them on the issue of gay rights is pointless. Their leaders say it is wrong, so it is. They are even instructed not to listen to unbelievers on topics of faith.

That is a tough hurdle to overcome.

Lots of money coming in from outside, due to a multinational fund raising organisation. Gay rights groups have nothing on that scale to fight back with.
