View Full Version : Just saw Americas Next Top Model New Episodes, TS Isis INFO!

08-27-2008, 07:57 AM
A friend of mine in the entertainment business invited me over his house to see the first two of the yet to be premiered episodes of America's Next Top Model featuring the first ts contestant in the history of the show, Isis.

First of all, I AM SO, SO EXTREMELY HAPPY FOR THIS GIRL. She made the cut out of thousands of girls to the top 12. She is the ONLY girl in the group that knows anything about modeling, posing and all the judges are quite impressed with her. In fact, her ts status was kept secret to two of the judges until the first elimination. She was just ON and had an awesome picture!

Now as far as the reaction of the other girls, when they find out what is up-some are very cool, some of couse very ignorant, and some make some very degrading remarks. HOWEVER, I am pleased to say that the most hateful and jealous, unhappy girl is the FIRST to go. The general mood of the other contestants from what I saw so far, is generally accepting. Some girls try to sabotage her shoot, but she comes out with one of the best pictures.

I can't tell you what an overwhelming experience watching this show was to me. I was in the verge of tears both times she survived eliminations.
The sheer joy in her face and her own tears were so very touching to me.

Maybe someone who is not transsexual will not understand that-but if you just try to understand the prejudice, lack of oppurtunities, and rejection that most transsexual people face EVERY DAY-to see an OUT transsexual woman being judged as an equal, and by her own merit, not just because she is a transsexual is an amazing thing.

I have to give Tyra Banks soooooooo much credit for taking this risk, for challeging minds, for making trans people visible in a positive light-for her sheer will to break down barriers. This is a monumental, ground breaking thing.

Cynics and critics may say otherwise but Miss Banks deservers a huge amount of credit for taking this chance as well as Isis who so confident, sure, and secure to be herslef and at the same time hold her own with the other contestants.


This is an amazing thing- I hope you will tune in to watch and support Isis.

08-27-2008, 08:23 AM
Come on allanah you cannot be that naive ,that girl being on that show is a stunt for ratings and nothing more. You actually think she got on that show on her own account they probably put her on there specifically because she was transgender so please lets not make it seem like she really beat out thousands of other girls legitimally.Tyra is an excellent businesswomen.

08-27-2008, 08:25 AM
i have been trying to find out if Isis and the ts contestant on diddy's show are pre-op or post-op does anyone know? i'm not sure why it's not discussed unless it's considered rude. i'm assuming that even in the ts community that you girls have wondered if other girls are pre or post so do you just not ask other girls if they are post-op?

08-27-2008, 08:27 AM
Come on allanah you cannot be that naive ,that girl being on that show is a stunt for ratings and nothing more. You actually think she got on that show on her own account they probably put her on there specifically because she was transgender so please lets not make it seem like she really beat out thousands of other girls legitimally.Tyra is an excellent businesswomen.

I've already responded to what you said-

"Cynics and critics may say otherwise but Miss Banks deservers a huge amount of credit for taking this chance as well as Isis who so confident, sure, and secure to be herslef and at the same time hold her own with the other contestants. "

She makes the final cut, and the first round cut because she did well.
Strategic, business, whatever you may call it-it is still monumental,historic for trans people, and important. It's a tv show, so yes people are cast for a reason.

Sorry you are to cynical to be happy for her or the positive image of a transsexual in a mass media outlet.

Tyra Banks is an amazing business woman and I respect her very much for that. You can still be in business and pomote change, diversity, and challange the status quo.

Nothing wrong with that.

08-27-2008, 08:28 AM
i have been trying to find out if Isis and the ts contestant on diddy's show are pre-op or post-op does anyone know? i'm not sure why it's not discussed unless it's considered rude. i'm assuming that even in the ts community that you girls have wondered if other girls are pre or post so do you just not ask other girls if they are post-op?

Isis admits on the show that she is pre-op.

08-27-2008, 08:32 AM
Publicity stunt or not, at least a sizeable portion of America will be sitting down to watch a transwoman in a non-exploitative (Springer/Povich) setting, which is a step forward.
Hope she does well.

