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View Full Version : White folks who try it(another rant of mine)

Solitary Brother
10-09-2008, 05:21 AM
Have any of you gotten negative feedback/hateration(Sexy Jade term credit noted) from white people you work with or come in contact with about Obama?
What I mean is comments about him being killed?
Im sensing some bitterness out there by SOME(not all thank god) tired ass white folk and they are really starting to try it.
I KEEP getting comments and a tone that makes me think these people want him to get killed.
Whats fucked up is I cant say anything at work back because it could be deemed making a threat and I would be fired.
Im not the most liberal black guy in the world I am a former republican turned independent but some of these comments i keep getting and all this media HATERATION on Obama is sickening.
As a black american I am VERY proud of Barrack Obama but more than that all RACES AND CREEDS should embrace this man because his is not an idiot like the guy in there now!

Im just wondering how you all feel about this.

10-09-2008, 05:34 AM
Well, I'm a white guy who will be voting for Obama, and I know white people on both sides. I know folks who like Obama so much they aren't even willing to accept the possibility that he might very well lose, and I know folks who think voting for Obama is basically the same as voting for Osama Bin Laden.

While there are white people who might want to kill him if he gets elected, I think they recognize that killing him would be a bad move politically. They'll get their revenge in the midterm elections in 2010. Everyone with a "D" after their name will get swept out of office just like in 1994.

But personally, even though I'm voting for Obama, I think McCain will be the next president. The Democrats are counting on winning Ohio and Florida, and history has proven that the Democrats won't get those electoral votes even if they win the popular vote; the GOP will just finesse the numbers until McCain comes out on top.

10-09-2008, 05:54 AM
This is funny. Let me say first if you are offended by what I'm about to say, I'm sorry.

Here we go:
I find it funny that people say white people voting against a black/female(back when hilary was in the mix) candidate. I find it funny because the people saying this are in fact racist because they are also drawing a distinction between race/sex/creed/whathaveyou.

You ever meet some guy that says "I'm not racist, I have a black friend."
Does that mean I'm not racist if I like black/asian/hispanic shemales?
I just thought someone else might think this is funny.

10-09-2008, 06:02 AM
Ummm.... I think you mean Al-Jazeera, and that's a news organization in the Middle East. Al-Qaeda is the terrorist group. To my knowledge Al-Qaeda hasn't endorsed a candidate.

10-09-2008, 06:02 AM
This is funny. Let me say first if you are offended by what I'm about to say, I'm sorry.

Here we go:
I find it funny that people say white people voting against a black/female(back when hilary was in the mix) candidate. I find it funny because the people saying this are in fact racist because they are also drawing a distinction between race/sex/creed/whathaveyou.

Also I'm voting for McCain because I find it weird to vote for a candidate that Al-Jasir (the terrorist group) publicly supports. Well thats my opinion, doesn't mean I'm right but I just wanted to throw it out there.

You ever meet some guy that says "I'm not racist, I have a black friend."
Does that mean I'm not racist if I like black/asian/hispanic shemales?
I just thought someone else might think this is funny.so the reason you are voting for Mccain is simply cuz al jazeer is supporting Obama. Seriously, do us all a favor and simply don't vote. You, obviously don't care that Mccain will continue the same policies as Bush and don't care if more people in this nation suffer economically. If al jazeer says it then that's enough to make your decision. VERY SAD!!

10-09-2008, 06:05 AM

in my group of friends, Im usually the one saying somethings gonna happen. But then again, I think if things can go wrong, they usually do.
Chances are, it wont be a KKK, confederate flag waving fanatic thatll do something. It'll be someone you wont expect.

10-09-2008, 06:09 AM

in my group of friends, Im usually the one saying somethings gonna happen. But then again, I think if things can go wrong, they usually do.
Chances are, it wont be a KKK, confederate flag waving fanatic thatll do something. It'll be someone you wont expect.

I hope not. We don't need another martyr.

The Secret Service will have him locked up tighter than a drum, IMO.

10-09-2008, 06:19 AM
Have any of you gotten negative feedback/hateration(Sexy Jade term credit noted) from white people you work with or come in contact with about Obama?
What I mean is comments about him being killed?
Im sensing some bitterness out there by SOME(not all thank god) tired ass white folk and they are really starting to try it.
I KEEP getting comments and a tone that makes me think these people want him to get killed.
Whats fucked up is I cant say anything at work back because it could be deemed making a threat and I would be fired.
Im not the most liberal black guy in the world I am a former republican turned independent but some of these comments i keep getting and all this media HATERATION on Obama is sickening.
As a black american I am VERY proud of Barrack Obama but more than that all RACES AND CREEDS should embrace this man because his is not an idiot like the guy in there now!

Im just wondering how you all feel about this.

I don't like how you are using them phrase "white folk" why not just use crazy ass right wing mccain supporters because god knows mccain doesn't have any crazy ass black right wing supporters***cough****larry elder***cough****micheal steele.

10-09-2008, 06:49 AM
Hilary didn't conceived or even acknowledge that we should focus on the general election it just seemed like the same rhetoric.

(Guffaw!!!) ... You can't make this stuff up. You just can't. Oh my god. LOL!!!


Whomever gets elected hopefully they are strong on border control.

Go to following thread:


In case there is one -- ONE -- person in this forum who by now hasn't witnessed Legend's stupidity, ignorance, cowardice, utter hypocrisy, and bigotry on a consistent basis, here is how he responded to me back on June 3td after I laughed at the fact that he didn't know the difference between "conceived" and "CONCEDE".

Legend claimed that his bigotry was part of the discussion at the time. He is actually so stupid, to think that posters in here don't have the ability to scroll back and see for themselves that race or border control was not an issue at the time with me or with anyone when he responded with that image and his idiotic comment. Race or ethnicity was not part of the discussion at the time, and yet he somehow introduced it in the worst way possible -- he explicitly implied I was a wetback by marrying my quote with the following picture.

It is rich, if not outright pathetic witnessing this forum's village idiot try to inject his views, or criticize anyone, about race, sycophancy, or ignorance to anyone on any level.

Solitary Brother
10-09-2008, 06:59 AM
Please listen again...CLOSELY.
I dont care if you vote for McCain or the devil himself.
What I was saying is SOME shady white folk who make comments and then sort of have an evil laugh at the notion of Obama being killed.
Thats what I said.

Its funny because SOME(not all thank god) white folks would rather sink with the ship than see a black man succeed and help there sorry ass.
People are REALLY suffering under Bush and McCain would be more of the same.
The fact that some white people find the notion of Obama being killed titillating and SPEAKING it is what gets to me.

10-09-2008, 08:06 AM
I think it was John Stewart who said that Obama should have picked Bill Richardson as his VP. None of those racist extremists are gonna assassinate the first black president, if it would result in the first mexican president!

10-09-2008, 08:42 AM
Please listen again...CLOSELY.
I dont care if you vote for McCain or the devil himself.
What I was saying is SOME shady white folk who make comments and then sort of have an evil laugh at the notion of Obama being killed.
Thats what I said.

Its funny because SOME(not all thank god) white folks would rather sink with the ship than see a black man succeed and help there sorry ass.
People are REALLY suffering under Bush and McCain would be more of the same.
The fact that some white people find the notion of Obama being killed titillating and SPEAKING it is what gets to me.

You know people could support McCain and it doesn't necessarily make it a black/white issue. I have to be honest that the overall tone of your posts in this thread comes off to me as being racist. Imagine if I posted something like "Look at them black folk, some (not all thank God) look at me like they want to rob me and shit", lol you'd be up in arms.

If you don't want to be defined by the color of your skin then I suggest you stop doing that same exact thing to other people. Obama is a bright and articulate person, but I don't personally give a shit what "color" he is. Treat people as individuals, it's the first step in getting them to do the same for you.

