View Full Version : The color scheme on this site is IMPOSSIBLE to read

09-24-2008, 08:44 PM
Love the site, but the color scheme is impossible to read without getting eye fatigue. Please change it. I'm sure I can't be alone in this.


09-24-2008, 09:43 PM
Agree, wouldn't be the worst idea in the world to canvas opinion on what colour scheme would work better.

09-24-2008, 09:47 PM
Love the site, but the color scheme is impossible to read without getting eye fatigue. Please change it. I'm sure I can't be alone in this.


Actually there was a thread about this fairly recently. I agree some additional skin options would be nice.

09-24-2008, 10:17 PM
Please change it.

That takes a lot of nerve.

09-24-2008, 10:59 PM
Eye fatigue is a good thing. Let's you know you have been surfing the internet for too long.

09-24-2008, 11:00 PM
Please change it.

That takes a lot of nerve.

Indeed. I like his style.

09-24-2008, 11:01 PM
Please change it.

That takes a lot of nerve.

Indeed. I like his style.

I love that he has 6 posts in a year and thinks that anything he says will be taken seriously.

09-24-2008, 11:03 PM
Yeah, the color scheme is kind of harsh, but I've gotten used to it.

09-24-2008, 11:11 PM
Please change it.

That takes a lot of nerve.

Indeed. I like his style.

I love that he has 6 posts in a year and thinks that anything he says will be taken seriously.

Yep, he's a doer, not a thinker. Kudos, kudos.

09-25-2008, 01:23 AM
its 2 hard to change over....just going to have to deal with it ....

Skwisgarr Skwigelf
09-25-2008, 03:10 AM
I have never personally had a problem although I have a fairly decent monitor perhaps it the color settings on your computer adding to the problem

09-25-2008, 03:34 AM
Pink is too gay.

Quiet Reflections
09-25-2008, 05:07 AM
Pink is too gay.
Seriously? your on a site dedicated to transsexuals and you pick the color as "too gay". You skipped right over men getting facials, club kid thread, and the wanna be straight size queen trolls and went directly for the color..!? im good now, i think ive actually heard it all.

09-25-2008, 07:03 AM
Seriously? your on a site dedicated to transsexuals and you pick the color as "too gay".The key word there is transsexuals, not gays. Liking a transsexual does not necessarily make a person gay, especially if you are into post-op women, as I am.

You skipped right over men getting facials, club kid thread, and the wanna be straight size queen trolls and went directly for the color..!?I'm not interested in that stuff either. And yes, the color is a bit fruity.

im good now, i think ive actually heard it all.Drama queen.

09-25-2008, 07:07 AM
Pink is too gay.
Seriously? your on a site dedicated to transsexuals and you pick the color as "too gay". You skipped right over men getting facials, club kid thread, and the wanna be straight size queen trolls and went directly for the color..!? im good now, i think ive actually heard it all.

LAWL Epic :rock2

Quiet Reflections
09-25-2008, 08:06 AM
Seriously? your on a site dedicated to transsexuals and you pick the color as "too gay".The key word there is transsexuals, not gays. Liking a transsexual does not necessarily make a person gay, especially if you are into post-op women, as I am.

You skipped right over men getting facials, club kid thread, and the wanna be straight size queen trolls and went directly for the color..!?I'm not interested in that stuff either. And yes, the color is a bit fruity.

im good now, i think ive actually heard it all.Drama queen.
You missed the point completely. im simply saying that out of all the other gay stuff on here pointing out the color first is pretty silly. Me?Drama? i believe you are the one that took that post personal. nobody said you liked the topics i mentioned or insisted you rationalize your sexuality and you would have to live under a rock to say a face full of jizz,size queens, and club kids aren't gayer than the color pink.

09-25-2008, 09:34 AM
You missed the point completely. im simply saying that out of all the other gay stuff on here pointing out the color first is pretty silly. Me?Drama? i believe you are the one that took that post personal. nobody said you liked the topics i mentioned or insisted you rationalize your sexuality and you would have to live under a rock to say a face full of jizz,size queens, and club kids aren't gayer than the color pink.
Calling the pink color gay may indeed seem "pretty silly" to you; I won't question the opinion of a man who obviously knows his gays. I will complement you for your very clear point and add that your gaydar is fabulous, so please take your hands off your hips and spare us the hissy fit. Don't deny that you're a defensive and dramatic diva, but be careful lisping that, because all that alliteration will just fag you out! Perhaps a Julie Andrews soundtrack and some primrose tea might soothe you?

Quiet Reflections
09-25-2008, 10:06 AM
You missed the point completely. im simply saying that out of all the other gay stuff on here pointing out the color first is pretty silly. Me?Drama? i believe you are the one that took that post personal. nobody said you liked the topics i mentioned or insisted you rationalize your sexuality and you would have to live under a rock to say a face full of jizz,size queens, and club kids aren't gayer than the color pink.
Calling the pink color gay may indeed seem "pretty silly" to you; I won't question the opinion of a man who obviously knows his gays. I will complement you for your very clear point and add that your gaydar is fabulous, so please take your hands off your hips and spare us the hissy fit. Don't deny that you're a defensive and dramatic diva, but be careful lisping that, because all that alliteration will just fag you out! Perhaps a Julie Andrews soundtrack and some primrose tea might soothe you?
like i said before you really took that personal. relax your internet bravado insnt impressing anyone. i will leave the tea and musicals to you as you seem much more versed on them. you also seem to be quite up on your mannerisims aswell. I guess we can go back and forth with you calling names and me making real points forever but what will that solve. I will just point out how you seem reallly hurt over a comment not directed at you i hope i didnt hit a sore spot. to say it again noone called you gay but you seem very angry and defensive yourself. going on the attack like that are sure signs of either a loser or a man with something to hide. please lets not make a long issue of your insecurities. us saying one another is gay will achieve nothing since both of us will deny it and since we both obviously like girls that at some point were guys you should really let your childish hostility go. Hopefully you are actually an adult and will see that your actions make you seem like basement stuck teenager desperate to make a name form himself on a message board. Please if you have a real opinion feel free to express it intelligently or just keep your pre pubescent antics to yourself.

