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10-12-2008, 06:20 PM

what's up now motherfucker?
Were you known as the retarded kid who got beat up alot in school?

Guess what... you're still dumb.

10-12-2008, 08:07 PM
You think the "Alberta Reappraising AIDS Society" is the best source for this? I think its scary just how old some of those quotes were.

10-12-2008, 10:56 PM
Again? You're pulling ths bullshit again? Really? Christ in a bathtub. Personally I'm amused that you singled out vietboy. I really think you have the hots for him, in a creepy Single White Female sort of way. You know, first you move in with him, then you become friends with all of his friends, then you cut your hair to look exactly like him.

Anyway back on topic nothing has changed here, your facts aren't facts, your arguments are pissy and misdirected and you are still a foolish little cunt.

10-12-2008, 11:10 PM
You think the "Alberta Reappraising AIDS Society" is the best source for this? I think its scary just how old some of those quotes were.
And where is your "prove" that hiv does NOT cause aids?

Worthy2, if you believe that or not doesnt really matter. What matters is your insulting tone.

10-12-2008, 11:14 PM
With all due respect to everyone-
I think Worthy is probably trying to just share a different point of view- but maybe presenting it wrong. This is no way supporting fighting or attacks-

On many occasions before I have discussed and brought up the
AIDS dissident movement, because I believe that medicine is not an absolute science and it is important that everything be debated and looks at.

As a sex worker, I have made sure to educate myself as much as possible on all stds. So I have spent a lot of time reading up on the matter and I believe it's best to be informed. I've discussed the issues with several doctors as well as read up alot on line.

Usually, the point of views of doctors and scientist who do not believe thast HIV causes AIDS are not heard, and I for one believe that everything should be heard and examines before you make up your mind.

Everyone should understand that the HIV=AIDS hypothesis, is just a hypothesis, as is the HIV does not =AIDS.

HIV is believed to be the PROBABLE cause of AIDS and some believe it is not.

I think it's wrong to say HIV does not cause AIDS or vice versa because there is alot about the HIV=AIDS (And vice versa) theories that we may not know or understand.

Since HIV is known to be the probable cause of AIDS by the medical status quo, one should, in my opinion always look at every angle of the picture.

Medince and doctors and research are wrong many times- let's not forget that. So let's be educated people when it comes to our health and sexual health.

But why can't these subjects be debated properly instead of trying to cram down your beliefs down everyone's throats.

Just my two cents.

10-13-2008, 01:46 AM
Says the dumbass who can barely type in legible English.

10-13-2008, 01:51 AM
You think the "Alberta Reappraising AIDS Society" is the best source for this? I think its scary just how old some of those quotes were.
And where is your "prove" that hiv does NOT cause aids?

Worthy2, if you believe that or not doesnt really matter. What matters is your insulting tone.

I'm not making a case in either direction, go re-read my post. Where did I say anything about what causes aids? (i'll make it simple for you: I didn't).

All I am saying is it doesn't look like a strong source, and some of the quotes listed are down right ancient. Trusting a quote from 1989 for instance in defining anything relating to AIDs or HIV is like using the blue prints to a steam engine to make a super computer.

Did you go and take a look at the list of "thousands of professionals" on that site who "rethink AIDs causation"? A good chunk of them aren't even in related fields.

Sure, I am gonna take a nutritionist's word on what causes aids... if we're not to trust pharmaceutical companies because of their vested interest, why the hell should we trust snake oil salesmen peddling multivitamins? That logic works both ways you know, and that's one of my problems with the source given.

The reason why I didn't argue what causes aids one way or another is because its not something I have researched, I'd be receptive to strong evidence against it- provided you're using real evidence. This website just doesn't cut it to me, and that's what I said.

If you find that offensive, sorry but its my view of the site- I never attacked or insulted anyone here, and am not about to now.

10-13-2008, 07:48 PM
You have zero knowledge of the site

The site itself has the information I used, it tells you when and where the quotes are from, it even tells you who a lot of the "dissenters" are and what fields they're in- and that's where I got that information.

