View Full Version : From my blog

10-13-2008, 03:10 PM
The dark ages are now. If ever you want to test that theory live the life of a TS. No matter how passable you are, no matter how stealth you live, sooner or later you face discrimination and ignorance.

Here is a sad statement of our times: I am happier now, more secure within myself emotionally and economically, as an escort and adult entertainer. I spent ten years trying to do the "right thing" and pursued a career in management, only to be tossed to the curb five times. Can you imagine what it feels like to have the rug pulled out from under your life year after year? It's demoralizing. And eventually society, in it's own subliminal manner, whispers to you quietly, "be gone oh freakish one", "get out of plain sight."

And so we become the subculture, the 'girl with a secret', the tenants on society's fringe. I've lived with no health insurance for a year, lived many years like this, unprotected and exposed to calamity. My income this week will be only as good as the men who choose to visit me. I may roll in the money, or eek out a week on grapes.

This is our modern world, our enlightened society...and we continue to feed the archaic with our misfit leaders and their evangelical morals.

10-13-2008, 04:17 PM
So it's tough out there for a tranny, stop trying to make it in the real world and become a whore?

When you give up, "they" win and the rest of us lose.

I used to make close to $100K a year as an automated software testing specialist. Now I make pizzas. Am I whining? No. This is my reality. I got pissed off at the corporate IT world's bullshit and incompetence.

I don't care if someone realizes I'm a transsexual. In fact, I kind of hope they DO realize. Xenophobia is only relevant when someone's a stranger, different, misunderstood. When your coworkers realize you're real, with hopes, dreams, successes and failures just like them, you're not a stranger - and there's no reason to hate you or fear you.

I had one coworker at Tim Hortons, an older woman, chat with me for close to 2 hours one day a few months after I started working with her (we'd both come in to get our paycheques). She said she hadn't realized "it" until someone had mentioned to her that "that's a man, you know".

After we talked about the usual "So what's it's like" stuff, wherein I tried to explain how I'm not, in fact, a man, she looked at me and said "I think I understand" and then said "You know, you have the most feminine teeth". Then she gave me a ride uptown so I could cash my cheque.

I'd rather work for minimum wage my whole fucking life in order to make connections like that with people than EVER give up, shut down and be a whore. Call it a crusade, call it righteousness, whatever you want but I live in the real world and I make a difference just by being a normal person to people.

10-13-2008, 06:47 PM
Melissa is right about how hard it is, and Tika is right about being out in the world and recognized being some of the best way to change things. Don't think she's right about working in the adult world being wrong... though it comes with a lot of complications.


10-13-2008, 07:15 PM
When you give up, "they" win and the rest of us lose.

I'd rather work for minimum wage my whole fucking life in order to make connections like that with people than EVER give up, shut down and be a whore. Call it a crusade, call it righteousness, whatever you want but I live in the real world and I make a difference just by being a normal person to people.

Who said give up? You missed my point, I'm saying it's better being a whore. See you in church.

Floyd R
10-13-2008, 07:49 PM
Melissa, if you don't mind me asking, what does your boyfriend think about your line of work?

10-13-2008, 07:52 PM
Melissa, if you don't mind me asking, what does your boyfriend think about your line of work?

He's a former client, lol

Floyd R
10-13-2008, 08:10 PM
Wow, he is a lucky guy. Continue to do what makes you happy, it's much better than doing what makes you depressed. You look great by the way.

Melissa, if you don't mind me asking, what does your boyfriend think about your line of work?

He's a former client, lol

10-13-2008, 08:23 PM
So it's tough out there for a tranny, stop trying to make it in the real world and become a whore?

When you give up, "they" win and the rest of us lose.

I used to make close to $100K a year as an automated software testing specialist. Now I make pizzas. Am I whining? No. This is my reality. I got pissed off at the corporate IT world's bullshit and incompetence.

I don't care if someone realizes I'm a transsexual. In fact, I kind of hope they DO realize. Xenophobia is only relevant when someone's a stranger, different, misunderstood. When your coworkers realize you're real, with hopes, dreams, successes and failures just like them, you're not a stranger - and there's no reason to hate you or fear you.

