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View Full Version : I had my surgery this morning

11-05-2008, 03:27 AM
It was a success.

I am hardly bruised and I feel okay not anything like last time

These pics my face are a little smushed together cause of the gauge for my jawline etc.

But I had my browshaved (he made two small incisions in my apex and/or eye bone , under eyes lifted for a more youthful look, I had my chin shaved back and my mandables/side jaw shaved, and I had a micro facelift with lipo underneath my neck for also a more youthful tighter look.

Here are my first pics on the firstday of surgery.

I'll post more as I heal.

11-05-2008, 03:30 AM
glad it went well and i hope you have a speedy recovery. :)

11-05-2008, 03:30 AM

11-05-2008, 03:31 AM
two more, the pumpkin head striking a pose, thats what I look like haha a pumpkin head right now

11-05-2008, 03:32 AM
i hope u end up even more beautiful babe!!!!!!!!!!! cant wait to see your finished look. lotsa love and a speedy recovery.

Solitary Brother
11-05-2008, 03:32 AM
I think you choose the correct surgeries to get at this time.
The results will probably be subtle but will result in a more feminine and softer facial structure.
I wish you the best.
Your breast augmentation was a homerun so if the trends continues I think you will be pleased with the results.
I hope it doesnt hurt too bad. :cry:

11-05-2008, 03:34 AM
you still look cute even as a pumpkin head. i can only imagine how incredible you will look once you are all healed

11-05-2008, 03:35 AM
Thanks guys!

Omg thank you Jesse, I miss you girl! Can't wait to hang again!

Solitary thank you babe you are too kind!

11-05-2008, 03:35 AM
whoa congrats! i thought it wasnt until the 9th.

u gonna look lovely!

11-05-2008, 03:37 AM
Hee hee nope girl the 4th I was gonna call you last night but I was so tired from the meds they gave me to take the day before surgery. I'm here till the 9th :)

11-05-2008, 03:40 AM
its ok. u got ur man with u, rite?

11-05-2008, 03:41 AM
Ow...thats all ive got to say heh


Props on posting these pics btw.

11-05-2008, 04:11 AM
Nice one.
Sounds like everything went well.

Take care, babe.

Can't wait to see you after the swelling goes down.

11-05-2008, 04:20 AM
It was a success.

I am hardly bruised and I feel okay not anything like last time

These pics my face are a little smushed together cause of the gauge for my jawline etc.

But I had my browshaved (he made two small incisions in my apex and/or eye bone , under eyes lifted for a more youthful look, I had my chin shaved back and my mandables/side jaw shaved, and I had a micro facelift with lipo underneath my neck for also a more youthful tighter look.

Here are my first pics on the firstday of surgery.

I'll post more as I heal.

Congrats...I will promise to advise all New Yorkers to refrain from horn-honking to ensure that you get the sleep you need :wink: Heal fast kiddo

11-05-2008, 04:24 AM
you look beautiful

Lick UR Lovely
11-05-2008, 04:29 AM
Damn Kelly! I would have to say you have a PHD (pumpkin head deluxe) in those pictures. Your still gorgeous regardless, too bad I'm not there to feed you hot soup and make you feel better.... :D

11-05-2008, 04:46 AM
thank you everyone!

Mimi I enjoyed your new birthday video.

Good luck on becoming the host!

11-05-2008, 04:48 AM

11-05-2008, 04:50 AM
whew, I thought you had your cock cut off and was about to CRY!!!!

Quiet Reflections
11-05-2008, 04:51 AM
I hope you get the results you are looking for. get well soon

11-05-2008, 04:57 AM
hee hee no not yet houston in a few years

11-05-2008, 05:35 AM
I love the post op pics. You look happy and very cute. :wink:

11-05-2008, 06:33 AM
aww congrats kelly! and enjoy the pills :P They're the BEST part of the healing process lol

11-05-2008, 09:32 AM
Grats girl...

take care of yourself now, no stress... no strains... happy thoughts...


