View Full Version : Wanting to be a T-girl or shemale VS female

09-19-2008, 03:33 PM
Question for the girl's and the guy' can throw their 2 cent's in as well.

I have read postings from men, who say they want to be a t-girl/shemale and they tend to love watching tranny porn.

What are you view's on this? I know that I have always felt female.I hope I say this right correctly, but its who I am, more than wanting to be a T-girl/Shemale Do these's guy,s have G.I.D or is this more of a fantasy sexuality?

I question their motive's and reason's. There are alway's exception's, maybe they just express who they are incorrectly.

Am I alone in these view's or am I being narrow minded? What are your view's on this

09-19-2008, 04:49 PM
There's actually a psychological word for this but I forget it at the moment. It's a form of autogynephilia. It's a kind of transformation fantasy.

The times I do look at porn (sexually, not incidentally which is unavoidable here ^_^), it is tranny porn because that's where I can understand myself. With straight porn (even finding stuff that isn't hilariously bad), I have no idea what it feels like to be fucked in a vagina. With gay porn, the guys are much more attractive (seriously, why can't we find more attractive guys for porn... no offense?) but where am I? So, well, I'm stuck with tranny porn. I'm not attracted to the girls so solo stuff is out and girls topping is weird to me and uninteresting. So what am I left with? Transsexual porn with men on top and women on the bottom, e.g. the Men-on-Top thread here.

Then I have the issue of criticizing the girls -- looking at the angles/lighting, clothing choices, plastic surgery, hair styles, etc.

Is it any wonder I just close my eyes and fantasize about my boyfriend or ideal man instead? Bah, porn!

09-19-2008, 07:09 PM
Guys like sex, not feelings.

P.S. Plurals don't use /'s/. You can save some time because you didn't really need any apostrophes in any part of the OP.

09-19-2008, 07:24 PM
Guys like sex, not feelings.

P.S. Plurals don't use /'s/. You can save some time because you didn't really need any apostrophes in any part of the OP.

English professor huh?


09-19-2008, 07:52 PM
Question for the girl's and the guy' can throw their 2 cent's in as well.

I have read postings from men, who say they want to be a t-girl/shemale and they tend to love watching tranny porn.

What are you view's on this? I know that I have always felt female.I hope I say this right correctly, but its who I am, more than wanting to be a T-girl/Shemale Do these's guy,s have G.I.D or is this more of a fantasy sexuality?

I question their motive's and reason's. There are alway's exception's, maybe they just express who they are incorrectly.

Am I alone in these view's or am I being narrow minded? What are your view's on this

I kinda agree with you so far, to add on what Zoe said porn doesn't really do anything for me, so I don't watch it for myself but if I am with a guy who wants to watch some while doing stuff I usually let him chose what it is. If it ends up being normal straight porn or trans porn, that's his call.

However, I am separately grateful for trans porn as a genre because it was the one thing that convinced my mom, after I came out to her, that there are girls who pass, and girls who are attractive (before that she thought the only trans girls on the planet are the ones who look like 50 yr old ex-nhl players). She was so afraid that I'd end up looking like that, that having the visual really allowed it to be a big nonissue.

Quiet Reflections
09-19-2008, 10:50 PM
anybody that wants to be a transsexual because of how the porn makes them feel is a idiot. Its cool if they like it, fantasize about it, or even crossdress to get off but i think being a transexual is something that comes from inside independant of sexual contact. I would like to think that most if not all of the ladies on here felt like girls long before they looked like them and without the influence of the sexual fetish culture that seems to objectify them.

09-20-2008, 03:36 AM
I kinda agree with you so far, to add on what Zoe said porn doesn't really do anything for me, so I don't watch it for myself but if I am with a guy who wants to watch some while doing stuff I usually let him chose what it is. If it ends up being normal straight porn or trans porn, that's his call.

Never understood watching porn during sex. Maybe I'm just far too sentimental for that. I don't want to be distracted and I certainly don't want him to be distracted. He's supposed to be getting turned on by me not random porn star girl on the TV.

