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View Full Version : can someone please explain to me why...

08-23-2008, 07:16 PM
chasers idolise Cock, Boys and Men in wigs?

Because I am at a loss. There are a multitude of female looking transexuals who exude a postive, independent, awesome display of real feminity. These jokers are a pale imitation. Why the love?

I know a fair few men who went through the whole 'OMG MEN IN WIGS ARE SO IN TOUCH WITH HOW I FEEL ABOUT THE WORLD AND LIFE AND ALL THAT STUFF HEE HEE HEE', but now that it is 2008 and not 1993 they tend to look back on that time with a very well deserved amount of embarrassment.

Why can't all chasers do the same?

(Disclaimer: This post is speaking in general terms. Any fag who thinks these clowns are a hilarious farce should not feel themselves implicated in any way in this post).

thanx and that is all

08-23-2008, 07:26 PM
I know. Like what's up with that?

08-23-2008, 07:27 PM
To each their own I guess.

Not a big fan of the men in wig brigade either, but if it gets their rocks off then fair play to them. At least they're happy with what they like.

There is no point trying to apply logic to chasers.

08-23-2008, 07:34 PM
chasers idolise Cock, Boys and Men in wigs?

Because I am at a loss. There are a multitude of female looking transexuals who exude a postive, independent, awesome display of real feminity. These jokers are a pale imitation. Why the love?

I know a fair few men who went through the whole 'OMG MEN IN WIGS ARE SO IN TOUCH WITH HOW I FEEL ABOUT THE WORLD AND LIFE AND ALL THAT STUFF HEE HEE HEE', but now that it is 2008 and not 1993 they tend to look back on that time with a very well deserved amount of embarrassment.

Why can't all chasers do the same?

(Disclaimer: This post is speaking in general terms. Any fag who thinks these clowns are a hilarious farce should not feel themselves implicated in any way in this post).

thanx and that is all

LMAO, leave it to you tsntx, I know what you mean. I've come across quite a few images that have left me scarred. The only thing in touch with anything was a dangling cock with an open orifice. Some dudes are brave, but I gues it gets their rocks off.

Hey I say let them chase those sissies if they so desire, that leaves the nice, soft, feminine tgirls for me.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
08-23-2008, 07:38 PM

Well some say," in the dark.. They all look and feel the same"! :lol:

Funny post Jen. ;)



08-23-2008, 07:39 PM
lol thnx hara.... i had help lol

08-23-2008, 09:00 PM
chasers idolise Cock, Boys and Men in wigs?

Because I am at a loss. There are a multitude of female looking transexuals who exude a postive, independent, awesome display of real feminity. These jokers are a pale imitation. Why the love?

I know a fair few men who went through the whole 'OMG MEN IN WIGS ARE SO IN TOUCH WITH HOW I FEEL ABOUT THE WORLD AND LIFE AND ALL THAT STUFF HEE HEE HEE', but now that it is 2008 and not 1993 they tend to look back on that time with a very well deserved amount of embarrassment.

Why can't all chasers do the same?

(Disclaimer: This post is speaking in general terms. Any fag who thinks these clowns are a hilarious farce should not feel themselves implicated in any way in this post).

thanx and that is all

A lot of men are intimidated by beautiful women, trans or gg. They figure they are probably high maintenance, and they will have a lot of competition. They might believe that an less attractive person will appreciate them better. I’m not too crazy about some of the pics I see posted here. But I can say that I sometimes see an attractiveness in a woman who others might think is only average. So that goes back to, ‘each his own’.

Where you see a “positive, independent” woman, a man might see a woman who is not going to listen to him, which is a form of respect, and also someone who wants to have their way all the time. Better looking often = more spoiled.

But another was to say the same thing is: I think this person (ugly), will want to have sex with me, whereas the beauty might want $300 for a half hour. And I might still get rejected.

08-23-2008, 09:05 PM
Should be interesting.

