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View Full Version : Tried to join sugardaddie.com and kept getting deleted

09-30-2008, 12:03 PM
So since i have abit of time on my hands while waiting for my face and body to heal up abit from the laser i have been having, i thought i would see about joining a dating website for a laugh...

Well my victim sit is sugardaddie.com, meant to be a site where basially minted men take out young ladies etc, full on gold digging etc so i thought sweet i will have a punt on this :)

Well 3 profiles in, all deleted i met all the standards, no talk of sex, no sexy pics etc, the only thing i mentioned is that i am a pre operative transexual....

Seems that the site owners dont like TS ladies at all on theirsite, so ihave now sent 3 emails to them demanding the stance/views on why the removed my profile, also pointing out that many TS ladies are infact legally female with the same rights....

So lets see what they come back with, most likely nothing :) i quite fancy having a ruck with this lot just to prove a point.

Anyone else come across this type of behaviour from websites just because you are a TS?

Libbs x

09-30-2008, 03:41 PM
Gold Diggin whores but at least they are upfront about their intentions I suppose. As for your situation I can agree it is shitty to be discriminated against. However, it's a private site so they get to recruit whom they want for membership. Personally if I were in your position I would save my time and energy for going after discriminatory government and/or corporate hiring practices or other public policies that effect the TG community. Of course that's just my two cents and you are free to take it or leave it.

09-30-2008, 03:53 PM
there's a site for girls soliticiting financial aid for their boob surgery and it doesn't allow you to state your status as trans
fuck these people. they're afraid the t's will be too popular and take all the attention away from the gg's

give em shit

09-30-2008, 07:41 PM
i joined it but then it doesnt allow you to ask for money from the guys


the site is called SUGAR DADDIE

the role of a sugar daddie is to fork over the cash

if i cant even talk about wanting his cash.... fucking dumb. change the premise of the site

09-30-2008, 09:04 PM
they kept deleting my profile ....didnt even get to the stage of talking to memb ers