On the other hand, when I was living on campus, I was involved with a boy and I'd go over to his dorm (a tiny single) and watch movies. Definitely more than once did I not get to watch all of the movie...

At least with my current boy, we usually wait until after the movie is over to make out / mess around. ^_^

09-20-2008, 03:52 AM
I don't think the two are connected in any way.

I'm a girl, and I never eroticized transsexualism until it became a matter of survival. That is, I lost my job, my family, and my friends to be who I am, and frankly its offensive to compare peoples sexual fantasies that can be neatly packed away whenever its inconvenient, to the very real and painful sacrifices that most Transsexual women (save for those lucky few with supportive family and friends) make.

I have no problem with people who eroticize gender fuck, I just think its a mistake to confuse that with Transsexualism.

My two cents.

09-20-2008, 08:18 PM
I need to get back to you on this one... don't have time to do it justice right now.

Short comment is don't confuse men who want to be a she-male in a movie with folks who want to be a female in society. Very different.

Second thought is that GID means you have a an issue with your gender, or at least is trending that way. That doesn't mean you necessarily go all the way to wanting to be the opposite. Gender is breaking down to different types of interactions, social, sexual, etc. and wanting to be treated as a woman and physically be one aren't always the same.

Third thought is that the physical realities of life have an impact on how folks interact with any emotional issues they have. Trans surgery is good, but a lot of folks don't want to risk their working parts on a gamble for a numb part, no matter how good the odds. So they don't think they could be female but shemale is possible.

Just first thoughts....


09-20-2008, 08:46 PM
Question for the girl's and the guy' can throw their 2 cent's in as well.

I have read postings from men, who say they want to be a t-girl/shemale and they tend to love watching tranny porn.

What are you view's on this? I know that I have always felt female.I hope I say this right correctly, but its who I am, more than wanting to be a T-girl/Shemale Do these's guy,s have G.I.D or is this more of a fantasy sexuality?

I question their motive's and reason's. There are alway's exception's, maybe they just express who they are incorrectly.

Am I alone in these view's or am I being narrow minded? What are your view's on this
Real transsexuals transition early in life and undergo SRS.

The rest, about 99.99%, are phonies including frustrated homosexuals, men carrying their fetishes too far, and autogynephiliacs.

09-21-2008, 09:06 AM
Which leads back to the idea that there weren't REAL transsexuals until there was surgery, never mind the several thousands of years prior, and real transsexuals are born with money... cause if it takes too long to get the surgery you must be one of those fake types...

- decided against any further comments at this time... it's a complicated subject, and lots of things play into the whole thing, so don't be too hard on folks. A lot of people take a long time to sort out who they really are...


T Oracle
09-21-2008, 03:29 PM
Real transsexuals transition early in life and undergo SRS.

The rest, about 99.99%, are phonies including frustrated homosexuals, men carrying their fetishes too far, and autogynephiliacs.

Most serious TS support sites I've seen state that the majority of TS people don't undergo SRS.

Back to Kiera's original question, yes there are guys who fantasise about being TS and some who take certain steps towards it whilst remaining male mentally. And obviously that's totally different from someone who is female mentally.

There is now a lot of serious studies that have done on male brain response and structure, female brain response and structure, and TS brain response and structure.

Boiling it all down, mtf TS response is typically female, but not identical. ftm response is male.

09-21-2008, 04:24 PM
Real transsexuals transition early in life and undergo SRS.

The rest, about 99.99%, are phonies including frustrated homosexuals, men carrying their fetishes too far, and autogynephiliacs.

Most serious TS support sites I've seen state that the majority of TS people don't undergo SRS.

Post 3200

T Oracle, what may be causing the discrepancy between what you have
read, is that 'true transsexuals' are being incorrectly lumped under the
umbrella term of transgenderism, as defined by the American
Psychological Association (http://www.apa.org/topics/transgender.html) which can technically include transvestites
and transsexuals, and other types of gender variant people.