11-05-2008, 09:33 AM
Kelly I am sure you will come out looking that much better. For sure. :-)

11-05-2008, 12:32 PM
Lookin' good hon

here's to a speedy recovery


11-05-2008, 03:03 PM
It was a success.

I am hardly bruised and I feel okay not anything like last time

These pics my face are a little smushed together cause of the gauge for my jawline etc.

But I had my browshaved (he made two small incisions in my apex and/or eye bone , under eyes lifted for a more youthful look, I had my chin shaved back and my mandables/side jaw shaved, and I had a micro facelift with lipo underneath my neck for also a more youthful tighter look.

Here are my first pics on the firstday of surgery.

I'll post more as I heal.


11-05-2008, 03:51 PM
Kelly, congratulations I'm very happy for you.

Wombat, your avatar never ceases to crack me the fuck up.

11-05-2008, 05:02 PM
wow at you even being able to know your name the day of surgery much less be able to spend time here AND show pics

excited to see pics

11-05-2008, 07:09 PM
Good luck with the recovery, hope everything goes well. :)

11-05-2008, 07:50 PM
Thank you everyone for the well wishes!

Thanks Melissa good luck on your upcoming breast surgery if you are having it, never sure about posts by other people.

haha Jen I don't know maybe after the first time you have surgery you become more alert and immune to the side effects the second time. I am definitely more swollen today but no bruising yet - knock on wood! You can definitely tell I had a facelift with the bandages off it kiind of freaking me out but I know it will look good in a few weeks! I just can't wait to see the relults, the patience part is my downfall! I have elected to have counseling this time in case I feel I don't see much difference or go through depression, for my own well being mentally.

But again thank you everyone!

11-05-2008, 08:20 PM
really glad it went well
and i hope you have a quick recovery.

11-05-2008, 11:09 PM
Looking pretty good, odd nipple placement on your third pic on the first page? Or is thaT your finger?

11-05-2008, 11:20 PM
Amazing photos Kelly!

Congratulations gorgeous.

11-06-2008, 12:53 AM
Kelly just said something that sparked my curiousity... is it common for people to go thru like a post-pardom depression following surgery?

11-06-2008, 01:10 AM

Mandy thank you gal!

And Ruby yes a lot of times when someone has a bunch of facial surgery we don't always see the difference others do. Especially us trannys! So it makes us depressed, cause we paid all this money and we still see the same person in the mirror. What you have to realize is that it takes usually a YEAR to see the full result from the surgery. I mean I can see the differences now if I look close. I have an arched or diagnol jawline now even with the swelling, and I can see that the shaving has helped immensely so I am definitely excited to see the results even if they are gradual at first!

A lot of times the prob with trannies is that we just keep getting more more more cause we never see how feminine we are and/or we compare ourselves to models and actresses that we want to look like.

11-06-2008, 01:15 AM
...even though hundreds of people on this board tell you you looked smokin' three operations ago. :)

I Kissed a Girl
11-06-2008, 01:21 AM
Congratulations but how old are you again? And how many more operations are planned?

11-06-2008, 01:26 AM
I am 26 and these are my last surgeries on my face.

11-06-2008, 01:41 AM

Mandy thank you gal!

And Ruby yes a lot of times when someone has a bunch of facial surgery we don't always see the difference others do. Especially us trannys! So it makes us depressed, cause we paid all this money and we still see the same person in the mirror. What you have to realize is that it takes usually a YEAR to see the full result from the surgery. I mean I can see the differences now if I look close. I have an arched or diagnol jawline now even with the swelling, and I can see that the shaving has helped immensely so I am definitely excited to see the results even if they are gradual at first!

A lot of times the prob with trannies is that we just keep getting more more more cause we never see how feminine we are and/or we compare ourselves to models and actresses that we want to look like.

so thats whats going on i guess. I been like a couch potato since my facial fem. I've been complaining a lot to my friend about the outcome and she keeps tellin me "girl be patient, you're still swollen!" Im dying to color and straighten my hair, and maybe wear a touch of make-up, but it's been bugging me that my chin is more swollen on one side than the other, and my nose looks fat lol. I thought i was being dramatic but i guess it's kinda comforting to know that its common. Thanx kelly and happy healing.

