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View Full Version : Vice President: JOE BIDEN

08-23-2008, 05:00 AM
you've heard it first on HA

08-23-2008, 05:06 AM
thats weird, i thought u needed to win first to become vp, good luck with that

08-23-2008, 05:26 AM
sorry. I meant the guy chosen to be CANDIDATE for VP

whether he becomes VP will be determined in November

08-23-2008, 05:28 AM
i know i was just playing

08-23-2008, 05:30 AM

08-23-2008, 05:34 AM
your new avatar is amazing

08-23-2008, 05:36 AM
why thank you kind sir.

08-23-2008, 05:41 AM
Hes a dope. A good statesman, but has a rep for saying dumb shit. If Obama wouldve picked Hagel, he wouldve won it all.

08-23-2008, 05:55 AM

08-23-2008, 07:16 AM
I know in the end, the VP candidate means nothing...see, Dan Quayle...or is that potatoe? But I'm down with Biden, good choice

08-23-2008, 09:01 AM
I'm kind of surpised because of the supposed racial comments biden made a while ago about obama.

08-23-2008, 09:06 AM
It's official, it's Biden.

What racial comments did Biden make? Gotta link?

quote="Legend"]I'm kind of surpised because of the supposed racial comments biden made a while ago about obama.[/quote]

Not really racist....just referred to his full name, especially the middle name HUSSEIN in a very sarcastic wise-ass manner.

08-23-2008, 09:23 AM
Joe Biden is a great guy but he's going to make Obama look like the kid he is.

They should reversed the ticket making Obama VP.

27% of Hillary's supporters have just said they would not vote for Obama.

Joe Biden won't change that one bit.

So Hillary in 2012 should be a shoe in.

08-23-2008, 09:24 AM
Actually Biden made an obvious racist comment...


And I'm surprised with the Biden choice. It's a known fact Biden plagerized his way law school.

But I tell you what. I'm afraid Obama's not going to make it. There's just too many closet Democrats that will talk a good game in public, but when it comes time to pull the lever, they won't vote for a black man. Shameful, but that's the truth. And, because McCain's pretty much left-biased, there's going to be enough centrist Dems that will vote for McCain.

And when you toss in the disgruntled Hillary-ites, it's just not gonna happen.

08-23-2008, 09:29 AM
That wasn't really it eyecuminpiece he just referred obama as being clean, articulate and the usually suspects took it out of context i believe.


Solitary Brother
08-23-2008, 10:12 AM
Actually Biden made an obvious racist comment...


And I'm surprised with the Biden choice. It's a known fact Biden plagerized his way law school.

But I tell you what. I'm afraid Obama's not going to make it. There's just too many closet Democrats that will talk a good game in public, but when it comes time to pull the lever, they won't vote for a black man. Shameful, but that's the truth. And, because McCain's pretty much left-biased, there's going to be enough centrist Dems that will vote for McCain.

And when you toss in the disgruntled Hillary-ites, it's just not gonna

It will happen.
Your a dirty fucking racist yourself.
EVERYONE WANTS OBAMA over old dried up prune Mccain.

Solitary Brother
08-23-2008, 10:15 AM
I think Biden is a good choice because he is a washington insider and knows foreign policy well.
Actually he is WAY more qualified to be p;resident then Obama.
He is a great speaker but i do have worries about him.
Biden sometimes speaks before he thinks.....he a brilliant man but that is a weakness.

08-23-2008, 10:15 AM
Well, with those manners I guess I know why you're Solitary.

Heh Heh

Solitary Brother
08-23-2008, 10:17 AM
Well, with those manners I guess I know why you're Solitary.

Heh Heh

Your a racist.
Im not even an Obama supporter nor a Democrat but YOU ARE A RACIST.

08-23-2008, 10:48 AM
Why do you say I'm racist. Please explain.

"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy." - Joe Biden

08-23-2008, 11:55 AM
you've heard it first on HA

You're a candidate for VP, theoretically if Obama get's shot, you would run the country: PUT ON A FUCKING TIE!!!