I would concur that there are indeed many men with tits and other
feminine enhancements who are masquerading as women either for
monetary gain, or as means to obtain sexual partners.

However a true transsexual as outlined by Harry S. Benjamin (http://www.genderpsychology.org/transsexual/benjamin_gd.html) will actively
and agressively seek out GRS

Type Six: True Transsexual (high intensity)

Gender Feeling: Feminine. Total psycho-sexual inversion.

Dressing Habits and Social Life: May live and work as a woman. Dressing
gives insufficient relief. Gender discomfort intense.

Sex Object Choice and Sex Life: Intensely desires relations with normal
male as female if young. May have been married and have children, by
using fantasies in intercourse.

Kinsey Scale: 6

Conversion Operation: Urgently requested and usually attained.

Estrogen Medication: Required for partial relief.

Psychotherapy: Psychological guidance or psychotherapy for symptomatic
relief only.

Remarks: Despises his male sex organs. Danger of suicide or self-
mutilation, if too long frustrated.

Contrast this with the nonsurgical transsexual.

Additionally, interested readers may click this link for all six categories (http://www.genderpsychology.org/transsexual/benjamin_gd.html)

Type Four: Transsexual (Nonsurgical)

Gender Feeling: Undecided. Wavering between TV and TS.

Dressing Habits and Social Life: Dresses as often as possible with
insufficient relief of his gender discomfort. May live as a man or woman;
sometimes alternating.

Sex Object Choice and Sex Life: Libido often low. Asexual or auto-erotic.

Could be bisexual. Could also be married and have children.

Kinsey Scale: 1-4

Conversion Operation: Attractive but not requested or attraction not admitted.

Estrogen Medication: Needed for comfort and emotional balance.
Psychotherapy: Only as guidance; otherwise refused or unsuccessful.
Remarks: Social life dependent upon circumstances.

09-21-2008, 06:49 PM
Which leads back to the idea that there weren't REAL transsexuals until there was surgery, never mind the several thousands of years prior, and real transsexuals are born with money... cause if it takes too long to get the surgery you must be one of those fake types...
Concrete thought processes aside, the point about "real"/"true"/"high-intensity" transsexuals remains valid.

As Peggy writes below, Harry Benjamin delineated the original criteria for a true (high intensity) transsexual, and I think his original observations remain prescient today. True transsexuals experience great distress at their male anatomy and will go to great lengths to have this removed. We can infer such people existed thousands of years ago from that relic from the bronze age, Deuteronomy 23:1, which demanded, "No one who is emasculated or has his male organ cut off shall enter the assembly of the LORD. " People have been attempting to mitigate their distress for thousands of years, long before the introduction of modern SRS. And unfortunately, too many who weren't successful have too often decided to end their own lives. For the high-intensity transsexual, living as a non-op is not an option. As for not having enough money, there are plenty of people born into relative poverty who had the will and found a way, even without engaging in anything illegal.

09-27-2008, 09:05 AM
i am also greatful to shemales because my ex girlfriend was not happy with my tiny penis. one day i found sarah,with 9.5" massive penis flexing her cock on one boy & distroying him totally.
i done a contract with her, given a medicine to my Gf making her unconcious & then sarah given her biggest blowjobs of her lifetime which i will never be able to do so.
at last she got huge orgasms & slept away.
she is greatful tome for giving such a pleasure but she till dont know the fact that the huge penis was not mine but that was of sarah.

09-27-2008, 09:26 AM
With straight porn (even finding stuff that isn't hilariously bad), I have no idea what it feels like to be fucked in a vagina.

as someone who has fucked vagina i would imagine it feels for the girl much like it does for the "guy"

like fucking ur ass... only looser and not as fun :P

09-27-2008, 12:11 PM
I read through the scale indicated by the link, and find it very loosely defined. Individuals I have met could have fallen anywhere from 3 to 6 depending on when you met them.

I note that the type 5 is rarely referenced and is also called a true transsexual. They 'often attain' the operation but there is no necessity for it.