11-06-2008, 01:44 AM

Mandy thank you gal!

And Ruby yes a lot of times when someone has a bunch of facial surgery we don't always see the difference others do. Especially us trannys! So it makes us depressed, cause we paid all this money and we still see the same person in the mirror. What you have to realize is that it takes usually a YEAR to see the full result from the surgery. I mean I can see the differences now if I look close. I have an arched or diagnol jawline now even with the swelling, and I can see that the shaving has helped immensely so I am definitely excited to see the results even if they are gradual at first!

A lot of times the prob with trannies is that we just keep getting more more more cause we never see how feminine we are and/or we compare ourselves to models and actresses that we want to look like.

so thats whats going on i guess. I been like a couch potato since my facial fem. I've been complaining a lot to my friend about the outcome and she keeps tellin me "girl be patient, you're still swollen!" Im dying to color and straighten my hair, and maybe wear a touch of make-up, but it's been bugging me that my chin is more swollen on one side than the other, and my nose looks fat lol. I thought i was being dramatic but i guess it's kinda comforting to know that its common. Thanx kelly and happy healing.Yes girl about the nose I can tell you I wasn't happy with it till a month ago. I had my nose done a year ago and I like it now. It shrinks girl! It all shrinks! Just be patient! You were beautiful to begin with, I've watched a few of your vids and your personality is just lovely too!

11-06-2008, 02:05 AM

11-06-2008, 02:14 AM
excyuse the reposts my comp is bugging

11-06-2008, 02:17 AM
how are you feeling kelly?

11-06-2008, 02:21 AM
Johnny honestly today the stitches in the side of my eyes are itching like hell and I am trying not to itch them.

I am eating solid foods now, yesterday I was throwing up everything so thats good!

I am of course drowsy from the meds, but other than that I feel good! And excited for the future of course!

11-06-2008, 02:32 AM
youve got guts kelly. i commend you for your perseverance. how long is the recovery period?

11-06-2008, 02:34 AM
6 to 8 weeks but it really takes a full year to be fully recovered. Like I said over the months things start shrinking, healing, and looking better and natural.

11-06-2008, 05:09 AM
congratulation :claps your last surgeries, Kelly! :D
I hope your speedy recovery. :wink:

11-06-2008, 05:24 AM
jesus h bush girl!
get some sleep! relax get better drink lots of fluids and just relax and watch the soaps!
and hun for the record you looked great before but i'm sure you will look stunning after
and as allwasy, I so hate your boy friend! :-)

11-06-2008, 05:37 AM
Kelly, congratulations I'm very happy for you.

Wombat, your avatar never ceases to crack me the fuck up.

LOL I am happy you like it........if I can make a beautiful girl laugh........I am all for it.

I do try to find good ones.

11-06-2008, 08:07 AM
Congratulations, Kelly. I wish you a fast recovery.

11-06-2008, 08:53 AM
Wow, respect for you for even posting here in those conditions! Hope you heal soon and become even more beautiful.

El Nino
11-06-2008, 09:12 AM
Nice Kelly!

11-06-2008, 11:04 AM
Hey Kelly - nice photos - didja get the license number of the bus?

LOL :-) :-)

Seriously though - you look lovely honey. Power to you girl. Can't wait to see the difference when the wraping comes off.

Enjoy Guade.

TS Jamie :-)

11-06-2008, 11:12 AM
Post surgical depression is very common. And it can be serious.

Eat well; exercise hard; sleep as much as possible.

Well-spent time heals all wounds. ;)

PS: congratulations, Kelly. From what I've read in another thread -- and here -- you seem to have a wisely moderate view of how much surgery you need. That will really benefit you in the long run!