08-27-2008, 08:33 AM
Come on allanah you cannot be that naive ,that girl being on that show is a stunt for ratings and nothing more. You actually think she got on that show on her own account they probably put her on there specifically because she was transgender so please lets not make it seem like she really beat out thousands of other girls legitimally.Tyra is an excellent businesswomen.

I think you have a point. I mean, this is a reality show, and isn't that what a reality show is really for anyway......SHOCKVALUE.

But hey, Small steps forward........gotta start somewhere.


08-27-2008, 08:39 AM
I've already responded to what you said-

"Cynics and critics may say otherwise but Miss Banks deservers a huge amount of credit for taking this chance as well as Isis who so confident, sure, and secure to be herslef and at the same time hold her own with the other contestants. "

She makes the final cut, and the first round cut because she did well.
Strategic, business, whatever you may call it-it is still monumental,historic for trans people, and important.

Sorry you are to cynical to be happy for her or the positive image of a transsexual in a mass media outlet.

That really wasn't directed toward me because i now the truth.Are you as a transgender women happy with that fact that she made it on that show and got that far simple because she is transgender and not that she is a good model.I'm not cynical i just know what her being on that show amounts too.Now when a transgender women really does something in televison or the movies on her own account thats when i will totally mark out.

08-27-2008, 08:46 AM
I've already responded to what you said-

"Cynics and critics may say otherwise but Miss Banks deservers a huge amount of credit for taking this chance as well as Isis who so confident, sure, and secure to be herslef and at the same time hold her own with the other contestants. "

She makes the final cut, and the first round cut because she did well.
Strategic, business, whatever you may call it-it is still monumental,historic for trans people, and important.

Sorry you are to cynical to be happy for her or the positive image of a transsexual in a mass media outlet.

That really wasn't directed toward me because i now the truth.Are you as a transgender women happy with that fact that she made it on that show and got that far simple because she is transgender and not that she is a good model.I'm not cynical i just know what her being on that show amounts too.Now when a transgender women really does something in televison or the movies on her own account thats when i will totally mark out.

FYI Candis Cayne was the first transsexual to have a recurring role
on an American prime time TV show. I would say she did that on her own merit, as I know for a fact she auditioned and got the part.

Maybe when the powers that be write more ts roles, or allow ts women to play gg roles- like Mr. Pedro Almodovar. Then maybe things will change more.

Not so long ago, minorities mostly played servants, hookers, pimps, and druggies on tv and in films.

Things like this are just a stepping stone to more progress.
No matter how cynical one remains.

Plus you have not even seen the show- I just saw the first two episodes and all ready you 'know the truth'. Why don't you watch is first then you can speak better on the subject.

08-27-2008, 08:48 AM
Come on allanah you cannot be that naive ,that girl being on that show is a stunt for ratings and nothing more. You actually think she got on that show on her own account they probably put her on there specifically because she was transgender so please lets not make it seem like she really beat out thousands of other girls legitimally.Tyra is an excellent businesswomen.

I think you have a point. I mean, this is a reality show, and isn't that what a reality show is really for anyway......SHOCKVALUE.

But hey, Small steps forward........gotta start somewhere.


Yeah but those small steps have been taking before by transgenger people in reality tv and they are still stuck in that same box.I wanting for that girl to make that gigantic step and let people see that they are more then mere tokens.

Buddy Wood
08-27-2008, 08:48 AM
I think it's awesome! Yeah it's a reality show and of course they want their ratings - but these girls have to be top-notch and compete in and amongst professionals in the fashion and photo world. If she goes far, does well and represents - that's a big deal. I mean I've watched other seasons of the show and seen girls that I didn't think should be there just based on looks. But this girl - just from clips looks hot and like she should be there and go far. If she nails everything along the way that would be killer. Even if the idea originally was for ratings - who gives a shit. Hopefully this girl runs with it and steals the show.

Legend that's one of the most immediately pessimistic viewpoints I've ever heard - jeez.

08-27-2008, 11:08 AM
Legend, you sound like a very unpleasant person to be around.

T Oracle
08-27-2008, 11:27 AM
Nadia Almada won Big Brother 5 in the UK.

She was CERTAINLY put in to generate ratings for the show.

What she also generated was a vast swathe of media coverage (varying quality) and immense public awareness.