I had one coworker at Tim Hortons, an older woman, chat with me for close to 2 hours one day a few months after I started working with her (we'd both come in to get our paycheques). She said she hadn't realized "it" until someone had mentioned to her that "that's a man, you know".

After we talked about the usual "So what's it's like" stuff, wherein I tried to explain how I'm not, in fact, a man, she looked at me and said "I think I understand" and then said "You know, you have the most feminine teeth". Then she gave me a ride uptown so I could cash my cheque.

I'd rather work for minimum wage my whole fucking life in order to make connections like that with people than EVER give up, shut down and be a whore. Call it a crusade, call it righteousness, whatever you want but I live in the real world and I make a difference just by being a normal person to people.

What says someone can't do both?

I know what it costs to buy health insurance privately, that stuff gets very expensive. Its actually cheaper to go get a part time min wage job on the side just for the benefits. YMMV but I have a few friends, as in healthy people in their 20s who buy health care privately and what they spend on it is a tad more than effectively "buying SRS every year" (think 20 grand annually). Although I suppose a lot of people simply don't care about health care, just as a lot of people don't care about retirement savings until its "too late"

It would be easy to argue that mainstream employment is a raw/bad deal for everyone. Your pensions are pretty much worthless in so many cases, the pay isn't there, there's no accountibility, and large companies tend not to respect even their "normal" underlings.

But I am curious from your crusade view... are you taking issue to sex work in general? It is legal in some places, even in the US (Nevada and Rhode Island).

10-13-2008, 08:24 PM
Maybe you weren't cut out to be in management. It's easy to play the victim and say you were kicked to the curb because of others' prejudices rather than your own deficits in talent/motivation/education/etc.

Hell, maybe you even escaped to the world of gender-bending BECAUSE it gave you an 'out' in terms of your career. Now you don't have to face your mental insufficiencies. If someone criticizes you, you can play the 'bigot' card and hop back on the high horse.

Lots of that going around this time of the year. Barack doesn't lack experience. He's not a socialist. He doesn't associate with America-hating terrorists. YOU'RE a racist.

10-13-2008, 08:33 PM
Maybe you weren't cut out to be in management. It's easy to play the victim and say you were kicked to the curb because of others' prejudices rather than your own deficits in talent/motivation/education/etc.

Hell, maybe you even escaped to the world of gender-bending BECAUSE it gave you an 'out' in terms of your career. Now you don't have to face your mental insufficiencies. If someone criticizes you, you can play the 'bigot' card and hop back on the high horse.

Lots of that going around this time of the year. Barack doesn't lack experience. He's not a socialist. He doesn't associate with America-hating terrorists. YOU'RE a racist.

I tend to agree there are a lot of trans people who blame everything that has ever been wrong & bad in their life on their trans status. I see it all the time for people talking about their dating lives. Dating is hard stuff, there is a lot that can make a relationship not develop totally irrelevant to trans stuff. You could not like the the guy, he could not like you, maybe you find them boring/annoying/etc, maybe there's nothing in common- almost an infinite list of possibilities. That's why so many non-trans people are single at any given moment.

Yet at the same time, there is a lot indicating that trans job discrimination is not only widespread, but it's normal.

When the Bush Admin forced the SSA to run around outting girls in stealth to their employers with gender no-match letters, you saw girls getting fired left & right in mainstream employment, girls who had been at their jobs for anything ranging from days- to years, without any problems until this letter magically appeared out of the blue.

That tells me their trans status had everything to do with it. It also tells me that the republicans themselves agree on that point, hence why they had the SSA out girls in this manner (this wasn't done in conjunction with anything meaningful, it wasn't to "get tough on illegal immigration workers" for instance).

10-13-2008, 09:51 PM
Maybe you weren't cut out to be in management. It's easy to play the victim and say you were kicked to the curb because of others' prejudices rather than your own deficits in talent/motivation/education/etc.

Hell, maybe you even escaped to the world of gender-bending BECAUSE it gave you an 'out' in terms of your career. Now you don't have to face your mental insufficiencies. If someone criticizes you, you can play the 'bigot' card and hop back on the high horse.