11-06-2008, 11:42 AM
But I had my browshaved (he made two small incisions in my apex and/or eye bone , under eyes lifted for a more youthful look, I had my chin shaved back and my mandables/side jaw shaved, and I had a micro facelift with lipo underneath my neck for also a more youthful tighter look.

PS - Kelly - Is his brow technique a new process? I thought they had to cut your whole scalp open to access it. That's what they did on a video I saw a few years ago, which is why I never did it. Too ouchy.

Also sweetie... please spare me, "a more youthful, tighter look" what are you 26? LOL :-) Lemme tell you about getting old...

Hugs and Giggles,
TS Jamie :-)

11-06-2008, 10:15 PM
hee hee thanks everyone! And yes it is a new technique, he went through my apex. I much prefer this way a lot less bruising and swelling and it heals faster!

11-09-2008, 07:40 AM
surgery pics 4 days after still swollen and still bruised but you can see a difference already, and yes I look like hell cause I really haven't been able to wash my hair properly

11-09-2008, 07:41 AM
more pics

11-09-2008, 07:45 AM
you are looking great. those black eyes will be gone soon. you were beautiful before the surgery and now you are even more beautiful.

11-09-2008, 07:46 AM
WOW you can really tell a difference in the first 2 pics!

Your chin looks amazing already.

11-09-2008, 07:48 AM
Thanks Wendy, yes I am very excited about the jawline. He just shaved it down, he didn't do the genioplastey and then the micro facelift along with it to give me a more oval shape. He also did lipo under my chin.

11-09-2008, 08:19 AM
wow! look at you! you look amazing. how are you feeling? i hope you are healing well...it certainly looks it :)

/are you still here in nyc?

11-09-2008, 08:30 AM
wow! look at you! you look amazing. how are you feeling? i hope you are healing well...it certainly looks it :)

/are you still here in nyc?yes I am feeling well, no I am at my sisters now in Bloomington. Staying with her till tomorrow then going home.

11-09-2008, 08:34 AM
wow! look at you! you look amazing. how are you feeling? i hope you are healing well...it certainly looks it :)

/are you still here in nyc?yes I am feeling well, no I am at my sisters now in Bloomington. Staying with her till tomorrow then going home.

next time you come, please let me know, ok? i would love to finally meet you, kelly.

11-09-2008, 08:35 AM
wow! look at you! you look amazing. how are you feeling? i hope you are healing well...it certainly looks it :)

/are you still here in nyc?yes I am feeling well, no I am at my sisters now in Bloomington. Staying with her till tomorrow then going home.

next time you come, please let me know, ok? i would love to finally meet you, kelly.I'll be back in December :D

11-09-2008, 08:37 AM
wow! look at you! you look amazing. how are you feeling? i hope you are healing well...it certainly looks it :)

/are you still here in nyc?yes I am feeling well, no I am at my sisters now in Bloomington. Staying with her till tomorrow then going home.

next time you come, please let me know, ok? i would love to finally meet you, kelly.I'll be back in December :D

yay! \wait...will i recognize you? :P

11-09-2008, 08:38 AM
wow! look at you! you look amazing. how are you feeling? i hope you are healing well...it certainly looks it :)

/are you still here in nyc?yes I am feeling well, no I am at my sisters now in Bloomington. Staying with her till tomorrow then going home.

next time you come, please let me know, ok? i would love to finally meet you, kelly.I'll be back in December :D

yay! \wait...will i recognize you? :P lol I think so I'll be healed by then

11-09-2008, 08:49 AM
wow! look at you! you look amazing. how are you feeling? i hope you are healing well...it certainly looks it :)

/are you still here in nyc?yes I am feeling well, no I am at my sisters now in Bloomington. Staying with her till tomorrow then going home.

next time you come, please let me know, ok? i would love to finally meet you, kelly.I'll be back in December :D

yay! \wait...will i recognize you? :P lol I think so I'll be healed by then

good! :)

11-09-2008, 09:04 AM
I am taking the steroids the doctor gave me and ice packing like crazy lol

11-09-2008, 04:46 PM
wooow u look like a 23 yr old college girl

11-09-2008, 04:52 PM
Hey Kelly,

You look Amazing! I'm planning to get my FFS too this coming few months with Dr. Spiegel in Boston. But I also like your results, very subtle but looks very natural and you look glowing as ever.

