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View Full Version : i concoure Keepit real 470

11-02-2008, 06:34 AM
BiGG Daddy you said it best

MiMi is a total flop

TSTX trick hoe is same WASHed up riverrats that need to be Husttl'd
& put the PiPE down

11-02-2008, 06:59 AM
BiGG Daddy you said it best

MiMi is a total flop

TSTX trick hoe is same WASHed up riverrats that need to be Husttl'd
& put the PiPE down

wow. 'bigg daddy'?


11-02-2008, 07:34 AM
BiGG Daddy you said it best

MiMi is a total flop

TSTX trick hoe is same WASHed up riverrats that need to be Husttl'd
& put the PiPE down

What kind of guy refers to another guy as "bigg daddy" not only are you a homo but a dyslexic homo.

11-02-2008, 07:50 AM

its well known that i dont now nor have i ever a: done drugs or b: drank alcohol

but you sound like a full on alcoholic crackhead

11-02-2008, 09:19 AM

its well known that i dont now nor have i ever a: done drugs or b: drank alcohol

but you sound like a full on alcoholic crackhead

Rick james did say cocaine was a hell of a drug.

11-02-2008, 06:05 PM
BiGG Daddy you said it best

MiMi is a total flop

TSTX trick hoe is same WASHed up riverrats that need to be Husttl'd
& put the PiPE down

what trash can did you crawl out of? what language is that? river bottom slang? are you a carp? scavenger? or just plain ignorant? nevermind you probably cant read this anyway :idea:

11-02-2008, 06:33 PM
BiGG Daddy you said it best

MiMi is a total flop

TSTX trick hoe is same WASHed up riverrats that need to be Husttl'd
& put the PiPE downHey, I'm just keepin it real. Always!

11-02-2008, 07:55 PM
Apparently your admirer(?) seems to has lost his grasp on the English language, never mind reality.

Those bitch slap topics cropping up everywhere are irritating the hell out of me. Incredibly sad.

And, for future reference: it's 'I concur'.