10-09-2008, 09:05 AM
I'm sick of you people, saying that Blacks are only voting for Obama because he is Black. Black voted way over 90% in 2004 for John Kerry, who is White. What is it about that that you cannot understand. Republicans have not done much for Black in a very long time. Reagan had his "trickle down theory" of economics. You know what trickles down? Piss. In addition Blacks make up a higher percentage of the Armed Forces, and are dying in these wars that Republicans think of. Black females make up over half of the females in our Armed Services.

It may be none of the above for you, but one of the above will become president. One of the above's political party got us into war under a false pretext, saying it was for self defense and it was not. None of the above, people like you, say that it is ok to let them get away with murder, not just American lives, but innocent people in a country we claiming to be helping. But meanwhile we are trying to secure the rights their oil fields.

The other thing about the Republican party is that their philosophy has been to let big business do what ever they want to make profits. Meanwhile the those business sent our jobs overseas, and are constantly thinking of new ways to add penalties to their services which exploit those least able to pay their bills, the poor. A large percenatge of the money in my community is going out for penalties, not accumulating any goods, just going straight to the company coffers.

So you think that Black people are voting for Obama becuase he is Black? The real reason is: WE ARE TIRED OF SMELLING LIKE PISS!

10-09-2008, 09:13 AM
I'm voting for Obama and I'm a racist (according to mr haze and walker)

10-09-2008, 09:47 AM
Saying all black people vote strictly on race is pretty idiotic.

ted naves
10-09-2008, 10:27 AM
Well, the fact is, "black" is not a race. It's what country that you had derived from. Africa, Haiti, Cuba, Europe, and etc.

10-09-2008, 03:43 PM
Solitary Brother is absolutely right, I have heard several whites say Obama will get killed in office, and then chuckle. I'm a white guy who is voting for the Dems. How could I sleep at night knowing that I voted for someone that keeps the troops in harms way, ( more American men and women getting killed or mamed for life ). And for the people who don't vote for Obama because he's black, well he's only half black, he's also half white, and he's 100% American.

10-09-2008, 04:29 PM

10-09-2008, 05:30 PM
in response, to yodajazz, most infantry men are white and latino. While their blacks make up a large part of the armed forces, most have non-fighting MOS.

10-09-2008, 09:02 PM
I'm predicting a blowout for Obama. After McCain and Palin continously looking like loonies, only loonies will be voting for them.

Now what happens after Obama is in office is anybody's guess. But my next prediction will be that Obama will be a scapegoat. Nevermind we just spent 700 billion for Wall street to have spa treatments.

There won't be any assassination attempts except by the media.

10-09-2008, 09:12 PM
I turned to msnbc this afternoon and still see mccain and palin talking about obama telling the truth(truth about what) and still linking him to bill ayers people do not want to him that s****.Mccain is running one of the most dirtiest campains i've seen in a long time.

10-09-2008, 10:05 PM
i guess i heard wrong from the people in my unit about obama's foreign supporters. but who cares about wutever anyones policy is? the prez might have the most power a single person can have in the US, but he is not the overall authority. he can get shot down for anything if anyone else remembers grade school social science with the checks and balances system. everyone says bush was a bad president fails to realize that we could not go to war unless congress backed it, along with other follies the gov't has done in the recent years. thats my opinion, but u don't have to agree with it IN FACT, this IS a discussion board
one last thing to remember, no matter who becomes president, not even the majority of the US will like how his/her term goes, the only reason ppl say JFK jr. was great was because he didnt serve a whole term with more chances to disappoint the citizens like most presidents do

10-09-2008, 10:23 PM
ok last thing i wanted to say, if anyone is for taxing the richest americans more than they already do check this out really quick:

What percent of taxes does the top 1 percent pay and what percent of the income do they make?

The top 1 percent of all households got 18 percent of all personal income and paid nearly 28 percent of all federal taxes in 2005, according to the Congressional Budget Office. The top 1 percent now pay a significantly larger share of taxes than before President Bush's tax cuts, and also have a larger share of income.

here's where i got it

i was trying to find how much the top 2% pay but i couldn't find it, its usually mind blowing to me

now don't get me wrong, we could tax 'em more, but most ignorant ppl(like me sometimes) believe that the financial elite don't pay any taxes. if this is below you sry for bringing nothing new to the table, for everyone else... food for thought..?

10-09-2008, 11:03 PM
What I was saying is SOME shady white folk who make comments and then sort of have an evil laugh at the notion of Obama being killed.

This is a legitimate concern and has the Sekrit Service tied in knots. While a significant number of voters (By current polls) want to see this man ascend to the presidency, there are certainly a significant number of Americans (Or so they pretend) that want him as worm food.

Contrary to accepted norms, even the KKK has endorsed Obama. What the fuck is =THAT= about?

It's a given that this job (The presidency) is ripe for attracting lead (Jackson, Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, Teddy Rooselvelt, FDR, JFK, Ford, Reagan), but this round is especially elevated to the angers of the American people, politically, racially, and ideologically.

I'm sure that even the conspiracy theorists have devised a scenario that places Biden at the helm of the action. I know the man, and seriously doubt such a possibility, but I don't know the extent of the machinery behind such a thought.

10-10-2008, 02:22 AM
another obstacle about this election is how the outside world will see the US if Obama doesn't win. my teacher brought this up and it make you think, yeah maybe the US is racist if they don't vote for Obama which could lead to problems abroad if McCain wins

10-10-2008, 02:52 AM
Contrary to accepted norms, even the KKK has endorsed Obama. What the fuck is =THAT= about?

That's a no brainer, they know the whole election even if Obama loses, will cause a backlash that will swell their ranks (and as a result: their funding).

The Klan's plan is for all these "angry white people" hearing of Obama being with "blacks who were terrorists in the 70s" will help their recruiting. And that's assuming Obama loses, if he wins- then there's at least 4 years for that hatred to fester within those who are already ideologically close to these groups, but without affiliation.

To be honest, I think the Klan is right here- I have no doubts that some will, because of this election, take the step to joining the Klan OR other similar minded groups... I think, I hope this will be a relatively insignificant % of people, but even if its 1 in X00,000 - that's still plenty for a white supremacist world where membership has been on the decline since the 1970s. The Klan hasn't had the power, or membership that it's had in history, the old timers there certainly know how TINY these groups are compared to "the good old days" and they'd do anything they can think of to "bring the good old days back"

Do not by any means misunderstand the dangers of the situation here, the Klan is only one of hundreds (if not thousands) of these hate groups, and because it is the most well known- it is the only one people tend to know of, talk about, or think about. These groups are all equally dangerous per person, and we know that the conservative terrorist groups are very proficient at hiding their own when the system wants someone for a terrorist act. Remember some of the abortion doctor assassins successfully evaded law enforcement for quite a long time.

We know from history that in times of economic crisis, these hate groups explode in support & membership- if this economic crisis gets out of hand, it could easily become the perfect storm for race relations in America.

The hate groups themselves are not the only ones posing the danger, unaffiliated individuals can, and already are, posing individual threats against minorities. There is a case this year in PA not far from me where a group of teenage high school boys beat to death an Hispanic guy assuming he was an illegal (he was he legally and was engaged to a girl who is a US citizen, the guy was literally weeks away from citizenship because of the engagement, all it would have taken was being married). I kind of think if it were without the US citizen fiancee, no one would have given a shit that a small group of 15-18 year old high school students beat to death some factory worker (murder is no less wrong when the unarmed victim is an illegal).

10-10-2008, 03:45 AM
Contrary to accepted norms, even the KKK has endorsed Obama. What the fuck is =THAT= about?

That's a no brainer, they know the whole election even if Obama loses, will cause a backlash that will swell their ranks (and as a result: their funding).

The Klan's plan is for all these "angry white people" hearing of Obama being with "blacks who were terrorists in the 70s" will help their recruiting.

Bearded and Sarah, IMO you are two of the more informed and level-headed posters on HA, but please... some basic research will reveal that Obama was NOT endorsed by the KKK.



