View Full Version : Holly Hollywood

09-13-2008, 02:07 AM
I love Holly Hollywood! Anyone got any pics of her? Ive never seen anyone as beatiful as her before.
Im considering crossing the pond to attend one of your tranny parties in NY, but I wanna make sure it's a party Holly attends. Since I have to travel so far i have to plan ahead, months ahead... is there any party you girls know about, several months from now, that Holly wood surely attend? 100% guaranteed?

Pardon my english, it's not my first language...

09-13-2008, 04:35 AM
I don't think any girl showing up at a party can be 100% guaranteed even a few days a head of time. They can get sick or cancel or whatever at the last minute. Plus I haven't seen parties announced months ahead of time. Allanah's big parties are usually announced 4-6 weeks before the event.

Some Holly party pics (http://www.transsexualparties.com/grid.cgi?id=299001)

Your English is really good, just some minor spelling mistakes.

09-13-2008, 06:41 AM
she's more or less a regular at the weekly parties, unless she's touring outside of New York, then you don't see her for a few weeks at a time. You make it worth her while in advance and she'll be sure to be at the party you plan to attend

great pics Bigguy

09-18-2008, 03:26 AM
How would you get in touch with Holly to make it worth her while to attend the party per se. I think she is extremely beautiful maybe one of the hottest all time. Would be great to be able to meet her contact her.