There is little or no option for a true transsexual of lesbian orientation. Apparently true transsexuals don't come in all the flavors that genetic women come in.

What I see in that list is a confusion of gender and sexual orientation and activity. The two have only so much to do with each other, something that has become more and more apparent over time, and social conditioning has allowed for more open expression.

There is little room in that listing for someone who, due to physical considerations, could not pursue a visible life as a feminine individual.

There is no room for someone who puts aside their own desires to function inside a family environment.

No room for the non-cross dressing transsexual who wants the full life or none of it.

It's a lot like depression used to be classified. If you could get up and function, you were not depressed. Now we realize that a person can be very depressed but still force themselves to function visibly as if they are not... and is responsible for a huge under reporting of depression among men ongoing today.

Not saying there are not men who adopt the outward appearance or even bodies of women, I've met them as well. But we cannot confuse peoples attempts to assimilate into a hostile culture as evidence that they are not true transsexuals, cannot use sexual orientation as evidence that they are not true transsexuals and cannot use the willingness to sacrifice everything else as the only criteria of someones true gender.

Someone who puts off pursuing transition to get a degree and get a job in drab to make enough money to transition is no less a transsexual during that time than the girl who dresses up at age 18 and steps right into the world as a visible trans person. They are just pursuing a different path to achieving that goal, one that they think will make them more financially secure.

As I've said before, we have more and more girls transitioning early. That doesn't mean we have more and more transsexuals in the world. It means that the world has made more tools available earlier and society has more of a place that it did for such people than it did thirty years ago.

Being a transsexual is a mental state, one that works itself out in the physical environment in different ways over different time periods. It is not a physical condition defined by who you sleep with, what surgery you have had or whether you are perfectly willing to cut off you nose to spite your face. The careful and considered trans person is also part of this family... and should not be reviled for taking their time and making sure they do something right.


09-27-2008, 12:22 PM
I dated a guy with a vagina for two years -- 2003-2005. We had vaginal intercourse. It was weird. Mainly, I just wanted to be close to him. He was the one with the huge libido but I'm kinky enough.

We even had a few threesomes with his now girlfriend, who has a (very large) penis.

I had vaginal sex with a girl from the club earlier this year (Mardi Gras). It was really messed up. I was pretty drunk and high but the whole experience was fucked up.

I'd be fine if I never topped anyone ever again, even if they're being dominant. My boy's GG ex-fiancee has penetrated him with fingers, toys, even ginger (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Figging) but he knows I'm not into that sort of thing. He's not a sub by any means, he and his ex were just very experimental and kinky. For me, I could never dominate a guy. It just ruins a lot of what it means to me to be a man.

As for vaginal sex, I have no idea if it feels similar for the man as for the woman. I guess I'll find out when I get surgery.

09-27-2008, 01:50 PM
One ex commented that she could still tell what used to be what, and how things had been rearranged. Not sure if that is at all informative, but I thought it was interesting at the time.


09-27-2008, 01:57 PM
Real transsexuals transition early in life and undergo SRS.

The rest, about 99.99%, are phonies including frustrated homosexuals, men carrying their fetishes too far, and autogynephiliacs.

Most serious TS support sites I've seen state that the majority of TS people don't undergo SRS.

Post 3200

T Oracle, what may be causing the discrepancy between what you have
read, is that 'true transsexuals' are being incorrectly lumped under the
umbrella term of transgenderism, as defined by the American
Psychological Association (http://www.apa.org/topics/transgender.html) which can technically include transvestites
and transsexuals, and other types of gender variant people.

I would concur that there are indeed many men with tits and other
feminine enhancements who are masquerading as women either for
monetary gain, or as means to obtain sexual partners.

However a true transsexual as outlined by Harry S. Benjamin (http://www.genderpsychology.org/transsexual/benjamin_gd.html) will actively
and agressively seek out GRS

Type Six: True Transsexual (high intensity)

Gender Feeling: Feminine. Total psycho-sexual inversion.