I don't deny that there is one of those stupid chain emails going around, but don't be mislead here- snopes is dropping the ball on this one.

The Klan, and other groups- really are using this election to help with recruiting. Don't believe me? Here's an article from Time magazine talking about the issue from Sept. 26: BTW the emphasis in bold is added by me, not TIME magazine.

The Klan will, however, have pamphlets and membership applications on hand for any audience members who happen to share the Klansmen's views. Some examples of those views: Obama's election "could be the destruction of America," says Greene, who states categorically that he would not vote for a black candidate. Says the Emperor of the Mississippi White Knights (the group's ritual leader), who asked not to be identified: "Locally, every place that has come under black rule has declined, and has declined sharply." He cited Jackson, Miss., and Washington, D.C., as examples. "Not all black people are particularly bad people," the emperor adds. But leadership, he asserts, "is just not in their character ... it's just not in their ability." The Obama campaign did not return requests for comment.

The quote is talking about the Klan's presence at a University that was to hear McCain speak.


EDIT/ADD- like I said, they see and know there will be a benefit here whether Obama wins or loses. Snopes may very well be right in that there has been no formal endorsement, but many of these groups are so tiny, fractured and independent that even if they did make an endorsement- we'd never know it. I don't buy that anyone was voting for Obama in the primaries out of some weird, perverted hate group party line of "anything being better than Hillary" but nonetheless there IS strong evidence that these groups are taking action to get support from those disenchanted by Obama or his alleged associates.

10-10-2008, 04:19 AM
I've heard MANY black people in the past 7 years speak out loud they wished to see Bush assassinated...hmmmmmmm...

A lot of people have. Maybe it's because of his administration's tendency to trample on the bill of rights... and not because of his skin color?

That's the whole difference. In theory, a hate crime is a hate crime only if its done BECAUSE of racist views, and not as a byproduct of something else (like defending civil liberties). The law traditionally cares about the thinking behind a crime to a point, hence why premeditated murder is different from accidentally killing someone while being criminally negligent.

10-10-2008, 04:35 AM
So what? All sorts of organizations are using this election to raise money and increase membership, it happens every four years. Yea, an Obama win may bolster membership by maybe 1000 or 2000 people, in the more than dozen or so different Klan groups around the country.... this is a nation of 300 million people. In other words, the Klan, Aryan Nations, and most other racist outfits are on the fringe and are destined to remain there.

I agree that they're on the fringe, but that doesn't mean they'll stay there absolutely.

Hate groups have been growing in certain European countries, and in the case of antisemitism, crime is actually increasing in countries like Russia, France, etc... not decreasing. Just because hate is going out of style in the here and now of America, does not mean that change is to last (although I hope it does).

However I agree it is unlikely that these groups will suddenly swell in size or power anytime on the visible horizon, so we pretty much agree there.

But the danger is more than just group membership statistics, and will be cold comfort for the victim of anyone who gets individually "inspired" who then goes out and murders someone based on hate doctrines. The group of teenage boys that beat a Hispanic to death in northern PA had no hate group affiliations, and their actions if going by the statistics, show a violence on the scale that exceeds that of some of these small klan chapters (many of which are insignificantly small and have not, in recent years, murdered anyone).

You didn't see Hispanics being suspected of being illegal and promptly getting beaten to death by high school students before the Republicans started going off about the "illegal alien problem" in the national political realm- I personally see a link here, not a cause and effect relationship, but more like a minor attributing/influencing factor- and this is what I fear the Obama backlash may lead to, even if it is rare isolated incidents, in the future.

Note I am not saying this means that Obama shouldn't have run for president. Perceived change always causes a backlash of -some- kind, but at the same time it would be false to assume that these groups will not benefit from this election process, especially when you have networks like Faux news trying to convince the masses that Obama is bed fellows with black terrorists of the 1970s (hmm, didn't that network also LIE and say that Obama was educated in his early childhood in a radical islamic religious school?).

The sad irony of the whole thing is that McCain lost the 2000 primaries largely because of racism on the part of the neo-cons.

10-10-2008, 04:40 AM
I've heard MANY black people in the past 7 years speak out loud they wished to see Bush assassinated...hmmmmmmm...

A lot of people have. Maybe it's because of his administration's tendency to trample on the bill of rights... and not because of his skin color?

you are right, the whole "kill his white ass" was probably taken out of context, :roll:

So you're saying that the litmus test for deciding whether a crime was racially motivated should rest on what slurs or insults were used during the act?

There are victims that would have been killed by a criminal(s) regardless what their skin color, orientation, or sex is.

Solitary Brother
10-10-2008, 05:27 AM
I've heard MANY black people in the past 7 years speak out loud they wished to see Bush assassinated...hmmmmmmm...

But its not because he is white that they would say this.
First of all it is ILLEGAL to advocate the asassination of a sitting president.
Blacks have been voting for white folks for years so CLEARLY those speaking as you said were not doing so because of his color.

Those who advocate killing Obama ARE doing so because of racism.

10-10-2008, 05:36 AM
does anyone know the origins of the clan?
i know a little, it was started just as a club for the South's veterans of the civil war. however, they started getting involved in the racial stuff later on, which caused some members to leave. one of the guys that left is the guy Forest Gump was named after, he left and started supporting the rights for minorities. Now they are full blow retard inbreds. it sucks though that that is one thing the south is know for. hopefully we dont get the new tag 'The Part of America that Killed the First Non-White President'

10-10-2008, 05:55 AM
Well, I'm a white guy who will be voting for Obama, and I know white people on both sides. I know folks who like Obama so much they aren't even willing to accept the possibility that he might very well lose, and I know folks who think voting for Obama is basically the same as voting for Osama Bin Laden.

While there are white people who might want to kill him if he gets elected, I think they recognize that killing him would be a bad move politically. They'll get their revenge in the midterm elections in 2010. Everyone with a "D" after their name will get swept out of office just like in 1994.

But personally, even though I'm voting for Obama, I think McCain will be the next president. The Democrats are counting on winning Ohio and Florida, and history has proven that the Democrats won't get those electoral votes even if they win the popular vote; the GOP will just finesse the numbers until McCain comes out on top.

there is must be a reason why the Demos are counting on winning Ohio and Florida - the current dynamics and popular opinion must be changing in their favor, and against McCain.
Even independents and some republicans are not sold on McCain and
are bought into thinking they will suffer the same political approach as they have in the dreadful Bush era.
Bias aside, people are hurting financially and looking for what they view
as a better way out. Experiencing Bush-league for 8 years, no doubt
will convince them. Some might not think the polls really matters, but yet McCain has committed to a completer 360 in terms of approach, direction
in campaigning, turning more towards character -assassination and personal attacks and smears than talking about the issue Americans
are most concerning: the Economy.

Plus general people are clueing in that something is wrong with a presidential candidate that has to be " re-energize " by its vice president candidate Sarah Palin, whose popularity and stock seems to be fruitless and dropping among eyes of potential voters.
Obama as of date, is pulling more of a lead over McCain among the polls
and i don't think that's a misleading omen. Especially for a panic-striken
Republican candidate who felt he had to completey pull out of
Michigan( despite the plea of his VP) with just weeks away from
the big election.

10-10-2008, 06:20 AM
I've heard MANY black people in the past 7 years speak out loud they wished to see Bush assassinated...hmmmmmmm...

so what?
stupidity can find it's way in any ethnicity. But Each individual
is defined by their actions.

Tiffany Anne
10-10-2008, 06:22 AM
there is must be a reason why the Demos are counting on winning Ohio and Florida - the current dynamics and popular opinion must be changing in their favor, and against McCain.

Cuz McCain is a huge douche!