I know you went to Dr. Cap Lesesne in NY! Would you be kind to send me how much he quoted you for the whole procedure because if I can save money with him, I might as well do it with him!

My surgery will cost me 28-30 grand roughly! (OUCH right!). But having my ffs done is very important to me!

Thanks Kel! You look lovely and beautiful as ever!
When you visit Boston, tell me so we can hang out! Take Care girl!

11-09-2008, 06:55 PM
thank you both! And I spent 11,300 girl for my jawline, chin shave, micro-facelift, eye-lift, browshave.

11-09-2008, 08:04 PM
thanks girl!

11-09-2008, 08:17 PM
no prob sweetheart! Dr. Lesesne is amazing, I thank Allanah and Kimber for suggesting him to me every day!

11-09-2008, 08:34 PM
Wow, those are incredible amounts of money... but I'm sure it's worth it in the end.

Though you already looked amazingly beautiful before the surgery...

11-09-2008, 08:48 PM
Hey Kelly,

You look Amazing! I'm planning to get my FFS too this coming few months with Dr. Spiegel in Boston. But I also like your results, very subtle but looks very natural and you look glowing as ever.

I know you went to Dr. Cap Lesesne in NY! Would you be kind to send me how much he quoted you for the whole procedure because if I can save money with him, I might as well do it with him!

My surgery will cost me 28-30 grand roughly! (OUCH right!). But having my ffs done is very important to me!

Thanks Kel! You look lovely and beautiful as ever!
When you visit Boston, tell me so we can hang out! Take Care girl!

I've had the opportunity to meet Dr. Lesesne a few times, interview him, and watch him work. If it helps, from a non-surgical point of view, my impression is that he's a great guy. Very talented, open, and straightfoward.

11-09-2008, 08:55 PM
Hey Kelly,

You look Amazing! I'm planning to get my FFS too this coming few months with Dr. Spiegel in Boston. But I also like your results, very subtle but looks very natural and you look glowing as ever.

I know you went to Dr. Cap Lesesne in NY! Would you be kind to send me how much he quoted you for the whole procedure because if I can save money with him, I might as well do it with him!

My surgery will cost me 28-30 grand roughly! (OUCH right!). But having my ffs done is very important to me!

Thanks Kel! You look lovely and beautiful as ever!
When you visit Boston, tell me so we can hang out! Take Care girl!

I've had the opportunity to meet Dr. Lesesne a few times, interview him, and watch him work. If it helps, from a non-surgical point of view, my impression is that he's a great guy. Very talented, open, and straightfoward.totally agree with this assessment. He tells you the TRUTH

11-09-2008, 09:36 PM
thank you both! And I spent 11,300 girl for my jawline, chin shave, micro-facelift, eye-lift, browshave.

thats not bad at allll

11-09-2008, 09:44 PM
yeah girl its a pretty good deal, and I am happy with the results so far, so thats even better for the price.

11-09-2008, 10:41 PM
Looking good, looking really good!

11-09-2008, 11:40 PM
Hey Kelly,

You look Amazing! I'm planning to get my FFS too this coming few months with Dr. Spiegel in Boston. But I also like your results, very subtle but looks very natural and you look glowing as ever.

I know you went to Dr. Cap Lesesne in NY! Would you be kind to send me how much he quoted you for the whole procedure because if I can save money with him, I might as well do it with him!

My surgery will cost me 28-30 grand roughly! (OUCH right!). But having my ffs done is very important to me!

Thanks Kel! You look lovely and beautiful as ever!
When you visit Boston, tell me so we can hang out! Take Care girl!

