View Full Version : Jennifer Angela's new video

08-23-2008, 12:08 AM
Hey all, I know its been a while but its finaly here. Jennifer Angela's newest youtube video check it out at www.youtube.com/babyfirefly42481.

08-23-2008, 09:12 PM
Sorry about your news. Wasn't this the same person, who told his mother about you before you met her? Anyway I agree with what you said at the end. Plus I would add; do things that you love to do. Love loves Love.

08-23-2008, 09:30 PM
Hey all, I know its been a while but its finaly here. Jennifer Angela's newest youtube video check it out at www.youtube.com/babyfirefly42481.

Usually I skip right over these youtube vids but I watched your entire video and wholeheartedly agree with your view that you need to work on your own agenda and accord. No man or woman for that matter :) can give you happiness and satisfaction in a relationship without it being a balance of many factors that come together. Sorry to hear it didn't work out with that guy. Some guys get involved and realize they're in over their head, or their thrill factor is gone once sex happens. I've heard many girls state that point.

Keep your chin up and focus on yourself as you stated, forget trying to please anyone else at your expense, be it emotionally or physically.

08-24-2008, 06:52 PM
Thanx for the input. i was so nervouse about doin a solo video but i guess it jus took me bein sick and tired of bein put into a sterotypical group of all transexuals being in the sex industry. i dont knock these girls in fact i kinda wish i had it in me to do. its quick and easy money and i would probally be further along in my transiton being this is the way most girls get their money for operations. I just dont have it in me. but i am workin on me now and sayin fuck everyone else and their opinions of me .