(I saw it on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=BillORights1776 --funny stuff :lol: )

10-10-2008, 09:31 AM
Have any of you gotten negative feedback/hateration(Sexy Jade term credit noted) from white people you work with or come in contact with about Obama?
What I mean is comments about him being killed?
Im sensing some bitterness out there by SOME(not all thank god) tired ass white folk and they are really starting to try it.
I KEEP getting comments and a tone that makes me think these people want him to get killed.
Whats fucked up is I cant say anything at work back because it could be deemed making a threat and I would be fired.
Im not the most liberal black guy in the world I am a former republican turned independent but some of these comments i keep getting and all this media HATERATION on Obama is sickening.
As a black american I am VERY proud of Barrack Obama but more than that all RACES AND CREEDS should embrace this man because his is not an idiot like the guy in there now!

Im just wondering how you all feel about this.

Why should I embrace him, he isn't proposing anything new, its all the same old far left polices that liberals have been talking about for decades (ya sure he adds a few twists), some of them have already been implemented and failed. He has done everything in this campaign that other politicians before him have done. There is nothing really unique or special about him, other than he might be the first black president. I don't like him and it has nothing to do with him being black, its the terrible policies he wants to implement.

I have to say now that Obama and McCain are moving closer and closer to being the same candidate I are starting to think it would be better if Obama wins so we can put this racism bullshit to rest. I don't deny it still exists in America, but its being way overblown in this election. How many of these racist whites would have been voting for a white Democrat? I thought all racists were Republicans? How many more blacks are going to vote this year because of Obama, that wouldn't have voted at all for white candidate?

Of course Obama would be better than Bush, you could probably pull a random person off the street and they wouldn't fuck up as bad as Bush has done. Why do liberals hate Bush so much, he is the most socialist president we have had since FDR. Bush will go down as one of the top 10 worst presidents ever, I would say even a President Palin would be hard to outdo Bush.

I think Obama will win and end up being the black Jimmy Carter.

10-10-2008, 10:36 AM

10-10-2008, 11:03 AM
does anyone know the origins of the clan?
i know a little, it was started just as a club for the South's veterans of the civil war. however, they started getting involved in the racial stuff later on, which caused some members to leave. one of the guys that left is the guy Forest Gump was named after, he left and started supporting the rights for minorities. Now they are full blow retard inbreds. it sucks though that that is one thing the south is know for. hopefully we dont get the new tag 'The Part of America that Killed the First Non-White President'

Are you serious? You do know that there are two (of several) Klans right?

The original Klan, the one run by Confederate veterans, went around using violence to try to counter Union reconstruction policies whenever these policies attempted to "undo" the racist practices of the south (like letting blacks hold political office). There was no "gentleman's club"- this isn't the Free Masons here, this was a real terrorist organization from Day 1

The later Klan, the one that went around lynching people in the 20th century, blowing up buildings with lil girls in them, stuff like that- only bore the same name as the earlier group.

The Klan that we know & "love" came from Indiana IIRC, which I wouldn't quite call the deep south.... and membership was national on a huge scale for quite a long time, in the North and the South.

10-10-2008, 11:14 AM
Why should I embrace him, he isn't proposing anything new, its all the same old far left polices that liberals have been talking about for decades (ya sure he adds a few twists), some of them have already been implemented and failed. He has done everything in this campaign that other politicians before him have done. There is nothing really unique or special about him, other than he might be the first black president. I don't like him and it has nothing to do with him being black, its the terrible policies he wants to implement.

Generally I agree with your assessment, I don't particularly see an advantage to much of what Obama's had to say... or Hillary for that matter.

But I do think that, this time around, it is the better of the two evils (another topic entirely).

I don't think this thread is about people who have a disagreement with an "Obama presidency" on true political ideological grounds. There are, without any doubt, some who are wanting to see Obama dead just because he is black. I also feel there are many, perhaps more than we realize, who won't vote for him strictly because he is black, or because his dad is islamic, or because his name rhymes with Osama.

The racism in America has not left to the point where it is a nonissue in every state, there were states, particularly in the bible belt- that turned on McCain in the 2000 primaries when the swift boat groups (then under different names) ran around phoning people to imply he had an interracial child. In the wake, republicans in these states ended up voting for Bush the clown everyone thought couldn't win, not the war hero with a nonwhite adopted child.

I don't deny it still exists in America, but its being way overblown in this election.

But is it? Only election day can truly tell us that answer, it will be interesting to see what people say going in & out of the polling locations. It certainly is the, as I believe AP put it, "big elephant in the room"- we have evidence in recent elections to show that race plays a huge issue, especially in certain states.

How many of these racist whites would have been voting for a white Democrat?

There certainly are people who would use race as a litmus test in either political party... however there is evidence in the forms of studies that republicans and democrats DO tend to have different conceived notions of racial stereotypes. Not only does direct "i won't ever vote for a black" play a role of some kind, but so does the person who has all these bad misconceptions in their mind about other races.

I think Obama will win and end up being the black Jimmy Carter.

Agreed, I think no matter what Obama will be a one term presidency if he wins, and I don't see it going any better than the Carter years- we already have the energy & economic worries...

10-10-2008, 01:08 PM
if I were Obama I would be very careful who I allow access to my jet. As far as policies go there will be very difference between Obama and McCain. The country is bankrupt and millions will soon be unemployed and homeless. http://www.heyokamagazine.com/heyoka.16.waynemadsen.htm

10-10-2008, 01:09 PM
oops : very difference = very little difference

10-10-2008, 06:01 PM
i guess i heard wrong from the people in my unit about obama's foreign supporters. but who cares about wutever anyones policy is? the prez might have the most power a single person can have in the US, but he is not the overall authority. he can get shot down for anything if anyone else remembers grade school social science with the checks and balances system. everyone says bush was a bad president fails to realize that we could not go to war unless congress backed it, along with other follies the gov't has done in the recent years. thats my opinion, but u don't have to agree with it IN FACT, this IS a discussion board
one last thing to remember, no matter who becomes president, not even the majority of the US will like how his/her term goes, the only reason ppl say JFK jr. was great was because he didnt serve a whole term with more chances to disappoint the citizens like most presidents do

Wow, you need to learn to read news before you write. Congress DID NOT declare war hunce the reason a lot of people want Bush impeached. Since republicans controlled both houses of Congress for 6 of Bushes 8 years which include the start of the Iraq war and the oversite of this economic problem he is responsible. They just rubberstamped everything he wanted and stood by while he ran the country into the ground.

The biggest problem with the american public is that like the dumb asses in your unit they do no fact checking and believe complete garbage like this. An even more scary and telling prospect is that fact that you boys dont have a clue who your actual enemy is. As a veteran I find this shocking. Go get a book, the internet, a newspaper or whatever you can get your hands on and educate yourself!

10-10-2008, 06:09 PM
Have any of you gotten negative feedback/hateration(Sexy Jade term credit noted) from white people you work with or come in contact with about Obama?
What I mean is comments about him being killed?
Im sensing some bitterness out there by SOME(not all thank god) tired ass white folk and they are really starting to try it.
I KEEP getting comments and a tone that makes me think these people want him to get killed.
Whats fucked up is I cant say anything at work back because it could be deemed making a threat and I would be fired.
Im not the most liberal black guy in the world I am a former republican turned independent but some of these comments i keep getting and all this media HATERATION on Obama is sickening.
As a black american I am VERY proud of Barrack Obama but more than that all RACES AND CREEDS should embrace this man because his is not an idiot like the guy in there now!

Im just wondering how you all feel about this. awesome post,i see it like this either 45 percent of americans are completely brain dead or 45 percent of americans are racist batards,this race should not be close barack obama is refreshing and new and extremely smart where as macain is a war monger and nobody and i mean nobody in the rest of the world wants this prick in office.his choice of vp is a girl who s as bright as a burnt out lightbulb and this clown macain picks her after meeting her once? thats the kinda decisions americans want to run your country? i didnt think so.if any american chooses a candidate by the pigment of there skin instead of real issues aka economy? needs to give there heads a shake period....

