View Full Version : Racism In America (And at Republican Rallies)

10-15-2008, 05:14 PM
This is SO GROSS
I just felt sick to my stomach watching it.


What's worse is no one around is saying anything.

Why are Republicans and the ralleys standing for this kind of hatred? They should be ashamed of themselves.

Racism is alive and well in America, and it takes something like this to just remind you how it is.

10-15-2008, 05:43 PM
Yah. I saw that. There's another one with him inside and he's caught by the camera and he hands it off to a child.


Sickening stuff.

10-15-2008, 05:50 PM
What is really sad, is that some people who are really clouded by their political beliefs can't admit they it is wrong.

No matter what you believe in, or what party you support, it's just PLAIN wrong. This is my issue what is going on at these rallies and why no one is speaking out agaisnt it.

By not commenting on it, IMO, they are in support of it. If you believe it's wrong, then damn it say it is WRONG. Be a responsible individual by condemming this shit.

Perfect example:
A response I got to a bulletin of the same subject as I posted on HA.

"that may be a little racist and not called for but what about the reverend Wright? and his teachings?? whta about Louis Farakand? these people are what are influencing Mr Obama thats what Im really concerened about what about Mr Obamas truth squads?? or how about Mr Obamas socialists ways?? Do you think you want to share your wealth with all?? I believe in charity but I believe I should be able to pick and choose where it goes not the Govt' "

Why can't these people just come out and say, that was WRONG and does not speak for me, nor the party?

Because if no one is saying it does not, I am starting to believe that it does.

10-15-2008, 05:54 PM
Well it's sad Allanah. At the beginning of your video, you can hear a woman laugh at the monkey. Makes me wonder how many others at that rally had the same bigitry.

10-15-2008, 05:57 PM
Dosen't surprise me one bit.

A big part of this problem is that most of the media do not want to discuss the 800lb gorilla in the room, the racism issue. The only one's I see do it are old political analyst who are near retiring anyway and can't be fired. Like this one guy on CNN said we can't plan Obama's victory parade yet because, he's black. It has happend before that when a clearly superior black candidate comes along he/she will lead in the polls by double digits. But when it comes to actual voting many just can't vote for a black man. That's just the ones that aren't ashamed to tell a poller that they are not going to vote for Obama because of his race.

They will use his Arabic names, to insinuate that he is a muslim and use Islam as a coded way of talking about his race.

Nothing new under the sun.

10-15-2008, 06:08 PM
Dosen't surprise me one bit.

A big part of this problem is that most of the media do not want to discuss the 800lb gorilla in the room, the racism issue. The only one's I see do it are old political analyst who are near retiring anyway and can't be fired. Like this one guy on CNN said we can't plan Obama's victory parade yet because, he's black. It has happend before that when a clearly superior black candidate comes along he/she will lead in the polls by double digits. But when it comes to actual voting many just can't vote for a black man. That's just the ones that aren't ashamed to tell a poller that they are not going to vote for Obama because of his race.

They will use his Arabic names, to insinuate that he is a muslim and use Islam as a coded way of talking about his race.

Nothing new under the sun.

Brenda le't shope that people whi are saying they will vote for him will.

If John & Sarah were ahead in the polls, by such a large margin, NO ONE would be questioning that because they are WHITE.

We all know polls porbably don't speak for much and anything can change, but do give the man some credit.

I think the media is doing an awful, awful job at portraying this and even fueling this racial division.

But now it's all come down to, will people vote for him because he is black- no matter how well he is doing.

10-15-2008, 06:41 PM
BRADLEY EFFECT: the notion that a white person in the privacy of a voting booth will not pull the lever for a black candidate, despite telling pollsters the contrary

at least the assholes at the McCain rallies are out in the open about their racism. They're not the dangerous ones

what about all the so-called respectable folks who say they support Obama, but who secretly can't accept the idea that a black man will be our next president ?

10-15-2008, 06:56 PM
BRADLEY EFFECT: the notion that a white person in the privacy of a voting booth will not pull the lever for a black candidate, despite telling pollsters the contrary

at least the assholes at the McCain rallies are out in the open about their racism. They're not the dangerous ones

what about all the so-called respectable folks who say they support Obama, but who secretly can't accept the idea that a black man will be our next president ?

I am not one much for polls, they may some sort of indicator but not always correct.

One can sum up many reason's why somethign happened. They are just theoties at the end of the day.

I have been reading up on this Bradley Effect since I knew nothing about it. And quite frankly, it can go both ways. It's just a matter of perception.

From Wikipedia

"Some analysts have dismissed the Bradley effect as an excuse for post-computerized election tallies that do match polling results. In the 2004 Bush/Kerry Presidential election, the Edison/Mitofsky pollsters created the "Reluctant Responder" explanation, which expands on the Bradley effect to include election tallies that do not match polling results even when race is not a factor. Also, analysts have dismissed the theory of the Bradley effect as "baseless",[7] while others argue that it may have existed in past elections, but not in more recent ones."

10-15-2008, 07:35 PM
It's no coincidence that this type of overt racism exists only within the Republican Party. They make room for it and cultivate a silent tolerance. Similar to Nazi tactics.

10-15-2008, 07:42 PM
BRADLEY EFFECT: the notion that a white person in the privacy of a voting booth will not pull the lever for a black candidate, despite telling pollsters the contrary

at least the assholes at the McCain rallies are out in the open about their racism. They're not the dangerous ones

what about all the so-called respectable folks who say they support Obama, but who secretly can't accept the idea that a black man will be our next president ?

I am not one much for polls, they may some sort of indicator but not always correct.

One can sum up many reason's why somethign happened. They are just theoties at the end of the day.

I have been reading up on this Bradley Effect since I knew nothing about it. And quite frankly, it can go both ways. It's just a matter of perception.

From Wikipedia

"Some analysts have dismissed the Bradley effect as an excuse for post-computerized election tallies that do match polling results. In the 2004 Bush/Kerry Presidential election, the Edison/Mitofsky pollsters created the "Reluctant Responder" explanation, which expands on the Bradley effect to include election tallies that do not match polling results even when race is not a factor. Also, analysts have dismissed the theory of the Bradley effect as "baseless",[7] while others argue that it may have existed in past elections, but not in more recent ones."

I think the “Bradley effect” maybe more about voter fraud by manipulating results from electronic voting machines which leave no paper trail. Here in Ohio in 2004, the counting of the votes was outsourced to a private contractor who had ties the Bush Cheney campaign in 2000. The article said the votes were tabulated by servers in the same building, which handles e-mail from the White House.