Nadia won it on a public vote.

If you get the same effect in the US, then whether Isis is in for ratings purposes or on pure merit originally actually matters little - it'll be ongoing media coverage and public debate that counts.

08-27-2008, 12:12 PM
I think is amazing that she is being given a chance. She obviously has the look and qualities to be a model, and even though her gender is diffrent , it does not take away from her qualifications or her look. Yes people often to put minorites on T.V. to get a rating boost, who cares??!!! Just the fact that she is breaking through these walls that have been bulit around us (Tg's) , as the ususal Rediculous media like Jerry springer...etc... that in my eyes cast Tg's and make them look not in a very postive form, I really am happy that a TG is on the running to be America's next top " MODEL" .
Just the notion that she is on the show competeing next to (Gg's) struting her stuff and letting them all know that she has what it takes... reguardless of what she is.


08-27-2008, 05:52 PM
I'm really happy for for this girl and for all tgirls all over the world since this is indeed a mainstream breakthrough. I wonder if there will ever be a tgirl who will represent Miss World next. Now that would be really something else!

Tyra Banks is an amazing business woman and I respect her very much for that.
I don't have any respect for her after I saw what a bitch she was towards Sasha Grey who was on her show. Tyra's only job was to put down the adult-industry and put down the choices Sasha's made. Sasha even wrote on another forum how they didn't air all her comments and only used the negative parts just to make a point how bad the adult-industry is. Thank god Sasha is still making movies speaking from a big Sasha Grey point of view.

But I digress.

08-28-2008, 04:15 AM
I've already responded to what you said-

"Cynics and critics may say otherwise but Miss Banks deservers a huge amount of credit for taking this chance as well as Isis who so confident, sure, and secure to be herslef and at the same time hold her own with the other contestants. "

She makes the final cut, and the first round cut because she did well.
Strategic, business, whatever you may call it-it is still monumental,historic for trans people, and important.

Sorry you are to cynical to be happy for her or the positive image of a transsexual in a mass media outlet.

That really wasn't directed toward me because i now the truth.Are you as a transgender women happy with that fact that she made it on that show and got that far simple because she is transgender and not that she is a good model.I'm not cynical i just know what her being on that show amounts too.Now when a transgender women really does something in televison or the movies on her own account thats when i will totally mark out.

FYI Candis Cayne was the first transsexual to have a recurring role
on an American prime time TV show. I would say she did that on her own merit, as I know for a fact she auditioned and got the part.

Maybe when the powers that be write more ts roles, or allow ts women to play gg roles- like Mr. Pedro Almodovar. Then maybe things will change more.
Not so long ago, minorities mostly played servants, hookers, pimps, and druggies on tv and in films.

Things like this are just a stepping stone to more progress.
No matter how cynical one remains.

Plus you have not even seen the show- I just saw the first two episodes and all ready you 'know the truth'. Why don't you watch is first then you can speak better on the subject.Never happen. And even if she were to win, it would end right there. You need a top flight agent to continue working and I seriously doubt any agent would sign her. Why? Cause she wouldn't work enough for it to be worth it. She would still be treated like a specialty act. So she would only work on specialty shoots geared towards trans. No way is a pre-op gonna take work from genetic top industry models. And like I said about tv and movies, you can't just push her on people. Playing someone's wife? LOL. Some stars in hollywood would have the last say in that. I can't picture Denzel signing off to work opposite his pre-op wife.

08-28-2008, 04:45 AM
FYI Candis Cayne was the first transsexual to have a recurring role
on an American prime time TV show. I would say she did that on her own merit, as I know for a fact she auditioned and got the part.

Maybe when the powers that be write more ts roles, or allow ts women to play gg roles- like Mr. Pedro Almodovar. Then maybe things will change more.

Not so long ago, minorities mostly played servants, hookers, pimps, and druggies on tv and in films.

Things like this are just a stepping stone to more progress.
No matter how cynical one remains.

Plus you have not even seen the show- I just saw the first two episodes and all ready you 'know the truth'. Why don't you watch is first then you can speak better on the subject.