08-23-2008, 01:06 PM
He should have picked Bloomberg. His weakness is economics. Would have solved that clobbered McCain with it. Plus if a black man is going to be President, he's going to need as much Jewish Liberal support as possible, and while Bloomberg isn't technically a liberal, if you listened to his social policies, they are actually more liberal than half the Democrats. And don't worry about him supposedly being a Republican. He only became one to avoid the Democratic Mayoral Primary. Besides, they are trying to knock Obama for not "reaching across the aisle" enough. That's about as much of a bipartisan ticket as you could imagine these days.

08-23-2008, 02:59 PM
Obama has been preaching change, so what does he do, he picks a guy that has been part of the problem for 30 yrs, a carreer politician thats probably never had a real job in his life. Hail President McCain

08-23-2008, 03:46 PM
I expect the Obama camp to use Biden as their attack dog. He'll tear every McCain policy statement to shreds. I'm laughing as I think of the VP debates. Mutt Romney or Joe LIEberman won't stand a chance against Biden. It will be interesting to see if McCain rethinks his possible VP choices to try to counter the Biden factor. ATM I can't think of any of the Republican VP frontrunners with much gravitas.

Remember when people said Bush didn't have enough experience to be Pres? The Republican response was "Don't worry, he's got Dick Cheney backing him up". I'll take Biden over Darth Cheney anyday, although I don't think Obama will sit on his ass for the first four years and let Biden run the show like Dubya did with Cheney.

08-23-2008, 04:24 PM
I like the Obama/Biden ticket. And to anyone who says Biden says stupid shit on occasion, that's true but it works in his favor. Swing vote conservatives see that sort of thing and can relate to the guy at times. They think:

"Holy shit, that guy can be just as fuckin dumb as me on occasion."

I think they are going to win.

08-23-2008, 04:43 PM
I like the Obama/Biden ticket. And to anyone who says Biden says stupid shit on occasion, that's true but it works in his favor. Swing vote conservatives see that sort of thing and can relate to the guy at times. They think:

"Holy shit, that guy can be just as fuckin dumb as me on occasion."

I think they are going to win.

:idea: "Joe Biden can't shut up..."

About Bush, the Democrats, the mess in Iraq. About his chances in 2008 and how he’s going to explain his past screwups. About his near-death experiences. About Republican hypocrisy. Yes, if presidential elections were decided on an ability to speak in great, unfiltered, often inspiring bursts, the senior senator from Delaware would win in a landslide. Now, let him talk



08-23-2008, 04:52 PM
Look, as was mentioned, he's set in there to work in the dog-eat-dog world which is how elections go. For someone to win they need to fight, and I didn't see any other candidates with as much gall as he did. It's sort of sad that qualifications matter less than handling PR now, but it's the truth.

Also, I do see Obama's camp, which has been relatively careful in their PR making sure Biden doesn't make an ass of himself.

On a side note, this was essential. As you can see with the recent situation in Georgia, people just latch on to whoever they see as "safe" over people who will actually do change, and he needed someone with iron clad foreign policy experience. Having Biden silences the argument McCain has been putting against Obama, period.

08-23-2008, 05:29 PM
Obama has been preaching change, so what does he do, he picks a guy that has been part of the problem for 30 yrs, a carreer politician thats probably never had a real job in his life. Hail President McCain
...& that would make him different from McCain how? Or President Bush for that matter, or the current VP?

08-23-2008, 05:36 PM

08-23-2008, 06:23 PM
Apparently, none of you have considered the likely potential that, should Obama win this thing, shortly thereafter, Joe Biden will become President. Why, because some flag wavin' gun lovin' Redneck from God knows where is going to cancel Barak Obama's Birth Certificate, if you get my drift!

It won't be me but, somebody's gonna do it. I'd bet big $$$ on it.