10-10-2008, 06:14 PM
I think Obama will win and end up being the black Jimmy Carter. try the black JFK get it right for fucks sakes

10-10-2008, 06:43 PM
I think Obama will win and end up being the black Jimmy Carter. try the black JFK get it right for fucks sakes

so, once again, you feel compelled to speak for everyone? :roll: :roll:

10-10-2008, 07:35 PM
I think anyone who actually agrees with twinkle toes about anything should really reevaluate themselves at that point.

10-10-2008, 08:44 PM
I think Obama will win and end up being the black Jimmy Carter. try the black JFK get it right for fucks sakes

so, once again, you feel compelled to speak for everyone? :roll: :roll: listen dude i speak for the majoritty so do us all a favour and change your avitar its pathetic and disgracefull and extremely immature,not to mention demeaning,you have the balls to call yourself sarah? no real tgirl or gg would have that avitar lol more like a 20 year old punk who spends his day playing xbox rather then looking for a damn job period.

10-10-2008, 10:21 PM
I think Obama will win and end up being the black Jimmy Carter. try the black JFK get it right for fucks sakes

so, once again, you feel compelled to speak for everyone? :roll: :roll: listen dude i speak for the majoritty so do us all a favour and change your avitar its pathetic and disgracefull and extremely immature,not to mention demeaning,you have the balls to call yourself sarah? no real tgirl or gg would have that avitar lol more like a 20 year old punk who spends his day playing xbox rather then looking for a damn job period.

wait, now i'm confused...

you say you speak for the majority. ok fine, i'm not going to refute that. however, what does my avatar have to do with anything? and when did i call myself sarah? and i've never stated or implied that i am a tg or gg. and now, just because i post on here, i must be a 20 year old kid who doesn't have a job?

wow...if you speak for the majority, i'm glad i'm in the minority...

10-10-2008, 10:22 PM
I am in an office that is 98% hard, vocal, right and white. Everyone talks all day about their hatred of socialism, bureaucrats and lawyers. Most of them hate democrats because of their fiscal policies and liberal moral values. Most of them including myself have zero love for ghetto culture. I am around the hard right Rush-style every single day.
That being said...I hear talk of Obama being killed but never by a whack-o right-winger. They believe the Clintons would do it. That's why Obama should not have Hillary as a VP. They really do believe the Clintons would do anything to get back the whitehouse.
It's touchy to take on most of the office as a republican voting for Obama. But I'm voting for the man, not the party or the color of his skin. If it was Hillary or Biden, I would join the rest in the office and vote GOP. I think there's something special in the man.
Not sugar-coating it. Like it or not...nobody is talking about shooting Obama. They are not hating because of his color, just his liberal politics.

10-10-2008, 10:32 PM
I am in an office that is 98% hard, vocal, right and white. Everyone talks all day about their hatred of socialism, bureaucrats and lawyers. Most of them hate democrats because of their fiscal policies and liberal moral values. Most of them including myself have zero love for ghetto culture. I am around the hard right Rush-style every single day.
That being said...I hear talk of Obama being killed but never by a whack-o right-winger. They believe the Clintons would do it. That's why Obama should not have Hillary as a VP. They really do believe the Clintons would do anything to get back the whitehouse.
It's touchy to take on most of the office as a republican voting for Obama. But I'm voting for the man, not the party or the color of his skin. If it was Hillary or Biden, I would join the rest in the office and vote GOP. I think there's something special in the man.
Not sugar-coating it. Like it or not...nobody is talking about shooting Obama. They are not hating because of his color, just his liberal politics.wow great post , i was thinkin the exact same thing about hillery

edward almond
10-10-2008, 10:55 PM
All your angst comes from the fact that time and time again you realize whites are smarter than you.At least we don't whine every time someone offends us. Grow up. quit your bitching and make the best of it.Life is tough for everybody.And remember Obama came out of a white pussy and that my friend makes him a white man.And you will just like myself be fucked one more time by a white man if he wins.

10-11-2008, 12:28 AM
And remember Obama came out of a white pussy and that my friend makes him a white man.And you will just like myself be fucked one more time by a white man if he wins. roflmfao.... well thats one think i aint never heard on a stump speach lol

10-11-2008, 04:41 AM
Obama is just as big of an asshole as Mcinsane. For Chrisssakes look at the people behind him. His phucking chief foreign adviser is Zbignew B. The asshole who wrote a book in the Carter years outlining how imperative it was to "secure" the gas fields of central Asia. Yea, vote for Obama....send more kids off to die. Christ sometimes I'm amazed by people who don't spend the time to research the power people behind the Cult of Personality.

10-11-2008, 04:56 AM
[quote="yodajazz"]I'm sick of you people, saying that Blacks are only voting for Obama because he is Black. Black voted way over 90% in 2004 for John Kerry, who is White. What is it about that that you cannot understand. Republicans have not done much for Black in a very long time. Reagan had his "trickle down theory" of economics. You know what trickles down? Piss. In addition Blacks make up a higher percentage of the Armed Forces, and are dying in these wars that Republicans think of. Black females make up over half of the females in our Armed Services.

It may be none of the above for you, but one of the above will become president. One of the above's political party got us into war under a false pretext, saying it was for self defense and it was not. None of the above, people like you, say that it is ok to let them get away with murder, not just American lives, but innocent people in a country we claiming to be helping. But meanwhile we are trying to secure the rights their oil fields.

The other thing about the Republican party is that their philosophy has been to let big business do what ever they want to make profits. Meanwhile the those business sent our jobs overseas, and are constantly thinking of new ways to add penalties to their services which exploit those least able to pay their bills, the poor. A large percenatge of the money in my community is going out for penalties, not accumulating any goods, just going straight to the company coffers.

So you think that Black people are voting for Obama becuase he is Black? The real reason is: WE ARE TIRED OF SMELLING LIKE PISS![/quote

Christ....where to begin....It was the Dumocrats that forced ACORN into law....and are 90% responsible for the entire sub-prime melt down....and the eeeevvviiillll Republicans that actually tried to reign in Fannie and Freddie.....but Dodd and Barney-Frank-fag blocked every move....sooooooooo now "we", meaning all of us are getting ass-raped by the Bernanke/Paulson bailout.

Most of the time there's not a farts bit of difference between the Dumocrats and the effin Pubs.... but in this case you could at least try to get your facts straight...ok?

and another thing....if ya don't want to get your ass blown off then don't join the fucking Army...ok? Is there a fucking draft going on now?


Oh yea.... another thing....what political party freed the slaves?

10-11-2008, 05:30 AM
This thread should be lock before things get ugly and turn into a race war.

10-11-2008, 07:15 AM
Oh yea.... another thing....what political party freed the slaves?

A party that doesn't exist anymore.

There WAS a liberal, progressive Republican party- but it became corrupt and owned by big business to such a point that progressive reforms became impossible. It was not what it once was.

That's why TR abandoned ship and formed the Progressive Party- he saw them for what they were and despised every one of them.

Conversely, the democrats used to be the conservatives and used to always take the southern & western states on presidential elections. Times change.

As to acorn... I'm sure you're well aware that many states have been ILLEGALLY removing people from the voting rosters, at times without any justification for the removals (the DOJ themselves have mentioned this in the past few weeks). These roster "pruning" efforts in certain states seem to disproportionately effect poorer districts that are more likely to vote for democrats... and those wrongly removed, without knowing they have been removed- will go to vote on election day and find 1- they're not registered anymore, 2- that since its election day its too late for them to re-register and thus they can't vote. This happened to me in 2004, don't tell me it doesn't happen. Sources on acorn voting fraud have been at best conflicting, if not just blatantly incorrect- and pale in comparison to the amount that have -illegally- had their registrations removed (for every acorn registration, more than two in many of these battleground states have been illegally removed from the rosters).

