View Full Version : The most spiteful thing..

Hara_Juku Tgirl
09-06-2008, 02:11 PM
A girl or guy has said or done to you?




09-06-2008, 04:06 PM
I'd put it up, but she's on the board and i think she already feels like shit for saying it because she knows I'll never respect her or speak to her again

09-06-2008, 04:51 PM
It was more stupid than spiteful because I never could figure out her intentions, but a woman I was in a 6 month relationship with, out of nowhere decides to break up over breakfast on my birthday. Some present. :D

Didn't even get good breakup sex on that day. :evil:

09-06-2008, 04:53 PM
It was more stupid than spiteful because I never could figure out her intentions, but a woman I was in a 6 month relationship with, out of nowhere decides to break up over breakfast on my birthday. Some present. :D

Didn't even get good breakup sex on that day. :evil:

That's fucking cold.................

09-06-2008, 05:08 PM
It was more stupid than spiteful because I never could figure out her intentions, but a woman I was in a 6 month relationship with, out of nowhere decides to break up over breakfast on my birthday. Some present. :D

Didn't even get good breakup sex on that day. :evil:

Cold. Similar situation here. Dumped by a girl who I was dating for 3 1/2 years during the holiday season. Kinda ruined Christmas.

09-06-2008, 05:33 PM
my little sister dunked my timbs in the tub after i got her af1's dirty BY ACCIDENT.

09-06-2008, 06:02 PM

That's an interesting question but by its very nature it is difficult to answer without fear of polluting other readers.
I remember a particular sectarian remark/slur spat at me while visiting Glasgow some years ago when I was young lad (19). I was too naive at the time to fully realise the implication of the latent threat that had been made. Fortunately I was with friends of the same persuasion of the person that was 'back-handedly' insulting/setting me up that were 'on the ball' and whisked me off before the situation escalated. Unfortunately, its something that low and base that I wouldn't want to fully share with the general public as they really don't deserve it but it did involve the words 'Nuns' and 'Cunt' in the same sentence.
As it was potentially fatal in the circumstances, it was a day I had to come to terms with the harsh realities of life and in doing so, sadly, lost some innocence but come but to realise that you cannot always take people on trust and just when you might think you know what's going on....you don't.

Best regards,


09-07-2008, 12:02 AM
My cousin-who at the time was a major player-slept with my ex because he was mad at me for having to lay him off at work. I have since forgiven him, but not yet her...

09-07-2008, 12:17 AM
My cousin-who at the time was a major player-slept with my ex because he was mad at me for having to lay him off at work. I have since forgiven him, but not yet her...

Is anyone else struggling with the pronouns here? It doesn't help that this is a transgender site. :roll:

09-07-2008, 01:12 AM
It was more stupid than spiteful because I never could figure out her intentions, but a woman I was in a 6 month relationship with, out of nowhere decides to break up over breakfast on my birthday. Some present. :D

Didn't even get good breakup sex on that day. :evil:

I had a breakup with a girl in a similar way, but it was just a little slip of the tongue. We're sitting at breakfast and I meant to say "Could you please pass the maple syrup" but it came out as "you fucking cunt you've ruined my life".

09-07-2008, 01:14 AM

09-07-2008, 01:53 AM
left me at the altar enough said

09-07-2008, 02:10 AM

09-07-2008, 02:20 AM
left me at the altar enough said
>Your avatar shreds and made me giggle. Joker_ "Why So Yahoo Serious?" thanks glad ya like

09-07-2008, 04:03 AM
15 years ago I moved into a new house & my mother gave me a bed in a bag as a housewarming gift. It was no big deal, not overly expensive, but I liked it. I had a 5th pillow, odd man out, so I put my best non-matching pillowcase on it & let it lie loose on the bed.

The event:
Some lowlife broke into my house, threw the odd pillow off in the corner of the room, pulled down the covers, & took one of the matching pillowcases to haul off my stuff.