And i applauded candis for that it was truly something that gave a positive view on transgender women it was not some circus type of atmosphere like the jerry springer show and any of those crappy reality shows that use transsexuals as jokes. Don't you think more roles would be available if your fellow transgender sisters did not look like fools by being on those reality shows and piece of crap talk shows which they are made to look like someone crazy.

"No matter how cynical one remains."

I am not i just know how things like this are, it will not do anything but give out the same view on transsexuals that the media already has of them.

08-28-2008, 04:49 AM
Never happen. And even if she were to win, it would end right there. You need a top flight agent to continue working and I seriously doubt any agent would sign her. Why? Cause she wouldn't work enough for it to be worth it. She would still be treated like a specialty act. So she would only work on specialty shoots geared towards trans. No way is a pre-op gonna take work from genetic top industry models. And like I said about tv and movies, you can't just push her on people. Playing someone's wife? LOL. Some stars in hollywood would have the last say in that. I can't picture Denzel signing off to work opposite his pre-op wife.

You do know that transsexuals are indivuals who think for themsevles don't make them out to be the borg.Just because you know a couple of lazy ass girls doesn't mean that they are all lazy.

08-28-2008, 05:19 AM
I am not i just know how things like this are, it will not do anything but give out the same view on transsexuals that the media already has of them.

I will agree with you insofaras nothing is going to change over night but I feel you are wrong- it WILL make a difference over time if girls are being shown as being taken seriously along side GGs... even IF they're being put onto shows for ratings (is that really a bad thing?). Its how they show trans people that is a bigger issue.

If you're gonna talk about the media- I initially thought you were talking about "News[?]" shows & papers where tgirls are usually not fairly well handled. This takes many forms-

-tgirl murders have occurred only to have the papers or local news stations use the wrong pronouns repeatedly and re-enforce stereotypes by going at length about masculine parts of their body

-The media's fixation (especially in print papers) on "over night transitioners" -> you know the type, girls who don't do anything- no hrt, no name changes, nothing and simply tell their boss "oh I will be FT as of monday"

-Media's fixation on stories where tgirls do stereotypically male behaviors, i.e. brawls (McDonalds story anyone?)

-Using TV and TS as if they're two words for the same medical condition...

I could go on, but I think everyone here is familiar enough with these examples that they will do. In view of all of these common, unending portrayal problems it DOES help if there are more trans girls in mass media in a, dare I say, "saner" light. If this girl that this thread is about- pulls it off- even if she doesn't win, in a respectable, NORMAL manner then that's one more of the (few) instances where a trans girl is in network tv without it being some circus-sideshow mentality.

08-28-2008, 05:40 AM
to watch a transwoman in a non-exploitative (Springer/Povich) setting, which is a step forward.
If they had wanted to show that a transsexual woman can compete in a top model contest, they would have selected someone who was competitive and of much more than average looks. She is not stunning, so I stipulate they chose her because she has a dick. I bet they're going for the ewwww factor, and playing up her transgender status in the media to rile up elements of conservative america.

Somebody is making a dime and it is not going to be Isis.

I think this is pure exploitation and an inciteful business decision.

Don't be fooled.

08-28-2008, 05:46 AM
Nadia Almada won Big Brother 5 in the UK.
I doubt she would have won a modeling contest.

09-06-2008, 11:19 PM
ARRGGGHHH. I find it most disheartening that so many of the members of this forum have such a negative insight to this Topic. Isis looks great and deserves to be competing amongst the other models as she does have a genuine shot at wnning. I am not a fan of reality tv at all, but a show like ANTM and The Shot at least give the contestants a chance at accomplishing their goals and learning valuable skills along the way, opposed to a show like Survivor. Even if Isis doesn't become ANTM she'll still get offers for other modeling work, be it print, online ads, and even GG tv show and/or movie roles (which would be very awesome). I wish the best for her.

I really think a lot of the guys on here need to open their eyes to the fact that just because you only choose to see t-girls in a fantasy perspective so you can get your 'rocks' off doesn't mean these girls are not real and have real lives, real problems, and real dreams/goals in life just like everyone else. She chose to try out for the show, she's earned her spot on the shows roster and that's all that matters. The decision to put her on the show is no different than the same decisions to pick every other model on the show. Each model has their unique qualities and the common factor amongst them all is that they are pretty and deserve a chance at being America's Next Top Model.