Dressing Habits and Social Life: May live and work as a woman. Dressing
gives insufficient relief. Gender discomfort intense.

Sex Object Choice and Sex Life: Intensely desires relations with normal
male as female if young. May have been married and have children, by
using fantasies in intercourse.

Kinsey Scale: 6

Conversion Operation: Urgently requested and usually attained.

Estrogen Medication: Required for partial relief.

Psychotherapy: Psychological guidance or psychotherapy for symptomatic
relief only.

Remarks: Despises his male sex organs. Danger of suicide or self-
mutilation, if too long frustrated.

Contrast this with the nonsurgical transsexual.

Additionally, interested readers may click this link for all six categories (http://www.genderpsychology.org/transsexual/benjamin_gd.html)

Type Four: Transsexual (Nonsurgical)

Gender Feeling: Undecided. Wavering between TV and TS.

Dressing Habits and Social Life: Dresses as often as possible with
insufficient relief of his gender discomfort. May live as a man or woman;
sometimes alternating.

Sex Object Choice and Sex Life: Libido often low. Asexual or auto-erotic.

Could be bisexual. Could also be married and have children.

Kinsey Scale: 1-4

Conversion Operation: Attractive but not requested or attraction not admitted.

Estrogen Medication: Needed for comfort and emotional balance.
Psychotherapy: Only as guidance; otherwise refused or unsuccessful.
Remarks: Social life dependent upon circumstances.

Good points peggy. But I think that the kind of people that TOracle was talking about would be, on Dr. Benjamin's scale :

Type Five: True Transsexual (moderate intensity)

Gender Feeling: Feminine (trapped in male body)

Dressing Habits and Social Life: Lives and works as woman if possible. Insufficient relief from dressing.

Sex Object Choice and Sex Life: Libido low. Asexual auto-erotic, or passive homosexual activity. May have been married and have children.

Kinsey Scale: 4-6

Conversion Operation: Requested and usually indicated.

Estrogen Medication: Needed as substitute for or preliminary to operation.

Psychotherapy: Rejected. Useless as to cure. Permissive psychological guidance.

Remarks: Operation hoped for and worked for. Often attained.

That just about describes me, and to be honest, most of the transsexuals I have known. For many many "true transsexuals" even Benajmin noted SRS is not always a do or die sort of thing. This group would cover the non-op transsexuals quite well.


As for the porno thing.

The word for men who watch TS porn, want to be TS because of the porn and other fantasies is autogynephile. Why be judgemental of that, as so many people have been? We are all gods freaks. Live and let live.


As for tgir zoe. You look like cunt in that avatar. :)

T Oracle
09-27-2008, 02:33 PM
Maggie and Brenda,

If you want a serious discussion on this, with sources etc, I'd prefer doing it in tgirltalk, where some of the evidence is already assembled.

For example, there is one authorised center to carry out SRS in Israel. They report just under half of mtf TS patients undergo full SRS, only a small minority of ftm TS patients undergo full SRS.

The sites I'm thinking of fully understand the difference between TS (estimated by surveys at around 0.1% to 0.2% of US population) and TG (estimated by surveys at around 3% of US population).

(NB. These figures are the subject of raging debate in the TS professional world.)

Standard reasons quoted for not doing full SRS are prohibitive cost, risk and, for some, age.

Benjamin was a pioneer, but the work was done a long time ago and a lot of it is coming under pressure as being outdated and not completely accurate.

If you want to talk more on this, I'd rather capture it in the serious side of tgirltalk, and leave Kiera's thread on wannabee's.

By the way, there is also a thread 'Black first THEN trans' in the USA (in tgt) that I'd like to hear your opinion on.

With regards.

09-27-2008, 03:10 PM
After years of lurking, this thread has compelled me to offer an opinion or two....hopefully it makes some sort of sense.

I think all of us are at times pathologically driven to compare and contrast, then attempt to catagorize...as if we can somehow neatly fit everyone into their assigned position, gender, or role in life...an impossible task due to all the variations and differences out there.

