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View Full Version : What's the point of using a condom????

09-01-2008, 04:28 AM
We've all watched porn at least once in our life. My question is : What is the point of wearing a condom during intercourse during a penetration scene when both actors suck one another. Sometimes they even swallow the cum after they're done.

Can someone please shed some light on this matter

09-01-2008, 04:36 AM
Oral = very small chance of HIV (some stds can be transmitted, but usually theyre visible) The mouth or gums need ot be cut for anything carried semen to infect the body. once most std's hit air, they die. Also the acid of the stomach and esophagus kill just about everything.

anal = HIGH risk of ALL STD's due to the rectum's and intestinal lining's porous nature and ease of breaking, tearing, or bleeding.

Cum swallowing = small chance of HIV and a few std's (see oral)

09-01-2008, 04:57 AM
STDs like herpes, syphilis, chlamydia, hepatitis A, B, C, gonorrhea,
HPV, and possibly HIV (http://www.dph.sf.ca.us/SFCITYCLINIC/stdbasics/stdchart.asp) can be contracted if a condom is not used.

09-01-2008, 05:21 AM
You should always wear a condom during anal sex, All that bacteria in the rectum just compromises the immune sysytem. If someone has a std and you drink their cum then it is a 100 percent chance you will get the std.

Not that I recommend drinking peoples random cum.....

But wrong.

09-01-2008, 05:33 AM
yall r missing the mark

hes asking whats the point of wearing a condom in a SCENE IN PORN and then the ACTOR swallowing the CUM

the answer is simple

as it IS a movie

it, the cum, is FAKE

09-01-2008, 11:45 AM
yall r missing the mark

hes asking whats the point of wearing a condom in a SCENE IN PORN and then the ACTOR swallowing the CUM

the answer is simple

as it IS a movie

it, the cum, is FAKE

In most of the scenes I've watched, the cum shoots out directly from the penis. So that can't really be fake

09-02-2008, 01:00 AM
I'm with blckhaze on this one... It's a calculated risk... The risk of doing anal without a condom is too high, but the risk of doing oral without one is considered acceptable. I understand if some might think that risk is still too high, but that's for each individual to figure out on his own.

10-15-2008, 05:38 PM
The risk of getting HIV is extremely low with oral sex, th bacteria in your mouth and stomach kill most things .....Where you get problems with oral is if you cut your gums and the infections/bacteria spread into the blood stream..

Of course you have the usual stuff like herples etc but these are easy to spot on peoples cocks, mouths....

As to anal without i agree yes it does it feel better without, i have done a couple of scenes without condoms with my then TS Partner....

Also bear in mind that unlike standard boy/girl porn bareback sex is not common practise within TS niches, yes there are a few sites and i have scene some DVDs by 3rd world media that hav 100% bb action with shemales...but as a whole its minimal in comparrision to the genetic stuff that is shot.

Just my thoughts on it xx

11-08-2008, 03:53 AM
It does much to prevent HIV and other STD's. The up close and personal is for lovers who are monogomous, and yes, I know people can cheat etc... but for the love of God, I could be hit on the head by an asteroid too, but yet I still go outside.

I havn't had bareback fun since I was 20, I'm 37 now. We really didn't go through the necessary precautions, we went with the fact that I'm a Marine and tested clean, and I took a leap of faith.

Luckily, we all survived it with no infection. She wasn't the love of my life, it was a stupid move (although I did think she was at the time, but I was so damn young).

I recently had a long term friend, but we kept them wrapped, because now I'm older and smarter. If I find the love of my life, and we both make it through several tests OK, sure, I'd love to share that with her.

What's particularly tough for me is if she likes to top, I'll always give it up because I want her to be happy. My last girl wanted to ride raw, and I know how good it feels, but I just couldn't go there, and it really sucks to not have her be 100% satisfied.

11-08-2008, 07:01 AM

shhhh the government says we're not supposed to tell

11-08-2008, 09:57 AM
The point of a condom is to make sex worthless. :D

11-08-2008, 03:47 PM
Im pretty sure AIM testing only cover HIV, Syphilis, Gonorrhea and chlamidia. Herpes is not on the list because its non fatal and is so common there would be virtually no porn stars left if they included herpes in that test. So swallowing cum is safe if everybody is tested, even if there not its virtually impossible to get HIV through swallowing cum.