View Full Version : STOP inhumane treatment of transexuals in Kuwait

Hara_Juku Tgirl
08-11-2008, 02:07 AM
Re-post from a friend: The National Assembly of Kuwait recently passed a law that criminilizes transsexuals living in Kuwait. The law states that any individual that behaves, dresses or lives as a member of the opposite sex will be fined up to 1000 Kuwaiti Dinars or will serve jail time up to a year. In other words, you cannot be a transsexual in Kuwait.

This law started a spree of arrests by police men on the street. Transsexuals are being arrested at check points, humiliated, verbally abused, shaving our hair off and sent to an all-male prison with murderers and criminals, after being charged with a FELONY. just for being a transsexual.

Transsexuality is not something we choose to be, we are born transsexuals. All medical entities recognize us as gender dysphoric individuals and there is no CURE to being transsexual.


Sign the petition! We need 3,000 signatures. So come help!





08-11-2008, 03:31 AM
if they came over to the states and were fed hormones they'd be on Eros making tons of money listed as exotic half Indian half [insert nationality]

and Hara I'll sign it but you have to admit, those that get locked up are lucky, no one talks about the ones that get stoned or stabbed to death

08-11-2008, 03:35 AM
our society needs fixing before we start pushing our morals onto someone else

Hara_Juku Tgirl
08-11-2008, 03:51 AM
if they came over to the states and were fed hormones they'd be on Eros making tons of money listed as exotic half Indian half [insert nationality]

and Hara I'll sign it but you have to admit, those that get locked up are lucky, no one talks about the ones that get stoned or stabbed to death

Actually, from what I've been hearing a lot of transexuals go there now (Middle Eastern countries) cos that's where the $$ is! Of course, trying to bag a shiek or whatever it is, is what it's all about! Then again, in comes the Kuwaiti police to greet you at the airport! lol ;)

Thanks Johnny. We just need to fight this transexual oppression somehow regardless if trannies were hooking in Kuwait or not. Could you imagine being thrown in a men's jail cell with all the vicious criminals? Transexuals will be ganged raped! I've heard enough stories from straight filipino men that goes for work there..and you wouldn't believe them if I tell you. Let's just say, If you're a guy going there for work or visiting - grow all your bodily hair cos if you're smooth..chances are you will be abducted, raped and left in the middle of nowhere with your hurtin' cauliflower ass.



Hara_Juku Tgirl
08-11-2008, 03:56 AM
our society needs fixing before we start pushing our morals onto someone else

It's not really pushing morals onto someone else. The problems transexuals face here are just the same in other countries and maybe even worst. Why don't you just sign the petition and be useful? ;) I mean, what is there to lose? 59 views and so far only 3 signed the petition (I'm no. 105)..what the hey? lol



08-11-2008, 04:05 AM
Good luck, but that country is one notch away from saudi arabia, and the ones thrown in jail are not necessarily luckier than the ones stoned to death.

08-11-2008, 04:22 AM
our society needs fixing before we start pushing our morals onto someone else

Letting someone be who they are is something that is universal, wanting to be yourself shouldn't be a crime here or anywhere.

08-11-2008, 04:22 AM
our society needs fixing before we start pushing our morals onto someone else

It comes down to precedent. This piece of legislation in Kuwait is new over there, is it not? If that's ignored while "we fix laws in the Americas" then it becomes a precedented regulation, and it will be harder to have it removed from the books later on if allowed to stand.

Worse, with precedence you have a domino effect with policy, we have seen this with trans related rulings & laws in the US. To give an example two major sets of rulings- those involving probate law, and those involving marriage law definitions have had dramatic nation-wide ramifications. There was the Littleton case in texas; long story short a postop was married to an xy guy, and IIRC the guy died, and so the rest of his family took the estate into probate court, argued since he was married to a tranny the "marriage should be invalidated" and in the end the judge ruled that in Texas, your blood determines your legal sex status.

You can have any imaginable combination of genitalia, and texas doesn't care- all they care about is your blood. Under littleton XX = girl in all cases, XY = guy in all cases (everyone else is in legal limbo since I do not believe anyone has ever cleared up what happens to those who are XXY, XXXY, XYX, XYY- they may not be legally male OR female in texas, and I'd imagine they could have their marriages invalidated if challenged). Now a lot of people who have these odd medical conditions never knew it, so unless texas starts requiring blood tests for granting marriage licenses the legal theory & the red-tape in practice are two different things.

In the time since these cases (due to trans cases in probate court & gay marriage disputes) have popped up many states have since adopted either legislation or legal rulings dictating legal sex status based on chromosomes. Thus when states talk about "marriage being between one man and one women" what they mean legally is generally "one XY citizen, and one XX citizen."° There is no shortage of legal cases in other states in the US which have cited the texas littleton case as justification in the case law (aka precedent) for eroding trans rights in other states.