I have read everyone's comments, both serious and not, and can't help recalling what a former mistress used to say to me: "You aren't exactly everyone's cup of tea". That's when I stopped trying to "fit" into a catagory and simply just be who I am whether anyone else likes or dislikes me. Sean mentioned people who didn't realize/understand/accept their own perspectives until later in life; that fits me to a T...I probably don't fit into many so-called catagories or definitions, but that doesn't de-legitimize who I am.

The fact that some are part-time, full-time, mild, wild, undergo SRS, crossdress, or favor top or bottom is, in my opinion, more than a little irrelevant...to me the answer is ridiculously simple: you are who you are.

09-27-2008, 09:14 PM
As for tgir zoe. You look like cunt in that avatar. :)

Why do I like look like a cunt? :cry:

09-28-2008, 01:50 AM
As for tgir zoe. You look like cunt in that avatar. :)

Why do I like look like a cunt? :cry:


cunt(TG and Gay slang) - A mtf transsexual who looks and or acts naturally like a woman. Not necessarily meant as an insult when said by transwomen.

LOL Sorry I should have known better.

09-28-2008, 02:57 AM
Maggie and Brenda,

If you want a serious discussion on this, with sources etc, I'd prefer doing it in tgirltalk, where some of the evidence is already assembled.

For example, there is one authorised center to carry out SRS in Israel. They report just under half of mtf TS patients undergo full SRS, only a small minority of ftm TS patients undergo full SRS.

The sites I'm thinking of fully understand the difference between TS (estimated by surveys at around 0.1% to 0.2% of US population) and TG (estimated by surveys at around 3% of US population).

(NB. These figures are the subject of raging debate in the TS professional world.)

Standard reasons quoted for not doing full SRS are prohibitive cost, risk and, for some, age.

Benjamin was a pioneer, but the work was done a long time ago and a lot of it is coming under pressure as being outdated and not completely accurate.

If you want to talk more on this, I'd rather capture it in the serious side of tgirltalk, and leave Kiera's thread on wannabee's.

By the way, there is also a thread 'Black first THEN trans' in the USA (in tgt) that I'd like to hear your opinion on.

With regards.
I think it is naive to generalize the numbers from a single center in Israel.
That center serves a population that is smaller than many cities outside of Israel, let alone countries, and who are more alike than different.
Is everyone in that country prevented from going abroad for surgery?
How do you know that they are not reporting a skewed distribution, since some of the higher intensity transsexuals probably travel abroad, rather than wait in line for government sponsored and approved surgery. Those who travel abroad for surgery would therefore not part of that center's numbers.
It is not surprising that only those who are unable to travel abroad, and those who are ambivalent or who do not feel as urgent about surgery, result in a distribution that is weighted more towards those choosing not to have surgery.
The high intensity transsexuals have already excluded themselves by going to Thailand, the US or Europe.

09-28-2008, 03:01 AM
As for tgir zoe. You look like cunt in that avatar. :)

Why do I like look like a cunt? :cry:


cunt(TG and Gay slang) - A mtf transsexual who looks and or acts naturally like a woman. Not necessarily meant as an insult when said by transwomen.

LOL Sorry I should have known better.
Slippery slope...
Would it be okay for tgirlzoe to call you a racially charged epithet, or an epithet for muslim, if she looked like you or worshipped like you?
I've always thought it odd that some people feel entitled to call others offensive names.
I think it is much closer to the mark, and much better understood, just to speak the truth simply and directly: tgirlzoe is a pretty woman.

09-28-2008, 04:05 AM
Tend to agree endowed, avoids confusion.

And yup... there is a lot of skipping of that five level in discussions around here, which is strange given the nature of the forum. But even the Five has some oddities, as it implies a certain sexual disfunction that may not be there.


09-28-2008, 05:04 AM
To the last two responses. What you say makes sense if and only if you ignore the context that the word was used in. :roll: I have explained it and in this context it makes sense. Trust me having a cow about this only makes you look bad.