Lots of that going around this time of the year. Barack doesn't lack experience. He's not a socialist. He doesn't associate with America-hating terrorists. YOU'RE a racist.

Lol, you're Funny

10-14-2008, 12:52 AM

Not to be too personel but how much on average can a Tgirl escort expect to make?

Oh and do you claim any of the income for tax purposes?


10-14-2008, 01:12 PM

Not to be too personel but how much on average can a Tgirl escort expect to make?

Oh and do you claim any of the income for tax purposes?


It is all charity work. wink wink.

10-14-2008, 02:11 PM
I'd rather work for minimum wage my whole fucking life in order to make connections like that with people than EVER give up, shut down and be a whore.

Minimum wage? $4.00 to $7.50/hour depending on state.

You speak in perfect theory but reality would crumble your idealism. At that rate you work a 40-hour week and take home $200. Meanwhile there's $300 offered for 30 minutes getting your dick sucked. Now that's no-brainer territory.

You are talkin' trash from your cubicle. Now get back to work on that spread sheet.

10-14-2008, 02:26 PM
I tend to agree there are a lot of trans people who blame everything that has ever been wrong & bad in their life on their trans status.

Like that's what I was saying- NOT.

Sarah, you offer excellent information in your replies but you miss the boat sometimes. My point is that given my former life being terminated from jobs repeatedly (it is not coincidental that the firings came as I transitioned) I am better off as an escort.

And may I add that 90% of the sessions are decent, respectable and dare I say it, enjoyable. More free time, no one to answer to, complete freedom and autonomy, I am the architect of my day, and make almost three times what I made in property management. I choose who I meet, I decline those who make me nervous. I have total control. I find nothing degrading or lowly about my vocation. I offer a personal service and am damn good at it. This is the best job I ever had.

That was the point.

10-14-2008, 02:31 PM
that kinda made me feel like i'm going to school for nothing. yikes.

10-14-2008, 02:36 PM
Maybe you weren't cut out to be in management. It's easy to play the victim and say you were kicked to the curb because of others' prejudices rather than your own deficits in talent/motivation/education/etc.

Hell, maybe you even escaped to the world of gender-bending BECAUSE it gave you an 'out' in terms of your career. Now you don't have to face your mental insufficiencies. If someone criticizes you, you can play the 'bigot' card and hop back on the high horse.

Lots of that going around this time of the year. Barack doesn't lack experience. He's not a socialist. He doesn't associate with America-hating terrorists. YOU'RE a racist.

You know not of what you speak.

"Education deficient"? LOL. I'm a college graduate, with honors, a BFA in art history from Pratt Institute. And was accepted at Yale graduate school but declined to make and sell my paintings. I held senior level management positions for ten years. Nobody pulls that off unless they are competent.

Barack and racism has nothing to do with the topic. Perhaps your complete mis-directed and irrelevent reply is the real "mental deficiency". Good luck with that problem, Corky.

10-14-2008, 02:43 PM
Wow, he is a lucky guy. Continue to do what makes you happy, it's much better than doing what makes you depressed. You look great by the way.

Melissa, if you don't mind me asking, what does your boyfriend think about your line of work?

He's a former client, lol

Thank you, I believe we're both lucky to have found each other.

See, Floyd gets the message; it's about what makes you happy.

10-14-2008, 02:46 PM
that kinda made me feel like i'm going to school for nothing. yikes.

There are very few transsexuals with high-level high-income positions.

Sure, you can get a job but can you make the big bucks? No. America's not ready to give a chick-with-a-dick the CEO spot.

10-14-2008, 04:34 PM
that kinda made me feel like i'm going to school for nothing. yikes.

i second that! I been re-thinkin my lifestyle and considerring going back to college and quitting escorting eventually. I wonder sometimes though if its what i really want, or if it's what people have forced me to believe i want. Im so confused lol. Is being an escort for a tranny just an easy way out??? Or is it in fact our best option for survival???

10-14-2008, 05:14 PM
Is being an escort for a tranny just an easy way out??? Or is it in fact our best option for survival???

