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View Full Version : Are you considered gay if you like to suck Tgirl Cock?

08-14-2005, 07:35 PM
what's your opinions? Please weigh in guys and gals.

08-14-2005, 07:38 PM
Use the search, Luke. This question has been knocked around in here more times than I can count. FWIW, there are three opinions:

1) No (include me in this group)

2) Yes (do NOT include me in this group)

3) It doesn't matter (include me in this group, too)

08-14-2005, 07:55 PM
Take the quiz. (Thanks to LG)


Then you will know the answer to this important :roll: question.

08-14-2005, 08:34 PM
Taken from this Week's Savage Love column in the Village Voice:

Q. I have been seeing this great guy for about two years now. A few months back, I stumbled upon some she-male photos on our computer. When I confronted him, he said that it was in response to a "nightmare" he had from watching HBO late at night or something. I asked him to be honest with himself and me. I told him I could be GGG or that we could just be friends if he didn't want to be with a natural woman anymore. He said he wanted to be with me. Today as I browsed for errant cookies clogging my computer, I found more she-male pics. Is my boyfriend gay? Is there anything I can do to help satisfy him sexually? What can I do emotionally? Is it better to try to maintain the relationship or encourage him to explore his desires? Who can I refer him to? How can I help him? —Guess It Isn't Really Love

A. I'll get to your problem in a moment, GIIRL, but first I feel compelled to apologize to my readers for going on vacation just as all hell was breaking loose. I fly off to Europe and a high-ranking staffer in Senator Rick "Frothy Mix" Santorum's office, Robert Traynham, gets outed; Jude Law gets caught fucking his distressingly homely nanny; and most infamously, a man dies in Washington State after having sex with a horse. The first reports about the death by horse didn't include the exact cause of death, and like many people, I assumed the man had been fatally kicked in the head when he attempted to mount the killer horse. This was not the case. The man died, a horrified world soon learned, of a perforated colon. A perforated colon could mean only one thing: The horse was the active partner, and the dead man, a 45-year-old resident of Seattle, had literally been fucked to death.

After the news broke, hundreds of distressed Savage Love readers wrote in to ask me why anyone would want to be fucked by a horse, how that would work exactly, and how a perforated colon kills you. (A perforated colon leaks like Karl Rove on a bender, which in this case led to a fatal case of acute peritonitis.) A few people wrote in to ask if the farm was still open for business. I was away when you needed me most, dear readers, drinking my way through Glasgow and Copenhagen when I should have been here comforting and consoling you. And by the time I returned to work this week, every angle of this story—the ethics, etiquette, and mechanics of getting fucked by a horse—had already been covered by Miss Manners, Garrison Keillor, and Bob Novak, so there's really nothing left for me to add.

Except this: The dead man videotaped the fatal encounter, a tape the police seized, reviewed, and apparently leaked, as the videotape is now on the Web. Of all the troubling aspects of this incident, it's the existence of this videotape that has me scratching my head. One would think that getting fucked in the ass by a horse would be an experience so memorable that you wouldn't need a videotape to recall it. ("Hey, remember that time you got fucked by a horse?" "No, I can't say that I do. Hand me that box of Depends, would you?") But the man made a video, and now it's out there for all to see, which is a tragedy for the dead man, his family, and the killer horse. OK, GIIRL, on to your issues . . .

So what's up with the she-male thing? Straight boys love tits. Straight boys also love cock. In most cases straight boys are enamored of their own cocks exclusively, and there's nothin' queer about that. But for a tiny minority of straight guys, their love of cock extends to other cocks. This "thing" is most commonly expressed by a taste for straight porn that prominently displays cock. Most straight guys who enjoy cock in their porn identify with the other men's cocks, enjoying the thrill of living vicariously through them. But a thin slice of these straight guys actually lust after cock—but just the dicks, not the dudes. Those in an even thinner slice of this already thin slice of the straight-guy pie actively long for dick—a dick other than their own—but they're straight, and they don't want to mess around with an actual dude, just a cock. And that's where she-males come in—excuse me, cash in. They've got dicks, and their dicks aren't attached to dudes. Their dicks are attached to babes, and cock-hungry straight boys will pay them good money for the pleasure of their company.

So is your boyfriend gay? No, he's not. I don't know any gay men who lust after she-males; that obsession is an exclusively straight-identified-male-with-a-hunger-for-cock phenomenon. His she-male obsession technically disqualifies him from the 100-percent-straight category, but it doesn't necessarily make him bi or gay—just a touch queer. If you're not down with that, well, then DTMFA.

08-14-2005, 09:30 PM
yea, use that search function. this topic's been dragged through the dirt so many times already. FUCK HOW SOCIETY LABELS YOU!!!

08-14-2005, 09:39 PM
NYCe, that account of the getting fucked to death by a horse was sad in more ways than one. Anyway, interesting perspective on shemale lust from outside our immediate realm.

08-14-2005, 09:52 PM
The Savage Love treatment of the 'are we gay' question is very intelligent. I'm going to foward to some of my friends who know about my preference for transexuals. Not that I give a shit what they think, but it very accurately describes my feelings.

thanks for posting that NYCe.

08-14-2005, 09:55 PM
I think the lady who wrote that article is the same lady who was on the set for my shoot with Buck Angel- super cool girl.

And a GREAT explination of why st8 men like ts.

08-14-2005, 10:09 PM
I like the last line that says we're "just a touch queer". Actually I think we're just a touch normal. How can being attracted to ladies like Allanah and Jade be considered anything but normal?

I think there are massive numbers of chasers out there deep in the closet.

08-14-2005, 10:40 PM
Yeah, I like that: "a touch queer." I consider myself bi because I do (or have in the past) enjoy sex with men. But even then, it was always about that straight-with-a-hunger-for-cock orientation, just a little hungrier than some other guys. Being with a TS companion more than satisfies that craving, so I have no interest in men now. Would I still if the right circumstance arose? Yeah, because I'm quite comfortable with my orientation. But I have no desire to seek out male companionship now. Why would I, when I can call a lovely Tgirl up instead? So it's all about shades of grey. But being gay means that I would want a man as a life partner, and that has never been the case.

08-15-2005, 09:40 AM
Hey I Took Da Test just for The Fuck Of It!

Im 20% Gay, The National Average is 45% Gay.