Let us now return to the regularly scheduled thread....

09-28-2008, 05:48 AM
As for tgir zoe. You look like cunt in that avatar. :)

Why do I like look like a cunt? :cry:


cunt(TG and Gay slang) - A mtf transsexual who looks and or acts naturally like a woman. Not necessarily meant as an insult when said by transwomen.

LOL Sorry I should have known better.

I vaguely know this. "Fish", "fierce", "cunt" and other words I know from basic understandings of the drag community. I went to a drag show once about 5 years ago and I watched "Paris Is Burning"... that's about it...

If you are saying I look cute, just say that.

But thank you.

Photo is from March of this year, taken with my crappy little Nokia N800 camera. I should get a real digicam sometime.

09-28-2008, 07:02 AM
Maggie and Brenda,

If you want a serious discussion on this, with sources etc, I'd prefer doing it in tgirltalk, where some of the evidence is already assembled.

For example, there is one authorised center to carry out SRS in Israel. They report just under half of mtf TS patients undergo full SRS, only a small minority of ftm TS patients undergo full SRS.

The sites I'm thinking of fully understand the difference between TS (estimated by surveys at around 0.1% to 0.2% of US population) and TG (estimated by surveys at around 3% of US population).

(NB. These figures are the subject of raging debate in the TS professional world.)

Standard reasons quoted for not doing full SRS are prohibitive cost, risk and, for some, age.

Benjamin was a pioneer, but the work was done a long time ago and a lot of it is coming under pressure as being outdated and not completely accurate.

If you want to talk more on this, I'd rather capture it in the serious side of tgirltalk, and leave Kiera's thread on wannabee's.

By the way, there is also a thread 'Black first THEN trans' in the USA (in tgt) that I'd like to hear your opinion on.

With regards.

I stopped by TGT to check out the the thread that you alluded to, but
didn't see it.

I did see a link to a survey about transsexual discrimination
http://online.survey.psu.edu/endtransdiscrim/ which looks very promising.

Also upthread you stated;

Most serious TS support sites I've seen state that the majority of TS people don't undergo SRS.

I was wondering if you would be so kind as to PM, or post the names of
the 'serious TS support sites' that are your source of reference.

Also, I looked for this thread;

By the way, there is also a thread 'Black first THEN trans' in the USA (in tgt) that I'd like to hear your opinion on.

On this question, I would have to say that I identify and see myself
primarily as a Black woman.

Of course I realize that I have a transhistory. But the lion's share of my
concerns and issues are those of a mainstream Black woman.

09-28-2008, 07:18 AM
To the last two responses. What you say makes sense if and only if you ignore the context that the word was used in. :roll: I have explained it and in this context it makes sense. Trust me having a cow about this only makes you look bad.
I don't think anyone was having a cow. One cannot assume that everyone understands the more obscure interpretations of a slang word. To most people, "cunt" is vulgar and has a very demeaning connotation indeed. While your word choice may make sense to you, I think it is best to worry about how the recipients might perceive it, especially those who you don't really know.

09-29-2008, 08:49 AM
Context is important, but all parties have to be part of the same sub-culture to get it. Clearly by you understand this by your own response smiley when it became clear she was not catching your meaning.

If me and couple dozen friends start using 'asshole' as a word of endearment I shouldn't expect anyone else to get the in joke. So if a new person joins our group, I would expect to be doing some explaining, given this is an open board, there is always a 'new guy' (even if they've been around a while) who won't get it. So for things like this I would just advise avoiding any 'specialist' language you can, if it has other meanings that might not go over so well.

It's like a business environment... even if everyone gets along, you just don't say some things in case someone else might get offended.

We played a wwII game recently with folks, and everyone was supposed to play in character... folks got real offended when I pulled out all the propoganda terms for the Japanese. I was surprised that folks got mad, because that was the character they asked me to play. I didn't realize until later that none of them actually role play... they just talk about role playing. So I said things that turned out to be offensive, not because they weren't appropriate to my understanding of what we were doing, but because of their understanding.

