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09-03-2008, 01:39 PM
You can see the new video here.


And if you have a program like Applian's media catcher, you can watch it any time you like. Or rip the mp3 from the vid & burn it on to a CD & listen to it in the car, or whatever ..

09-03-2008, 03:03 PM
God how fucking plodding,boring and unimaginative is that???? :shock:

And this is meant to be the good stuff?

Methinks sticking with Led Zeppelin is a far better option.

09-03-2008, 06:46 PM
Boring, meandering and easily dismissed. These guys are WAY past their expiration date. Not even worth pirating this turd. I hoping for Lars to have the dignity and do like Kurt Corbain and eat a bullet.

09-03-2008, 09:55 PM
I take it you guys didn't like the track then? :lol:

I'd kind of gone off Metallica in particular, and the whole metal scene, for a good few years now. I must be getting to a funny age though, I seem to be losing a lot of interest in new music, and mostly end up revisiting all my old favourites (for example, I bought an old Raging Slab CD the other day: Dynamite Monster Boogie Concert). It's strange, and I probably wouldn't go out and buy the Metallica CD, but it's good to know that guys like that, who have been around for a while, can still get up on stage and play. Nothing fancy. Just you know, ye olde rock music. Kind of like, going to a Deep Purple or an AC/DC concert.


Mista Bone
09-03-2008, 10:39 PM
I dig Metallica...but a big fuck you to them...chargin $80 for a general admission ticket?.....I wont pay that much for ANYONE!...Well....maybe Prince...hahaha...But Metallica....no thanks.

09-04-2008, 02:19 AM
I take it you guys didn't like the track then? :lol:

I'd kind of gone off Metallica in particular, and the whole metal scene, for a good few years now. I must be getting to a funny age though, I seem to be losing a lot of interest in new music, and mostly end up revisiting all my old favourites (for example, I bought an old Raging Slab CD the other day: Dynamite Monster Boogie Concert). It's strange, and I probably wouldn't go out and buy the Metallica CD, but it's good to know that guys like that, who have been around for a while, can still get up on stage and play. Nothing fancy. Just you know, ye olde rock music. Kind of like, going to a Deep Purple or an AC/DC concert.


IMO, everything after MOP (Master Of Puppets) was just weak. Yeah, Sandman was god-like, but it's the end of the line for them. The big thing for me with them was the whole Napster thing. Totally unnecessary of them to turn in thousands of their fans. But hey, reap what you sow, right Lars? Fuck em.

As I get older I'm enjoying the classic rock/metal like Pink Floyd, Judas Priest, Clapton, ELO more and more. Some of the new stuff is exciting like Ozzy's guitar player Zakk Wylde or System Of A Down. Serj Tankian's solo cd is fabulous.

Mista Bone
09-04-2008, 03:27 AM
They got alil soft after Cliff died.

09-04-2008, 03:34 AM
They got alil soft after Cliff died.

Quote for the truth.

09-04-2008, 03:50 AM
Metallica has sucked for 15 yrs. They also should not have given the Boot to Newstead. He was the last one left with any sort of passion for music and hadn't gotten too big for his britches.

Iron Maiden was around long before Metallica and they are still putting out great music.

Up the Irons!!!

I know Jason quit on his own- but those clowns really pushed him out.

09-04-2008, 04:18 AM
Metallica has sucked for 15 yrs. They also should not have given the Boot to Newstead. He was the last one left with any sort of passion for music and hadn't gotten too big for his britches.

Jason quit to play real metal with voivod....

09-04-2008, 07:39 PM
I'd have to agree w/ the previous poster,this is about as good as I've heard them sound in a long time,except for 'No Leaf Clover' pretty much everything they have put out over the last 10-15 years has been mairde...this new song is certainly not going to make anyone forget 'Whiplash' or 'Creeping Death' but its not too bad.

09-04-2008, 07:45 PM
love and justice 4 all...people say black album cause that was the first album that they did videos 4 ....any real fan knows the best was b4 black...

