View Full Version : Curious to know

08-24-2008, 12:39 AM
As an adult worker in films you are required to get aim tested before each shoot. I just did mine and mine came back clean.

I was wondering how many gentleman on here, especially the ones that hook up with escorts, get tested? If you haven't why not? Are you scared of the result?

08-24-2008, 12:45 AM
Why do you have the lowest amount as only every 6 months as opposed to once a month?

08-24-2008, 12:53 AM
Why do you have the lowest amount as only every 6 months as opposed to once a month? cause unless the guy is in the adult industry most get it only every 6 months

08-24-2008, 12:59 AM
Im also doing adult movies...Gay movies...and some single TG/TS movie so Im are also tested regularly...And Im still Clean :D

08-24-2008, 01:11 AM
are one of thsoe guys you?

08-24-2008, 01:23 AM
yes he in the middle who is sucking

08-24-2008, 01:34 AM
yes he in the middle who is suckingcute nice big cocks you are sucking haha

08-24-2008, 03:28 AM
every 3 months and i wear protection, and damn ill never pay for sex whether she hot or not

08-24-2008, 03:33 AM
I only have safe sex, outside a relationship. I fear the Q-Tip.


08-24-2008, 03:58 AM
I will add that AIM testing is very accurate, and is a good thing to do, and I certainly trust the process. Clearly. . . ehhhh, well whatever.

08-24-2008, 08:33 AM
For me I haven't taken up a regular testing practice, as sex outside a relationships hasn't happened in something like 15 years. So, if I break up with someone I get tested (you never know when THEY broke up with YOU) and before I start something new if it's quick turnaround.

Early in a relationship I use protection, so not quite as fearful as I probably should be, plenty of stuff can slide around that.

Sadly, not enough reason lately to get tested, just haven't been going out. I would likely have to rethink my position if I became a client of a professional girl.


08-24-2008, 08:40 AM
Its not about seeing escorts/adult workers etc.. you should always wear protection , I AM VERY OCD about that, sweety you cant trust nobody.. And i mean NOBODY!!!!

08-24-2008, 10:45 AM
I get tested every three months. Sometimes I forget or am too busy, but I try and keep regular.

If you have a fairly regular sex life you should do everything to ensure you are as safe as possible, if not for your sake then for your partner's.

08-24-2008, 05:36 PM
Sorry Janira, your probably right about that, but I can't live that way inside a relationship that's gone on more than a year. I just can't look at the my partner and say, I'm sorry, but I think you might have something.

If SHE wants me too I'm good with it, I'm used to be viewed with suspicion. Comes with being male, we're the bad people of the world I'm told. I just have a hard being the suspicious one.

My roommate who just moved out had to sit me down and have the talk about not letting folks use me for my money. I laughed and said I don't have enough to be used, but I guess that's all relative. (full disclosure, family has the money... I get just enough to max out Dad avoiding estate taxes, I'll be moderately wealthy some day, but not for a good long time I hope.) Anyway, her point was I put too much trust in people for too long, the reality is I don't... I just don't want to act that way. I weigh the cost of acting that way vs the penalty, and make a decision.

In this case the penalty can be death... but I'm a 39 year old male with no family of my own and a few trans issues that make connections hard to come by. If I find those connections and they turn out to be false... the harder part for me would be feeling life had intrinsic value than taking my meds.

What can I say, romantic type on the idealist scale, complete with the high drama side effects when my ideals get smacked. Smart? Maybe, I test high... but common sense doesn't test well.


08-24-2008, 06:37 PM
every 3 months and i wear protection, and damn ill never pay for sex whether she hot or not smart guy lol

08-24-2008, 06:40 PM
For me I haven't taken up a regular testing practice, as sex outside a relationships hasn't happened in something like 15 years. So, if I break up with someone I get tested (you never know when THEY broke up with YOU) and before I start something new if it's quick turnaround.

Early in a relationship I use protection, so not quite as fearful as I probably should be, plenty of stuff can slide around that.

Sadly, not enough reason lately to get tested, just haven't been going out. I would likely have to rethink my position if I became a client of a professional girl.

Sean no offense but people do cheat. I know a church women married to her husband 20 plus years and he cheated on her and infected her with aids. She freaked out, it was a big deal in our church when I was younger. Such a sad story.

08-24-2008, 08:23 PM
Oh I know the horror stories.

People cheat, true enough.

Was going to do this long winded style but here's the bullet points...

If your with someone and their with you, what are you actually checking for? Not to prevent passing something on, but to seek treatment, not sure how much difference it makes to catch before any symptoms on most diseases you'd check for vs at the first signs of trouble.

You have the lady in the church who gets the disease. How many others? Odds matter when you start spending your time, money and emotional capitol. You don't watch out for a stray car at the coffee counter even though people get killed that way too... because the odds are so much against it.

Last was that constantly checking when you should have no new vectors on an emotional level can only really come down to a kind of test of fidelity... or at least competence in your partners cheating.

Checking before a new partners I understand and actively pursue, but during long term relationships is harder for me to justify. If your not in a city, getting checked can become an expense, an emotional drain and wedge between you and your partner. Maybe not when things are going well, but when your under strain for some other reason, money getting tight etc.

All that said, depends on the people involved and what is right for them. If I was to get back together with my ex... I'd be rightfully a bit more cautious than I was, and protection would be part of our routine. Same with any new relationship, but unless I want to hermetically seal myself into rubber suit I have to eventually take some chances... just hope the ones I take are educated guesses and work out.

God, and I thought that was the short version... sigh... sorry folks... one day I'll get down to short thoughts...