I've had the opportunity to meet Dr. Lesesne a few times, interview him, and watch him work. If it helps, from a non-surgical point of view, my impression is that he's a great guy. Very talented, open, and straightfoward.

Thanks for the advice E!!! I will put that into consideration. Actually I've been researching for a while now. And I have met Dr. Ousterhout, Dr. Zukowski in one convention here in Boston.

I loved Dr. O's consultation, he measured every part of my face and quoted me around 28,535 for jaw, chin, forehead III, brow bone, nose and, eyebrow lift including the 10 days recuperating in the Cocoon house!

I am meeting Dr. Spiegel tomorrow and hopefully he will give me a deal, I have heard and seen a few of his work and RubyTS is one of them (as you can see, she looks just like amazing). He tends to make transsexuals look natural and like an "everyday woman" if you will.

But at the same time I don't wanna fuck up my FFS.if I'm going to spend that much money, I might as well look for someone who is relatively good and does a very natural look.

RubyTS : When are you coming back to Boston? we should hang out. We should go to Natick Mall....fucking amazing to shop there or Copley Square...K?!

11-10-2008, 06:39 PM
Hey Kelly,

You look Amazing! I'm planning to get my FFS too this coming few months with Dr. Spiegel in Boston. But I also like your results, very subtle but looks very natural and you look glowing as ever.

I know you went to Dr. Cap Lesesne in NY! Would you be kind to send me how much he quoted you for the whole procedure because if I can save money with him, I might as well do it with him!

My surgery will cost me 28-30 grand roughly! (OUCH right!). But having my ffs done is very important to me!

Thanks Kel! You look lovely and beautiful as ever!
When you visit Boston, tell me so we can hang out! Take Care girl!

I've had the opportunity to meet Dr. Lesesne a few times, interview him, and watch him work. If it helps, from a non-surgical point of view, my impression is that he's a great guy. Very talented, open, and straightfoward.

Thanks for the advice E!!! I will put that into consideration. Actually I've been researching for a while now. And I have met Dr. Ousterhout, Dr. Zukowski in one convention here in Boston.

I loved Dr. O's consultation, he measured every part of my face and quoted me around 28,535 for jaw, chin, forehead III, brow bone, nose and, eyebrow lift including the 10 days recuperating in the Cocoon house!

I am meeting Dr. Spiegel tomorrow and hopefully he will give me a deal, I have heard and seen a few of his work and RubyTS is one of them (as you can see, she looks just like amazing). He tends to make transsexuals look natural and like an "everyday woman" if you will.

But at the same time I don't wanna fuck up my FFS.if I'm going to spend that much money, I might as well look for someone who is relatively good and does a very natural look.

RubyTS : When are you coming back to Boston? we should hang out. We should go to Natick Mall....fucking amazing to shop there or Copley Square...K?!

LOL when i feel comfortable enough in my healing process to travel out of town we can definitely kick it! Im actually heading back to work today. All my regular clients have been bugging me. Healing is borrrring lol. At least this way im entertained....

Do O is really good. Im surprised he didn't quote u more for all those procedures. Dr spiegel has revolutionized the process however, making for shorter time under the anesthesia as well as a quicker recuperative period. He didn;t even have to pack my nose! And his rates are definitely cheaper than Dr O.

Here is a photo i took just now, one month and 3 days since surgery. i did my nose chin jaw hairline browbone browlift and scalp advancement for 27,250. My nose and chin are still swollen, but u can c the softness he has given my face is incredible. Im so much more passable and much more confident since my ffs. You're gonna be so happy!

11-11-2008, 12:43 AM
Kelly, you look like a GG now. But i think u had amazing results because you were already feminine. All the surgery did was enhance it. :wink:

11-11-2008, 12:46 AM
Hey Kelly,

You look Amazing! I'm planning to get my FFS too this coming few months with Dr. Spiegel in Boston. But I also like your results, very subtle but looks very natural and you look glowing as ever.

I know you went to Dr. Cap Lesesne in NY! Would you be kind to send me how much he quoted you for the whole procedure because if I can save money with him, I might as well do it with him!

