View Full Version : Spent the night in jail

08-30-2008, 05:01 AM
I got a DWI a few days ago and I spent the night in jail. I am so embarrased about this whole thing, I've never had any trouble with the law. I haven't told anyone about this, but I wanted to get it off my shoulders. Just looking for some positive reinforsment from my friends here. Most stupid thing I've ever done in my life.

08-30-2008, 05:11 AM
That stuff happens to the best of us..unfortunately. Just make sure you learn your lesson and dont ever do it again. I got a DUI in 2000 and will never ever drive after a drink again. Just the thought of hurting/killing innocent people is horrible, and dont forget the cost of getting a DUI; think i paid 5k when all was said and done :(

Lick UR Lovely
08-30-2008, 05:12 AM
We all make bad judgement calls sooner or later in life. You evidently made a bad call about getting behind the wheel of a vehicle under the influence. I personally will not drive if I'd consumed over 2 beers. I unfortunatly forget to pay a speeding ticket years ago and spent 8 hours in the clinker and was released on $5000 bond. I've paid every fine since then. I'm glad you didn't get in a wreck and kill someone and hope you have learned your lesson. I lost my Brother to a DD years ago.

08-30-2008, 05:12 AM
Just looking for some positive reinforsment from my friends here.

Good luck, ain't getting it from me.

08-30-2008, 05:16 AM
Thanks Devon,

I certainly have learned my lesson. The expense of my stupidity is already mounting.

08-30-2008, 05:19 AM
i too have been through this. good luck.

08-30-2008, 05:21 AM
We all make bad judgement calls sooner or later in life. You evidently made a bad call about getting behind the wheel of a vehicle under the influence. I personally will not drive if I'd consumed over 2 beers. I unfortunatly forget to pay a speeding ticket years ago and spent 8 hours in the clinker and was released on $5000 bond. I've paid every fine since then. I'm glad you didn't get in a wreck and kill someone and hope you have learned your lesson. I lost my Brother to a DD years ago.

Hi Lovely,

So sorry to hear about your brother. In the whole scope of things, I guess I was lucky. Thanks for the note. I feel alot better just getting this off my chest.

08-30-2008, 05:29 AM
Just looking for some positive reinforsment from my friends here.

Good luck, ain't getting it from me.

That's ok Fox, I understand. Just the fact that you replied is good enough. Thanks.

08-30-2008, 05:34 AM
I lost my only brother to a dd also. its gonna be six years on sunday.

\ driving is dangerous even if you aint drunk .. its amazing they let us drive those machines around at all.

08-30-2008, 05:39 AM
I lost my only brother to a dd also. its gonna be six year on sunday.
this thread is a lot of fun.
dont drink and drive.


Thanks for responding Tanuki. So sorry to hear about your brother.

08-30-2008, 05:47 AM
hmm. well. i offered up my story because lick ur lovely did it first.

good for you 4star for taking the time to confront your feelings about it.. brave thing to do/

bless up.
jah no dead.


Quiet Reflections
08-30-2008, 05:56 AM
sorry to hear about your arrest. i got popped a few years back and the bad feeling fades after awhile but the lessons you will learn will stick with you forever. make sure you learn from your mistake and i promise you you will comeout on the otherside a better person. and 5000 bucks lighter at least

08-30-2008, 02:21 PM
glad you got caught. anyone stupid enough to drink and drive deserve what they get.

08-30-2008, 03:57 PM
were you buy chance drinking frost brewed cold coors light?

if so your defense would be you were high on rat piss not alcohol...

08-30-2008, 06:38 PM
I AM sorry to here about your misfortune. However, I can't feel sorry for you. Yes, it still happens alot, to far too many people....AND, we all know the law. For a people supposedly so intelligent, we sure do show our stupidity often enough. Learn from it, consider what could have happened (like the potential of killing someone, or at the very least yourself), pay your dues, and from now on take a cab or a bus.

Hey, I'm not speaking from a pedestal....I am guilty, myself. It's embarrassing, expensive and, above all, extremely stupid. Good luck with your outcome. In what state do you reside?

08-30-2008, 07:40 PM
Not knowing all the circumstances associated with the DUI I won't say much good or bad about your case except that I hope you learn a lesson from this episode. Good luck with the court hearings.

08-30-2008, 07:46 PM
dont drink and drive

08-30-2008, 08:30 PM
yeah that sux...i think there is some national grants that went in effect...i had probably been through one or 2 checkpoints in my life...i had gone through like 3 in one night going to meet a friend....the limit is so low that i try to only drink when i am home or go to nyc...good luck with everything...

09-01-2008, 03:51 AM
Hollywood, kimjongil, CORVETTEDUDE,
Thanks alot. To MerriCait; you're glad I got caught. I won't disagree.

Shining Star
09-01-2008, 04:06 AM
Am sorry to hear about your overnight stay as a guest of the "city", but think of it as a learning experience, grown and move on.