09-04-2008, 08:43 PM
Just like St Anger the Drums are too fucking prominant. But that's Lars for you.

I have the entire cd and there are about two or three songs worth listening to.

09-04-2008, 10:09 PM
Just like St Anger the Drums are too fucking prominant. But that's Lars for you.

I have the entire cd and there are about two or three songs worth listening to.

Sad.... it sounds like another Metallica deception....

Well... the song is not bad.... and the disc can't be worst that St. Anger... that's impossible :)

Mista Bone
09-04-2008, 10:12 PM
Just like St Anger the Drums are too fucking prominant. But that's Lars for you.

I have the entire cd and there are about two or three songs worth listening to.

Sad.... it sounds like another Metallica deception....

Well... the song is not bad.... and the disc can't be worst that St. Anger... that's impossible :)

Totally agree...nothing can be as bad as St.Anger.....funny when ya ask the youngsters what their fav Metallica cd is...they all say Black....ya ask em about anything earlier...they look at u like a deer caught in head lights...hahaha....not all youngsters...but most...hahaha

09-04-2008, 10:23 PM
Def. better than I expected...

09-04-2008, 10:43 PM
It is better than St Anger. But not by much.
I was hoping with Mutt Lang producing we
would get a much better product.

Just like St Anger the Drums are too fucking prominant. But that's Lars for you.

I have the entire cd and there are about two or three songs worth listening to.

Sad.... it sounds like another Metallica deception....

Well... the song is not bad.... and the disc can't be worst that St. Anger... that's impossible :)

09-04-2008, 11:14 PM
Just like St Anger the Drums are too fucking prominant. But that's Lars for you.

I have the entire cd and there are about two or three songs worth listening to.

You found that many? :shock:

Nothing stood out for me. At one point I look saw I was at 8th track.
Shit, still 2 more songs after this untill its over. :lol:

To barrow a line from Cubs fans.

"Well, there is always next year!"

09-20-2008, 04:43 PM
i think the cd is great
i like all but 2 songs
there is some heavy stuff on here
best since justice

09-20-2008, 06:53 PM
The album is fucking wicked, I'm with Lars fuck em' !

Why does Metallica attract so many music snobs & knobs !


Skwisgarr Skwigelf
09-25-2008, 01:46 AM
They got alil soft after Cliff died.

My thoughts exactly however the closest they've been to the cliff era is their newest album, with the guy from suicidal tendencies

El Nino
09-25-2008, 02:12 AM
Heard the new single the other day. Second half of the song was decent and truly reminiscent of A.J.F.A. Better recording quality this time around! I can't wait to hear the whole thing, then I will shed some honest judgement.

Skwisgarr Skwigelf
09-25-2008, 03:08 AM
I consider death magnetic (full album 15 plays) to be better then ...And Justice for all although I am fond of the bass in metal and AJFA the bass was mixed down so far it was almost muted

Quiet Reflections
09-25-2008, 04:59 AM
this topic reminds me of trainspotting:
Sick Boy: It's certainly a phenomenon in all walks of life.
Mark: What do you mean?
Sick Boy: Well, at one time, you've got it, and then you lose it, and it's gone forever. All walks of life: George Best, for example. Had it, lost it. Or David Bowie, or Lou Reed.
Mark: Lou Reed, some of his solo stuff's not bad.
Sick Boy: No, it's not bad, but it's not great either. And in your heart you kind of know that although it sounds all right, it's actually just shite.
Mark: So who else?
Sick Boy: Charlie Nicholas, David Niven, Malcolm McLaren, Elvis Presley . . .
Mark: OK, OK, so what's the point you're trying to make?
Sick Boy: All I'm trying to do, Mark, is help you understand that The Name of The Rose is merely a blip on an otherwise uninterrupted downward trajectory.
Mark: What about The Untouchables?
Sick Boy: I don't rate that at all.
Mark: Despite the Academy Award?
Sick Boy: That means fuck all. It's a sympathy vote.
Mark: Right. So we all get old and then we can't hack it anymore. Is that it?
Sick Boy: Yeah.
Mark: That's your theory?
Sick Boy: Yeah. Beautifully fucking illustrated.