My surgery will cost me 28-30 grand roughly! (OUCH right!). But having my ffs done is very important to me!

Thanks Kel! You look lovely and beautiful as ever!
When you visit Boston, tell me so we can hang out! Take Care girl!

I've had the opportunity to meet Dr. Lesesne a few times, interview him, and watch him work. If it helps, from a non-surgical point of view, my impression is that he's a great guy. Very talented, open, and straightfoward.

Thanks for the advice E!!! I will put that into consideration. Actually I've been researching for a while now. And I have met Dr. Ousterhout, Dr. Zukowski in one convention here in Boston.

I loved Dr. O's consultation, he measured every part of my face and quoted me around 28,535 for jaw, chin, forehead III, brow bone, nose and, eyebrow lift including the 10 days recuperating in the Cocoon house!

I am meeting Dr. Spiegel tomorrow and hopefully he will give me a deal, I have heard and seen a few of his work and RubyTS is one of them (as you can see, she looks just like amazing). He tends to make transsexuals look natural and like an "everyday woman" if you will.

But at the same time I don't wanna fuck up my FFS.if I'm going to spend that much money, I might as well look for someone who is relatively good and does a very natural look.

RubyTS : When are you coming back to Boston? we should hang out. We should go to Natick Mall....fucking amazing to shop there or Copley Square...K?!

LOL when i feel comfortable enough in my healing process to travel out of town we can definitely kick it! Im actually heading back to work today. All my regular clients have been bugging me. Healing is borrrring lol. At least this way im entertained....

Do O is really good. Im surprised he didn't quote u more for all those procedures. Dr spiegel has revolutionized the process however, making for shorter time under the anesthesia as well as a quicker recuperative period. He didn;t even have to pack my nose! And his rates are definitely cheaper than Dr O.

Here is a photo i took just now, one month and 3 days since surgery. i did my nose chin jaw hairline browbone browlift and scalp advancement for 27,250. My nose and chin are still swollen, but u can c the softness he has given my face is incredible. Im so much more passable and much more confident since my ffs. You're gonna be so happy!

I've seen some of Dr Spiegel's work and i don't think it's all that great. Look at these examples:



They still look like dudes.

11-11-2008, 12:55 AM
Kelly, you look like a GG now. But i think u had amazing results because you were already feminine. All the surgery did was enhance it. :wink:thanks baby!

11-11-2008, 01:00 AM
well look at them before lol. FFS will never male u pretty. No surgery in the world can make someone beautiful. What FFS is, is a procedure to FEMINIZE masculine structure in the face. They were beasts before. Now they're just ugly lookin women lol

11-11-2008, 01:02 AM
The second one went to Dr. O babe and she didnt even start hormones before doing it. So hopefully after she starts her hormone regimen and changing he bone structure it will feminize her very well.

I would feel cheate if I spent that much for Dr. O and still looked the same.

11-11-2008, 01:07 AM
kelly that pic is wicked :shock:

11-11-2008, 01:11 AM
kelly that pic is wicked :shock:thanks ruby and girl wow your jawline is immaculate! Loving it!

11-11-2008, 01:18 AM
o my avatar pic? that was taken 2 nights before my surgery. my jaw wasn't bad it was my chin that was the main problem

El Nino
11-11-2008, 01:19 AM
Holy Crap Kelly! You look amazing already

11-11-2008, 01:25 AM
o my avatar pic? that was taken 2 nights before my surgery. my jaw wasn't bad it was my chin that was the main problemno girl the pic you posted of your post surgery a month and 3 days or whatever. Your face is just beautifully oval now and so soft!

11-11-2008, 01:26 AM
thank you el nino baby!

11-11-2008, 01:28 AM
o im sorry i misunderstood. thank you darling.

11-11-2008, 01:29 AM
you are welcome!

11-11-2008, 04:18 AM
LOL when i feel comfortable enough in my healing process to travel out of town we can definitely kick it! Im actually heading back to work today. All my regular clients have been bugging me. Healing is borrrring lol. At least this way im entertained....