But I agree, there is plenty of blame to go around with the economic crisis, although I'd have to remind you all that we DID have a balanced budget in the Clinton years, we could afford social welfare programs to a point... it was this big Chinese-paid for war in Iraq to find nonexistent wmd's that broke the bank accounts. The mortgage crisis stems from many sources, for instance Greenspan went around telling people that there was no housing bobble, that there could not be one, and if there is one it could not burst. He went around telling everyone to get adjustable rate mortgages, not fixed rates.... and then to top it all off, even the mainstream lenders have been engaging in predatory practices such as only giving minorities adjustable rate mortgages when they qualified for low fixed rates. Minorities have been disproportionally targeted by these practices, and have disproportionally defaulted as a result... this has, if you go by the stats, been the single most damning shift in minority wealth distribution since the Civil War- and that is due to a combined impartisan effort of the rich to produce this ends via INTENTIONAL, calculated measures.

In terms of the economic crisis, if you look at the associates of both candidates and what role those associates have had in this mess... then the only conclusion is that the candidates in question cannot be trusted to stay subjective, they should be disqualified, if not charged with treason outright. the United States is not, and should not, be forsale to special interests -of any kind.

10-11-2008, 09:04 AM
I am in an office that is 98% hard, vocal, right and white. Everyone talks all day about their hatred of socialism, bureaucrats and lawyers. Most of them hate democrats because of their fiscal policies and liberal moral values. Most of them including myself have zero love for ghetto culture. I am around the hard right Rush-style every single day.
That being said...I hear talk of Obama being killed but never by a whack-o right-winger. They believe the Clintons would do it. That's why Obama should not have Hillary as a VP. They really do believe the Clintons would do anything to get back the whitehouse.
It's touchy to take on most of the office as a republican voting for Obama. But I'm voting for the man, not the party or the color of his skin. If it was Hillary or Biden, I would join the rest in the office and vote GOP. I think there's something special in the man.
Not sugar-coating it. Like it or not...nobody is talking about shooting Obama. They are not hating because of his color, just his liberal politics.

Actually based on the videos today from the McCain rally with him having to try and undo the race card he and Palin played it's the right wing nut jobs.


If the Clintons were gonna do it they would have done it before the primaries. It's too late now. They wouldn't have much to gain.

10-11-2008, 02:03 PM
Obama is just as big of an asshole as Mcinsane. For Chrisssakes look at the people behind him. His phucking chief foreign adviser is Zbignew B. The asshole who wrote a book in the Carter years outlining how imperative it was to "secure" the gas fields of central Asia. Yea, vote for Obama....send more kids off to die. Christ sometimes I'm amazed by people who don't spend the time to research the power people behind the Cult of Personality.well atleast part of your nickname maches make no mistake you are a DIP period,let me quess all you all day is listen to the patriot rodio station on xm radio how patetic and stupid you are it just blows my mind how dumb some americans are .

10-11-2008, 02:13 PM
Obama is just as big of an asshole as Mcinsane. For Chrisssakes look at the people behind him. His phucking chief foreign adviser is Zbignew B. The asshole who wrote a book in the Carter years outlining how imperative it was to "secure" the gas fields of central Asia. Yea, vote for Obama....send more kids off to die. Christ sometimes I'm amazed by people who don't spend the time to research the power people behind the Cult of Personality.well atleast part of your nickname maches make no mistake you are a DIP period,let me quess all you all day is listen to the patriot rodio station on xm radio how patetic and stupid you are it just blows my mind how dumb some americans are .

still railing against people with different opinions than yours, huh?

and i see you never answered this post:

wait, now i'm confused...

you say you speak for the majority. ok fine, i'm not going to refute that. however, what does my avatar have to do with anything? and when did i call myself sarah? and i've never stated or implied that i am a tg or gg. and now, just because i post on here, i must be a 20 year old kid who doesn't have a job?

wow...if you speak for the majority, i'm glad i'm in the minority...

10-11-2008, 05:30 PM
I think Obama will win and end up being the black Jimmy Carter. try the black JFK get it right for fucks sakes

so, once again, you feel compelled to speak for everyone? :roll: :roll: listen dude i speak for the majoritty

the majority of what? do you realize that over 60% of the American people are unhappy about BOTH candidates?

That statistic is untrue unless you have some poll going that on one else knows about. Don't quote facts unless you can back them up and as far as I can tell no polling done backs up the facts you stated.

10-12-2008, 06:19 PM
for starters:


just because YOU haven't heard of it doesn't mean NO ONE has heard of it...epic phail.......

An epic phail is quoting a poll done by a company no one has ever heard of that doesn't state any variables. If this was a viable poll you would fid it more places than some obscure web site. I can go around my neighborhood and create my own poll and cite that but that doesn't make it very accurate.

10-12-2008, 09:27 PM
[quote=yodajazz]I'm sick of you people, saying that Blacks are only voting for Obama because he is Black. Black voted way over 90% in 2004 for John Kerry, who is White. What is it about that that you cannot understand. Republicans have not done much for Black in a very long time. Reagan had his "trickle down theory" of economics. You know what trickles down? Piss. In addition Blacks make up a higher percentage of the Armed Forces, and are dying in these wars that Republicans think of. Black females make up over half of the females in our Armed Services.

It may be none of the above for you, but one of the above will become president. One of the above's political party got us into war under a false pretext, saying it was for self defense and it was not. None of the above, people like you, say that it is ok to let them get away with murder, not just American lives, but innocent people in a country we claiming to be helping. But meanwhile we are trying to secure the rights their oil fields.

The other thing about the Republican party is that their philosophy has been to let big business do what ever they want to make profits. Meanwhile the those business sent our jobs overseas, and are constantly thinking of new ways to add penalties to their services which exploit those least able to pay their bills, the poor. A large percenatge of the money in my community is going out for penalties, not accumulating any goods, just going straight to the company coffers.

So you think that Black people are voting for Obama becuase he is Black? The real reason is: WE ARE TIRED OF SMELLING LIKE PISS![/quote

Christ....where to begin....It was the Dumocrats that forced ACORN into law....and are 90% responsible for the entire sub-prime melt down....and the eeeevvviiillll Republicans that actually tried to reign in Fannie and Freddie.....but Dodd and Barney-Frank-fag blocked every move....sooooooooo now "we", meaning all of us are getting ass-raped by the Bernanke/Paulson bailout.

Most of the time there's not a farts bit of difference between the Dumocrats and the effin Pubs.... but in this case you could at least try to get your facts straight...ok?

and another thing....if ya don't want to get your ass blown off then don't join the fucking Army...ok? Is there a fucking draft going on now?


Oh yea.... another thing....what political party freed the slaves?

The real-estate market was just a nudge to the house of cards financial market. One of the main causes of the economic is lack of regulation. For example there has been a large amount of lending and leveraging between financial houses. The 60 minute segment called it a “60 trillion dollar shadow market”. http://www.crooksandliars.com/nicole-belle/60-minutes-wall-streets-shadow-market But if those parties were subject to regulation, then they would have been forced to have sounder business practices. An example used was that they were providing insurance to cover losses, but not subject to insurance regulations, which would have required them to have a percentage of reserves to cover losses.

Lax regulation allowed banks to get into riskier practices, as well as other financial organizations. Unsound practices, like being able to buy stock by borrowing money and then selling for a profit without having to put up any of your own money, over inflated the value of stocks. An article I read, put the cause of the rise gas prices more on commodities speculation. I believe it. Let me ask you, have China and India stopped using gas in the last 2-3 weeks, so that the price could come down? No, the answer is that there is less money out there to drive up the price through commodities speculation.

The Republican/Conservative philosophy since Reagan has been for less government oversight. This crisis is the result of unsound business practices by financial managers looking for quick profits without looking at the bigger long term picture. The whole US manufacturing base has been eroded as Corporations were allowed to ship jobs overseas to industries which are often subsidized by the host nation. Now we don’t have enough people making money to buy cars, etc. Each company has a better profit margin through lower labor costs, but the bigger picture is a nation unable to produce it’s own goods sending money out other nations economies.

