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08-18-2005, 02:24 AM
Cures for humans in crocodile blood? (http://www.cnn.com/2005/HEALTH/08/17/crocodile.blood.reut/index.html?section=cnn_topstories)

08-18-2005, 03:40 AM
Interesting article......too bad that if it actually does any good, people in the US won't see it for at least a decade.

08-18-2005, 07:42 AM

08-18-2005, 03:21 PM
Hingshing, I saw that too. Here's a report:

Epilepsy Drug Shows Promise in Treating HIV
From Mark Cichocki,

Researchers have announced that very early studies of the seizure medication valproic acid indicate the medication may help "flush out" HIV from remote areas in the body that are difficult to reach with conventional therapies. The very small trial combined conventional HIV medications with the seizure medication valproic acid.

For years, scientists have tried without success to attack the HIV hidden deep in the DNA of human cells. This latent HIV lays in wait for an opportunity to proliferate, usually in the absence of effective HIV treatment. Scientist theorize that if they could eliminate this collection of latent HIV, the possibly then exists that HIV could be totally cleared from the body. Simply put, scientists believe if the latent HIV can be attacked, the potential for a cure is greatly increased.

While this data is extremely preliminary and years of research and trials would still be needed to confirm the early results, scientists believe this to be very important and exciting information.

McGill University researcher, Jean-Pierre Routy, MD, PhD commented;
"This is very serious data -- a very exciting piece of information," Routy tells WebMD. "For the first time, the disease may be attacked in the last cells where it is hiding. That is a sign of hope. We can expect one day to remove all these infected cells."

The leader of the study, David M. Margolis, MD warns that under no circumstances should patients add valproic acid to the medication regimen. The drug has serious side effects and many unknowns including how much of the drug to take and for how long. Margolis warns that valproic acid as part of an HIV regimen is many years away.

"We have to focus on HIV treatment today. Right now we must continue to prevent, detect, and treat HIV infection. Finding a vaccine to prevent AIDS is still very important. But that goal is no more challenging than the goal of eradicating infection. And that is a worthy goal as well."

Dr. Routy adds;

"Eradicating HIV from the body is a big hope. But the hope is not today."

I think we can all agree. As the pandemic continues around the world, any hope is welcome.

Source: DeNoon, Daniel J., "AIDS Cure Possible, Study Suggests", Web MD, 2005.

Dina Delicious
08-18-2005, 05:15 PM
I love the way you guys take an active intrest in this subject as protection is the key for so many reasons not just HIV ,,but hope is wonderfull
kudos to you guys

08-18-2005, 06:49 PM
Just strap up.