View Full Version : voyeur sex on CL --legal?? opinions?

09-12-2008, 06:00 PM
Im really into the idea of watching a hot couple--possible guy and a ts
There are a number of couples who advertize this service on Craigs List...seems harmless enough..i dont wat to participate.
i imagine it still might be against some law.
but--in your opinions.....would LE waste their time posting such ads--when they can just go for clearcut prostitution?

do u think its a safe bet that these posts are legit?

thanks for the input

09-12-2008, 06:19 PM
There is nothing illegal about paying to view entertainment.

09-12-2008, 07:06 PM
you think? others have had ddifferent opinions
any more input?

09-12-2008, 09:50 PM
my ex- is doing that at the moment... and the lady she is doing it with is pretty good about watching her back legal wise. It may be a gray area in some states but it wouldn't be prostitution exactly.

Can't remember the word for paying folks to have sex... damn 15 year gap from my law classes... but some states do make that illegal separately. Check online with the state laws... there are a number of good websites that list what's legal and not in individual states.


09-12-2008, 09:53 PM
If it's not legal, I know of a few clubs where the actresses were having sex with each other on stage. AFIAK it wasn't a problem, provided it was a place that didn't serve food or drinks.

09-12-2008, 10:00 PM
From the NYS penal law:

S 230.02 Patronizing a prostitute; definitions.
1. A person patronizes a prostitute when:
(a) Pursuant to a prior understanding, he pays a fee to another person
as compensation for such person or a third person having engaged in
sexual conduct with him; or
(b) He pays or agrees to pay a fee to another person pursuant to an
understanding that in return therefor such person or a third person will
engage in sexual conduct with him; or
(c) He solicits or requests another person to engage in sexual conduct
with him in return for a fee.
2. As used in this article, "person who is patronized" means the
person with whom the defendant engaged in sexual conduct or was to have
engaged in sexual conduct pursuant to the understanding, or the person
who was solicited or requested by the defendant to engage in sexual

It really only covers sexual conduct between you and her. However, check the law of the state and city where this is taking place. Tbh though, this would not be high up on the vice squad's list of things to do lol.

09-12-2008, 10:02 PM
HAlf the fun is the idea you might get popped, duh.

09-12-2008, 10:13 PM
HAlf the fun is the idea you might get popped, duh.

lol :lol:

09-13-2008, 02:48 AM
I see people aren't really answering your question - so I will do so.

LE will not post an CL ad or an ad anywhere else where the ONLY service offered is for your to view two consenting adults having sex. However, LE will COPY an ad they believe will be successful in drawing the most JOHNS. Such an ad just might have observation as a service.

As far as your concern - if you make it clear that you only want to watch - you should be safe. If you want even better protection - explain that you only want to FILM or TAPE the action - then you're clear. Why - US Supreme Court says that doing so is protected action.

~Of course I'm not giving legal advice~

09-13-2008, 03:00 AM
very interesting! tell me more

09-13-2008, 03:24 AM
I see people aren't really answering your question - so I will do so.

LE will not post an CL ad or an ad anywhere else where the ONLY service offered is for your to view two consenting adults having sex. However, LE will COPY an ad they believe will be successful in drawing the most JOHNS. Such an ad just might have observation as a service.

As far as your concern - if you make it clear that you only want to watch - you should be safe. If you want even better protection - explain that you only want to FILM or TAPE the action - then you're clear. Why - US Supreme Court says that doing so is protected action.

~Of course I'm not giving legal advice~

lol obscenity exceptions and prostitution are two different things. Otherwise by that logic, you could pay to fuck them and so long as you video tape it you're in the clear. You're handing him advice about Miller exceptions, which doesn't really fit so cleanly into what he is talking about (even if he video tapes it).

To the OP, I'd recommend you do what I suggested and check your own local and state laws. There's a good chance that paying to watch is not illegal per se, but there are always tons of exceptions when it comes to the law and it can vary greatly from state to state.

09-13-2008, 03:43 AM
not sure if this is the same thing, but i beat off for a few gays guys who advertised on CL....

09-13-2008, 06:48 AM
thats quite an avatar

09-13-2008, 07:00 AM
thats quite an avatar

it's not me

09-13-2008, 09:25 AM
In a lot of ways I hope it's not anyone, busting your balls is supposed to be an expression.