09-25-2008, 10:19 AM
"starts slamming his head on the desk to get what he just read out of his mind before it destroys him forever"

09-25-2008, 10:26 AM
I've seen these threads before, and I keep giving the same comment:

As a graphic designer, I can say without doubt this is one of the worst looking sites around.

It shouldn't hurt your eyes to look at a site.

And the fact that people who don't generally have an eye for design are able to notice really says something.

09-25-2008, 10:32 AM
You missed the point completely. im simply saying that out of all the other gay stuff on here pointing out the color first is pretty silly. Me?Drama? i believe you are the one that took that post personal. nobody said you liked the topics i mentioned or insisted you rationalize your sexuality and you would have to live under a rock to say a face full of jizz,size queens, and club kids aren't gayer than the color pink.
Calling the pink color gay may indeed seem "pretty silly" to you; I won't question the opinion of a man who obviously knows his gays. I will complement you for your very clear point and add that your gaydar is fabulous, so please take your hands off your hips and spare us the hissy fit. Don't deny that you're a defensive and dramatic diva, but be careful lisping that, because all that alliteration will just fag you out! Perhaps a Julie Andrews soundtrack and some primrose tea might soothe you?
like i said before you really took that personal. relax your internet bravado insnt impressing anyone. i will leave the tea and musicals to you as you seem much more versed on them. you also seem to be quite up on your mannerisims aswell. I guess we can go back and forth with you calling names and me making real points forever but what will that solve. I will just point out how you seem reallly hurt over a comment not directed at you i hope i didnt hit a sore spot. to say it again noone called you gay but you seem very angry and defensive yourself. going on the attack like that are sure signs of either a loser or a man with something to hide. please lets not make a long issue of your insecurities. us saying one another is gay will achieve nothing since both of us will deny it and since we both obviously like girls that at some point were guys you should really let your childish hostility go. Hopefully you are actually an adult and will see that your actions make you seem like basement stuck teenager desperate to make a name form himself on a message board. Please if you have a real opinion feel free to express it intelligently or just keep your pre pubescent antics to yourself.
Oh geez man I thought you would have recognized tongue-in-cheek better than that.

I guess calling a pink room "gay" will definitely make the blowhards huff and puff some long-winded responses...

You indicate that you "obviously like girls." I totally believe you.

Quiet Reflections
09-25-2008, 10:35 AM
i leave you to it

09-25-2008, 02:49 PM
I've seen these threads before, and I keep giving the same comment:

As a graphic designer, I can say without doubt this is one of the worst looking sites around.

It shouldn't hurt your eyes to look at a site.

And the fact that people who don't generally have an eye for design are able to notice really says something.

Exactly. For what it's worth to those who think I'm a noob, I am not. I am also someone who has done graphic design and interface design for more than 10 years.

Again, let me stress to the owner of the board: I love this site, but I find the color scheme leads to serious eye fatigue, which means people like me spend less time on the site. Clearly I am not alone.

09-25-2008, 02:56 PM
Please change it.

That takes a lot of nerve.

Really? To suggest a change that would serve all the people who come to the site and make the webmaster more money through increased page views? Seems like a community service to me.

BTW, congrats on your legal sex change :)

09-25-2008, 04:00 PM
I agree that the colour scheme here is eye meltingly awful and I don't buy into the "too hard to change it" excuse. It's not that hard to add a new theme, just copy the existing one and change a few HTML colour values in the CSS. Also phpBB has a ton of premade themes avaialble for it which can easily be added via the themes manager.

I don't expect it to be changed, but it's worth asking, and if it aint changed, I hope we get a real reason and not "it's too hard"

I figured i'd make it even easier and link to some themes which are avaialble as a free download from the official site of phpBB : http://www.phpbb.com/styles/

09-26-2008, 01:12 PM
It is indeed easy to change the color scheme. Apparently it doesn't annoy enough people?

09-26-2008, 05:19 PM
Years ago, someone asked Prince why, with all the options available to him, he chose to live in Minnesota. His reply:

"It's so cold here, it keeps the bad people away".

Oh, and to the OP, once you hit 10 posts you recieve a pair of HA de-coder eye glasses. Thn you'll see the color scheme as most of the rest of us do: Plaid.


(That's me wearing my de-coder glasses)

09-26-2008, 06:11 PM
I Like quiet reflections

that's my new friend

09-29-2008, 03:15 PM
I like it but I can see where there is fatigue on the eye. Maybe softer grey round buttons. You web person should be able to do it in a jiffy.. Congrats on overcoming alot of what you have in the past 6 months.. stay stong keep on pressing on.