The same government that people are complaining about has the task to establish and regulate sound financial practice. After years of lobbying for less government intervention, the same people turn around and ask them for a bailout, shifting some of the financial burden to those people whose jobs they wanted outsourced.

I’ll admit that I am just learning, but your reasoning doesn’t take into account the much bigger financial market, like the 60 Minutes story.

I do appreciate the Republican Party for fighting for, and passing the 13th Amendment in 1865, 107 years ago. But my honest opinion is that the average American, these days in an indentured servant to the credit industry. Larger and larger amounts of our productivity are going for paying credit costs and penalties. As Jesus Christ might say, we were 'led into temptation'.

P.S. I agree with everything said by Sarah G, in her post above. Great post Sarah.

10-12-2008, 09:36 PM
The real-estate market was just a nudge to the house of cards financial market. One of the main causes of the economic is lack of regulation. For example there has been a large amount of lending and leveraging between financial houses. The 60 minute segment called it a “60 trillion dollar shadow market”. http://www.crooksandliars.com/nicole-belle/60-minutes-wall-streets-shadow-market But if those parties were subject to regulation, then they would have been forced to have sounder business practices. An example used was that they were providing insurance to cover losses, but not subject to insurance regulations, which would have required them to have a percentage of reserves to cover losses.

Lax regulation allowed banks to get into riskier practices, as well as other financial organizations. Unsound practices, like being able to buy stock by borrowing money and then selling for a profit without having to put up any of your own money, over inflated the value of stocks. An article I read, put the cause of the rise gas prices more on commodities speculation. I believe it. Let me ask you, have China and India stopped using gas in the last 2-3 weeks, so that the price could come down? No, the answer is that there is less money out there to drive up the price through commodities speculation.

The Republican/Conservative philosophy since Reagan has been for less government oversight. This crisis is the result of unsound business practices by financial managers looking for quick profits without looking at the bigger long term picture. The whole US manufacturing base has been eroded as Corporations were allowed to ship jobs overseas to industries which are often subsidized by the host nation. Now we don’t have enough people making money to buy cars, etc. Each company has a better profit margin through lower labor costs, but the bigger picture is a nation unable to produce it’s own goods sending money out other nations economies.

The same government that people are complaining about has the task to establish and regulate sound financial practice. After years of lobbying for less government intervention, the same people turn around and ask them for a bailout, shifting some of the financial burden to those people whose jobs they wanted outsourced.

I’ll admit that I am just learning, but your reasoning doesn’t take into account the much bigger financial market, like the 60 Minutes story.

I do appreciate the Republican Party for fighting for, and passing the 13th Amendment in 1865, 107 years ago. But my honest opinion is that the average American, these days in an indentured servant to the credit industry. Larger and larger amounts of our productivity are going for paying credit costs and penalties. As Jesus Christ might say, we were 'led into temptation'.

P.S. I agree with everything said by Sarah G, in her post above. Great post Sarah.

Most of what you said was accurate imo, with the exception of the regulation. The fact is we have not had a free market in any recent memory. There has been tons of government interference, mainly by Congress through twisting the commerce clause. In my opinion the democrats push socialism as the cure, while the bulk (not entirety) of the republican party has been pushing a fascist agenda (even if some of them haven't realized it).

Too many people are quick to jump on the anti-free market bandwagon, when in truth that provides the greatest amount of individual freedom and better living conditions overall. People can call our economic structure over the past 100 years many things, free market shouldn't be one of them.

This mixed bag economic policy, combined with run-away government spending/borrowing, and intervention to save companies/individuals that have made poor choices is coming back to fuck us.

10-12-2008, 10:47 PM
does anyone know the origins of the clan?
i know a little, it was started just as a club for the South's veterans of the civil war. however, they started getting involved in the racial stuff later on, which caused some members to leave. one of the guys that left is the guy Forest Gump was named after, he left and started supporting the rights for minorities. Now they are full blow retard inbreds. it sucks though that that is one thing the south is know for. hopefully we dont get the new tag 'The Part of America that Killed the First Non-White President'

You have got to be kidding right? How old are you? Do you know how to use your computer for basic research?

Also I'm voting for McCain because I find it weird to vote for a candidate that Al-Jasir (the terrorist group) publicly supports. Well thats my opinion, doesn't mean I'm right but I just wanted to throw it out there.

im kinda retarded when it comes to the innernet dillio, i dont really think about wut i say or type, i just go with the flow, and as for basic research on the computer, i really just use it for porn, and the occasional music download

10-12-2008, 11:48 PM
does anyone know the origins of the clan?
i know a little, it was started just as a club for the South's veterans of the civil war. however, they started getting involved in the racial stuff later on, which caused some members to leave. one of the guys that left is the guy Forest Gump was named after, he left and started supporting the rights for minorities. Now they are full blow retard inbreds. it sucks though that that is one thing the south is know for. hopefully we dont get the new tag 'The Part of America that Killed the First Non-White President'

You have got to be kidding right? How old are you? Do you know how to use your computer for basic research?

Also I'm voting for McCain because I find it weird to vote for a candidate that Al-Jasir (the terrorist group) publicly supports. Well thats my opinion, doesn't mean I'm right but I just wanted to throw it out there.

im kinda retarded when it comes to the innernet dillio, i dont really think about wut i say or type, i just go with the flow, and as for basic research on the computer, i really just use it for porn, and the occasional music download

Don't worry about the internet so to speak. It would be nice if you would know who you are supposed to be fighting against. If Im not mistaken you are a soldier, therefore it should be of the utmost importance to you to know who you are supposed to be fighting against. As a veteran I find it shocking that you don't nor do you seem to care too much. This is a great example of why the world hates the US. We have lumped prety much all groups of Muslims together as terrorists instead of knowing the differences between them. Or own president still doesn't know the difference between a Shiite and a Sunni. If he did know he would have known this war in Iraq was not going end well.

Don't be a George.

10-13-2008, 07:23 AM
for starters:


just because YOU haven't heard of it doesn't mean NO ONE has heard of it...epic phail.......

An epic phail is quoting a poll done by a company no one has ever heard of that doesn't state any variables. If this was a viable poll you would fid it more places than some obscure web site. I can go around my neighborhood and create my own poll and cite that but that doesn't make it very accurate.

I am one of the 60% that is unhappy with the choice of candidates. To date in the race, I've seen shit from both, though I like both of them. They throw out the votes of each other on different bills, which god knows what's attached to them bills. I like to once, see a candidate to say what he feels as opposed to being controlled by their parties machines. But in this day in age thanks to our "Access" type media...we won't see it.

No candidate can deliver anything he's promised to date. You have The House of Repreretards to go through. Though, Obama is a Democrat, he's not one of the in-crowd yet and will have to give on tons of principles to get what he wants. McCain is one of the in-crowd, but in the wrong party, so he won't get shit either. And don't bring up Kerry, he was a stationary dildo with a dead battery. The Clintons knew how to get people blown, so they were popular.

We got what? 20 something days and I don't know who to vote for. Show me something in these last 20 or so days. Who has balls? Step out of the box.

Ain't gonna happen, they will stay in the safe media box.

10-13-2008, 07:33 AM
for starters:


just because YOU haven't heard of it doesn't mean NO ONE has heard of it...epic phail.......

An epic phail is quoting a poll done by a company no one has ever heard of that doesn't state any variables. If this was a viable poll you would fid it more places than some obscure web site. I can go around my neighborhood and create my own poll and cite that but that doesn't make it very accurate.

I am one of the 60% that is unhappy with the choice of candidates. To date in the race, I've seen shit from both, though I like both of them. They throw out the votes of each other on different bills, which god knows what's attached to them bills. I like to once, see a candidate to say what he feels as opposed to being controlled by their parties machines. But in this day in age thanks to our "Access" type media...we won't see it.