I also kind of think that trans related reform in any country, even America, is going to be a hard sell if the issue is in such a bad state everywhere else (but that is just my personal speculation).

°The ramifications here SHOULD be obvious for people who are trans, since your legal sex status impacts marriage law, identifications (especially now under realID), birth certificates, probate law, what prison you go to- to name a few.

08-11-2008, 04:36 AM
our society needs fixing before we start pushing our morals onto someone else

Letting someone be who they are is something that is universal, wanting to be yourself shouldn't be a crime here or anywhere.
unfortunately living in a perfect world aint happening anytime soon

08-11-2008, 06:03 AM
these people ride around on camels and live in the middle ages .the place should have been turned into a golf course

Hara_Juku Tgirl
08-12-2008, 03:05 AM



08-12-2008, 03:26 AM
Thank you for me making me aware of this horrible violation of human rights. I am happy to have had the opportunity to sign the petition.

08-12-2008, 03:28 AM
I signed it, I think everyone here should. You don't have to show your name if you don't want to. On the other hand, I think the best thing for Transgender people (they seem to be targeting MTF) would be to find some way to get the hell out of Kuwait.

I don't know how much good this petition will do, but signing it is the right thing to do.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
08-12-2008, 03:40 AM
You're welcome jmecross2. Honda is right, You all can sign the petition and still remain anonymous. ;) In as much as you guys are all are here enjoying naked transexuals..hey, why not take a break and support a good cause?



08-12-2008, 06:44 AM
Hara I signed the petition and also put my name out there for all to see

you simply cannot treat people different because they live their lives differently than you, dammit

Frak some the people on this mud ball are really beginning to piss me off

Sign your name and let people know it, if they have a problem with it let them stand on their ignorance.


08-12-2008, 06:46 AM



Mind if I bump up against you Hara? :P


by the way *bump*



08-12-2008, 07:31 AM
Re-post from a friend: The National Assembly of Kuwait recently passed a law that criminilizes transsexuals living in Kuwait. The law states that any individual that behaves, dresses or lives as a member of the opposite sex will be fined up to 1000 Kuwaiti Dinars or will serve jail time up to a year. In other words, you cannot be a transsexual in Kuwait.

This law started a spree of arrests by police men on the street. Transsexuals are being arrested at check points, humiliated, verbally abused, shaving our hair off and sent to an all-male prison with murderers and criminals, after being charged with a FELONY. just for being a transsexual.

Transsexuality is not something we choose to be, we are born transsexuals. All medical entities recognize us as gender dysphoric individuals and there is no CURE to being transsexual.


Sign the petition! We need 3,000 signatures. So come help!





Here's my humble opinion Hara,

I personally don't think me, you or anyone else outside of Kuwait has any business tryin to tell them SOB's what's what. They have their own religion, culture, style (Estilo), all wrapped and tied into their way of life. Who in the hell am I you or anyone else to tell them that what they do is wrong. Who in the hell says that what we have goin on here with MTV (Brook Hogan, Britney Spears and Paris Hiltion) is all fine and dandy?

Kuwait's culture may be foreign to us, and we may disagree, but it is what it is..........It's theirs and they own it.

God bless them for that.


Hara_Juku Tgirl
08-12-2008, 08:55 AM
While I agree that while this might be happening elsewhere and not here (thank god) and is seem beyond our control and jurisdiction..Culture, religion or whatever the reason is..Ugh, Here let me just cut and paste for your benefit why this is wrong: http://hrw.org/english/docs/2008/01/17/kuwait17800.htm

Dress codes based solely on gender stereotypes restrict both freedom of expression and personal autonomy, Human Rights Watch said. The only known targets of the new Kuwaiti law have been transgender people – individuals born into one gender who deeply identify themselves with another. Kuwait allows transgender people neither to change their legal identity to match the gender in which they live, nor to adapt their physical appearance through gender reassignment surgery. The new law, coming after months of controversy, aims at further restricting their rights and completely eliminating their public presence. In September 2007, the newspaper Al Arabiya reported a new government campaign “to combat the growing phenomenon of gays and transsexuals” in Kuwait.

So how is this recent oppression of Kuwaiti transexuals any different back when black people aren't allowed to have a seat on the bus or drink from a water fountain or exercise their right to vote or Hitler killing 6 million Jews because they were different? :roll: There's no harm trying to help people. ;)

Here's your change.. :2cent lol



Hara_Juku Tgirl
08-12-2008, 01:09 PM
I think the best thing for Transgender people (they seem to be targeting MTF) would be to find some way to get the hell out of Kuwait.

I guess they could seek asylum and flee Kuwait. But even that isn't so easy.




