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08-21-2005, 10:17 PM
I've brought this up before. It has gotten a few vague 'always use a condom' responses. The Susuan Shah thread's reapppearance reminded me, but I didn't really want to give that a bump.
The whole threat of Std's freaks me out. It makes me want to restrict my sex life to solo until I meet a really exceptional woman that i'm going to be in a relationship with. The problem is that not only can people lie about getting tested or not know they've gotten something, but that some diseases can be transmitted even with a condom. Then there's the activities - oral - hell, kissing - that bring you into contact with another person's potential diseases.
As much as I'd like to be unrestricted sexually, the fact is I'd like to grow old with someone who I love and who loves me, and be disease free. I think you folks out there that are having this wild and free sex are kidding yourselves if you think you're not going to catch something more serious than chlymidea. I'm not judging you; in a way I envy you. But Hep C? Herpes? HPV? HIV? To me, it's a very, very big consideration.
Please don't take this as a bash. I know it's no fun to think about. And I'd love to be wrong on this one. I invite you guys to try.

08-21-2005, 10:42 PM
I want to amend this thread. I should have said 'are risking these things', rather than 'are gonna catch'. And I would probably risk it too - for Graziely... :wink:

08-22-2005, 01:38 AM
In this place - I guess you could consider a bit of a fantasy world - this real life issue has arisen. Ok I'll respond in a real world sense.

Suckseed: You're the only person on this board - or many others - that even think of STDs beyond HIV. Well you're right - there are activities that we could engage in that are risky that don't involve intercouse.

In fact, there are STDs that are easily passed between lesbians who do not use dildos/vibrators - as an example of condom use not being the end all and be all of sexual safety.

Our collective problem is that people are not willing to do two very easy things:

Step One - Determine your status. Not just your HIV status (though that should be done). But a full STD specific workup. That's urine, blood, pap/ureatha and visual testing. All of it should be done. Some things are only comfirmed by visual skin testing - HPV. Other are done in other ways. Once you have that done - move on to;

Step Two - Do not keep your status secret from those who you plan to be intimate with. I don't know anyone who knowingly contracted an STD. However, I surmise that many men and women have known or suspected that they were infected and did not advise a partner.

Without these two steps - we are going to continue to deal with 'unforeseen consequences' if not out right tragedies. If you know you have an STD - then you will know to seek cure/treatment. Also, by advising your soon to be partner - you give them the opportunity to make an informed choice as to whether or not they wish to take that risk. You might also be the recipient of the same information - an honest statement as to whether they have an STD. Hell it come become the conversation of the future for those about to get their freaks on. Remember - our parents didn't have conversations about condoms - they just got their freak on - hoping no adverse consequences would be fall them. I mean of course for some - the knowledge that a potential partner has HIV - will be the total buzz kill. But better the buzz kill then, then the office visit to discuss viral loads... right? But conversely, HPV is estimated to reach infection rate of 75-80%. And that is not a misprint, mistatement or typo. There are 100 types of the virus known - and in many cases there are no symptoms. Plus - all types do not lead to future problems (although certain types are linked to increased risk of cervical cancer).

So perhaps, a honest conversation could go like this.

Person 1: Ummmm I was thinking of some head.

Person 2: Well that's cool, but you should know that I have HPV.

Person 1: Oh ok, thanks - that's not a problem - hell I have cold sores sometimes - though not right now.

Person 2: Gotcha... well you gonna take those down or am I? And let me get the condom.


Ok. Look I don't expect this to happen overnight. But I hope that my point (throught this late-evening type-fest) is well taken. If people did two simple things... we would have real progress, among other things.

And this is not an issue limited to the Transgendered community. I was especially shocked to learn that certain physicians in New York City (and I presume other places) are advising their female patients that there no need to advise future partners about there contracting HPV. So I mean - there are alot to be changed here.


As for me. I think I indicated in some other post that I'm really out of the scene. Part of the reason was that I never did find a true friend or caring person. Part of the reason was what you're talking about suckseed - there is a real risk out there. I'm lucky, and not in the mood to press it. Plus, I have wonderful woman - and do not feel the need to place her heart or health at risk. Especially since she's pretty understanding about my - ummm fancination.

I could go on - as you can see - but I'll stop here.


"It is with our passions, as it is with fire and water, they are good servants but bad masters."

P.S. - Cite for the info/stats -> Cates, Willard. (1999). "Estimates of the Incidence and Prevalence of Sexually Transmitted Diseases in the United States." Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 26(4), s2-s7.

08-22-2005, 09:06 AM
I've heard that the prevalence of catching HIV from uncovered oral (on a dick) has risen sharply in the most recent studies.....One health worker I know told me that 10-15% of new HIV infections are from oral sex. One reason she stated was untreated gum disease of all things.....


08-22-2005, 05:35 PM
I haven't heard about any rise in HIV transmission from oral sex, but the untreated gum disease makes a lot of sense. HIV is transmitted by exchange of bodily fluids; even microlesions in the gums (from gum disease or simply flossing) raises the risk factor because your partner's cum can come into contact with your blood through those tiny cuts in the gums. Best not to floss prior to oral sex if any risk is involved.

08-22-2005, 11:30 PM
Everyone should be careful about where they get their facts from.

From what I have read, the chances of contracting HIV through oral sex are slim to none. And if it was as easy to catch as most peple say that rate of infection everywhere wuld be alot higher.

Some people only do BJ's with a condom. Personally, I don't. You can call me stupid but I don't like it. I always use a condom during sex but just not while blwing or getting blwn. I never swallow and I am not worried.

But, I urge you to do the research beyond this board. I really don't think you should let the fear of STD's control your life.

08-22-2005, 11:39 PM
That's not true

The CDC has not been able to prove one single case of oral sex transmition through oral sex.

08-22-2005, 11:43 PM
In fact, I shall retort to the coupke I knew that went out for four years and one was HIV positive the other not. They NEVER used condoms for Oral sex. The HIV- partnet kept on getting tested on coming out neg- and th doc told him that basically if they were using condoms for anal but not oral they would be fine. And they were- they have broken up and he remains negative.

There is no scientiffic data that proves hiv sex has happened though oral transmittion alone. It is highly unliely unless a person has sever bleeding gums or open sores in the mouth- not a good sign anyway. If you happen to swallow semen, the hydrochloric aicd in your stomach will kill the virus.

The vistus as well dies instantly when it is exposed to air.

It actually needs certain conditions to be trnasmitted,

Folks this comes the mouth of many specialized doctors I have encountered through my career. As well , as published research.

08-23-2005, 05:06 AM
In fact, I shall retort to the coupke I knew that went out for four years and one was HIV positive the other not. They NEVER used condoms for Oral sex. The HIV- partnet kept on getting tested on coming out neg- and th doc told him that basically if they were using condoms for anal but not oral they would be fine. And they were- they have broken up and he remains negative.

There is no scientiffic data that proves hiv sex has happened though oral transmittion alone. It is highly unliely unless a person has sever bleeding gums or open sores in the mouth- not a good sign anyway. If you happen to swallow semen, the hydrochloric aicd in your stomach will kill the virus.

The vistus as well dies instantly when it is exposed to air.

It actually needs certain conditions to be trnasmitted,

Folks this comes the mouth of many specialized doctors I have encountered through my career. As well , as published research.

Alot of talk about HIV and rightly so !
But what about other stds ?
There's still plenty of stuff out there that can burn. A lot of std's that can be transmitted through oral.

08-23-2005, 05:30 AM
u are correct-

oral stds are usual visible though-

especially herpes, syphyllis- and gonnoreah in the thraot is like a horrendous case of strep throat

08-23-2005, 02:54 PM
But not all are visible... so protect yourself - at all times.

08-24-2005, 12:39 AM
That's not true

The CDC has not been able to prove one single case of oral sex transmition through oral sex.

Well, sorry to be a buzzkill, but I've been doing some research on the CDC site and unfortunately came across this statement,

"There have been a few cases of HIV transmission from performing oral sex on a person infected with HIV".

Okay, that doesn't say reported cases, but actual cases.

And to insure that this quote is not taken out of context, here is the link to the web page:


Not looking to argue, just to clarify.......