It's different for everyone. For me, it's worked well. But it wasn't all wine and roses and I freely admit on my story page (see website) escorting exposed me to drugs and unsavory characters.

Keep in mind I've escorted less than a year, we'll see if I'm still singin' the same tune next year...

10-14-2008, 05:24 PM
The dark ages are now. If ever you want to test that theory live the life of a TS. No matter how passable you are, no matter how stealth you live, sooner or later you face discrimination and ignorance.

Here is a sad statement of our times: I am happier now, more secure within myself emotionally and economically, as an escort and adult entertainer. I spent ten years trying to do the "right thing" and pursued a career in management, only to be tossed to the curb five times. Can you imagine what it feels like to have the rug pulled out from under your life year after year? It's demoralizing. And eventually society, in it's own subliminal manner, whispers to you quietly, "be gone oh freakish one", "get out of plain sight."

And so we become the subculture, the 'girl with a secret', the tenants on society's fringe. I've lived with no health insurance for a year, lived many years like this, unprotected and exposed to calamity. My income this week will be only as good as the men who choose to visit me. I may roll in the money, or eek out a week on grapes.

This is our modern world, our enlightened society...and we continue to feed the archaic with our misfit leaders and their evangelical morals.

Kind of sums up why you come across so bitter.

10-14-2008, 06:16 PM
Is being an escort for a tranny just an easy way out??? Or is it in fact our best option for survival???

It's different for everyone. For me, it's worked well. But it wasn't all wine and roses and I freely admit on my story page (see website) escorting exposed me to drugs and unsavory characters.

Keep in mind I've escorted less than a year, we'll see if I'm still singin' the same tune next year...

honey i have been escorting since i was 19. i quit my normal job because i was making more as an escort, and that was even before the whole internet became a part of my life, then it just blew up even further.

I have seen the best and worst of what escorting has to offer.I have myself battled with drugs as well as shady characters. Its a very easy lifestylre to get sucked into, but i have noticed that a lot of the so called "girls" get sucked into the lifestyles as boys and then BECOME girls for the wrong reasons. BECAUSE OF the money, glamour, and independance it offers. Because of the BOYS, the LOOK, the CLUBS the DRUGS.

I've been toying with the thought of exiting this industry altogether. I have to admit i enjoy what i do very much, but i must also say that it changes the way i interract with people. I feel so wierd around crowds and im so aware of peoples eyes on me now more than ever. I also write a lot in my blog on my escort website (link below) People seem to really enjoy my writing voice. Im also thinking of writing a book

10-14-2008, 06:29 PM
that kinda made me feel like i'm going to school for nothing. yikes.

if you really thought that, your momentary lapse in sanity is forgiven

10-14-2008, 07:05 PM
Kind of sums up why you come across so bitter.

I said I was happier, not bitter, that's your read Mister.

10-14-2008, 10:55 PM
Kind of sums up why you come across so bitter.

I said I was happier, not bitter, that's your read Mister.

I am literate, so you didn't have to say it.

10-14-2008, 11:06 PM
Kind of sums up why you come across so bitter.

I said I was happier, not bitter, that's your read Mister.

I am literate, so you didn't have to say it.

Then comprehend, Einstein. And let me know how that one scores on the bitter-meter.

10-14-2008, 11:20 PM
Kind of sums up why you come across so bitter.

I said I was happier, not bitter, that's your read Mister.

I am literate, so you didn't have to say it.

Then comprehend, Einstein. And let me know how that one scores on the bitter-meter.

So let me explain to you "Einstein" what I was implying. I am literate and therefore can read also what you DIDN'T write. Thank you for exemplifying it even more. Good luck with that.

10-15-2008, 03:00 AM
I'd rather work for minimum wage my whole fucking life in order to make connections like that with people than EVER give up, shut down and be a whore.

Minimum wage? $4.00 to $7.50/hour depending on state.

You speak in perfect theory but reality would crumble your idealism. At that rate you work a 40-hour week and take home $200. Meanwhile there's $300 offered for 30 minutes getting your dick sucked. Now that's no-brainer territory.

You are talkin' trash from your cubicle. Now get back to work on that spread sheet.