08-12-2008, 01:20 PM
So how is this recent oppression of Kuwaiti transexuals any different back when black people aren't allowed to have a seat on the bus or drink from a water fountain or exercise their right to vote or Hitler killing 6 million Jews because they were different? :roll: There's no harm trying to help people. ;)

Here's your change.. :2cent lol



There's a huge fundamental difference,

RACE > sexuality

Hara_Juku Tgirl
08-12-2008, 01:33 PM
Race, nationality, sexuality/gender orientation, beliefs, religion etc..same difference. It still all boils down to PREJUDICE and DISCRIMINATION which violates a persons civil rights.



08-12-2008, 10:26 PM
I think the best thing for Transgender people (they seem to be targeting MTF) would be to find some way to get the hell out of Kuwait.

I guess they could seek asylum and flee Kuwait. But even that isn't so easy.




It wouldn't be easy at all, but if the situation is as it seems to be, it might be a good option. Israel and Jordan are road reachable from Kuwait, although the commute would obviously be difficult.

Why aren't more people here posting on this petition? Most of you care so little about other people that you can't even fill in some blanks on a web site?

08-13-2008, 12:41 AM
Given the fact that G.W.B. senior saw fit to invade the place 18 years ago to restore the present rulers (dictators) back into their throne, I reckon the good ol' US of A could lean on them a little.

08-13-2008, 01:25 AM
By all means I will sign it, and in fact I will pass it on to as many folks as
I can.

People that are interested in the rights of transpeople may want to check
this out as well:

In 2006, in response to well-documented patterns of abuse, a
distinguished group of international human rights experts met in
Yogyakarta, Indonesia to outline a set of international principles relating
to sexual orientation and gender identity.

The result was the Yogyakarta Principles: a universal guide to human
rights which affirm binding international legal standards with which all
States must comply. They promise a different future where all people
born free and equal in dignity and rights can fulfil that precious birthright.


08-13-2008, 01:54 AM
these people ride around on camels and live in the middle ages .the place should have been turned into a golf course

There's no grass!

08-13-2008, 03:16 AM
these people ride around on camels and live in the middle ages .the place should have been turned into a golf course

There's no grass!

Is there any way to calculate the number of really stupid people on this forum? We need a stupidometer.

08-13-2008, 08:23 AM
these people ride around on camels and live in the middle ages .the place should have been turned into a golf course

There's no grass!

That's what irrigation systems are for.

They have so much oil, set up a boiler and burn sea/ocean water to remove the salt, then pipe it to wherever you want grass.

There are golf courses in the US that wouldn't naturally have grass. Ever been to Vegas?

Hara_Juku Tgirl
08-13-2008, 08:45 PM
Why aren't more people here posting on this petition? Most of you care so little about other people that you can't even fill in some blanks on a web site?

I got no idea Honda. But I will continue to BUMP this thread til everyone gets sick and finally sign up and support a worthy cause!! lol ;)



08-13-2008, 09:49 PM
I will sign this petition. I will sign it and ask the Kuwaiti govt., it's parliament to abide by the decisions of it's Ulama (judiciary) Which in 2004 did recognize the right under Sharia to change sex when it is deemed medically and psychologically beneficial (basically when one is diagnosed with GID.) (http://www.globalgayz.com/kuwait-news.html#article2) Inspite of this their is much ignorance in the world about transgender people and our rights the Islamic world is no different. The judges who did not have to worry about elections and could speak the truth made the correct decision back in 04.

The parliament is actually acting in an un Islamic way. Their adding passing that law is adding an innovation in religion and therefore makes them apostates in my mind. To hell with them!

I also have to say to HA and other interested western gay people. Do not serve a muslim queer rights with a side of bacon. I mean, do not say what ammounts to they need to have gay rights, they need to be like us. They will never be like us. That does not mean that they will never have a more relaxed attitude towards queer folks.

08-13-2008, 09:58 PM
Kuwait is a backward, vile state - they still do not allow Israeli's into the country. Bunch of ball washing bastards.

08-13-2008, 11:18 PM
I mean, do not say what ammounts to they need to have gay rights, they need to be like us. They will never be like us. That does not mean that they will never have a more relaxed attitude towards queer folks.

'Having gay rights' has got nothing to do with being 'like us'. It has everything to do with upholding Human Rights, which are supposed to be universal and international.

This is a human rights violation, and should be treated by the International Community as such, just as human rights violations in other parts of the world are dealt with i.e pressure from trading partners, diplomatic embarrassment, boycotts, Amnesty International, etc.

I agree with you, however, that change in the Islamic world will only come about from within. It will happen when the citizens of countries like Kuwait say enough is enough and protest about the writers, artists, free-thinkers, members of the GLBT community and others who face descrimination and prison for exercising their Human Rights.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
08-13-2008, 11:20 PM
Good post Tom! Have you signed up yet? :P



08-13-2008, 11:24 PM
You betcha.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
08-13-2008, 11:25 PM
Thanks! :)



08-14-2008, 01:48 AM
Good post Tom! Have you signed up yet? :P



You betcha.