And I hereby offer up the evidence supporting the OP's (tsntx) charge:


08-23-2008, 09:30 PM
all pink on the inside hahahahahahaha

08-23-2008, 09:33 PM
Isn't this the point where you seperate the guys who love guys in drags from guys who are into beautiful tgirls?

08-23-2008, 09:41 PM
either A) they like dick, but want to keep a semi facade as to whom they want their cock attached to.


b) they hate the challenge of someone who wont follow every command without a few roses attached.

08-24-2008, 06:18 AM
or c) they just gay as fuck

Hara_Juku Tgirl
08-24-2008, 06:21 AM
you forgot to add..

And live in denial! :lol:



08-24-2008, 06:23 AM
must suck to be u tryin to be all girlie then to find out its cock, which u had all along, that they were really after...mmm

btw, i love how u take it upon urself to judge if the embarrassment is well deserved...give a boy some surgery, a hat and a website and they become judge and jury, love it;)

Hara_Juku Tgirl
08-24-2008, 06:40 AM
Gentic girlfriend? Hmm..is that a fangled term?




Hara_Juku Tgirl
08-24-2008, 06:55 AM
A shocker? On HA? lol



08-24-2008, 06:57 AM
must suck to be u tryin to be all girlie then to find out its cock, which u had all along, that they were really after...mmm

btw, i love how u take it upon urself to judge if the embarrassment is well deserved...give a boy some surgery, a hat and a website and they become judge and jury, love it;)

BOO HOO YOU FUCKING FAG!!!!!!!!!!!!! :violin :violin :violin :violin :violin :violin :violin :violin :violin :violin :violin :violin :violin :violin :violin :violin :violin

you obviously dont know.... but i LOVE my cock... its not going 8 inches inside me... its going inside of faggots like you... becoming a woman has little or nothing to do w/ my cock... but just bc i love mine doesnt mean i want a man that will fuck anything w/ a cock.... i want a man that loves women, i want a man that wants to be w/ someone he wouldnt feel embarrassed to introduce me to his friends and family as his girlfriend... doesnt care if they know im a ts or not.... just as his gf... some of the things u fags post yall would be laughed to death if you even tried to pass these beasts off as women... thats not the guy for me... and obviously youre one of them

Solitary Brother
08-24-2008, 07:01 AM
Isn't this the point where you seperate the guys who love guys in drags from guys who are into beautiful tgirls?

And YOU are the former NOT the later.
You got some nerve considering you still have a narrow boys body.
Let me ask you something hun.
Do you notice that when people see you they assume you are a woman and treat you as such?
Do you also notice that as soon as you speak people get a look on their face that says "OH" and treat you differently?

Good night.

08-24-2008, 07:11 AM
Isn't this the point where you seperate the guys who love guys in drags from guys who are into beautiful tgirls?

And YOU are the former NOT the later.
You got some nerve considering you still have a narrow boys body.
Let me ask you something hun.
Do you notice that when people see you they assume you are a woman and treat you as such?
Do you also notice that as soon as you speak people get a look on their face that says "OH" and treat you differently?

Good night.

it's latter

08-24-2008, 08:16 AM
or c) they just gay as fuck

you forgot to add..

And live in denial! :lol:



i love my girls.
but seriously, If how big a girls dick matter more than how the rest of her looks, the your probably falling into these two previously mentioned labels.
Nothing is wring with liking dick alot or being gay for guys, calling a club a spade is only making you look slow.

08-24-2008, 09:38 AM
Very well-written OP btw.