No candidate can deliver anything he's promised to date. You have The House of Repreretards to go through. Though, Obama is a Democrat, he's not one of the in-crowd yet and will have to give on tons of principles to get what he wants. McCain is one of the in-crowd, but in the wrong party, so he won't get shit either. And don't bring up Kerry, he was a stationary dildo with a dead battery. The Clintons knew how to get people blown, so they were popular.

We got what? 20 something days and I don't know who to vote for. Show me something in these last 20 or so days. Who has balls? Step out of the box.

Ain't gonna happen, they will stay in the safe media box.

Now that I can agree with. Obama will play it safe so he doesn't lose ground and McCain will throw all the toys out of the box to see what sticks. I question his temperment and decision making which is what makes my vote go to Obama.

The ugly scenes at his rallies are another. The fact that it took him a week and tons of media pressure ot put a stop to the racial crap shows me he is not the right man for the job.

10-13-2008, 05:54 PM
Good reply SarahG...at least someone here has a clue.

10-13-2008, 06:00 PM
Obama is just as big of an asshole as Mcinsane. For Chrisssakes look at the people behind him. His phucking chief foreign adviser is Zbignew B. The asshole who wrote a book in the Carter years outlining how imperative it was to "secure" the gas fields of central Asia. Yea, vote for Obama....send more kids off to die. Christ sometimes I'm amazed by people who don't spend the time to research the power people behind the Cult of Personality.well atleast part of your nickname maches make no mistake you are a DIP period,let me quess all you all day is listen to the patriot rodio station on xm radio how patetic and stupid you are it just blows my mind how dumb some americans are .

Why not try refuting what I've written with some facts?

You might come off a sounding tad bit more intelligent instead of just name calling.

Give it a try.

Look up Zbigniew Brzezinski .

I listen to 104.1 out of Hartford. Hard rock. I'm not an ass sucking bootlicker for either so called "political party".

10-13-2008, 08:34 PM
Why not try refuting what I've written with some facts?

You might come off a sounding tad bit more intelligent instead of just name calling.

Give it a try.

Look up Zbigniew Brzezinski .

I listen to 104.1 out of Hartford. Hard rock. I'm not an ass sucking bootlicker for either so called "political party".

it'll never happen dude. facts have no place in lisa's posts. lisa ignored the last two posts i made asking to back up statements that were made...

10-13-2008, 10:51 PM
Have any of you gotten negative feedback/hateration(Sexy Jade term credit noted) from white people you work with or come in contact with about Obama?
What I mean is comments about him being killed?
Im sensing some bitterness out there by SOME(not all thank god) tired ass white folk and they are really starting to try it.
I KEEP getting comments and a tone that makes me think these people want him to get killed.
Whats fucked up is I cant say anything at work back because it could be deemed making a threat and I would be fired.
Im not the most liberal black guy in the world I am a former republican turned independent but some of these comments i keep getting and all this media HATERATION on Obama is sickening.
As a black american I am VERY proud of Barrack Obama but more than that all RACES AND CREEDS should embrace this man because his is not an idiot like the guy in there now!

Im just wondering how you all feel about this.

Well as a white mongrel ( half brit half irishman), I admire obama getting in the position he is in. Where he had a good chance of becoming president of the united states. I think it is amazing that we have a Black man running for president and a woman runnng for VP.That is why I stick up for Palin, because despite some of her views she came up from being a PTA mom to this level now.

Sexists on the liberal side may scoff but there must be something about her to do that. You talk about hate we have leftists like madonna talking about beating Palin in the street and that nasty ugly dyke Bernard advocating a gang rape by members of your race.As if gang rape is a Black man thing. She then has the nerve to complain when womens shelters refuse to invite her too functions. Where is your thread about that 'hate' or is it because palin is a white right wing hetrosexual woman so therefore it's okay?Is it okay that Berhnard talks about members of your own race in that way because she is a leftist dyke? If a well known comedian had talked about Michelle Obama being gang raped by a bunch of redneck hicks I think this forum would be flooded with comments.

As to the comments made about Obama , they are disgusting ignorant comments such as refering him as a terrorist , I have no doubt some whites want him six foot under which would be a tragedy as he is an ispiration. But I don't want him to be president because I simply don't agree with him. And really just because he is not retarded like the current president is hardly an endorsement! But if he wins despite not agreeing with him I will not be bitter as in a way Iam pleased that he has achieved what he has .In America the Blacks were treated pretty shitty over the years and I do think a Black president would be a real step forward , I just wish it was someone else.

10-13-2008, 11:47 PM
Have any of you gotten negative feedback/hateration(Sexy Jade term credit noted) from white people you work with or come in contact with about Obama?
What I mean is comments about him being killed?
Im sensing some bitterness out there by SOME(not all thank god) tired ass white folk and they are really starting to try it.
I KEEP getting comments and a tone that makes me think these people want him to get killed.
Whats fucked up is I cant say anything at work back because it could be deemed making a threat and I would be fired.
Im not the most liberal black guy in the world I am a former republican turned independent but some of these comments i keep getting and all this media HATERATION on Obama is sickening.
As a black american I am VERY proud of Barrack Obama but more than that all RACES AND CREEDS should embrace this man because his is not an idiot like the guy in there now!

Im just wondering how you all feel about this.

Well as a white mongrel ( half brit half irishman), I admire obama getting in the position he is in. Where he had a good chance of becoming president of the united states. I think it is amazing that we have a Black man running for president and a woman runnng for VP.That is why I stick up for Palin, because despite some of her views she came up from being a PTA mom to this level now.

Sexists on the liberal side may scoff but there must be something about her to do that. You talk about hate we have leftists like madonna talking about beating Palin in the street and that nasty ugly dyke Bernard advocating a gang rape by members of your race.As if gang rape is a Black man thing. She then has the nerve to complain when womens shelters refuse to invite her too functions. Where is your thread about that 'hate' or is it because palin is a white right wing hetrosexual woman so therefore it's okay?Is it okay that Berhnard talks about members of your own race in that way because she is a leftist dyke? If a well known comedian had talked about Michelle Obama being gang raped by a bunch of redneck hicks I think this forum would be flooded with comments.

As to the comments made about Obama , they are disgusting ignorant comments such as refering him as a terrorist , I have no doubt some whites want him six foot under which would be a tragedy as he is an ispiration. But I don't want him to be president because I simply don't agree with him. And really just because he is not retarded like the current president is hardly an endorsement! But if he wins despite not agreeing with him I will not be bitter as in a way Iam pleased that he has achieved what he has .In America the Blacks were treated pretty shitty over the years and I do think a Black president would be a real step forward , I just wish it was someone else.

Wow, look at this. Someone who doesn't like the other candidate but can do it in a rational way without hate and distortion of facts. I commend you. Even though we have different views I definitely have respect for your viewpoint. Bravo!

Now if you could only give lessons to those shouting all the hatred..........

10-14-2008, 05:43 AM
its not really muslims im against when i think about war/killing, i blindly just think about pretty much Iraqi citizens and Afghnistani citizens. i think this because from wut ive seen we are the only ones in uniform and lots of them have guns but not all are against us. it kinda like when we fought the British and we went against all military combat traditions. looks like history does repeat itself

10-14-2008, 06:40 AM
I'm white and I catch a lot of this in my line of work. I just ignore it, because trying to reason with them will both be pointless and could hurt my career. Obama will win the election - that is enough for me. If any one of them continues with their bullshit after he's elected it's a chargable offense under the ucmij (universal code of militaty INjustice)

10-14-2008, 06:44 AM
i love how u say white FOLKS.

i didnt know people used that term before entering retirement.

10-14-2008, 10:21 AM
All I know is that if the majority of those who bother to vote decide they'd rather have McBarelySane and Sarah The Apocalyptic Backstabbing Hockey Mom in office JUST BECAUSE they don't want a black person doing anything inside the White House other than its domestic chores (never mind that Obama MIGHT actually repair some of the current administration's damage and make some things better for us working people), as far as I'm concerned, America deserves whatever it gets. I'm finished with caring about this country in that case.