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10-03-2008, 01:28 AM
The worlds most powerful super computer and all it's good for is getting you depressed.
I mean really! There I am sitting on my bike in traffic and my mind wonders to questions I could never answer "Your current girl friend, could you have done better? Maybe a bit skinner a bit kinker a bit less bitchy?"
"Remember the new year of 1999, you were with this girl and you said something stupid, if you hadden't said that would you have had a second date?"
"What did you have for breakfast on monday?"
"You know that girl who was your lab partner at university shot you all kinds of hints that she wanted to rape you, to jump on you and ride you like a mechanical bull....but you didn't notice! Your a dumb ass!"
Oh light turned gree.....time to ride off.

I'm telling you I hate my brain. I freaking hate it! It never does what I want it to like remember important facts and dates or reproduce great dreams where I'm playing naked twister with a really hot red head....no instead it forgets important facts and or just reminds of things that I really don't want to remember!

10-03-2008, 02:31 AM
I'm with you.

10-03-2008, 10:46 AM
yup yup...

10-03-2008, 11:22 AM
I can relate to missed opportunities, but I don't really have those problems these days. It's funny you mentioned dreams, lately I've been training my mind to spark lucid dreams. I can will a dream to happen, but can't make them lucid yet.

10-04-2008, 04:05 PM
Did any one ever....and I'm dating my self now...ever see the movie Strange Days?
It's about getting high off your own mind. Amazing movie!
But as for my brain, I have this love hate thing going with it.
I have zero creativity when it comes to the arts. But as an engineer / manager I'm a McGiver when it comes solving mechanical and inter agency problems.
But when I'm not working or listening to music or keeping my brain active it starts asking me all these questions that I really have no answers for or even worse replaying old mistakes I maid.
Oh well...i'll survive i guess.

10-04-2008, 06:00 PM
I punish my brain with alcohol... some scotch usually puts him back in his place...

10-04-2008, 06:29 PM
I too have somewhat of a love - hate relationship with my brain.

It thinks alot, literally has a mind of it's own.

It can replay things I would rather it permanenttly erase from the
the hard drive, and gives me high degrees of angst, and keep me
up late, ruminating on thoughts late at night.

Conversely, she is capable with coming up with great insights, creativity,
and solutions to problems, and she is incredibly quick in doing so.

My brain, my best friend, and sometimes my worst enemy.


10-05-2008, 03:45 AM
What I hate specifically is when your brain starts doing multiple things at once, and doesn't keep them clearly divided. Bad bad moments there...