The then CEO of Diebold a company which made voting machines, had said in a fund raising letter: “It is my job to deliver the election to George W. Bush.”. Of course he said later he was only talking about his private life as a Fund raiser for the Republican party. He is no longer the CEO and the company’s division has changed its name to Premier Elections Solutions or something like that. For those that don’t know, Ohio’s electoral votes made Bush president in 2004.

And evidence was illegally destroyed ahead of the time rule, by the majority of state counties, due to faulty instructions by the Republican Secretary of State. The design code of most electronic voting machines is secret, owned by the companies who produce the machines. Some people advocate for an “open source code” which would be available for anyone to examine, but that has it’s critics also. Diebold people testified here, that there machines could not be manipulated, but later a professor was able to demonstrated that the votes could be manipulated with a simple memory card inserted into the machine.

And tlhat's just part of the story. All I’m saying is to keep our eyes open to the process.

Thanks for your postings Allanah.

10-15-2008, 08:15 PM
I think everybody should lie to pollsters all the time. In both Iowa & New Hampshire, the pundits got caught with their pants down. Since the "news" networks are just entertainment anyway, we might as well get some entertainment out or them. It's fun to watch these political "experts" & talking heads dance around trying to explain why they don't know what the hell they're talking about. We should be getting more about the candidate's positions. Dwelling almost exclusively on the "horserace" does a disservice to everyone.

This will be the 19th general election I've voted in. Religiously, every 2 years. This will be the 9th Presidential election I've participated in. I can count at least 6 or 7 different polling places I've used, at differeent times of the day. In all this time, I've never seen anyone taking an exit poll. I've never met or talked to anyone who has ever answered an exit poll or witnessed anyone taking one. This leads me to think they aren't very widespread. But I think that if anyone ever actually comes across any of these phantom exit pollsters, they should lie. The clown heads on the idiot box shouldn't be able to call the election before the votes are counted.

Lie a lot.
Lie all the time.
If you get caught, just lie about it.

10-15-2008, 08:38 PM

10-15-2008, 08:58 PM
Actually exit polls are a great way of double checking an election for fraud. They are a good indication, if the number are way off, that the votes need to be checked REALLY carefully. If we deliberately falsify the results we remove one of the few tripwires we have.

Look at the last elections, when independent documentaries were being made they caught folks destroying evidence in two key states illegally. In both states the exit polls and the actual totals were almost flipped. The combination to me indicates there should be an investigation... and some damn heads on pikes.

As to the racism... the monkey is pretty offensive, but the calls to 'kill him' and other things shouted from the stands seemed much more overt in the over the top attacks. The whole tone on that side is pretty scary.


10-15-2008, 09:02 PM
they're all the same

10-15-2008, 09:03 PM
oh and guys, please don't jerk off to the hitler in lipstick

10-15-2008, 09:03 PM
There are lots of political pundits discussing this sort of thing but often get slapped down for bringing it up. Keith Olbermann isn't covering the major events with Chris Matthews because Tom Brokaw used his influence against him, saying he was too liberal and biased. Rachel Maddow's show is new so she'll spar with Pat Buchanan and his cronies, but it never gets too heated. She just got her new show so as outpspoken as she is, it's kind of early to be ruffling too many feathers. Roland Martin has been asking what Sarah Palin's stance on abortion would be if her daughter Bristol were, God forbid, raped by a black man. Do I think that pregnancy wouldn't be terminated? Of course not. Sorry to go off-topic but hard not to get angry about this stuff. Actually, it's not videos like this that get under my skin. I've been living in Florida for seven years and it's mild to what I can see in person daily. What angers me more is that, like you said, they keep fueling this at the campaigns. We're supposed to believe that a clip of John McCain straightening out one old lady who thought Obama was an Arab (as if there's something wrong with being an Ayyy-rab anyway) proves that he's doing everything he can to end the rants at his rallies. Sarah Palin has already said she has nothing to lose going after Obama anyway. This is to be expected and I'm sure it will continue. This is just business as usual. By the way, I wonder where Obama would be right now if one of his daughters were 17 and pregnant. By the way, why do the McCains dress their adopted child up like some strange sort of doll no one would want to buy? What's that about? Again, sorry for the off-topic rants.

10-15-2008, 10:07 PM
There are plenty of rude people at every rally on both sides. There are many racist on both sides as well.
Obama can't win unless a large % of whites vote for him. I'm voting for him. They have a surpising lead right now. Are you suggesting Hillary would have a bigger lead? How much bigger?
Just how many...what % will not vote for him because of color? 10-20-30%. What % will vote for him because of color? There are many that don't support him or his party's agenda. Simple as that.
If Colin Powell was running with Obama he would have even more of a lead. If McCain had Powell he might have taken the election. Not because he's black. Because they respect the man. If either had chosen Cornell West, they would have lost.

10-15-2008, 10:33 PM
oh and guys, please don't jerk off to the hitler in lipstick

I don't know whether to suck him off or kill all the Jews in Poland.

10-15-2008, 10:42 PM
yes it was disgusting, hatred of any kind is disgusting. the problem I have with the posters comments is, was this endorsed by mr mccain and the republican party? It seems to me that because some moron at a republican rally does something we all find revolting, you include the whole party and make it seem like mccain endorses this behavior. Both parties have people inside them that they both should be ashamed of. Look at the hate filled garbage spewn over the left wing blogs, I would be scorned to the fullest if i said Obama endorsed that garbage. But maybe you agree with those blogs, so that makes it ok. I think alot of people here are nothing but hypocrits. HATRED IS ON BOTH SIDES, dont let them fool you, both parties want it, it divides us, it keeps us from getting together and throwing them all out of office.

10-15-2008, 10:43 PM
yes it was disgusting, hatred of any kind is disgusting. the problem I have with the posters comments is, was this endorsed by mr mccain and the republican party? It seems to me that because some moron at a republican rally does something we all find revolting, you include the whole party and make it seem like mccain endorses this behavior. Both parties have people inside them that they both should be ashamed of. Look at the hate filled garbage spewn over the left wing blogs, I would be scorned to the fullest if i said Obama endorsed that garbage. But maybe you agree with those blogs, so that makes it ok. I think alot of people here are nothing but hypocrits. HATRED IS ON BOTH SIDES, dont let them fool you, both parties want it, it divides us, it keeps us from getting together and throwing them all out of office.