Solitary Brother
08-23-2008, 06:36 PM
Apparently, none of you have considered the likely potential that, should Obama win this thing, shortly thereafter, Joe Biden will become President. Why, because some flag wavin' gun lovin' Redneck from God knows where is going to cancel Barak Obama's Birth Certificate, if you get my drift!

It won't be me but, somebody's gonna do it. I'd bet big $$$ on it.

Yeah....you support it......you want to see it happen.
Even one of the white guys I work with(republican) says the same thing.
And do you think the millions of black americans would be cool with that?
What do you think our reaction will be right after that?
Many innocent people will get hurt.
So many of you who post on this board are so fucking racist but Im glad this election is happening because you are all crawling out like the cockroaches you are.
I for one DO NOT want to see ANY MORE killing.
The current occupant of the White House has killed more people in 8 years than any other country or leader.
Im sick of hearing your racist whites gloating saying Obama will be killed.
You all need to check yourself......especially after this Hillbilly Hitler in the White House has fucked everything up so badly.
Are you and your ilk so racist that your willing to suffer even more economical chaos under a McCain regime?
Are you so racist that you would personally rather see the country to continue to do badly under a white guy rather than good under a black one?
I suspect it is the later with you and many others.
I think you are SCARED to see a black man do good.

Sorry for going off people but I am not even a Democrat and wasnt planning on voting for Obama but these ^%#$% are pissing me off so bad I will probably vote for him.

I pray nothing happens to Obama and some of you better pray too!

08-24-2008, 03:46 AM
Obama has been preaching change, so what does he do, he picks a guy that has been part of the problem for 30 yrs, a carreer politician thats probably never had a real job in his life. Hail President McCain
...& that would make him different from McCain how? Or President Bush for that matter, or the current VP? For 1, McCain isnt shouting from every roof top that he is the candidate for change. As far as the job things go, both Bush and Cheney have had jobs in the private sector. You have heard about Cheney and Halliburton havent you? You had to know bush was owner of the Texas Rangers? My point was, Dont get me wrong, it doesnt matter which 1 wins, they are all the same, I guess that was my point, that they all are the same

08-24-2008, 04:27 AM
I wanted to see Jim Webb be his running mate. That would have may a good ticket. Biden speaks his mind and often puts his foot in his mouth. I think he is going to be haunted by the pick. I do not believe he is going to help Obama win any states, only lost states with his mouth.

McCain could ruin his chances by picking a pro-choice running mate.

It will be interesting to see how everything will play out.

08-24-2008, 04:32 AM
Biden rides the train btwn DC and Wilmington almost every day. That's pretty cool. And if my memory is correct, that's like 1.5 to 2 hours each way. 8)

As for the racist stuff, it will be interesting to me how this will play out on election day, and during an Obama Presidency if he wins. People of different races or different genders have been elected national leaders in places as diverse as India, Israel, Peru, Germany and Pakistan. I have a feeling America is finally ready to elect someone other than a white guy.

08-24-2008, 05:11 AM
This is good news. I'm just glad he didn't pick Hilary, that would guarantee a loss. Most of the "working class" in states like WV and OH only voted against Obama, not really for her. So that 18 million voters thing is overblown by the MSM to create drama.

I'm so sick of hearing this experience nonsense. Non of them have been the president of the usa before. McCain is joke. He would be an embarrassment to the country.

08-24-2008, 05:16 AM
He needs to be careful talking like that, the Secret Service could pay you a visit. Obama has gotten a lot of death threats, the secret service takes possible threats very seriously

08-24-2008, 02:36 PM
I would have went with someone who could give me some swing state electoral votes.

08-24-2008, 05:22 PM
Some valid points have been raised already but I'll reiterate...

Obama was supposed to be the "Fresh Face"...the guy to make "Changes",so he goes out and picks a lifelong run of the mill politician as his VP...very disappointing...looking more and more like nothing will ever change.

Also raised earlier is the very sad but real possibility that Obama wont make it out of his first term alive..I'm not wishing on it,but I wont be suprised if someone tried to assasinate him....which makes Joe Biden president?!...Lord help the USA!