DWI is treated so harshly for a very good reason, you not only endanger your own life, but innocent others as well. Have known too many good people and even children minding their own business who sadly died because they were hit by a DWI. Sadder still until the laws got tougher, it was always someone who had pervious DWI arrests and convictions, and seemed not to care, to the extent of driving without or a suspended license.

My standard advice to anyone who has just come out of jail applies: Spend a few days getting your head together and sorting out your feelings. Then it is time to begin damage control.

If one hasn't yet plead or been found guilty, get a good attorney and see if things can be worked out. OTHO,if the matter is done and dusted, you need to find out if you are going to have a record and if so how to deal with it in future. Sadly DWI convictions, even if a local low leven offence can have serious effects on one's life, including employment.

Best of luck to you,


09-01-2008, 04:08 AM
You want people to give you "positive reinforcement" for an incident that could have killed innocent people,scew that you should feel like shit you could have killed someone.

Shining Star
09-01-2008, 04:14 AM
Well, yes, you could look at it that way, however I would take the "glass half full" route.

Yes, bad things could have happened to himself and or others, but the cosmos in their wisdom simply had him arrested and detained. Being jailed and perhaps landed with a record while not 100%, is enough to get some people to change their ways.

It's like prossies who don't think what they are doing is "wrong", until that first bust. True, a most go right back to work upon release, but a small number see the thing as an wake-up call to change their lives.

09-01-2008, 04:19 AM
You want people to give you "positive reinforcement" for an incident that could have killed innocent people,scew that you should feel like shit you could have killed someone.

I know this, Legend.

09-01-2008, 07:07 AM
If this was your very first time driving under the influence, I feel sorry for you and glad you've learned your lesson.

Ummm, this was your first time drinking and driving, right? Or this is something you've done before? Rolling the dice each time, that your motor vehicle skills are superior enough to everyone else on the planet to offset intoxication?

A significantly high number of people killed in motor vehicle accidents due to imparied ARE NOT the drunk drivers, it is the innocents.

To me, drunk driving is like taking a loaded gun and firing it down a street - you might not hit someone, today. But tomorrow?

09-01-2008, 08:42 AM
I do not give a smeggin' hell about you. You've got the brains of diarhea, it's that simple.

09-01-2008, 09:09 AM
I have a good friend that got his third DUI and the day before his court date he jumped bail and went to live with his brother (that he hates) in Oakland.

After a year he moved to Seattle. He hated it there but her stayed about two years. He got so homesick that he came back home to Texas. He layed low and sponged off an old girlfriend for about six months. Then he got a job waiting tables at the same resturaunt where he worked before the whole incident cook place. He managed about two month before the cops got him at work. He spent about 18 months in jail.

Dumb fuck should have done his time to begin with.

09-01-2008, 05:59 PM
Innocent people are getting swept up in this anti-DUI hysteria.

A non-drinker in my family had a speeding stop recently turn into a bogus DUI bust. She did not notice the cop's lights immediately, but did stop within 2 minutes. That little inattention behind the wheel, coupled with an admission that she took prescription meds, and that's all the cop needed.

The blood test should prove that nothing she takes is a narcotic or is for pain, but the $500+ to get the car back is gone for good. The attorney's fees ($1800 is the lowest quote so far) will be gone as well, and, since the work she does requires background checks, her search for employment is now on hold.

If filling the roads full of predatory cops, looking for any excuse to search vehicles or haul people off to jail, is what it takes for a safer society, I'd prefer to take my chances with a road full of drunks.

09-01-2008, 06:53 PM
It amazes me that people still take the chance of drinking and driving. I went to a party this past Saturday on Long Island. I took the LIRR from Manhattan out to LI and then a cab. They were about 40 people drinking, swimming, dancing and having a great time. At the end of the night I called a cab and asked the people at the party if anyone else needed a cab. To my amazement no one else needed one? I asked a couple of friends how they were getting home and they said they were OK to drive (after drinking for about 6 hours) ???

One friend of mine (who's sober wife was driving him home) told me to forget about it. Alot of people on Long Island take the chance of driving drunk. It's just a way of life out there? I hope thats not true.

I found out yesterday that one of my friends got caught in a DWI road block on Sunrise Hwy and was arrested. I'm glad he didn't kill someone but I do NOT feel sorry for him. He saved $12 dollars for the cab ride and spent the night in jail for it. It will probably cost him 10 to 15K with the fines, legal fees and increased insurance rates.

09-01-2008, 09:25 PM
Quit airing your dirty laundry online...no one cares

09-02-2008, 02:59 AM
jail is a good wake up call for most people. a few days wil do you good. a night isnt shiit. you dont get deep into the holding area where you get boarded for days and months. thats where the fun begins. the holding cells. while freezing balls,. arent much excitement

Wino the SuperHero
09-02-2008, 07:23 AM
You better get a lawyer to handle this.

It's gonna cost you but it will be better off in the long run.

If you was famous you would get a slap on the wrist.

Learn from it and move on in life.

Ain't no point of stressing over it, you can't change what happened.