10-15-2008, 11:21 PM



CNN Debunks McCain Lies



Pulling Away
Obama opens a double-digit lead in new NEWSWEEK poll

10-15-2008, 11:22 PM
MOST news channels are calling McCain out




CNN Debunks McCain Lies


Pulling Away
Obama opens a double-digit lead in new NEWSWEEK poll


This article, "Poll Finds Attacks by McCain Turn Off Voters," first appeared in The New York Times.



Palin's Secessionist Ties
Sarah Palin has some explaining to do about her extremist friends and the Alaskan Independence Party, a radical

Sarah Palin: Palling Around With Secessionists


Sarah Palin: The most unqualified Vice Presidential Candidate EVER!!!

10-15-2008, 11:44 PM
Given that the campaign has no trouble screening the audience for reporters and other undesirables I do have issues with them not taking issue with a Obama monkey doll, yes.

Given some of the slurs being thrown are easy to hear from multiple angles within the room, so arguably easy to hear on stage, and they don't object to them actively, yeah. They had no trouble calling out the hecklers at one rally, so why not their own over the top supporters?

Inciting to riot is a recognized issue, if you are a speaker, you can be responsible for what you incite in your crowd. As a political speaker, you have to think about what your whipping up. The republican party has a lot of issues with exclusionary rhetoric.


10-16-2008, 12:20 AM
The McCain campaign’s recent angry tone and sharply personal attacks on Senator Barack Obama appear to have backfired and tarnished Senator John McCain more than their intended target, the latest New York Times/CBS News poll has found.


Presidential Polls Over Time

See how John McCain and Barack Obama compare in state and national polls that asked people which candidate they would vote for in the presidential race. More details on The Times's polling standards »



ted naves
10-16-2008, 12:31 AM
Yeah, Allanah , that is the worst thing but it's not becuase he's a Republican, it's becuase he's a loser who happens to consider himself a Republican.

El Nino
10-16-2008, 12:42 AM
they're all the same

Pretty much. All establishment hack jobs backed by globalist power brokers who endorsed, influence and accelerated both of their campaigns. If Obama's "Change" was worth a damn, he would have been blacked out a long time ago. He must obey his masters wishes.

10-16-2008, 12:43 AM
Inciting to riot is a recognized issue, if you are a speaker, you can be responsible for what you incite in your crowd. As a political speaker, you have to think about what your whipping up. The republican party has a lot of issues with exclusionary rhetoric.


But that's where the theory and the practice are two very different realities.

No high school children were hearing Hispanics speak Spanish, assuming they're here illegally... and promptly beating them to death in the streets before the republicans started trying to make illegal immigration an issue. The reality is no one cares, the story out of PA is only known locally and I am amazed how many people around here- not far from where it happened, have no idea it did happen when I mention it. The kids who were adults will prolly do a year or two and go on probation, the minors involved won't do that much- and nothing more will happen for it. They'll be no compensation for the fiancee the guy left behind (who, btw, is here legally- not that it matters), certainly no accountability on the federal level.

It was after the republicans started ranting about Islamic charities that a group of high school children fire bombed a mosque in upstate NY, although I am sure that's long been forgotten about by now.

It would take nothing less than McCain ORDERING his supporters to lynch people in order for real accountability to occur on the national level.

As for the high school kids in all these examples... that's probably not a coincidence. Our public schooling system is a complete fucking disaster, and it really doesn't surprise me at all when a bunch of teenagers think they're doing "the right thing" when they go and beat to death innocent civilians in public following political speeches.

I had a professor once, college 300 level, who would force all his students to start each class with a geography quiz. He's had some of his students not know where the fuck Mexico is. And if that's what we have in our private four year universities... what does that say about all our drop outs (inner cities in some districts have a drop out rate greater than 50%)?

Timendi causa est nescire.

10-16-2008, 12:51 AM
That is racist and its a sad to say, there is a lot of racism still left in this world and I am sure it's not going anywhere anytime soon.

I dont like Obama and not because of his race. I dont think he has the experience to lead a country. I think it's funny that so many people said Palin doesnt have the experience to be VP but honestly, she has more executive experience than the democratic nominee for president. I think he is where he is because of his race.

How about Biden? Do you want a president that thinks that Roosevelt talked to the US people during the depression on the TV?

In my opinion, if Obama spent more time in Washington and got more experience, he'd be a much better president after a few more terms as senator. I dont knwo why anyone would want to be president now anyway. Who would want to inherit this giant mess that Bush and the rest of that "club" has left us in?

If Obama gets in, 4 years from now, the economy is still going to suck and he's/the dems are going to get beat up for not fixing it!

I dont know, as I said, that's my opinion, please dont bash me for it!

10-16-2008, 03:00 AM
they're all the same

Anyone who compares the candidates to Hitler is off his/her rocker.

it's called a joke buddy. They aren't hitler but they are all of the same evil government.

10-16-2008, 03:21 AM
We ARE the government. :twisted:

El Nino
10-16-2008, 03:40 AM
Oh really? well maybe in theory, but ahhh, not so much right now

10-16-2008, 07:05 AM
This one is even worse


10-16-2008, 07:19 AM
Fundamentalism, ignorance, bigotry and fear; these make a pretty good set of substitutes for the four horsemen that will harken, if we do not take care, the collapse of our nation.

10-16-2008, 04:11 PM
they're all the same

Pretty much. All establishment hack jobs backed by globalist power brokers who endorsed, influence and accelerated both of their campaigns. If Obama's "Change" was worth a damn, he would have been blacked out a long time ago. He must obey his masters wishes.

Don't mind Nino...he obviously doesn't get out of the bunker very often...and apparently he must be off his meds again... :roll:

10-16-2008, 04:16 PM
Fundamentalism, ignorance, bigotry and fear...

Sounds like you've just described the Bush administration AND the McSame campaign, trish!

As well as Sarah Palin's resume!

10-16-2008, 06:32 PM
That is racist and its a sad to say, there is a lot of racism still left in this world and I am sure it's not going anywhere anytime soon.

I dont like Obama and not because of his race. I dont think he has the experience to lead a country. I think it's funny that so many people said Palin doesnt have the experience to be VP but honestly, she has more executive experience than the democratic nominee for president. I think he is where he is because of his race.

How about Biden? Do you want a president that thinks that Roosevelt talked to the US people during the depression on the TV?

