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View Full Version : Steriods force Sex Change?

08-13-2008, 12:26 AM
Read this story and can't help but feel there is more to it.
I think it is terrible that he was treated this way, but I didn't think hormones could change your sexual identity.

08-13-2008, 01:14 AM
Read this story and can't help but feel there is more to it.
I think it is terrible that he was treated this way, but I didn't think hormones could change your sexual identity.

Steroids are often close chemically to testosterone, which is partly why it is so hard for FtMs to get access to T for their hrt.

Any GG on an aggressive steroid regime will find it alter their appearance via masculation, their clit will grow, facial hair, pheromone perception & output changes- how drastic and noticeable it is depends on what and how much they're taking. I have no doubt that an overkill steroid regime, especially if it actually includes T as well, will physically "transistion" a GG.

One of the theories for the cause of GID has, for years, been the idea that hormone imbalances during fetal development are the biggest factor. The fetus's brain gets programed/wired by a sudden rush of hormones in one stage of development, and the basic theory is if the hormones aren't the right type, intensity or whatever it could "wire the brain as the wrong sex."

As to inducing an orientation change; sorry, ain't gonna happen. It might cause a sex drive change, but it isn't going to dictate what sex you find attractive. The germans tried using HRT to "cure homosexuality" during WW2, it didn't work then and it still doesn't work now.

With all the societal and psychological pressures it wouldn't surprise me if someone already bi were in such denial about being attracted to the same "birth sex" as to not acknowledging that attraction without anything short of transitioning.