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View Full Version : Anyone else looking forward to fallout 3?

10-26-2008, 09:24 PM
Just a couple more days until me get our hands on possible one of the best games of the year.

Baron Of Hell
10-26-2008, 10:10 PM
Yeah but I will not be picking it up anytime soon. I almost never buy games at full price but will be picking up little big planet.

The special edition comes with a lunch box and bobble head toy.

10-26-2008, 10:53 PM
I definitely am. Although, I want to play the first two Fallouts (which I have but not played yet) before digging into 3, even though they probably aren't directly connected. So many great games lately, so little cash. I just picked up Bully Scholarship Edition for PC since I missed the boat on the last 3 versions lol.

Baron Of Hell
10-26-2008, 11:14 PM
I have been look at pics and reviews. I doubt you need to have played the other games but there seems to be a lot of inside stuff you won't get if you haven't played the other games.

Fallout 2 was loaded with references from fallout 1 but you wouldn't have missed anything if you hadn't played it. It was more of a bonus.

10-26-2008, 11:18 PM
Yeah, I like the dog from Fallout 1 (Smoke maybe?) who you could get as a traveling companion in F2 via special encounter...

And, after winning the game, going postal and becoming the most hated and hunted person on the planet...

The best, in F2, was getting to the first big town, getting a cache of guns, going to the town with all of the mob families, waxing the gun dealer to get better weapons, and then going to San Francisco to start a fight between the 2 Chinese gangs and then really getting nice weapons for free!

10-26-2008, 11:45 PM
already have it, not that great, same goes for gears of war 2

10-27-2008, 05:13 AM
i have friends with gears 2 and they like it...can tell they aren't bullshitting cause u can see games played on gamer tag...

10-27-2008, 05:37 AM
Yeah, I loved the first two. The end game summary of what you did was hilarious so were the movie references. Fallout 3, Endwar and Left 4 Dead are going to be the next games I get.

10-27-2008, 06:21 AM
I have it ordered, just waiting for it to come in. Dead Space is also a great game if anyone is looking for something to play.

10-29-2008, 05:42 PM
I will be getting Fallout 3, Gears of War 2, Left4Dead, and EndWar will be looking for you guys online, my gamertag is RxR Remy most often in Rainbow Six Vegas 2 at the moment.

10-29-2008, 05:48 PM
Im just getting stuck into Far Cry 2 on my PS3 at the moment, and then Call Of Duty world at war once thats released.

10-29-2008, 08:37 PM
i got it...it is very similar format like oblivion except for the menu screens...i know it must be long as hell cause the guy asked me if i wanted the guide and it was like 2 inches thick...but i am no newb ...books are for suckers...

10-29-2008, 08:56 PM
At this point, from what I've been hearing and reading about FO3, I'm probably going to pass on it. It might be a great game on it's own, but it doesn't seem like a worthy third part of the franchise.

Examples: AP that runs out, then you have to go Real Time until your points recharge, LAME. I've also heard that encounters will be XP scaled like in Oblivion. If everything you encounter is relatively the same strength vs your character, then the only thing that really changes is the graphics. Re-Tard-Ed.

Hopefully some Fallout fans will mod the hell out of it for PC, then I might check it out.

10-29-2008, 09:14 PM
AP? Not sure what that is as I haven't played the earlier ones... the ex is pushing the game as cool.

I do like the Oblivion thing as it means you can explore the world as you like, not forced down a single story line path or your basically dead.


10-30-2008, 01:17 AM
AP? Not sure what that is as I haven't played the earlier ones... the ex is pushing the game as cool.

I do like the Oblivion thing as it means you can explore the world as you like, not forced down a single story line path or your basically dead.


Action points aren't really a bad thing. All they really do is make you think a bit more tactically and add a little bit more realism and a table-top RPG element.


When you hear the beep that's the player switching to Action points. The last part where the player dies is a perfect example of AP and how NOT to use them. He basically rushed into three enemies with guns with a baseball bat. He should've used his action points to take out one guy at a time and run from the others until his action points charged up again.

All AP does is make it a little bit more of a thinking man's game and less of reflexive button pushing. But only a little.

Here's a vid with a better explaination. It looks fuckin sweet.


10-30-2008, 02:19 AM
Will definetly get it....Bethesda is one of the last good game companies out there and they did us all a service by bringing this game back from the dead.

FO1 was good

FO2 was great and stayed on the ladderboards for ages and ages in game time.

F03 i expect to be awesome but only on the PC...sorry but XBOX versions suck, always have and always will.

The dogs name was....Dogmeat, and was a reference to Mad Max

10-30-2008, 10:28 AM
At this point, from what I've been hearing and reading about FO3, I'm probably going to pass on it. It might be a great game on it's own, but it doesn't seem like a worthy third part of the franchise.

Examples: AP that runs out, then you have to go Real Time until your points recharge, LAME. I've also heard that encounters will be XP scaled like in Oblivion. If everything you encounter is relatively the same strength vs your character, then the only thing that really changes is the graphics. Re-Tard-Ed.

Hopefully some Fallout fans will mod the hell out of it for PC, then I might check it out.

Yeah the XP always riled me in Oblivion, but it was a great game nonetheless. My damn 360 harddrive died on me after I was around 60hrs into the game so I haven't gotten around to starting over yet. I'll still be getting Fallout 3 regardless.

10-30-2008, 03:10 PM
Fallout 3 is good enough to buy.

A rare thing these days with so much crap being released :)

And i have to say, Dead Space is great too.

10-30-2008, 07:07 PM
AP? Not sure what that is as I haven't played the earlier ones... the ex is pushing the game as cool.

I do like the Oblivion thing as it means you can explore the world as you like, not forced down a single story line path or your basically dead.


Action points aren't really a bad thing. All they really do is make you think a bit more tactically and add a little bit more realism and a table-top RPG element.


When you hear the beep that's the player switching to Action points. The last part where the player dies is a perfect example of AP and how NOT to use them. He basically rushed into three enemies with guns with a baseball bat. He should've used his action points to take out one guy at a time and run from the others until his action points charged up again.

All AP does is make it a little bit more of a thinking man's game and less of reflexive button pushing. But only a little.

Here's a vid with a better explaination. It looks fuckin sweet.


AP (Action Points) are not suppose to be a bonus, they originally were the fundamental time/tactical movement/action system for the games. Even Fallout Tactics observed this rule. It was a constant in attack/defense/stealth situations, which nicely removed those situations from exploring the game world and interacting with NPC's (Non Player Characters) via dialog. Altering that system (via "recharging AP" or whatever) ruins the game.

If a person didn't grow up in the 1980's and experience actual "pen and paper" RPG gaming, I'm sure it seems pretty trivial, but it's the observance of details like this that made Fallout 1 and 2 the best PC games of all time. I haven't bought FO3, but I'm guessing the game experience is like playing a Greyhawk Module for D&D with a bunch of debate club dorks, vs gaming some Gamma World or Aftermath with some high school stoner friends, which was what FO1 & 2 was more like. Shooting a guy at long range with a methodically plotted out targeted shot and being rewarded with reading "Fuckin' asshole, you shot my eye out!" as a response was classic. That's good game design.

Tim Cain is probably attempting to resurrect Gary Gygax right now in order to smite Bethesda Softworks. It's just sad that moderately talented people keep purchasing the rights to fuck up brilliant ideas.


10-30-2008, 09:36 PM
And another thing: I've heard that FO3 limits a players companions to 1 (plus Dogmeat). Never mind the fact that Dogmeat is not only dead by this time in the game (although I suppose he could have mutated), and how he got across country is absurd, but what kind of lame ass game gimp is One Companion?

"Hey! Having multiple NPC followers was great in the first two parts of the game, so on the third release we'll limit it to one. That's how we make games better!"

Jack-asses. I hope Bethesda HQ burns to the ground for what they apparently did to my favorite game series.

Beyond that, I'm sure it's a pretty good time. . .

10-30-2008, 09:56 PM

10-30-2008, 10:14 PM
i got it...it is very similar format like oblivion except for the menu screens...i know it must be long as hell cause the guy asked me if i wanted the guide and it was like 2 inches thick...but i am no newb ...books are for suckers...

50+ hours to play it through one time, or so I've read on the x-box forums.

10-30-2008, 11:26 PM
AP (Action Points) are not suppose to be a bonus, they originally were the fundamental time/tactical movement/action system for the games. Even Fallout Tactics observed this rule. It was a constant in attack/defense/stealth situations, which nicely removed those situations from exploring the game world and interacting with NPC's (Non Player Characters) via dialog. Altering that system (via "recharging AP" or whatever) ruins the game.

If a person didn't grow up in the 1980's and experience actual "pen and paper" RPG gaming, I'm sure it seems pretty trivial, but it's the observance of details like this that made Fallout 1 and 2 the best PC games of all time. I haven't bought FO3, but I'm guessing the game experience is like playing a Greyhawk Module for D&D with a bunch of debate club dorks, vs gaming some Gamma World or Aftermath with some high school stoner friends, which was what FO1 & 2 was more like. Shooting a guy at long range with a methodically plotted out targeted shot and being rewarded with reading "Fuckin' asshole, you shot my eye out!" as a response was classic. That's good game design.

Tim Cain is probably attempting to resurrect Gary Gygax right now in order to smite Bethesda Softworks. It's just sad that moderately talented people keep purchasing the rights to fuck up brilliant ideas.


Uhh, I think I said....something like that.

Anyway, I have the game, it sucked 5 five hours of my life away last night. AP on Fallout 3 isn't a bonus it's built into the mechanic. It's just a different mechanic from Fallout 1 and 2, since it's in a 1st person shooter format. Your gauge stays full until you use it, even in combat. There are certain situations that call for it. And you can still shoot an NPC in the arm and make them drop a weapon or shoot them in the head and make them say something funny.

I do miss the eye shots though, but my marksmanship skill isn't high enough for me to see if it branches to relatively smaller locations like the eyes or nuts. But Fallout 1 and 2 were like that too, if your marksmanship wasn't high enough you could only aim at general locations.

It's definitely a "must buy" console game.

10-31-2008, 02:13 AM
AP (Action Points) are not suppose to be a bonus, they originally were the fundamental time/tactical movement/action system for the games. Even Fallout Tactics observed this rule. It was a constant in attack/defense/stealth situations, which nicely removed those situations from exploring the game world and interacting with NPC's (Non Player Characters) via dialog. Altering that system (via "recharging AP" or whatever) ruins the game.

If a person didn't grow up in the 1980's and experience actual "pen and paper" RPG gaming, I'm sure it seems pretty trivial, but it's the observance of details like this that made Fallout 1 and 2 the best PC games of all time. I haven't bought FO3, but I'm guessing the game experience is like playing a Greyhawk Module for D&D with a bunch of debate club dorks, vs gaming some Gamma World or Aftermath with some high school stoner friends, which was what FO1 & 2 was more like. Shooting a guy at long range with a methodically plotted out targeted shot and being rewarded with reading "Fuckin' asshole, you shot my eye out!" as a response was classic. That's good game design.

Tim Cain is probably attempting to resurrect Gary Gygax right now in order to smite Bethesda Softworks. It's just sad that moderately talented people keep purchasing the rights to fuck up brilliant ideas.


Uhh, I think I said....something like that.

Anyway, I have the game, it sucked 5 five hours of my life away last night. AP on Fallout 3 isn't a bonus it's built into the mechanic. It's just a different mechanic from Fallout 1 and 2, since it's in a 1st person shooter format. Your gauge stays full until you use it, even in combat. There are certain situations that call for it. And you can still shoot an NPC in the arm and make them drop a weapon or shoot them in the head and make them say something funny.

I do miss the eye shots though, but my marksmanship skill isn't high enough for me to see if it branches to relatively smaller locations like the eyes or nuts. But Fallout 1 and 2 were like that too, if your marksmanship wasn't high enough you could only aim at general locations.

It's definitely a "must buy" console game.

You implied heavily even in this post that AP was a bonus ("You're gauge stays full until you use it. . ."). The previous titles, as you know, had a AP amount based on a characters Dexterity. Once points were used up, a combat turn was over and NPC's took over until their AP's ran out, all still in Turn Based Mode. Real Time combat only took place if that option was selected in the Options menu.

What I'm hearing about FO3 is that once a characters AP runs out, combat turns into a Hee Haw meets Benny Hill Real Time shoot-em up until your points re-pop. Please explain in further detail if I'm wrong. If I'm correct, that concept breaks the game.

10-31-2008, 04:09 AM
You implied heavily even in this post that AP was a bonus ("You're gauge stays full until you use it. . .").

No I didn't. All I did was explain what AP (for the guy that didn't know what they were) was and the concept behind it. And it's still the same in Fallout 3, it's as close as you can get in a first person game. What you said after that

The previous titles, as you know, had a AP amount based on a characters Dexterity. Once points were used up, a combat turn was over and NPC's took over until their AP's ran out, all still in Turn Based Mode. Real Time combat only took place if that option was selected in the Options menu.

is still how it works. Except using AP is optional, not a bonus and it still has the same benefits.

11-04-2008, 01:10 AM
I picked it up last week and so far i am loving it! At first I thought it was just going to be Oblivion with guns but Bethesda retained the feel and look of the first two games. The game is massive too, I am about 15 hours into it and haven't even started much of the main quest.

11-07-2008, 09:03 AM
I'll be getting this used along with GOW2. However, Left 4 Dead, Dead Space and the Prince of Persia games look like they're gonna be banging.

MK Vs DC is gonna be a day 1 buy for me.

11-07-2008, 10:41 AM
Left 4 dead looks like fun but i'm going to skip dc vs marvel its just seems to water downed to me.The Joker had a cool fatility but for some odd reason they took it out.

11-07-2008, 11:22 AM
Got it. At first I was dissapointed but as the game progresses it soon shows its full colours. Its awsome. My opinion only as I believe that Saints Row 2 is FUCKED

11-07-2008, 12:56 PM
Had not heard of this game before this post,but since the makers of Oblivion are also doing this one I will be picking up a copy for my PS3.