The issues is I should have found out the context before I used an potentially offensive terms... because I knew they were potentially offensive.

Not a slam, just a way of looking at things that I aspire too, but don't always reach. And yes I do it wrong around here fairly frequently.


09-30-2008, 03:09 PM
As for tgir zoe. You look like cunt in that avatar. :)

Why do I like look like a cunt? :cry:


cunt(TG and Gay slang) - A mtf transsexual who looks and or acts naturally like a woman. Not necessarily meant as an insult when said by transwomen.

LOL Sorry I should have known better.
Slippery slope...
Would it be okay for tgirlzoe to call you a racially charged epithet, or an epithet for muslim, if she looked like you or worshipped like you?
I've always thought it odd that some people feel entitled to call others offensive names.
I think it is much closer to the mark, and much better understood, just to speak the truth simply and directly: tgirlzoe is a pretty woman.

Tend to agree endowed, avoids confusion.

And yup... there is a lot of skipping of that five level in discussions around here, which is strange given the nature of the forum. But even the Five has some oddities, as it implies a certain sexual disfunction that may not be there.


I vaguely know this. "Fish", "fierce", "cunt" and other words I know from basic understandings of the drag community. I went to a drag show once about 5 years ago and I watched "Paris Is Burning"... that's about it...

If you are saying I look cute, just say that.

If I were Brenda, I wouldnt give ya any compliments anymore, geezusssssss lmao....its not like were talkin bout desuetuded words here....talk bout rural people, damn.....dont yall come to new york, smh :thumbsdown

mrbig :smoking

T Oracle
09-30-2008, 04:33 PM
I stopped by TGT to check out the the thread that you alluded to, but
didn't see it.

Most serious TS support sites I've seen state that the majority of TS people don't undergo SRS.

I was wondering if you would be so kind as to PM, or post the names of
the 'serious TS support sites' that are your source of reference.


Work in progress on tgirltalk. Data on USA, Holland and Singapore being added. From memory, STRAP data on Thailand and Philippines is already hidden in the bowels of tgt, which will be re-surfaced when time permits.

Due to the time/effort already involved in this, I don't wish to duplicate here or by PM.

Please keep your eye on tgt.

Over and out from me in this thread.


10-03-2008, 06:45 AM
I can remember laying awake in bed at night when I was 12 or 13 praying I would wake up as a girl in the morning. I still fantasize about that but I know it doesn't happen that way.

When I think about wanting to be a Tgirl it's because I realize I can't be a Ggirl.

I think having a pussy would be great, but I don't think the SRS technology available at this time would be satisfying to me. Don't get me wrong it has come a long way, but I just don't think it would be close enough to the real thing to make me happy.

If I could live my life as a Tgirl full time and be accepted as a normal human being I think that would be the best I could ever hope for.

I guess I have lowered expectations.

10-03-2008, 10:41 AM
That is well put, and touches on a lot of things not covered in this thread.

Basically, can you make a reasoned judgment about the quality and desirability of what is medically and socially available and still be part of the community. Can you choose not to take whatever is out there, because you'd just trade one disappointment for another, and live with what you think works?

This could put some folks squarely in the shemale rather than female category. As one t-girl I've met put it, why give up the one thing that makes me desirable to a whole group of folks for something that won't be what I want and won't make me acceptable to the larger groups available.

I don't know that I agree (she's certainly passable enough and enough guys are definitely surgery okay... ) but she made a reasoned choice based on what she wanted, what she though worked and yet she would get reviled by a lot of the trans folks for it due to not having the final surgery.


10-03-2008, 04:07 PM
One more quick note that the last post reminde me of. I once read somewhere that Vaniity never intends to have SRS because she is afraid that she will never have an orgasim again if she does. If that's correct then it is hard to fault her for that fear, and it is wrong I think to consider her less of tgirl or just girl in general because she has decided to keep her candy.