Do O is really good. Im surprised he didn't quote u more for all those procedures. Dr spiegel has revolutionized the process however, making for shorter time under the anesthesia as well as a quicker recuperative period. He didn;t even have to pack my nose! And his rates are definitely cheaper than Dr O.

Here is a photo i took just now, one month and 3 days since surgery. i did my nose chin jaw hairline browbone browlift and scalp advancement for 27,250. My nose and chin are still swollen, but u can c the softness he has given my face is incredible. Im so much more passable and much more confident since my ffs. You're gonna be so happy!

Hey Ruby, I just went to him today and my surgery date is on dec 16. I am surprised that they have schedules for my surgery that quick. Ivy Solis that latina girl, she is sweet and funny and I love all the things Dr. S told me. I'm going to get my forehead, brow bone, rhinoplasty and coblation(which is skin laser surfacing).

He quoted me around 17,500 , pretty good eh! Anyway, i'm so excited! I'm doing my breast done too a week b4 that on Dec. 5th., I am so amazed that they have all this perfect schedules. I figured if i'm gonna go through the pain, I might as well do it all together in one mont and get it done and over with! I'll post my b4 and after!!!

11-11-2008, 04:24 AM
LOL when i feel comfortable enough in my healing process to travel out of town we can definitely kick it! Im actually heading back to work today. All my regular clients have been bugging me. Healing is borrrring lol. At least this way im entertained....

Do O is really good. Im surprised he didn't quote u more for all those procedures. Dr spiegel has revolutionized the process however, making for shorter time under the anesthesia as well as a quicker recuperative period. He didn;t even have to pack my nose! And his rates are definitely cheaper than Dr O.

Here is a photo i took just now, one month and 3 days since surgery. i did my nose chin jaw hairline browbone browlift and scalp advancement for 27,250. My nose and chin are still swollen, but u can c the softness he has given my face is incredible. Im so much more passable and much more confident since my ffs. You're gonna be so happy!

Hey Ruby, I just went to him today and my surgery date is on dec 16. I am surprised that they have schedules for my surgery that quick. Ivy Solis that latina girl, she is sweet and funny and I love all the things Dr. S told me. I'm going to get my forehead, brow bone, rhinoplasty and coblation(which is skin laser surfacing).

He quoted me around 17,500 , pretty good eh! Anyway, i'm so excited! I'm doing my breast done too a week b4 that on Dec. 5th., I am so amazed that they have all this perfect schedules. I figured if i'm gonna go through the pain, I might as well do it all together in one mont and get it done and over with! I'll post my b4 and after!!!

i dont blame you. i was so nervous to get so many surgeries in one shot. i was pretty sure it was gonna be SOO much worse than it was. Ivy is cool i liked her, but i spent more time with kelly who is ALWAYYYS busy and talks as fast as a cokehead after 3 bags lol. You're lucky i had to wait 7 months for my surgery. It seems like october is the month of Plastika! I wish u the best of luck, you are going to be amazed. Tell them Vanessa says hello!

11-11-2008, 04:26 AM
I will girl! Thanks for the heads up!

11-11-2008, 04:37 AM
o my avatar pic? that was taken 2 nights before my surgery. my jaw wasn't bad it was my chin that was the main problem

RUBY, are you Italian? I think you're cute :D :D

11-11-2008, 04:38 AM
o my avatar pic? that was taken 2 nights before my surgery. my jaw wasn't bad it was my chin that was the main problem

RUBY, are you Italian? I think you're cute :D :D

yes 1/2 puerto rican 1/2 italian and thank u honey :oops:

11-11-2008, 06:48 AM
Congratulations Gia!!!

I am so happy for you!

Here's a pic 7 days later

11-12-2008, 10:21 AM
You look really great Kelly and it looks like you're healing fast! I've been seriously considering getting a small bit of work done and your photos are encouraging---it's sure to pay off. Thanks for the posts.