In my opinion, if Obama spent more time in Washington and got more experience, he'd be a much better president after a few more terms as senator. I dont knwo why anyone would want to be president now anyway. Who would want to inherit this giant mess that Bush and the rest of that "club" has left us in?

If Obama gets in, 4 years from now, the economy is still going to suck and he's/the dems are going to get beat up for not fixing it!

I dont know, as I said, that's my opinion, please dont bash me for it!

I am very curious...Why when I posted this does it turn into attack on Obama.

I mentioned nothing on Obama- I simply said why was this allowed to go on, and not condemmed by the Republicans in general?

Is it acceptable now by the Republicans?

It seems that, your response included, does not address that issue, it just goes on an attack on Obama. I've gotten a few of those on MySpace.

10-17-2008, 07:00 AM
This one is even worse


I have no words for this. It's just sick!

Solitary Brother
10-17-2008, 07:13 AM
This is SO GROSS
I just felt sick to my stomach watching it.


What's worse is no one around is saying anything.

Why are Republicans and the ralleys standing for this kind of hatred? They should be ashamed of themselves.

Racism is alive and well in America, and it takes something like this to just remind you how it is.

But now EVERYONE can see it.
For so long people denied ANY racism was left in america(non-minorities that is)
Now everyone can see and many whites are aghast.
A coworker and myself were just talking about how Obama really CANT go after McCain and Palin like they have came for him.
He just has to issue very meek rebukes or he will be seen as an "ANGRY BLACK MAN".
I was telling my coworker that Obama is going to have to walk on eggs shells because he already has a COUPLE of groups all over him.
Its sad but thats america.
I must say though america is FAR better than any black run country in the world.
Im not complaining I am just saying..........

10-17-2008, 07:47 AM
This is SO GROSS
I just felt sick to my stomach watching it.


What's worse is no one around is saying anything.

Why are Republicans and the ralleys standing for this kind of hatred? They should be ashamed of themselves.

Racism is alive and well in America, and it takes something like this to just remind you how it is.

Yes it is disgusting. But have you ever been to a political rally ? I go to several the Labour Parties and the Conservative party conferences in the UK. And you do get some loons and various oddballs who really do not represent the party or membership as a whole.

No but I guess as you are permanently on the rag about the nasty baby eating republicans it's suits your ends to make shite posts where you can preach to the choir on here.You bloody idiot.

El Nino
10-17-2008, 07:51 AM
All she was saying is that racism is alive an well, and it is; anywhere on the political spectrum...

10-17-2008, 07:54 AM
it's called a joke buddy. They aren't hitler but they are all of the same evil government.

Hey, that's, like, exactly something Bush & Cheney would say. Thanks for the last 8 years. Now get the fuck out, please.

10-17-2008, 07:57 AM
The last two presidential elections were far too close and the left slanted media influenced the pre-election and election day polls to the extent that they ALL decided NOT to call states until AFTER the states voting places closed after that debacle. Even so, some crazy dem bitch was gloating over Ohio in 2004 but that state went to Bush.

I've never been either a republican or democrat, but try to assess candidates on their own merits. I Liked Carter until he messed up the economy and then blew the iran hostage thing. I wasn't so sure of Reagan, but Mondale was a joke (remember he won 1 state in 1988). I liked the elder Bush (Dukakis was a joke), but in 1992, thought that he was out of touch and voted for clinton. Then we all saw what a fine upstanding person slick willy turned out to be. so, I supported Dole. As a serving Officer, I couldn't stand the clinton years.

I was for Bush in 2000 Gore would have been a disaster, and in 2004 - Kerry was a jackass, i'm from MA so i know how messed up that state's politics is.

But I've been seriously pissed off at the pres, and all his jackass yes men who won't admit they were and are wrong on so many levels (since early 2005), so I'm voting Democrat this time. Bunch of absolute assholes (current administration), and Now mcsame as bush is stupidly talking about 50-100 - 100 years in iraq ?!?!? No fukin way dude. I'm not happy with obama's energy and 2nd ammendment positions, but the alternative is not acceptable to me.

There IS a lot of latent racism still in this country though but someone finally brought it up a week or so ago after the second presidential debate, something to the effect that iff Obama has a 4-6 point lead going into election day but loses the election there will be mass protests. Such a thing will really highlight the issue.

So, it has been brought out, but i guess alannah is spending more time whining than listening to the news shows.

The KKK still holds rallies, the protesters usually outnumber the rallyers 3-4 to 1. They have a God-given right to be stupid, they are more of a comedic distraction than anything else.

I'll bet few people on this board saw the history channel documentary on the KKK.

However, I thinlk Obama's lead will be much higher come election day.

and he will win,

and i may not have to go on ANOTHER deployment in 2011 (I'm going in 2009).

But we still have a mess in afghanistan, so who knoes and that place is actually worse than iraq. and harder to support as well.

10-17-2008, 07:57 AM
All she was saying is that racism is alive an well, and it is; anywhere on the political spectrum...

Have you seen her other posts? totally one sided . And what does she suggest the republican party does ? perhaps some solutions and ideas. Rather than just frankly stupid backbiting. This is a problem across the the political spectrum and if her post reflected that fine , but it was a one sided load of bollocks as usual.

10-17-2008, 11:24 PM
"that may be a little racist and not called for but what about the reverend Wright? and his teachings?? whta about Louis Farakand? these people are what are influencing Mr Obama

I never get how republican make Reverend Wright out to be a racist. Sure, he is fights for Black issues. He speaks out against white racism. We speaks against white supremacy in very strong ways. I don't agree with him on many things but I don't see him as being anti-white.

It is funny how the media never shows all of the whites who were and still are members of his church. They only showed the one white minister because he said what he said about Hillary Clinton.

And Farrakhan, the man is not close to Obama at all. Obama has no connection to him other than any Black political person from Chicago. There is absolutely no reason to think that he thinks like Louis Farrakhan.

10-17-2008, 11:45 PM
This is getting ridiculous,this is straight from the gop.

10-18-2008, 02:46 AM
"Rev" Jesse Jackson is race "hustler" for profit, and so is "Rev" Al Sharpton, both aren't just Democrat "fringe" names. They are both leaders in the Democrat party.

What is really sad, is that some people who are really clouded by their political beliefs can't admit they it is wrong.

No matter what you believe in, or what party you support, it's just PLAIN wrong. This is my issue what is going on at these rallies and why no one is speaking out agaisnt it.

By not commenting on it, IMO, they are in support of it. If you believe it's wrong, then damn it say it is WRONG. Be a responsible individual by condemming this shit.

Perfect example:
A response I got to a bulletin of the same subject as I posted on HA.

"that may be a little racist and not called for but what about the reverend Wright? and his teachings?? whta about Louis Farakand? these people are what are influencing Mr Obama thats what Im really concerened about what about Mr Obamas truth squads?? or how about Mr Obamas socialists ways?? Do you think you want to share your wealth with all?? I believe in charity but I believe I should be able to pick and choose where it goes not the Govt' "

Why can't these people just come out and say, that was WRONG and does not speak for me, nor the party?

Because if no one is saying it does not, I am starting to believe that it does.

10-18-2008, 02:49 AM
"Rev" Wright isn't close to Obama? Obama is a 20+ year member of his church, and "Rev" Wright is mentioned heavily in Obama's books, and "Rev" Wright is behind the "Black values" system his church promotes.

"that may be a little racist and not called for but what about the reverend Wright? and his teachings?? whta about Louis Farakand? these people are what are influencing Mr Obama

I never get how republican make Reverend Wright out to be a racist. Sure, he is fights for Black issues. He speaks out against white racism. We speaks against white supremacy in very strong ways. I don't agree with him on many things but I don't see him as being anti-white.

It is funny how the media never shows all of the whites who were and still are members of his church. They only showed the one white minister because he said what he said about Hillary Clinton.

And Farrakhan, the man is not close to Obama at all. Obama has no connection to him other than any Black political person from Chicago. There is absolutely no reason to think that he thinks like Louis Farrakhan.

10-18-2008, 02:54 AM
Really , to all of you who want to spew nasty commets about me, go ahead. I am immue to isults.

It is of no consequence to me-

I was simply pointing out the racism happening at these places-
I thik it was evident- and proven.

All the republicans have to do is condemn it, that's all.

Anyone who can't see that, no matter of party affiliation, is just blind.

10-18-2008, 05:12 AM
"Rev" Wright isn't close to Obama? Obama is a 20+ year member of his church, and "Rev" Wright is mentioned heavily in Obama's books, and "Rev" Wright is behind the "Black values" system his church promotes.

Maybe if you'd read the post you responded to, you'd have seen that RangeHova was saying Obama isn't close to Farrakhan.

RangeHova never said anything about how close Obama was to Wright.

El Nino
10-18-2008, 06:51 AM
Ron Paul or nothing at all!! ;)

10-25-2008, 09:14 PM


This is a clip from The Pathology of Privilege: Racism, White Denial & the Costs of Inequality, the newly released video from the Media Education Foundation. The video is of a speech given by Tim Wise at Mt. Holyoke College, October 1, 2007.

video but has relatedlinks/urls and related to more of his speakings/lectures



same video but has relatedlinks/urls and related to more of his speakings/lectures


10-28-2008, 04:18 AM
Ron Paul or nothing at all!! ;)

Ru Paul or nothing at all!

10-31-2008, 03:44 AM
This is SO GROSS
I just felt sick to my stomach watching it.


What's worse is no one around is saying anything.

Why are Republicans and the ralleys standing for this kind of hatred? They should be ashamed of themselves.

Racism is alive and well in America, and it takes something like this to just remind you how it is.

the same reasons why no democrat condemned the sarah palin dummy hanging from a noose in front of a house in california.

10-31-2008, 08:25 AM
Amen! Sad but true (and a nine sentence comment I totally agree with is rare).

This is SO GROSS
I just felt sick to my stomach watching it.


What's worse is no one around is saying anything.

Why are Republicans and the ralleys standing for this kind of hatred? They should be ashamed of themselves.

Racism is alive and well in America, and it takes something like this to just remind you how it is.

But now EVERYONE can see it.
For so long people denied ANY racism was left in america(non-minorities that is)
Now everyone can see and many whites are aghast.
A coworker and myself were just talking about how Obama really CANT go after McCain and Palin like they have came for him.
He just has to issue very meek rebukes or he will be seen as an "ANGRY BLACK MAN".
I was telling my coworker that Obama is going to have to walk on eggs shells because he already has a COUPLE of groups all over him.
Its sad but thats america.
I must say though america is FAR better than any black run country in the world.
Im not complaining I am just saying..........

10-31-2008, 08:33 AM
There is racism towards blacks, there's also blacks who hate whites for no reason other than the difference in color. That does not mean there is racism through the force of law, nor does it justify the use of discriminatory practices towards whites, i.e. affirmative action. I think that often times many whites and blacks are speaking about two separate things. It is one thing to stamp out the use of laws to prosecute a particular group, it is something completely different to change the way people perceive each other. The second can only come through time and patience.

10-31-2008, 12:43 PM
the comments on the videos always crack me up.

bbb989 (4 hours ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam Reply | Spam i cant stand this racist shit no more, im bout to sock the first white person i see 2morrow, boy or girl i dont give a fuck.

10-31-2008, 03:51 PM
Mccain and Obama should both step aside because neither one is gonna improve the siuation this country is in. Both of their goals is to become super millionaires like Clinton and baby Bush.

This country had a chance to elect someone who would have made a difference in Ron Paul but the problem is the average american is an idiot. Who is the average american? Those are the ones supporting Mccain ONLY cause he is white and the ones ONLY voting for obama cause he is part black.

Worthy2 is a naive, deluded fool. Ron Paul has a crazy right wing agenda that has been documented in great detail. So he's against the war in Iraq. Big fucking deal, so is anyone else with half a brain(congrats, you made it worthy2.) Ralph Nader isn't remotely qualified to be president and he never will be. Obama is the only true choice for progressives and anyone else who doesn't want four more years of BushInc.

10-31-2008, 04:35 PM
Yeah, I saw that old coon holding the stuffed monkey and I also did not see any black men standing around. Trust me, he would have been confronted if there were any strong black men like myself there.

Here is why I am voting for Obama:

1. He is pro health insurance for Americans. He is interested in helping Americans with pre-existing conditions getting coverage. McCain wants to tax us on our health insurance and give the money back to health insurance companies. Aren't the insurance companies making enough money off of us?

2. The Middle East will be more open to sitting down with Obama than McCain. Obama is the type of guy that wants to sit down and talk with the other side and find out what the issues are so that a positive and peaceful resolution can take place. McCain is the type of guy that will try to impose demands and will issue threats by military action if those demands aren't met. Have we not lost enough lives over the game playing of the affluent that want to control profitable resources?

3. McCain has not come out publicly and stated that we are facing a crisis that was avoidable here in America. A crisis that was set forth by his good old buddy George Bush. The Bush Administration has used The Oval Office for their own personal financial gain. They have masqueraded around as a caring and loyal administration. What have we got in return? The highest prices of petroleum in US history. The highest cases of bankruptcy in US history. The highest rates of foreclosures in US history. Bush even changed the bankruptcy laws to favor credit card companies. This was a slap in the face of many hard working Americans that was lost their jobs and were struggling to pay their bills between employment. I should not be suprised since Bush received big money in the form of political contributions from one of the largest credit card companies here in America. You can see all of this proven in the documentary "Hooked On Credit".

HBO had a documentary on recently wherein the war has been extended so that private corporations can continue to profit. Yep, our good old president and vice president have to look out for their coroporate buddies before they leave office.

On November 4, it is a simple as this:

McCain=Pro business
Obama=Pro people

Obama is a throwback to JFK. He wants to liberate people!

10-31-2008, 07:30 PM
not correct

edward almond
10-31-2008, 10:57 PM
When blacks are 90% of the violent crime in America I don't have to say anything.On the Department of Justice website I found that of interracial rapes approx. 50000 in all, only about 50 were white men raping black woman.And that a white person is 52 times more likely to be the victim of a hate crime than a black.If you don't believe blacks are more violent look at any prison and it will not look like a vanilla cake.Sorry but white people are tired of black violence. Act like a human and we will respect you, act like an animal and I hope you vanish from the face of the earth as a species.

11-01-2008, 12:03 AM
When blacks are 90% of the violent crime in America I don't have to say anything.On the Department of Justice website I found that of interracial rapes approx. 50000 in all, only about 50 were white men raping black woman.And that a white person is 52 times more likely to be the victim of a hate crime than a black.If you don't believe blacks are more violent look at any prison and it will not look like a vanilla cake.Sorry but white people are tired of black violence. Act like a human and we will respect you, act like an animal and I hope you vanish from the face of the earth as a species.


Solitary Brother
11-01-2008, 12:29 AM

11-01-2008, 12:52 AM
When blacks are 90% of the violent crime in America I don't have to say anything.On the Department of Justice website I found that of interracial rapes approx. 50000 in all, only about 50 were white men raping black woman.And that a white person is 52 times more likely to be the victim of a hate crime than a black.If you don't believe blacks are more violent look at any prison and it will not look like a vanilla cake.Sorry but white people are tired of black violence. Act like a human and we will respect you, act like an animal and I hope you vanish from the face of the earth as a species.

WTF are you talking about? What is your point? Violent crimes are commited by people of all ethnic groups. Did you not see the news where The Feds foiled a planned attempt on Obama's life? Did you not see where the potential perpetrators where white guys? White guys who were planning on killing a gentleman running for the presidency. Oh, I guess you overlooked that one.

Violent crimes have been commited under every president's term. So are you saying that McCain would put an end to violent crimes if he is elected? What a dope you are.

11-01-2008, 01:54 AM
When blacks are 90% of the violent crime in America I don't have to say anything.On the Department of Justice website I found that of interracial rapes approx. 50000 in all, only about 50 were white men raping black woman.And that a white person is 52 times more likely to be the victim of a hate crime than a black.If you don't believe blacks are more violent look at any prison and it will not look like a vanilla cake.Sorry but white people are tired of black violence. Act like a human and we will respect you, act like an animal and I hope you vanish from the face of the earth as a species.

you must understand that for generations liberals refuse to accept truth, even when the facts^^^^ are staring them right in the face, its just who they are.

11-01-2008, 02:00 AM
Yeah, I saw that old coon holding the stuffed monkey and I also did not see any black men standing around. Trust me, he would have been confronted if there were any strong black men like myself there.

where are the 70% of "strong black men " who father illegitimate children?

p.s. i expect to be branded a racist for stating a "fact

11-01-2008, 03:43 AM
a quote from obama's book.


From Audacity of Hope: 'I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.'

vote for him if you want ......i won't

11-01-2008, 04:09 AM
a quote from obama's book.


From Audacity of Hope: 'I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.'

vote for him if you want ......i won't

I didn't read the book, but from someone who has been discriminated against his WHOLE LIFE, I interpret the quote as saying that he will stand with the oppressed instead of with the oppressors. Be they Muslim, Christian or Buddist. The title of the book says it all!!!

11-01-2008, 04:09 AM
a quote from obama's book.


From Audacity of Hope: 'I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.'

vote for him if you want ......i won't

What is wrong with that,aren't they looked at in a negative way what better way to show people courage then to stand next to people who are looked down upon in society.That really is just alot of spinning by gop pundits in a attempt to use scare tactics.

11-01-2008, 04:23 AM
When blacks are 90% of the violent crime in America I don't have to say anything.On the Department of Justice website I found that of interracial rapes approx. 50000 in all, only about 50 were white men raping black woman.And that a white person is 52 times more likely to be the victim of a hate crime than a black.If you don't believe blacks are more violent look at any prison and it will not look like a vanilla cake.Sorry but white people are tired of black violence. Act like a human and we will respect you, act like an animal and I hope you vanish from the face of the earth as a species.

Mr. Almond, I would sure like the link from where you got these statistics.
I looked on this site, and I don't see it. http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/welcome.htm

I think that you are straight out lying wtih regards to your statistics. I have heard that Blacks do make up 50% of the prison population. This includes non violent drug crimes. A recent series in the Cleveland Plain Dealer show how Black are jailed at a higher rate than Whites for similar non violent drug offenses. It also show that Whites were more likely to get charges reduced to misdemeanors over Blacks.

I am not condoning any criminal behavior. But over and over I have seen the public be more sympathetic to White criminals than Black ones.
I could cite numerous examples, but I'll cite Cindy McClain's case. If a Black person had did what she did to get prescription durgs illegally, they would have gone to jail, straight up.

Edward Almond, show us the link to your stats. Even if they are true on some level, I bet you are interpreting them wrong.

you must understand that for generations liberals refuse to accept truth, even when the facts^^^^ are staring them right in the face, its just who they are.

What truth are you talking about? What facts are you talking about? WTF is a liberal? The word 'liberal' is only a relative term. You are brainwashed. A relative term has been loaded with lies, and you talk about accpepting the truth. Like calling liberal baby killers, when Neocons invaded a the nation of Iraq under false pretenses. That killing people of all ages. That's the truth.