(Wow, that last line almost sounded like an advert for a reality show) LOL just to balance that out, let me again state that I don't particularly care for Reality Tv in general and much prefer Scripted Dramas. Hooray for the return of Dexter, Prison Break, Nip/Tuck, Heroes, BattleStar Galactica, The Shield, House, Metalocalypse, The IT Crowd, and Terminator: SCC and many other great scripted shows. LOL I'm an ass

09-07-2008, 12:55 AM
ARRGGGHHH. I find it most disheartening that so many of the members of this forum have such a negative insight to this Topic. Isis looks great and deserves to be competing amongst the other models as she does have a genuine shot at wnning. I am not a fan of reality tv at all, but a show like ANTM and The Shot at least give the contestants a chance at accomplishing their goals and learning valuable skills along the way, opposed to a show like Survivor. Even if Isis doesn't become ANTM she'll still get offers for other modeling work, be it print, online ads, and even GG tv show and/or movie roles (which would be very awesome). I wish the best for her.
I really think a lot of the guys on here need to open their eyes to the fact that just because you only choose to see t-girls in a fantasy perspective so you can get your 'rocks' off doesn't mean these girls are not real and have real lives, real problems, and real dreams/goals in life just like everyone else. She chose to try out for the show, she's earned her spot on the shows roster and that's all that matters. The decision to put her on the show is no different than the same decisions to pick every other model on the show. Each model has their unique qualities and the common factor amongst them all is that they are pretty and deserve a chance at being America's Next Top Model.

(Wow, that last line almost sounded like an advert for a reality show) LOL just to balance that out, let me again state that I don't particularly care for Reality Tv in general and much prefer Scripted Dramas. Hooray for the return of Dexter, Prison Break, Nip/Tuck, Heroes, BattleStar Galactica, The Shield, House, Metalocalypse, The IT Crowd, and Terminator: SCC and many other great scripted shows. LOL I'm an assOnly to play a trannie. Nothing more.

Alaska Guy
09-08-2008, 10:00 AM
We need more trans girls to be a role model for others, and this certainly is a great step! I am very glad for Isis, and regardless if she wins the whole thing or not, she has already won in my book!

A friend of mine asked if she should go on Springer, and I commented that it's probably not a good idea, because those people don't really respect transgender people, and I figured they don't have the right to shout at tgirls and say, "NOW THAT'S A MAN!!! THAT'S A MAN! Look at her toes!" or whatever.

America's Next Top Model is a total contrast to that. It's a serious show, with a very serious modeling contract on the line. Way to go Isis!

09-08-2008, 10:33 AM
What the people at ANTM is doing is no different then the people at jerry springer do.Exploiting someone like they are a circus freak to their advantage.

09-08-2008, 02:52 PM
It's great that they have a TS on the show, but couldn't they have found a prettier TS? I'm not asking for an overly plastic girl on the show, but Isis is the least attractive on the show.

El Nino
09-08-2008, 05:09 PM
Does anybody know if she is pre or post-op?

09-08-2008, 05:24 PM
Isis is a snaggle tooth. not attrative at all. cant believe they picked a barely passable ts whens theres thousands of hott ones to pick from. Its one step forward, 2 steps back for the TS community

09-08-2008, 08:17 PM
now in days models are the type ov pretty that guys dont get. atleast that is what tyra says, it could also be that the pretty one have been in porn and also, escort. i dont know if isis has done any of those but ive never heard of her. also it couls be that models today have very slim body and isis has that. she is supper skinny. if you watched the show the judges were talking about clark, yeah she is pretty, but in the modeling industry there is a thing as being too pretty, " clark look pretty pretty but that is ugly ugly" -tyra( not an exact quote) :)

09-08-2008, 08:19 PM
i think people go a little crazy about this show....it is good that she is on the show...but to me the only winner is tyra who is making money off these people....are any of the winners really doing it in the modeling scene...i don't mean some photo shoots for like stuff or smooth mag , lol....

