View Full Version : Damn. RIP Jerry Reed ... "East Bound and Down..."

09-09-2008, 12:38 AM
I didn't know he had passed away (a week ago?). Where have I been?

The only redeeming part to those horrible Smokey and the Bandit movies were actors such as Jerry Reed, and the colorful gruffy characters they brought life to in my opinion. Reed's song "East Bound and Down" kicked butt, as did the scene after his bar room brawl where he mowed down the motorcycles with his rig. That look of his as he eyed those bikes he was about to mow down was priceless.


RIP, Jerry, and thank you. :)

09-09-2008, 01:06 AM
Thanks for the link to the clip... brought back a lot of memories...

Sad that he's gone, I loved a lot of his characters.



09-09-2008, 01:23 AM
BANDIT: It's me they're after. They don't
even know Cledus Snow exists.

SNOWMAN: Oh, they don't?
Well, I'll tell you what we gonna do.
We gonna introduce 'em to the boy.
So move over, good buddy,
cause the Snowman is comin' through.
Hold on to your ass, Fred.


BANDIT: Hot damn, we're gonna make it.

09-09-2008, 01:35 AM
LOL! How is it that two posters hailing from the same southern California laid back surfer city are into Jerry Reed? LOL!

Gawd, I hope Jerry left some of his amazing guitar picking talent to someone still here on earth. What a talent.


I'm not into southern fried country music, but one must give props where props are due, and MAN that man could pick.


09-09-2008, 04:46 AM
RIP Jerry, he had a hell of a sense of humor too lol

09-09-2008, 10:46 AM
I always liked Jerry Reed, but what really impressed me was after watching the movie "Bat 21" for about the 10th time did I finally realize that Jerry was Danny Glover's commanding officer in that movie. Reed was a tought, take no shit colonel and it was a role that was 180 degrees from his Smoke and the Bandit character. It was always fun watching Jerry play the happy go lucky good ole' boy, but he was damn good when he played it straight and serious.

R.I.P. Jerry

09-09-2008, 02:16 PM
The scene

09-09-2008, 03:03 PM
That's very sad to hear, I didn't know that he'd passed away. I always liked Jerry Reed, I remember playing one of his live CDs in the car onetime, and the guy in the car with me heard Jerry's divorce song, "she got the gold mine, I got the shaft" for the first time, and damn near peed his pants! I mean, what a classic line. :lol:

09-09-2008, 04:09 PM
"When you're hot you're hot, & when you're not you're not."

Now & then talent comes along.


09-18-2008, 05:18 AM
I didn't know he had passed away (a week ago?). Where have I been?

The only redeeming part to those horrible Smokey and the Bandit movies were actors such as Jerry Reed, and the colorful gruffy characters they brought life to in my opinion. Reed's song "East Bound and Down" kicked butt, as did the scene after his bar room brawl where he mowed down the motorcycles with his rig. That look of his as he eyed those bikes he was about to mow down was priceless.


RIP, Jerry, and thank you. :)Who the hell is gonna watch after Fred now that Snowman's dead?!!!