Face it guys they lost it. they get an a for effort but come on it not that good its better than their last 3 efforts but not their first 5. by my math and what every other post here says that only makes it just barely a middle of the road cd. trust me, i get it, ive been a fan since i was 10yo and i have paid the crazy ticket prices but my desire for them to be as they were will not cloud my hearing. if Ride the lightning and Master of puppets Metallica heard this stuff that Metallica 08 is trying to pass off to their fans they would beats the shit out of themselves. JESUS FUCKIN CHRIST I MISS PANTERA

09-25-2008, 06:27 PM
I saw them in 1985 and 1986, also monsters of rock in the La colessuem (perhaps the greatest concert theyve ever put on, a complete 100% riot in the collesuem erupted and Hetfield decides to play Damage Inc to fuel the fire) again a few years later at 'day on the green'.....but once cliff was gone, they band faded big time. And Justice for All still had the lingering effects of Cliffs contributions....then the Black Album, never been so dissappointed to hear a new album then hearing that turd, jesus christ these were the same guys that did master of puppets..........wait, no they werent, cliff is gone.....

Skwisgarr Skwigelf
09-26-2008, 12:06 AM
I saw them in 1985 and 1986, also monsters of rock in the La colessuem (perhaps the greatest concert theyve ever put on, a complete 100% riot in the collesuem erupted and Hetfield decides to play Damage Inc to fuel the fire) again a few years later at 'day on the green'.....but once cliff was gone, they band faded big time. And Justice for All still had the lingering effects of Cliffs contributions....then the Black Album, never been so dissappointed to hear a new album then hearing that turd, jesus christ these were the same guys that did master of puppets..........wait, no they werent, cliff is gone.....

Every band needs a band member who knows music theory and keeps the band on track and Metallica's happened to have passed away. However Megadeth is still going strong in my opinion

09-26-2008, 12:45 AM
The album is fucking wicked, I'm with Lars fuck em' !

Why does Metallica attract so many music snobs & knobs !


Haven't read this thread in full, so apologies if this is making a point that was already made. But I, for one, turned my back on Metallica when they vomitted "load" at us. They then missed their chance to make amends by giving us reload.

Couple this (musical reasons), with the beligerent and greedy stance they took against Napster et al. and Lars coming across as one of the most disingenuous people in popular culture and I guess you've got a good explanation for them attracting snobs and knobs.

09-27-2008, 02:38 PM
Perhaps there are people out there who has a different taste of music than you!

What METAL band can measure themselves with Metallica? There are few, perhaps Iron Maiden or Ozzy, but real metalcomes from Metallica. Even ifthe new record isn't as good as the Black album or Master of puppets, it it stil something new and fresh. They have todevelop their stile and some of you don't like the new stile. That doesn't mean that their music sucks, they still sell more records than Madonna. Metallica is gaining new fans every day, but sure...some of the original fans are gone.perhaps because they are 25 years older than when they released Kill Em all.


09-27-2008, 05:23 PM
Perhaps there are people out there who has a different taste of music than you!

What METAL band can measure themselves with Metallica? There are few, perhaps Iron Maiden or Ozzy, but real metalcomes from Metallica.


'real' metal was around before metallica. they were influenced by real metal. black sabbath, ac/dc. motorhead, even slayer was coming out too early 80s. judas priest also..Iron maiden is probably a better band in my opinion, they have a longer run of more solid material. Metallica at their peak in 1986 were one of the best bands ever, but they couldnt hold that energy. ANd thats the beauty of their early albums it was infused with speed metal, progressive rock like rush, punk and what came out was some awesome stuff no one had really heard played that well.
I rememeber seeing them a few times in 85 and 86 and people in the crowd didnt even know what just happened. they just stood there scratching their heads. blown away. and poor ozzy had to come out on stage with 'mr crowleyyyyyyyy"........LOL........holy shit he got so blown off the stage i felt really bad for him.