08-24-2008, 10:39 AM
Very well-written OP btw.

do what i can ;)

08-24-2008, 10:46 AM
ur not nearly as clever or pretty as u think u are...oh and, hehe, u dont care if ur bf will introduce u as a ts or a real girl? adorable;) i mean how will they ever tell if he doesnt reveal it to them;) i mean the voice is so feminine, not at all like drag queens and whiny...and the non boyish look, i mean, u probably pass everywhere;) luv ya..keep up the hate-disguised-as-a-rant-routine;)

ps calling me a faggot and claiming my comments reveal anything about my sexual preferences is childish and doesnt get u brownie points with even the legend crowd...ok maybe it does;)

08-24-2008, 10:56 AM
ur not nearly as clever or pretty as u think u are...oh and, hehe, u dont care if ur bf will introduce u as a ts or a real girl? adorable;) i mean how will they ever tell if he doesnt reveal it to them;) i mean the voice is so feminine, not at all like drag queens and whiny...and the non boyish look, i mean, u probably pass everywhere;) luv ya..keep up the hate-disguised-as-a-rant-routine;)

ps calling me a faggot and claiming my comments reveal anything about my sexual preferences is childish and doesnt get u brownie points with even the legend crowd...ok maybe it does;)

see what u did tomfurbs.... u make a thread and noone gets bent out of shape.... i make a thread safe format... and all these fucking faggots come out of the woodwork to cry like the pussies they would never touch

i guess this DOES prove that ts's can grow up and move on.... how come faggots cant?

08-24-2008, 10:59 AM
ur not nearly as clever or pretty as u think u are...oh and, hehe, u dont care if ur bf will introduce u as a ts or a real girl? adorable;) i mean how will they ever tell if he doesnt reveal it to them;) i mean the voice is so feminine, not at all like drag queens and whiny...and the non boyish look, i mean, u probably pass everywhere;) luv ya..keep up the hate-disguised-as-a-rant-routine;)

ps calling me a faggot and claiming my comments reveal anything about my sexual preferences is childish and doesnt get u brownie points with even the legend crowd...ok maybe it does;)

see what u did tomfurbs.... u make a thread and noone gets bent out of shape.... i make a thread safe format... and all these fucking faggots come out of the woodwork to cry like the pussies they would never touch

i guess this DOES prove that ts's can grow up and move on.... how come faggots cant?

Well, Hara thinks I'm a bit of a dick now. But yeah.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
08-24-2008, 11:11 AM
How? Because of the Madonna thread? Pfff..I'm not 12. I already told you my piece. If it bothers you that Cher, Britney and Madonna has reached what they've achived for themselves..that is your problem, not mines - take it up with them! lol


Um, so moving right along..



08-24-2008, 11:16 AM
if the most feminine female is white
and the most masculine male is black...

-why ask someone why they like dark grey rather than light grey?

it just is what it is.

but i DO understand your apprehensive feelings about dating a guy who also likes the brickzz.

08-24-2008, 11:17 AM
This thread is becoming like a battle between gay guys and tgirls. Does this fall under the category bitchfight? ;-)

08-24-2008, 11:45 AM
This thread is becoming like a battle between gay guys and tgirls. Does this fall under the category bitchfight? ;-) :popcorn :lol:

I figured out a while ago that people like what they like and I for one will not be the least bit concerned, after all they aren't fucking me, that's for darn sure and I'm not sticking my dick in them.

All that matters is that we know what we want and go for that, the reason that chasers idolise Cock, Boys and Men in wigs, is because they are just that, chasers. They probably have nothing meaningful coming out of it as a relationship standpoint when they probably have a wife, 3 kids and a dog at home and bored as hell with their life. Didn't I read that many of the individuals that are involved with escorts are middle age, married men, if true is that a coincidence.

08-24-2008, 11:56 AM
You got a point macfan but you have to admit the cock-mafia have been kind of obsessive here always wanting to see the cock of the girls who post here and stuff like that. In my opinion they could be a little more discreet with their taste!

08-24-2008, 12:12 PM
You got a point macfan but you have to admit the cock-mafia have been kind of obsessive here always wanting to see the cock of the girls who post here and stuff like that. In my opinion they could be a little more discreet with their taste!

Oh I came to an understanding with that a while ago, I browsed here and saw what it was all about when I was a newbie, but the girls-some that is encourage them too so what are they to think other than its kosher to expect a hanging, dripping cock of pure meat for their percolating, mouthwatering fantasies and when its over, back to the family.