I make a decent living on minimum wage in my PROVINCE. I clear over $1100 a month. That's rent, cable, TV, phone and food PLUS savings - working less than 40 hours a week. Plus, no having to have sex with strangers. I've been doing reasonably well for over a year now on minimum wage. No drugs, no worrying about STD's or getting ripped off/arrested - just going to work and making a life for myself.

I've met a lot of nice people who genuinely like me, and I've even made a few friends. Along the way I've helped show people that I'm just like them, not a freak or sex object. That's important to me.

I care more about dignity and self-respect than money. That's the difference between a human being and someone who chooses to be a whore.

10-15-2008, 03:11 AM
I'd rather work for minimum wage my whole fucking life in order to make connections like that with people than EVER give up, shut down and be a whore.

Minimum wage? $4.00 to $7.50/hour depending on state.

You speak in perfect theory but reality would crumble your idealism. At that rate you work a 40-hour week and take home $200. Meanwhile there's $300 offered for 30 minutes getting your dick sucked. Now that's no-brainer territory.

You are talkin' trash from your cubicle. Now get back to work on that spread sheet.

I make a decent living on minimum wage in my PROVINCE. I clear over $1100 a month. That's rent, cable, TV, phone and food PLUS savings - working less than 40 hours a week. Plus, no having to have sex with strangers.

I care more about dignity and self-respect than money. That's the difference between a human being and someone who chooses to be a whore.

thats not nice. Disagreeing with one's lifestyle is understandable but derragotory/judgmental remarks aren't the way to go. To each is own honey. Besides... who is anyone to say u are allowed to use your mind to provide a living for yourself, but not your body? I really don't get it. I'm not gonna get into the whole "it's the best option for trannies, being the level of supply and demand" thing because truth is WE ALL have talents or CAN do something besides sex work. But who wants to struggle when u dont have to? HONESTLY? And keep it real, most guys only see tgirls as sexual objects ANYHOW so y NOT profit off it? A great time,. for great pay... hey, can u ask for a better job?

10-15-2008, 03:25 AM
might be a little naive of me say this, but I find that in england it pays to be different, you often see ppl get promoted quicker because our equal opportunity laws are so strict companies want to cover their backs.

So move to sunny England hehe

10-15-2008, 03:29 AM

10-15-2008, 04:36 AM
I've been a ho.

But I gotta say that I much prefer working a regular mainstream 9 - 5 job.

Actually, in my current job, I often will work more than 9 - 5, as I am
often on-call.

But even with the long days, I must say that I love my career. I love the
work that I do, and I am compensated quite well financially for it.

For me, 'ho-ing' was a means to an end, not the end itself.

Many of you have read how I felt about my transition and GRS. As such
I did every and everything, legal and illegal, to get myself on the
operating table.

However, at the same time I knew that if the Lord was willing, that I would
be the middle-aged woman that I am now.

I knew that I didn't want to be a middle aged woman with no marketable
skills, catching cases - legal or STD, and still sucking and fucking
strangers into my 40s, 50s, 60s,......, even if I did have a pussy.

Thus, even while I was 'ho-ing', I held regular jobs, matriculated and got

For me, it was the right path.

Your mileage may vary.

10-15-2008, 04:48 AM
I tend to agree there are a lot of trans people who blame everything that has ever been wrong & bad in their life on their trans status.

Like that's what I was saying- NOT.

I guess you didn't read the rest of that post where I showed with evidence how right you were.

I'll repeat it:

When the Bush Admin forced the SSA to run around outting girls in stealth to their employers with gender no-match letters, you saw girls getting fired left & right in mainstream employment, girls who had been at their jobs for anything ranging from days- to years, without any problems until this letter magically appeared out of the blue.

It is easy to show that job discrimination is very real with trans girls, and this is best shown with all the girls who employers are perfectly happy to employ... until they get outted (in this case, by President Bush).

Simply put:

If the girl in stealth is a "model employee" that every employer wants to have- and suddenly fires her the moment an SSA gender-no match letter appears in the mail, then its a clear cut indisputable case of job discrimination. That termination(s) simply would never have occurred otherwise.

Make sense?

10-15-2008, 04:51 AM

An interesting link considering that Lyn Conway herself is living proof that trans job discrimination happens even in fortune400 companies.

She was promptly fired by IBM when she came out there IIRC.

10-15-2008, 02:17 PM
I make a decent living on minimum wage in my PROVINCE. I clear over $1100 a month.

What great and noble acts are you performing that have raised you to the level of sainthood? At $1100 a month? I'll have a large fries and a double cheeseburger hold the pickle, oh wait, scratch that, you're not a whore you don't hold pickles...

No drugs, no worrying about STD's or getting ripped off/arrested - just going to work and making a life for myself.

Oh right, whores aren't real people, we don't make "a life" for ourselves. What an arrogant and pompous attitude. I'm drug-free, STD-free and a perfect record zero arrests. Gee, I guess that busts your theory. Now tell us what wonderful relationships you're cultivating at the drive-thru that escorts cannot in our own lives?

I care more about dignity and self-respect than money. That's the difference between a human being and someone who chooses to be a whore.

Because as we all know working at Wendy's you don't just get the diet cokes, you also decide who is a valuable human being and who is not. Your self-righteous condemnation starts and ends with you. While you condemn us to Hell, many of us live good and productive lives. My day will be filled with a five-mile run, making homemade soup for my family, going to group therapy, having dinner with my mom and showing her my new female drivers license....almost sounds human.

You espouse your lowly position and menial income as virtuous when quite frankly, you haven't shown any humanity or explained what it is you do and why your life is any better than an escort.

10-15-2008, 02:22 PM
Kind of sums up why you come across so bitter.

I said I was happier, not bitter, that's your read Mister.

I am literate, so you didn't have to say it.

Then comprehend, Einstein. And let me know how that one scores on the bitter-meter.

So let me explain to you "Einstein" what I was implying. I am literate and therefore can read also what you DIDN'T write. Thank you for exemplifying it even more. Good luck with that.

I've exemplified one thing here- that I think you're a douchebag.

10-15-2008, 09:11 PM
Kind of sums up why you come across so bitter.

I said I was happier, not bitter, that's your read Mister.

I am literate, so you didn't have to say it.

Then comprehend, Einstein. And let me know how that one scores on the bitter-meter.

So let me explain to you "Einstein" what I was implying. I am literate and therefore can read also what you DIDN'T write. Thank you for exemplifying it even more. Good luck with that.

I've exemplified one thing here- that I think you're a douchebag.

Gotta say, that really holds a lot of merit coming from a bitter whore. After your original posting of a pathetic attempt to receive approval, and your continual contemptuous attitude, you attempt to reproach me? I am done with you. Have a great time handing out coupons for that discount ass on the Jersey Shore.

10-15-2008, 10:31 PM
Gotta say, that really holds a lot of merit coming from a bitter whore. After your original posting of a pathetic attempt to receive approval, and your continual contemptuous attitude, you attempt to reproach me? I am done with you. Have a great time handing out coupons for that discount ass on the Jersey Shore.

LOL this coming from Mr. trannybanger LOL

10-16-2008, 03:36 AM
Kind of sums up why you come across so bitter.

I said I was happier, not bitter, that's your read Mister.

I am literate, so you didn't have to say it.

Then comprehend, Einstein. And let me know how that one scores on the bitter-meter.

So let me explain to you "Einstein" what I was implying. I am literate and therefore can read also what you DIDN'T write. Thank you for exemplifying it even more. Good luck with that.

I've exemplified one thing here- that I think you're a douchebag.

Gotta say, that really holds a lot of merit coming from a bitter whore. After your original posting of a pathetic attempt to receive approval, and your continual contemptuous attitude, you attempt to reproach me? I am done with you. Have a great time handing out coupons for that discount ass on the Jersey Shore.

I think that's just about enough out of your fuck hole. You need to shut the fuck up and go away. "Trannybanger"...the only thing you can do is verbally abuse people, there isn't a TS Lady in the world that would fuck your mangy ass.

10-16-2008, 03:52 PM
Kind of sums up why you come across so bitter.