09-08-2008, 08:48 PM
Often it's not how pretty you are, it's how well you photograph. But make no mistake, there are no 3'8" models and there is a formula for beauty right or wrong. Zero cheek bones with a long hook nose and tiny eyes will not go far. With this show it's also your ability to speak and represent a product.
After seeing her on the show, I would move her up a couple of notches. Not for beauty, but for technique. Can any of us really choose the best yet?
Is she being used? Maybe some perhaps and she's using them to further a career. That's ok too.

09-10-2008, 02:38 AM
i think people go a little crazy about this show....it is good that she is on the show...but to me the only winner is tyra who is making money off these people....are any of the winners really doing it in the modeling scene...i don't mean some photo shoots for like stuff or smooth mag , lol....

I know one of the past winners is married to one of the brady bunch kids.

09-10-2008, 02:46 AM
SOOOO- is there somewhere i can watch last week's episode online?

09-10-2008, 03:21 AM
SOOOO- is there somewhere i can watch last week's episode online?


yt, search for: "ANTM cycle 11"


P.S. I loveeeeeee ur new avatar....lookin hot baby :wink: !!

09-12-2008, 11:21 PM
isis was on msnbc doc about transgendered teens

09-12-2008, 11:35 PM
she almost got elimated last night. shes looking realy bad,. those huge hoop earings. omg horrible...but
the lezbo chick is hotter than all of them put together. and she jsut turned 18 holy shiiit !


09-13-2008, 03:57 PM
As a trans woman I can say I'm proud that girls like Isis and Lavergne are putting us out there in mainstream America, showing we can get the job done and that besides whats between our legs, we are WOMAN. And if you guys rember, Tyra also did a Trans Top Model too.

09-13-2008, 03:59 PM
Often it's not how pretty you are, it's how well you photograph. But make no mistake, there are no 3'8" models and there is a formula for beauty right or wrong. Zero cheek bones with a long hook nose and tiny eyes will not go far. With this show it's also your ability to speak and represent a product.
After seeing her on the show, I would move her up a couple of notches. Not for beauty, but for technique. Can any of us really choose the best yet?
Is she being used? Maybe some perhaps and she's using them to further a career. That's ok too.
No matter who uses who, this is a win win situation if you ask me.

09-13-2008, 04:01 PM
ARRGGGHHH. I find it most disheartening that so many of the members of this forum have such a negative insight to this Topic. Isis looks great and deserves to be competing amongst the other models as she does have a genuine shot at wnning. I am not a fan of reality tv at all, but a show like ANTM and The Shot at least give the contestants a chance at accomplishing their goals and learning valuable skills along the way, opposed to a show like Survivor. Even if Isis doesn't become ANTM she'll still get offers for other modeling work, be it print, online ads, and even GG tv show and/or movie roles (which would be very awesome). I wish the best for her.

I really think a lot of the guys on here need to open their eyes to the fact that just because you only choose to see t-girls in a fantasy perspective so you can get your 'rocks' off doesn't mean these girls are not real and have real lives, real problems, and real dreams/goals in life just like everyone else. She chose to try out for the show, she's earned her spot on the shows roster and that's all that matters. The decision to put her on the show is no different than the same decisions to pick every other model on the show. Each model has their unique qualities and the common factor amongst them all is that they are pretty and deserve a chance at being America's Next Top Model.

(Wow, that last line almost sounded like an advert for a reality show) LOL just to balance that out, let me again state that I don't particularly care for Reality Tv in general and much prefer Scripted Dramas. Hooray for the return of Dexter, Prison Break, Nip/Tuck, Heroes, BattleStar Galactica, The Shield, House, Metalocalypse, The IT Crowd, and Terminator: SCC and many other great scripted shows. LOL I'm an assFinally! Somebody who see's where we are coming from!

09-13-2008, 04:25 PM
this is great for not only us girls but more for the general public who is watching it.the truth is as each passing day goes by were more and more in the mainstream and making great strides.i know this first hand as ive been offered a very well paying job here in my hometown where i transitioned as a counseller for the glbt in our employement office.and yes im the same girl who raises her kids on my own so maybe that gave me some advantages who knows but one thing i do know is any one of us girls can do whatever we want if we have the drive to do so,we all ready know were the strongest proudest and most couragest group in the world so if we can transition in a world full of surprises we can do anything.