11-01-2008, 04:29 AM
When blacks are 90% of the violent crime in America I don't have to say anything.On the Department of Justice website I found that of interracial rapes approx. 50000 in all, only about 50 were white men raping black woman.And that a white person is 52 times more likely to be the victim of a hate crime than a black.If you don't believe blacks are more violent look at any prison and it will not look like a vanilla cake.Sorry but white people are tired of black violence. Act like a human and we will respect you, act like an animal and I hope you vanish from the face of the earth as a species.

Mr. Almond, I would sure like the link from where you got these statistics.
I looked on this site, and I don't see it. http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/welcome.htm

I think that you are straight out lying wtih regards to your statistics. I have heard that Blacks do make up 50% of the prison population. This includes non violent drug crimes. A recent series in the Cleveland Plain Dealer show how Black are jailed at a higher rate than Whites for similar non violent drug offenses. It also show that Whites were more likely to get charges reduced to misdemeanors over Blacks.

I am not condoning any criminal behavior. But over and over I have seen the public be more sympathetic to White criminals than Black ones.
I could cite numerous examples, but I'll cite Cindy McClain's case. If a Black person had did what she did to get prescription durgs illegally, they would have gone to jail, straight up.

Edward Almond, show us the link to your stats. Even if they are true on some level, I bet you are interpreting them wrong.

o.j. simpson? get real

11-01-2008, 04:32 AM
a quote from obama's book.


From Audacity of Hope: 'I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.'

vote for him if you want ......i won't

I didn't read the book, but from someone who has been discriminated against his WHOLE LIFE, I interpret the quote as saying that he will stand with the oppressed instead of with the oppressors. Be they Muslim, Christian or Buddist. The title of the book says it all!!!

whatever .....not going to argue. :roll:

11-01-2008, 04:41 AM
thats an interesting interpretation, i guess you can spin almost anything to justify a warped idealogy

11-01-2008, 04:42 AM
o.j. simpson? get real

What does O.J. Simpson have to do with anything? Really. Should we just list every single person who has committed a crime?

thats an interesting interpretation, i guess you can spin almost anything to justify a warped idealogy
People with bad intentions often take things out of context, like the 'spread the wealth' quote.

11-01-2008, 04:45 AM
When blacks are 90% of the violent crime in America I don't have to say anything.On the Department of Justice website I found that of interracial rapes approx. 50000 in all, only about 50 were white men raping black woman.And that a white person is 52 times more likely to be the victim of a hate crime than a black.If you don't believe blacks are more violent look at any prison and it will not look like a vanilla cake.Sorry but white people are tired of black violence. Act like a human and we will respect you, act like an animal and I hope you vanish from the face of the earth as a species.

Mr. Almond, I would sure like the link from where you got these statistics.
I looked on this site, and I don't see it. http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/welcome.htm

I think that you are straight out lying wtih regards to your statistics. I have heard that Blacks do make up 50% of the prison population. This includes non violent drug crimes. A recent series in the Cleveland Plain Dealer show how Black are jailed at a higher rate than Whites for similar non violent drug offenses. It also show that Whites were more likely to get charges reduced to misdemeanors over Blacks.

I am not condoning any criminal behavior. But over and over I have seen the public be more sympathetic to White criminals than Black ones.
I could cite numerous examples, but I'll cite Cindy McClain's case. If a Black person had did what she did to get prescription durgs illegally, they would have gone to jail, straight up.

Edward Almond, show us the link to your stats. Even if they are true on some level, I bet you are interpreting them wrong.

you must understand that for generations liberals refuse to accept truth, even when the facts^^^^ are staring them right in the face, its just who they are.

What truth are you talking about? What facts are you talking about? WTF is a liberal? The word 'liberal' is only a relative term. You are brainwashed. A relative term has been loaded with lies, and you talk about accpepting the truth. Like calling liberal baby killers, when Neocons invaded a the nation of Iraq under false pretenses. That killing people of all ages. That's the truth.

thats "your" truth. keep riding the victomization train, you wont get very far.

11-01-2008, 04:48 AM
o.j. simpson? get real

What does O.J. Simpson have to do with anything? Really. Should we just list every single person who has committed a crime?

just giving another example other than your cindy mccain example

BTW- the reaction of the african/american community after the simpson verdict is proof that racism has come full circle in this country.

11-01-2008, 04:53 AM
When blacks are 90% of the violent crime in America I don't have to say anything.On the Department of Justice website I found that of interracial rapes approx. 50000 in all, only about 50 were white men raping black woman.And that a white person is 52 times more likely to be the victim of a hate crime than a black.If you don't believe blacks are more violent look at any prison and it will not look like a vanilla cake.Sorry but white people are tired of black violence. Act like a human and we will respect you, act like an animal and I hope you vanish from the face of the earth as a species.

Mr. Almond, I would sure like the link from where you got these statistics.
I looked on this site, and I don't see it. http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/welcome.htm

I think that you are straight out lying wtih regards to your statistics. I have heard that Blacks do make up 50% of the prison population. This includes non violent drug crimes. A recent series in the Cleveland Plain Dealer show how Black are jailed at a higher rate than Whites for similar non violent drug offenses. It also show that Whites were more likely to get charges reduced to misdemeanors over Blacks.

I am not condoning any criminal behavior. But over and over I have seen the public be more sympathetic to White criminals than Black ones.
I could cite numerous examples, but I'll cite Cindy McClain's case. If a Black person had did what she did to get prescription durgs illegally, they would have gone to jail, straight up.

Edward Almond, show us the link to your stats. Even if they are true on some level, I bet you are interpreting them wrong.

you must understand that for generations liberals refuse to accept truth, even when the facts^^^^ are staring them right in the face, its just who they are.

What truth are you talking about? What facts are you talking about? WTF is a liberal? The word 'liberal' is only a relative term. You are brainwashed. A relative term has been loaded with lies, and you talk about accpepting the truth. Like calling liberal baby killers, when Neocons invaded a the nation of Iraq under false pretenses. That killing people of all ages. That's the truth.

thats "your" truth. keep riding the victomization train, you wont get very far.

No you said that "liberals refuse to accept the truth". Edward Almond said that Blacks committ 90% of all the violent crimes. And that Blacks committed 44,950 interacial rapes and Whites committed 50. How is challenging someone telling lies, "riding the victimization train"? That is why I asked you what is the truth. If Almond's facts are true then give us the source.

