View Full Version : 100 miles in 4 days hike

10-09-2008, 05:20 PM
I just started training for a 100 mile hike. I will be doing 25 miles per day for 4 days with a 70lb backpack

I've done something like this a cpl of time's while I was in the military. (Bataan Death March )

The Longest I have hiked is 42 miles in 10 1/2 hours in Germany

I have till april to get in shape... :fc

10-09-2008, 05:23 PM
What's it for?

10-09-2008, 05:25 PM
Awesome! And good luck! Really, I used to hike the AT a lot (never through-hiked, though it's still one of my dreams), and pushing more than 20 a day hurts for a baby like me, ha.

Where's this hike going to be?

10-09-2008, 05:27 PM
The Longest I have hiked is 42 miles in 10 1/2 hours in Germany

... also, holy shit! That's impressive.

10-09-2008, 05:31 PM
What's it for?

Just for me, and challange of it... You wanna go with me

edit.... Also to get in shape and lose weight

10-09-2008, 05:32 PM
The Longest I have hiked is 42 miles in 10 1/2 hours in Germany

... also, holy shit! That's impressive.

yeah I was fresh out of basic training, I ran the first 10miles

10-09-2008, 05:33 PM
Awesome! And good luck! Really, I used to hike the AT a lot (never through-hiked, though it's still one of my dreams), and pushing more than 20 a day hurts for a baby like me, ha.

Where's this hike going to be?

Wisconsin country side (Stevens Point)

10-09-2008, 05:34 PM
What's it for?

I have been sending you texts and IM... :(

10-09-2008, 05:43 PM
Just got the one sweetie.

Was at work and couldn't reply

I'll have to come back up and hang soon or visa versa

10-09-2008, 05:55 PM
that sounds like a lot of fun i wish i could go with ya!

10-09-2008, 06:12 PM
Awesome! And good luck! Really, I used to hike the AT a lot (never through-hiked, though it's still one of my dreams), and pushing more than 20 a day hurts for a baby like me, ha.

Where's this hike going to be?

Wisconsin country side (Stevens Point)

beautiful up there, take lots of pics on your rest stops ;)

10-09-2008, 06:44 PM
sounds like a lot of fun

10-10-2008, 03:30 AM
1 mile every 15 mins is a good pace off road hiking

10-10-2008, 03:58 AM
Not too familiar with Stevens Point area but I mostly grew up on a 170 acre farm in rural Crawford county and then LaCrosse, so pretty familiar with those areas. Sounds like a nice outdoors weekend.

10-10-2008, 05:17 PM
Ouch, can't imagine doing that kind of push. I always thought 20 miles was a good push for most folks on foot in a day, 40+ is scary.

Wisconsin is very pretty sometimes, though April is a bit early, still kinda cold and wet... lots of fog at night that time of year, would be afraid of catching a chill. Did that mountain climbing in upstate new york once... sucked.

My weak knee twinges for ya... good luck on getting into shape, keep us updated. You seem in fair shape from the photos... do you really need to lose much weight?


10-11-2008, 03:33 AM
Ouch, can't imagine doing that kind of push. I always thought 20 miles was a good push for most folks on foot in a day, 40+ is scary.

Wisconsin is very pretty sometimes, though April is a bit early, still kinda cold and wet... lots of fog at night that time of year, would be afraid of catching a chill. Did that mountain climbing in upstate new york once... sucked.

My weak knee twinges for ya... good luck on getting into shape, keep us updated. You seem in fair shape from the photos... do you really need to lose much weight?


My goal is to lose 30lbs. .

I did run over 4miles today. Very sore and in bed (naked) alone :(

10-11-2008, 03:38 AM
I'd love to give you a nice massage to relax those aching muscles. I have nice strong hands. Oh yeah, I have a couple of tattoos. No Harley though, sorry.

10-11-2008, 04:13 AM
I did the Nijmegen competition, 2 yrs in a row in, when I was in Germany....It's the same type of march, as a team, up and down the hills in Holland...lots of motrin and moleskin.

10-11-2008, 04:25 AM
I'd love to give you a nice massage to relax those aching muscles. I have nice strong hands. Oh yeah, I have a couple of tattoos. No Harley though, sorry.

Aww that would feel so good

You should get a bike. I love going for rides on Harleys, holding unto a guys waist, reaching around grabbing his cock , kissing his neck, my breasts pressed against his back and on a vibrating bike. Makes for some wild sex afterwards.

Harleys with monkey bars are sweet looking

10-11-2008, 02:58 PM
What's it for?

Just for me, and challange of it... You wanna go with me

edit.... Also to get in shape and lose weight

My goal is to lose 30lbs. .

Wouldn't be a lot more convenient if you wud just go to ur local golds gym? (considering the goal you've set for yourself: lose weight)? Or is going to a gym a no no for a tg (just curious)? I think it would be a lot easier and faster to shred some of that fat w/ the equipment they got @ those gyms.

10-11-2008, 05:26 PM
What's it for?

Just for me, and challange of it... You wanna go with me

edit.... Also to get in shape and lose weight

My goal is to lose 30lbs. .

Wouldn't be a lot more convenient if you wud just go to ur local golds gym? (considering the goal you've set for yourself: lose weight)? Or is going to a gym a no no for a tg (just curious)? I think it would be a lot easier and faster to shred some of that fat w/ the equipment they got @ those gyms.

Yeah no shit, but im going to gym to lose weight as well. Im also getting in shape to complete the hike... They tie into each other Its called a goal

I go to a straight gym and they know im a tranny :peanutbutter

I got it like that and dont get fucked with and I dont pass

I just ran 4 1/2 miles yesterday ( :claps

10-11-2008, 08:42 PM
What's it for?

Just for me, and challange of it... You wanna go with me

edit.... Also to get in shape and lose weight

My goal is to lose 30lbs. .

Wouldn't be a lot more convenient if you wud just go to ur local golds gym? (considering the goal you've set for yourself: lose weight)? Or is going to a gym a no no for a tg (just curious)? I think it would be a lot easier and faster to shred some of that fat w/ the equipment they got @ those gyms.

Yeah no shit, but im going to gym to lose weight as well. Im also getting in shape to complete the hike... They tie into each other Its called a goal

I go to a straight gym and they know im a tranny :peanutbutter

I got it like that and dont get fucked with and I dont pass

I didn't even know, that their are specific non-straight gyms (.... said somebody, who lives a couple of months a year in nyc) :oops: :what :lol: How did they find out in ur gym that ur a tg? What happened? , like, did some kid/ meat head at your gym asked you bout your sex?, or do you purposely wear gym shorts, that are actually too short for ya but lets people take a peek if your bench pressing? Again, just curious :lol: :wink: Anyways, good look with ur goal, miss!