Shukran, Arabic for thank you, to all that have signed the petition.


Hara_Juku Tgirl
08-16-2008, 03:28 PM
Bump! Come on people..Pls. sign up already. lol ;)



08-17-2008, 04:23 AM

08-31-2008, 02:18 PM
First things first

Tom you are a known Islamophobe who seeks to score points by dumping one of a few groups it is acceptable to viciously stereotype here.

New business

It is good to see that this petition seems to have done some good. Take a look at this story.

Kuwait Times

Transsexuals meet with MPs over new law

Published Date: August 22, 2008 (http://www.kuwaittimes.net/read_news.php?newsid=NjU5MTM5MTM5)

KUWAIT: A number of local transsexuals met on Wednesday with several MPs, handing the parliamentarians a petition asking them to support cross-dressers because they suffer from an illness, reported Al Watan. The letter complained that recently-introduced legislation did not take transsexuals' psychological and physical circumstances into consideration.

In their letter they said, "We are citizens who fate made different, and this difference made us criminals in a crime that may be stupid, but was not created by us. The letter continued, saying that they were "writing this complaint not to ask for pity, but to speak to your minds in the names of those who have been treated unjustly due to the result of this oppressive law".

The letter continued: "Every law is built around well thought-out foundations, but the laws that are built on unknown and unstudied foundations or on social and religious foundations deprive a large group of people who may not be related to the law, such as we who are concerned with this complaint...we hope that you look into this letter with your hearts and consciences, and not only with your minds.

The letter included a number of suggestions to deal with transsexualism, "based on medical reports, which state that the psychological condition of the [transsexual] is based on a sexual identity complex, on which no doctor will differ with another as professor from Kuwait and abroad had testified. As they said, this illness has only one solution, which is a total sex change. We suggest that you take those reports into consideration because they comes from a specialized authority in this field (offering Qu
ranic verses as support), and this report gives legal immunity to the individual suffering from an illness.

They added that these views are based on the expert opinions of many religious scholars in Kuwait and abroad who agreed that transsexualism is a case of sexual alteration related to a confusion over sexual orientation, as well as the testimonies of several religious dignitaries and scientists, who unanimously agreed that transsexualism is not related to homosexuality and sodomy which are forbidden by Almighty Allah and His Messenger (PBUH).

The letter went on, "At the suggestion of many legal specialists and lawyers who insist that this law is unconstitutional, we suggest that you reconsider the text of this law, particularly its definition of acting like the other text, and the cases that fall under this category, so that these issues do not get muddled and confused".

In the name of Allah most beneficent ever merciful. I give praise unto Allah and pray that your eyes are opened by what is reported above.

In the course of this thread many many a vicious thing was said about Islam and Muslims seconded and thirded. I waited a while to see if this story would be posted up here. I see that it was not. In this story what do we see? We see local Kuwaiti transsexuals meeting openly with the lawmakers who passed a law against them and NO BEING MISTREATED AT ALL BY THE LAW. They are having their case heard and treated within the boundaries of the society they are in. With respect to Islam, the Qr'an and the people who believe in it.

Yes they are arguing how their condition is not the same as homosexuality which by most understandings of the Qr'an and holy bible is forbidden. ALL this means is that in the Islamic world instead of gay rights leading and being more acceptable than transsexual rights it will be the other way around. There transsexuals and our rights will open the door for more acceptance of homosexuality. This will take time and patience, and understanding from us. Not condemnation of a whole society to that they will only close their doors. I say again as I have said before GAY RIGHTS WILL EVENTUALLY COME TO THE ISLAMIC WORLD BUT IT WILL NEVER BE LIKE IT IS HERE. EVER. (I personally don't see why god would destroy a city full of women and children as well as men just because of some particularly aggressive homosexuals. That interpretation does not make sense to me and seems to be based on people's personal homophobia more than anything.)

I'm sure if those ladies were summarily beheaded or stoned as some of the post on here would seem to indicate they believe would happen such a story would have been posted immediately and emailed all over the gay net.

In case anyone is curious Ramadan begins where I live on the second of September (or whenever there is a clear moon sighting). I am really going to try to keep all the laws this year. In October I will be back in force.

As Sallam ul lakium.

09-01-2008, 01:20 PM
Oh I see....so no ones' human rights have been violated in this instance?

Is that what you are trying to say?


09-01-2008, 02:02 PM
Sign the petition. It doesn't bite. Then do more good by going here:
It's free, costs you nothing but the time to click. Sorry for the minor threadjack, Hara.......

Hara_Juku Tgirl
09-01-2008, 03:33 PM
No problem. Anything for a good cause. ;)
