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10-20-2008, 02:12 AM
Police clash with police in Brazil violence

Striking police officers were embroiled in a mass-melee with hundreds of their own colleagues in riot gear who policed their protest, amid bizarre scenes in the Brazilian city of Sao Paulo.

The clashes between state police and plainclothes investigators last night came after the demonstrators tried to break through a barrier protecting the state government palace. Officers fired shots, tear gas and shock bombs, and the scuffles broke out.

Critics will highlight the incident as another example of the chaotic and dysfunctional nature of policing in Brazil. Last year, the UN pointed out that very low salaries - over which officers are currently striking - encourage widespread corruption, with many police units forming their own vigilante groups, death squads and militias.

It also sharply criticised Brazilian police for major human rights violations, pointing out that many of the 694 deaths caused by officers between January and June 2007 in Rio were likely to have been extra-judicial killings.

Officers are also known to engage in gunfire with Rio’s heavily armed drug gangs. Innocent civilians are often caught in the crossfire.

Sao Paulo's Albert Einstein Hospital, located a few blocks from the government palace where the latest clashes took place, said in a statement it treated 13 people who were injured. It did not say whether they were state police officers or investigators.

Brazilian states have two separate law enforcement groups - a uniformed police force in charge of maintaining public order, and the so-called civil police who are plainclothes investigators. In some cities there are also municipal guards in charge of protecting public property.


I never thought i would see how the police is shooting on their own officers.

El Nino
10-20-2008, 06:33 AM
Oh well, after gross violations of huma rights and wrongful deaths, maybe karma is catching up with a few

10-21-2008, 01:26 AM
Worse than that, it was the disastrous action made by GATE (tactic police like american SWAT).
The incompetence, the police unpreparedness, caused death, a insane boyfriend killed his underage girlfrend after 100 hours of false imprisonment on her apartment.
Only two days after the confrontation between two state police. Thats a bizarre police action in Brazil.

"Brazilian teen kidnapped, shot by boyfriend brain dead

Sao Paulo, (EFE).- A 15-year-old girl who was kidnapped for 101 hours by her ex-boyfriend in a case that shocked all Brazil is brain dead, doctors at a hospital in the city of Santo Andre, near Sao Paulo, confirmed Sunday. Eloa Cristina Pimentel was shot once in the head by Lindembergue Fernandes, 22, shortly before police raided the apartment where he was holding her hostage along with one of her friends. The drama began on Monday when Eloa was studying with three friends and her former boyfriend came to the apartment with a pistol intending to kidnap them all. He freed two of the young people that same day but kept his former girlfriend and her friend Naiara Rodrigues, also 15. Police initiated difficult negotiations with Fernandes, whom they described as a "troubled youth" in the throes of "love problems," and television channels set up their cameras in front of the building in a working class neighborhood in Santo Andre to broadcast the situation live as it unfolded. When night fell on Tuesday, Fernandes freed Rodrigues, but in a decision that generated enormous criticism of the police, the girl returned to the apartment on Thursday with the aim of negotiating her friend`s release and was taken hostage once again. On Friday, 101 hours after the kidnapping, police said they heard a gunshot inside the apartment and then burst in through the front door and a window. Pimentel was taken from the site with a gunshot wound to the head and another in her leg, while Naiara Rodriguez was hit by a bullet in the face, although that wound proved to be superficial. Eloa Pimentel lapsed into a coma, which doctors said on Saturday was "irreversible," and on Sunday she was pronounced brain dead. The .32 caliber bullet that struck her in the head passed all the way through her brain, largely destroying it and lodging in the cerebellum, doctors said. Police said that both girls were wounded by their kidnapper, who was uninjured in the incident and is being held in a Sao Paulo jail, where he will await trial. If found guilty of the assorted charges facing him, he could spend 30 years in prison. EFE ed/bp "


Will Riker
10-21-2008, 04:02 AM
The issue mentioned by brother Praetor was a disastrous situation, full of police mistakes.