Now I wasn't a burglary virgin. I was rightfully pissed that he/she/it/they stole my VCR, stereo, CDs (some of the more obscure stuff I still haven't found replacements for), fleecelined denim coat, Winchester 30-30, & hand painted world's best dad coffee mug. I was also pissed that they broke the TV by dropping it face down. & of course it didn't help my demeanor that the Phoenix PD took 4 hours to show up so I missed the Cardinal preseason game that I had tickets for on the 50 yard line. & they didn't seem to care that when the clown had broken the window to get in, they left all ten fingerprints on the large piece of glass they pulled out of the frame, cleaner than anything any cop had ever gotten inking up sombody's hands to book them into jail. All this I withstood with a calm that surprized even me. Maybe it's because I just couldn't get my mind off of that pillowcase.

It still pisses me off. It may sound trite, but no other violation that's happened to me in my 57 years on this planet has ever pissed me off more than the deliberate breaking up of my sheet set. It's bad enough that somebody ripped me off, but that act stuck their middle finger right in my face. There was no reason to do it other than spite. I'm not normally vindictive & I won't go out of my way to track this person down for the sake of vengeance. But if I ever stumble upon who did this, I won't care what they're up to today. They can be a totally reformed pillar of the community with children on the honor role or a deacon in the church, & I will take my 22oz wafflehead claw hammer & shatter every knuckle on every finger & toe.

09-07-2008, 04:32 AM
mmettray, have you ever heard of and heard expression "as tight as a nuns cunt" ? I am forced to ask myself is is your biblical/religious inoute appropriate in this form?........ you are willing to talk to and about some beauiful ladies in this forums. But NUN and CUNT can not go in the same sentence??? Enuff sad


That's an interesting question but by its very nature it is difficult to answer without fear of polluting other readers.
I remember a particular sectarian remark/slur spat at me while visiting Glasgow some years ago when I was young lad (19). I was too naive at the time to fully realise the implication of the latent threat that had been made. Fortunately I was with friends of the same persuasion of the person that was 'back-handedly' insulting/setting me up that were 'on the ball' and whisked me off before the situation escalated. Unfortunately, its something that low and base that I wouldn't want to fully share with the general public as they really don't deserve it but it did involve the words 'Nuns' and 'Cunt' in the same sentence.
As it was potentially fatal in the circumstances, it was a day I had to come to terms with the harsh realities of life and in doing so, sadly, lost some innocence but come but to realise that you cannot always take people on trust and just when you might think you know what's going on....you don't.

Best regards,


09-07-2008, 04:39 AM
I just had a moment... What if....................... God(the almighty) Is and was a transsexual... Would the lord not want to be equal with one and everybody elsethat he created ?

Quiet Reflections
09-07-2008, 10:17 AM
my ex and best friend deciced to sleep together just for the sole purpose of hurting me. i would have rather been shot or stabbed than feel that sort of betrayal. she and i had been together for 5 years and id know him since i was born.

09-07-2008, 03:48 PM
That is cold...

For me - spiteful - an ex who wanted to keep our relationship quiet got mad because I gave my extra ticket to a dinner to a previous girlfriend I was helping get to know some friends of mine since she was having trouble meeting folks.

She got mad at me and so not only went to the dinner with my worst enemy, she brought him to the after party at my place and at least blew him in my parking lot. Just kinda sad that...

Most hurtful...
Current ex- left me after I asked her to be really sure she wanted to be with me and wasn't using me for my house after I heard her say we wouldn't have been together if not for me having a place for her to be. She left while I was so sick in bed I couldn't even stay awake, and while my cat (and best friend) was dying... without telling me. I finally got better and came down stairs and found she had been gone for a day.

Sadly, I still wish she had stayed in some ways... course in other ways I wish I had a week in a soundproof room with a set of knives, a metal cage and her. But I'm sure I'll get over that part.