11-01-2008, 04:54 AM
a quote from obama's book.


From Audacity of Hope: 'I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.'

vote for him if you want ......i won't

I didn't read the book, but from someone who has been discriminated against his WHOLE LIFE, I interpret the quote as saying that he will stand with the oppressed instead of with the oppressors. Be they Muslim, Christian or Buddist. The title of the book says it all!!!

whatever .....not going to argue. :roll:

Its not an issue for argument, but for understanding. That is why I left out all of those "hot button" words. But your generalizations and many other people's generalizations do not seek understnding, but to be critcal. What does the rest of the book state? I'm not saying you, but I have heard many people take quotes out of context to support their own ideology, especially while quoting the Holy Bible!!! That includes the extremist Muslims that take quotes from the Koran out of context to suppoort their own ideology. There are MILLIONS of decent Muslims that do not profess violence towards non-Muslims, just like there are millions of Christians that also do not profess violence towards non-Christians. But just like the Muslim extremist, there are those so called Christians in this country that can't wait to commit violence towards anyone not like them.

I pray for you and I for a higher understanding and love for our brothers and sisters of GOD the Father!!!

11-01-2008, 05:05 AM
in an earlier post, you agreed with the statistic that afican-americans make up 50% of the prison population but blamed it on judicial racism. heres another stat- more than 70% of african-american children grow up in a one parent home. you think that might have anything to do with the prison population? these are facts. thats the truth.

11-01-2008, 05:11 AM
a quote from obama's book.


From Audacity of Hope: 'I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.'

vote for him if you want ......i won't

I didn't read the book, but from someone who has been discriminated against his WHOLE LIFE, I interpret the quote as saying that he will stand with the oppressed instead of with the oppressors. Be they Muslim, Christian or Buddist. The title of the book says it all!!!

whatever .....not going to argue. :roll:

Its not an issue for argument, but for understanding. That is why I left out all of those "hot button" words. But your generalizations and many other people's generalizations do not seek understnding, but to be critcal. What does the rest of the book state? I'm not saying you, but I have heard many people take quotes out of context to support their own ideology, especially while quoting the Holy Bible!!! That includes the extremist Muslims that take quotes from the Koran out of context to suppoort their own ideology. There are MILLIONS of decent Muslims that do not profess violence towards non-Muslims, just like there are millions of Christians that also do not profess violence towards non-Christians. But just like the Muslim extremist, there are those so called Christians in this country that can't wait to commit violence towards anyone not like them.

I pray for you and I for a higher understanding and love for our brothers and sisters of GOD the Father!!!

Thank you! This is so, so true. As for as the Bible, not only are things taken out of context, but major philosoophical parts are ignored, like judging people, loving thy neighbor as yourself, charity, and prohibitions against being greedy.

It is written (in the Bible); "with all thy getting, get understanding". So when Obama said that he would sit down with our enemies withour pre-conditions, I saw that as a way to follow Bibilical principles, not weakness. Look at the 23rd Pslam: "Thou preparest a table in the presence of my enemies..." So how could a minister say that you con not be a Christian and vote for Obama, ike I saw on television?

11-01-2008, 05:15 AM
a quote from obama's book.


From Audacity of Hope: 'I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.'

vote for him if you want ......i won't

I didn't read the book, but from someone who has been discriminated against his WHOLE LIFE, I interpret the quote as saying that he will stand with the oppressed instead of with the oppressors. Be they Muslim, Christian or Buddist. The title of the book says it all!!!

whatever .....not going to argue. :roll:

Its not an issue for argument, but for understanding. That is why I left out all of those "hot button" words. But your generalizations and many other people's generalizations do not seek understnding, but to be critcal. What does the rest of the book state? I'm not saying you, but I have heard many people take quotes out of context to support their own ideology, especially while quoting the Holy Bible!!! That includes the extremist Muslims that take quotes from the Koran out of context to suppoort their own ideology. There are MILLIONS of decent Muslims that do not profess violence towards non-Muslims, just like there are millions of Christians that also do not profess violence towards non-Christians. But just like the Muslim extremist, there are those so called Christians in this country that can't wait to commit violence towards anyone not like them.

I pray for you and I for a higher understanding and love for our brothers and sisters of GOD the Father!!!

Thank you! This is so, so true. As for as the Bible, not only are things taken out of context, but major philosoophical parts are ignored, like judging people, loving thy neighbor as yourself, charity, and prohibitions against being greedy.

It is written (in the Bible); "with all thy getting, get understanding". So when Obama said that he would sit down with our enemies withour pre-conditions, I saw that as a way to follow Bibilical principles, not weakness. Look at the 23rd Pslam: "Thou preparest a table in the presence of my enemies..." So how could a minister say that you con not be a Christian and vote for Obama, ike I saw on television?

well, the bible also states that homosexuality is a sin against god. how do we interprete that?

Floyd R
11-01-2008, 05:29 AM
You are an idiot and a liar. The Department of Justice doesn't say that blacks are responsible for 90% of violent crime in America. You created that number to serve your agenda. Instead of spending time on this forum, why don't you spend time with your brothers and sisters at stormfront.org. I know why you come here. They will reject you when they find out about your fetish for transsexual women and label you as a faggot.

By the way here's the website for DOJ, http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/prisons.htm

When blacks are 90% of the violent crime in America I don't have to say anything.On the Department of Justice website I found that of interracial rapes approx. 50000 in all, only about 50 were white men raping black woman.And that a white person is 52 times more likely to be the victim of a hate crime than a black.If you don't believe blacks are more violent look at any prison and it will not look like a vanilla cake.Sorry but white people are tired of black violence. Act like a human and we will respect you, act like an animal and I hope you vanish from the face of the earth as a species.

11-01-2008, 05:29 AM
in an earlier post, you agreed with the statistic that afican-americans make up 50% of the prison population but blamed it on judicial racism. heres another stat- more than 70% of african-american children grow up in a one parent home. you think that might have anything to do with the prison population? these are facts. thats the truth.

I simply meant that the 50% might not be that high if there was true equality in criminal justice and sentencing. Like the article said, many people believe that Whites and Blacks abuse drugs at similar rates, but Blacks are multiple times more like to be convicted and end up with felony convictions.

As far as the causes of crime, there are many factors, and parental oversight is one, but it is important. Sometimes government policies can hurt families. In my state they can take away a drivers license of a person who is behind on child support payments. But not being able to drive can be a big barrier to employment.