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View Full Version : The Ultimate Luxury......................

10-12-2008, 12:29 AM
I was on the phone with a friend of mine and she referred to seeing a TS or GG escort as the "ultimate" luxury. While I agree (to an extent) I wanted to know what other forum members thought. She stated that with the collapse of the financial state currently that chicks escorting will (well some of them) need to [adjust] their fees accordingly.

What's your thoughts?

10-12-2008, 12:41 AM
I'm not sure how things are in the US but in Holland I'm pretty sure the prices will stay the same. I can live with that since the financial crisis didn't really hurt me.

10-12-2008, 03:09 AM
I live in the UK and i have not seen any massive changes, in fact if you’re in the north petrol and food prices have gone down, my shopping is cheaper than it was last year for sure!

Although agricultural thefts are on the rise, i saw two kids running from a farmer with a bag of veg and two rabbits the other day, the farmer was too fat to catch them and could only use his car to keep up, it was really funny to watch.

10-12-2008, 03:30 AM
No money = No money.

I'm sure, at some point, that there will be some sort of adjustment with some of the gurls, but not all. Smart, rich people are still rich, so the gurls that have comfortably wealthy regulars may not feel the pinch. The others may have to weigh revenues vs. rent and change rates and habits accordingly.

Gas is down to $2.88 here, but people have been losing jobs as well (I'm in a banking sector of the country). Some priorities trump others.

I window shop a lot on Eros, but I have debts and bills to pay and my last couple of years have not been golden, to say the least. Comparatively, I expect to come out of the current shitpile of economic devastation holding a bunch of roses. Whether or not I am able to share them with the gurls is a matter of foresight that I have yet to exercise.

10-12-2008, 04:26 AM
Prices are sticky downwards.

10-12-2008, 04:30 AM
She stated that with the collapse of the financial state currently that chicks escorting will (well some of them) need to [adjust] their fees accordingly.

So, how much is she dropping her fees by? Or does she just mean everyone else will have to?

10-12-2008, 04:33 AM
Does this also mean the tranny clubs will stop charging $9 for a bottle of beer and $15 for a LI Iced Tea? (since you can get both of those for about 40% less at most local bars). Because if a guy still has to drop $150 on admission, drinks, etc. before he takes a girl out the door, her price adjustment is going to have be rather sizable to effect the cost of the whole night out.

10-12-2008, 05:07 AM
I don't think a girl wants to hear my sob story about getting my ass ripped apart in the market. She's got all her shit to pay for and that doesn't go away.
When times were good, I wasn't paying more and I don't expect to pay less now that every fucking stock looks like its going to zero

but if any girls out there have a depression special, I'm all ears

Quiet Reflections
10-12-2008, 08:52 AM
a luxury but not the ultimate luxury. check out ballerhouse.com if you want to see the ultimates

10-12-2008, 09:06 AM
I see what is meant by the statement. If money is tight luxury items become less attractive to buy and escorts fit in the luxury category. If less people can afford them then prices will tend to go down.

10-12-2008, 01:08 PM
Or girls will go out of the business, diminishing supply and keeping prices equal. Do people think there's a better chance of the price of a Corvette ZR-1 dropping to $50,000 or GM going out of business?

If the average girl on CL could only get dates at $30, would she just do a whole lot of dates or stop fucking guys for money?

10-12-2008, 01:26 PM
Or girls will go out of the business, diminishing supply and keeping prices equal. Do people think there's a better chance of the price of a Corvette ZR-1 dropping to $50,000 or GM going out of business?

Please. GM isn't going anywhere because it's going to keep whining to the government for corporate subsidies.

10-12-2008, 01:51 PM
And ZR-1's aren't going down to $50,000 either, are they? So who's point got proven?

10-12-2008, 03:01 PM
I saw this coming in July when fuel prices were sky-high, and lowered my rates then. Not by much, but enough to keep me in line with the more expensive girls in my state. Up to that point my rates were higher than any TS in NJ. Not because I thought I was more valuable, simply because that's what I wanted to spend a private hour in a room with a stranger and all the risks involved.

I never lowered my rates because I felt an experience with me was worth less, it was simply to accomodate those with less "play money", those fringe clients who may or may not be playing depending on the market.

The economic crunch is a result of this fucked-up administration wasting our money when it could have been used to stimulate economic growth. I should send Bush & Cheney a bill for fucking me the past four years.