The whole site reeks of stuff that sent red flags up in my mind. For a medical site why are most of the quotes not cited properly? Some don't even say who the author of the quote was (what could they be hiding by doing that? Could it be that they know many of these quotes originate from outside the field?).

It doesn't take a medical professional to see that the site has major credibility problems.

so there no need for your meaningless opinion of it.

If my opinion on this is meaningless, then why are you even responding to me about it?

Only a jackass would make a comment like that. If you have no knowledge of the site or gary null then why would try and give a cheap shot.

Why? I'll explain why.

At the moment, the medical community largely and overwhelmingly tells HIV and AIDs patients to take certain prescriptions, stating that these drugs are life saving and will keep them alive.

If you're going to dispute ANYTHING that is supposed to be life saving, you need to use real evidence to do it- not just a collection of poorly or uncited mass media quotes from the early 1990's.

My commentary is about as logical as bashing the pharmaceutical industry for their HIV/AIDS prescription profits.

BTW who said I was referring to Gnull specifically? Go read the dissenter list they have, there are numerous nutritionists on the list... along with several individuals who aren't even in HIV/AIDs related fields altogether.

Surely if profiteering disqualifies the word of one individual or group, it should disqualify the word of all who would be profiting out of aids/hiv related ideologies.

We must remember that the herbal & vitamin industry is not only its own multibillion dollar empire, but its an entirely unregulated one. Snakesoil? You bet a lot of it qualifies as snakes oil in my book. Its no better or worse than the patent drug companies of the 30s. Sure, a few of their offerings are legit... but many aren't. And some are down right dangerous.

10-14-2008, 03:25 AM
Life saving drugs? Was that meant as a punchline because all I see is people dead. So there is your proof right there they dont work. Lets take 100 full blown aids patients to try holisitc and modern medicines protocols and you will see who gets better results.

Lots of drugs kill people due to complications, allergic reactions, and other problems.

Lots of people die for other reasons then blame the drugs for it, that's why there are lawyers that run TV ads saying "do you know anyone who has taken ___? Have they had a heart attack? If so call us the law practice of __" Usually they never even investigate to see how many people in those class action suits even had legitimate claims, and a lot of times if they do investigate, it would be hard to prove.

I would be all for a study like you describe, but it would have to be a pretty long study just to see what the long term differences would be. It would be easy to design a test to get a predetermined outcome in the short term. For instance if I were doing a study and only picked healthy people with HIV (or aids for that matter) I'm sure they'd fair better then if my study group were a bunch of starving poor from Africa, drug addicts, etc. Usually people hear more about the conclusions of a study, and not relevant details regarding how it was carried out (that's where scientific spin comes in).

10-14-2008, 04:26 AM

what's up now motherfucker?

vietboy is an uneducated, scared,lonely pseudo-intellectual wanna be chinese boy. a pathetic excuse for a live human being. pwning his sorry ass isnt much of an accomplishement, but seeing that turd wiped across the boards does amuse me, yet again
if it hasnt happened yet, bravebeeotch will be washing viet "IWISHIWASCHINESE"boys balls and running to protect the only donkey who agrees with him ( or even replies to him)

10-14-2008, 05:29 AM
who cares if it A causes B?
how bout avoiding both by wrapping it up

10-14-2008, 09:28 PM
vietboy is an uneducated, scared,lonely pseudo-intellectual wanna be chinese boy. a pathetic excuse for a live human being. pwning his sorry ass isnt much of an accomplishement, but seeing that turd wiped across the boards does amuse me, yet again
if it hasnt happened yet, bravebeeotch will be washing viet "IWISHIWASCHINESE"boys balls and running to protect the only donkey who agrees with him ( or even replies to him)

Now, now TgirlCumDrinker. Leave me out of this. And you know, between the two of us, you are the one here who washes tgirl gonads...with his mouth. Now be a good boy and go drain the nearest cock of its semen.

is that supposed to be a putdown? a guy who sucks tgirl cocks on a tgirl messege board? so youre advertising to all the tgirls on here you DONT SUCK thier cocks? nice job, moron. No wonder they arent lining up to go out with you, loser. Go suck viet:iwishiwaschinese;boys tiny lil peepee after you wash his balls, im sure you can handle his lil load lol. beeotch