09-07-2008, 07:53 PM
15 years ago I moved into a new house & my mother gave me a bed in a bag as a housewarming gift. It was no big deal, not overly expensive, but I liked it. I had a 5th pillow, odd man out, so I put my best non-matching pillowcase on it & let it lie loose on the bed.

The event:
Some lowlife broke into my house, threw the odd pillow off in the corner of the room, pulled down the covers, & took one of the matching pillowcases to haul off my stuff.

Now I wasn't a burglary virgin. I was rightfully pissed that he/she/it/they stole my VCR, stereo, CDs (some of the more obscure stuff I still haven't found replacements for), fleecelined denim coat, Winchester 30-30, & hand painted world's best dad coffee mug. I was also pissed that they broke the TV by dropping it face down. & of course it didn't help my demeanor that the Phoenix PD took 4 hours to show up so I missed the Cardinal preseason game that I had tickets for on the 50 yard line. & they didn't seem to care that when the clown had broken the window to get in, they left all ten fingerprints on the large piece of glass they pulled out of the frame, cleaner than anything any cop had ever gotten inking up sombody's hands to book them into jail. All this I withstood with a calm that surprized even me. Maybe it's because I just couldn't get my mind off of that pillowcase.

It still pisses me off. It may sound trite, but no other violation that's happened to me in my 57 years on this planet has ever pissed me off more than the deliberate breaking up of my sheet set. It's bad enough that somebody ripped me off, but that act stuck their middle finger right in my face. There was no reason to do it other than spite. I'm not normally vindictive & I won't go out of my way to track this person down for the sake of vengeance. But if I ever stumble upon who did this, I won't care what they're up to today. They can be a totally reformed pillar of the community with children on the honor role or a deacon in the church, & I will take my 22oz wafflehead claw hammer & shatter every knuckle on every finger & toe.

That's pretty fucked up,

It kept making me think of this seen from The Crow though (starts at 2:20):


I really don't get thieves like that. What color were the sheets? Wouldn't walking around with a pillow case full of electronics just scream "I JUST ROBBED SOMEONE"? If they'd have put some thought into it they could have used like a backpack or a dufflebag so it doesn't look like they're trickortreating as they load stuff up into their car on the street.

Not surprised that the cops didn't care, I think most departments won't even think about actually SOLVING CRIMES unless someone is badly hurt or killed. Can it really be that hard to dust a place for prints and stuff like that?

Friend of mine had to park on the street, for his day job, across from a police station yet his radio was stolen 4 times in 5 years, the last time the methhead or whoever it was couldn't figure out how to steal a radio so he ripped the whole dash off and WALKED AWAY WITH IT. Yet no one, in this busy city, seemed to notice or care that some idiot is walking down the street at high noon with a big buick dash slung over their shoulder :shock: Broke so much stuff on the car in the process, totalled it out. For a (at best) $20 factory radio, nothing aftermarket.

09-07-2008, 08:46 PM
Yes I am familiar with the expression "as tight as a nuns cunt" and also the contexts that it might be used.
This, however, was not what transpired in this particular instance. It was as I soon learnt, and as I stated in my original post, a pointedly sectarian and very odious jibe/threat.

PS I've no idea what an 'inoute' is?

Hara_Juku Tgirl
09-08-2008, 06:50 PM
Back in college, this tranny friend of mine and I were dating guys that were best friends. One night (during thesis), she's decided to take a break and come see her then bf. Called and ask me to come but since I couldn't she's brought another tg friends of ours. In short, she apparently was bewildered why my bf wasn't into her. So she's decided to test my then bf's faithfulness by bringing along another tranny to play 'match maker'. I was hurt by what had happened. I find it so vile thinking she was my best friend. So a few years later, I ran into her then bf and sought revenge then called her up and told her about it!

You don't play with people's lives (especially your best friend out of your own vanity) and take what isn't yours in the first place out of greed!

So now we don't speak to eachother.