This whole deeper relationship and understanding the feelings of the girl is not in the understanding of a chaser. So I guess its a two way street, the chasers lust after man meat on someone who considers themself anything but a man and the girls want a deeper, meaningful interaction with guys but encourage the chasers lust and desires and then wonder why the guy is interested in her cock, to the detriment of any other quaities she has cutlivated in her experiences of life and what her true desires are.

Solitary Brother
08-24-2008, 02:20 PM
Isn't this the point where you seperate the guys who love guys in drags from guys who are into beautiful tgirls?

And YOU are the former NOT the later.
You got some nerve considering you still have a narrow boys body.
Let me ask you something hun.
Do you notice that when people see you they assume you are a woman and treat you as such?
Do you also notice that as soon as you speak people get a look on their face that says "OH" and treat you differently?

Good night.

it's latter

Thank you....
"You know what I mean....Butch queen.....Butch queen.....First time in drags at a ball".

Solitary Brother
08-24-2008, 02:22 PM
What I am trying to say is that if your gonna try to read someone about being into drag queens or hard body girls then you yourself better be real.

08-24-2008, 02:27 PM
they only want the dick. put dennis rodman in drag and they will come.......

08-24-2008, 02:35 PM
they only want the dick. put dennis rodman in drag and they will come.......

LOL, I still remember him in that wedding dress :shock: , that was brutal to see, my retinas are still recovering.

08-24-2008, 07:48 PM
This thread is becoming like a battle between gay guys and tgirls. Does this fall under the category bitchfight? ;-) :popcorn :lol:

I figured out a while ago that people like what they like and I for one will not be the least bit concerned, after all they aren't fucking me, that's for darn sure and I'm not sticking my dick in them.

All that matters is that we know what we want and go for that, the reason that chasers idolise Cock, Boys and Men in wigs, is because they are just that, chasers. They probably have nothing meaningful coming out of it as a relationship standpoint when they probably have a wife, 3 kids and a dog at home and bored as hell with their life. Didn't I read that many of the individuals that are involved with escorts are middle age, married men, if true is that a coincidence.

Macfan: You think you have everything figured out, but you are wrong. I don't have a dog! Ha! So much for your theories.

08-24-2008, 07:51 PM
What I am trying to say is that if your gonna try to read someone about being into drag queens or hard body girls then you yourself better be real.
Just because YOU say so?

08-25-2008, 01:00 AM
they only want the dick. put dennis rodman in drag and they will come.......

LOL, I still remember him in that wedding dress :shock: , that was brutal to see, my retinas are still recovering.

me too but if he had a big cock showing in that dress, he'd be considered the most passable "tranny" on this site!

08-25-2008, 01:20 AM
Ever heard the expression "they're all pink on the inside"? Just kidding, however, I don't get it either. But I guess to each their own. I'm not one to judge.

(Quick Edit: I personally am drawn to a Transgendered woman's looks, if i was to go that route. I'm 26, and I've dated 2 transsexuals, and believe or not, NEVER saw their penises. I seriously wasn't interested. I was more interested in what they looked liked. Beautiful woman, which i would think most here are interested in. The again I've only a few posts. What do I know?)

08-25-2008, 01:22 AM
crossdressers/femboyz/transvestites/drag queens >>>>>>>>>> transexuals.

I'm attracted to whatever i wanna be attracted to.

ITs mad cool
the best part is i'm young and I been with transexuals, GGs, TVs/Cds,

And I'm gonna be with more as i age

I love adrogengy, I love women, and I love tgirls

If you call me a chaser I dont care.... I'ma get mines anyway

08-25-2008, 01:32 AM
crossdressers/femboyz/transvestites/drag queens >>>>>>>>>> transexuals.

If you call me a chaser I dont care.... I'ma get mines anyway

LOL, that's keepin it real right there. I have heard some dudes say hey if the ass is being given up they taking that shit.sissy/CD/TV/TS whatever. :lol: