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View Full Version : Male Pattern Baldness

10-23-2008, 08:58 AM
I've recently been thinking, after I saw some abomination walking down the street, (balding, late 50's 'transvestite) how going bald as a tranny might affect you.

If you are a tranny, what are your experiences with this?

10-23-2008, 11:15 AM
get a wig call it a day
big fucking deal


10-23-2008, 03:22 PM
There is a private research company in Manchester that is practically 1-2 years away from curing baldness.
They are in second phase clinical trials and have just received a grant from the UK government for 2 million.

They are basically cloning dermal papilla cells, (these cells are like hair stem cells), you can only have this treatment if you do not require allogenei or donor hair.
The procedure requires cloned cells from a biopsy taken from yourself. It’s the same principle as a transplant, they will just get rejected.

so if you still have hair but your going bald, just try to hang in there for a couple more years haha

10-23-2008, 03:24 PM
get a wig call it a day
big fucking deal


is that what you did :shock:

10-23-2008, 06:05 PM
get a wig call it a day
big fucking deal


is that what you did :shock:

Yes Jen Justice is bald....I know for a fact.

10-23-2008, 09:34 PM
There is a private research company in Manchester that is practically 1-2 years away from curing baldness.
They are in second phase clinical trials and have just received a grant from the UK government for 2 million.

They are basically cloning dermal papilla cells, (these cells are like hair stem cells), you can only have this treatment if you do not require allogenei or donor hair.
The procedure requires cloned cells from a biopsy taken from yourself. It’s the same principle as a transplant, they will just get rejected.

so if you still have hair but your going bald, just try to hang in there for a couple more years haha

Can't remember how often I've read that stuff. Usually on page 35 of a Sunday paper.

10-24-2008, 12:08 AM
Balding affects GG's as well as men-

Today, there are a wide variety of choices for women with balding hair.
A TS can still take Propecia and Adovart, whicn a woman can't take.
There of course is Rogaine as well.

Today there are many surgical choices. A lot of ts use scalp advancement surgery to bring down their hairline and then compliment the procedure with hair transplants.

Because loss of hair is an issue facing women as well, there are a wide varieties of options such as weaves or lace front wigs.

Those of course are not only for women with hair issues-it's common knoweldge that a lot of women use those methods. Beyonce reportedly has a million dollar wig collection. Women opt for these alternatives because of the versatility and style they offer.

The key to this is not to buy cheap and buy quality- nothing worse than a bad weave (Ex. Britney Spears most of the time) or bad wig. Never buy acrylic to wear every day, it's too shiny and looks like doll hair.

10-24-2008, 02:01 AM
There is a private research company in Manchester that is practically 1-2 years away from curing baldness.
They are in second phase clinical trials and have just received a grant from the UK government for 2 million.

They are basically cloning dermal papilla cells, (these cells are like hair stem cells), you can only have this treatment if you do not require allogenei or donor hair.
The procedure requires cloned cells from a biopsy taken from yourself. It’s the same principle as a transplant, they will just get rejected.

so if you still have hair but your going bald, just try to hang in there for a couple more years haha

Can't remember how often I've read that stuff. Usually on page 35 of a Sunday paper.

lol yeah thats about right, just next to the laser comb ad haha

In the world there is only two government backed companies researching this technology, so yeah don’t get fooled by imitations, you will know when they have cracked it because it will be all over the news.

10-24-2008, 03:14 AM
There is a private research company in Manchester that is practically 1-2 years away from curing baldness.
They are in second phase clinical trials and have just received a grant from the UK government for 2 million.

They are basically cloning dermal papilla cells, (these cells are like hair stem cells), you can only have this treatment if you do not require allogenei or donor hair.
The procedure requires cloned cells from a biopsy taken from yourself. It’s the same principle as a transplant, they will just get rejected.

so if you still have hair but your going bald, just try to hang in there for a couple more years haha

You have a link to this anywhere online? I'd like to read more on it.

I keep a shaved head but I wouldn't mind getting on that list if it does what they say.

Willie Escalade
10-24-2008, 07:05 AM
I could care less myself if I went bald (or gray for that matter). I shave my head already anyway! As for the ladies, that's what wigs are for. :)

10-24-2008, 10:35 AM
get a wig call it a day
big fucking deal


is that what you did :shock:

Yes Jen Justice is bald....I know for a fact.

lol ?

is that so ... do tell please

10-24-2008, 10:44 AM

The key to this is not to buy cheap and buy quality- nothing worse than a bad weave (Ex. Britney Spears most of the time) or bad wig.

lmao spot on

but back in the day when she had a GOOD stylist... her hair was amazing


10-24-2008, 11:28 AM
If a TS makes continuous use of hormones, she won't have male pattern baldness, because the endogenous testosterone production will be too low for that to happen.
The bald TS we see on the streets are usually late transitioners.

10-24-2008, 07:26 PM
If a TS makes continuous use of hormones, she won't have male pattern baldness, because the endogenous testosterone production will be too low for that to happen.
The bald TS we see on the streets are usually late transitioners.

Or they are girls from families where the males go bald by a young age.

I know a couple girls who are nearly completely bald, while being in the 18-25 age group, because that's whats normal for GB's in their family.

Not all baldness is DHT-caused, so sometimes hrt isn't going to do shit in preventing it. GG baldness, unless they have an abnormal T level, is a slightly different situation and the GG's I've seen in public with bald spots tend to have them occur in slightly different locations from balding guys. GGs with thinning hair problems also usually don't get a male-shaped/located hairline whereas MOST GB's will. I think it is telling that so many GG's with hairloss problems are post menopausal, prolly is a good thing that trans girls will be on hrt for life if you think about all the potential appearance problems that GG's get in that stage of their life (like facial hair).

I kinda feel sorry for nontrans guys, because people in our society are so insensitive when it comes to them & hairloss. I can't even begin to count how many times I have heard a girl laugh at a guy worried about losing his hair, or responding to a a guy worrying about his hair by telling him to just shave it all off. Some guys do look better without hair, but then some look just terrible without it.

10-24-2008, 11:36 PM
One could, of course just man (or woman) up, and just damn well own that emergent shinyness!

10-24-2008, 11:55 PM
...(or woman) up, and just damn well own that emergent shinyness!

Well, short hair or baldness doesn't work for tgirls unless they transition before puberty.

Even FFS doesn't grind away the skull masculation that occurs above the hairline.