I said I was happier, not bitter, that's your read Mister.

I am literate, so you didn't have to say it.

Then comprehend, Einstein. And let me know how that one scores on the bitter-meter.

So let me explain to you "Einstein" what I was implying. I am literate and therefore can read also what you DIDN'T write. Thank you for exemplifying it even more. Good luck with that.

I've exemplified one thing here- that I think you're a douchebag.

Gotta say, that really holds a lot of merit coming from a bitter whore. After your original posting of a pathetic attempt to receive approval, and your continual contemptuous attitude, you attempt to reproach me? I am done with you. Have a great time handing out coupons for that discount ass on the Jersey Shore.

I think that's just about enough out of your fuck hole. You need to shut the fuck up and go away. "Trannybanger"...the only thing you can do is verbally abuse people, there isn't a TS Lady in the world that would fuck your mangy ass.

Thanks, Vette, for defending me.

Look at his name Trannybanger, LOL, and he speaks about merit and contempt..LOL!!! He could choose any name in the universe and he selects trannybanger. Did I say douchebag? I meant dickhead.

10-16-2008, 04:53 PM
At least you're not bitter...

10-16-2008, 08:45 PM
I think that's just about enough out of your fuck hole. You need to shut the fuck up and go away. "Trannybanger"...the only thing you can do is verbally abuse people, there isn't a TS Lady in the world that would fuck your mangy ass.

Are you serious "DUDE"? If you or this bitter whore really want to crack on my name, go for it. But you do realize this is a porn board on the internet, a sense of humor has to be reserved for this sort of thing. Listen internet toughguy, if you want to try and be a badass save-a-ho to get some brownie points the least you could do is pic someone hot.

Who have I verbally abused? All I did was say it was clear why she was so bitter. She exemplified it more. That's it. You don't know me or anything about me, but make your assumptions, its obvious that the air is pretty thin over there. I have been here for some years now, and won't be going anywhere anytime soon, so you can just back the fuck up with your panty ass shit, or better yet, just wrap your ass in fiberglass. Idiot.

10-16-2008, 10:29 PM
I think that's just about enough out of your fuck hole. You need to shut the fuck up and go away. "Trannybanger"...the only thing you can do is verbally abuse people, there isn't a TS Lady in the world that would fuck your mangy ass.

Are you serious "DUDE"? If you or this bitter whore really want to crack on my name, go for it. But you do realize this is a porn board on the internet, a sense of humor has to be reserved for this sort of thing. Listen internet toughguy, if you want to try and be a badass save-a-ho to get some brownie points the least you could do is pic someone hot.

Who have I verbally abused? All I did was say it was clear why she was so bitter. She exemplified it more. That's it. You don't know me or anything about me, but make your assumptions, its obvious that the air is pretty thin over there. I have been here for some years now, and won't be going anywhere anytime soon, so you can just back the fuck up with your panty ass shit, or better yet, just wrap your ass in fiberglass. Idiot.

You are abusive and I request you stay off my threads. Replying will show all what kind of man you are. Are you man enough to walk away?

10-17-2008, 02:00 AM
I think that's just about enough out of your fuck hole. You need to shut the fuck up and go away. "Trannybanger"...the only thing you can do is verbally abuse people, there isn't a TS Lady in the world that would fuck your mangy ass.

Are you serious "DUDE"? If you or this bitter whore really want to crack on my name, go for it. But you do realize this is a porn board on the internet, a sense of humor has to be reserved for this sort of thing. Listen internet toughguy, if you want to try and be a badass save-a-ho to get some brownie points the least you could do is pic someone hot.

Who have I verbally abused? All I did was say it was clear why she was so bitter. She exemplified it more. That's it. You don't know me or anything about me, but make your assumptions, its obvious that the air is pretty thin over there. I have been here for some years now, and won't be going anywhere anytime soon, so you can just back the fuck up with your panty ass shit, or better yet, just wrap your ass in fiberglass. Idiot.

I suggest you comply with Melissas request, if you desire to continue your access to this board. Your abusive comments are uneccessary and unwanted. Don't be a dick...please.