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View Full Version : Should you make a client your husband/BF?

08-06-2008, 12:45 AM
Ive noticed alot of topics lately about escorts and relationships, but mainly the questions were asked from a guys perspective. Like Can you turn a hoe into a housewife, or because you escort can u still have a relationship etc. So my question is focused towards the ladies.
Girls, do you think its ok to start dating a client on a personal level, meaing a guy who has come see you with a monetary donation, maybe you start to like him, where should you cross the line? I also want to know if someone has done this or not and how was the experience.
Ill post my opinion later.

08-06-2008, 12:58 AM
this should be interesting

08-06-2008, 01:01 AM
Why do you think I have never dated you when you're in NYC, I am already in love and scared that I might get more hooked and blow my chances.

08-06-2008, 01:36 AM
I wouldn't because I'm scared when he cheated on me, he would pay another girl. Funny me and another girl talked about that once. I also notice some clients try to turn a business relation into a personal after a few sessions and you treat them nice. Now I prefer regular clients, so I don't provide rush sessions. A couple of clients mistook good service for personal interest

08-06-2008, 01:51 AM
i know a lot of girls use this as general practice

08-06-2008, 02:02 AM
i vote for: hell yes! :) i just saw an escort today and marrying her would be awesome!

08-06-2008, 02:11 AM
i know a lot of girls use this as general practice

what do u mean exactly?

08-06-2008, 02:26 AM
i know a lot of girls use this as general practice

what do u mean exactly?

dating clients.....

08-06-2008, 05:05 AM
My thing is why would you wanna date somebody anyway that had to pay a prostitute to get some. Obviously they lames if they gotta pay for it.

08-06-2008, 05:22 AM
Ive noticed alot of topics lately about escorts and relationships, but mainly the questions were asked from a guys perspective. Like Can you turn a hoe into a housewife, or because you escort can u still have a relationship etc. So my question is focused towards the ladies.
Girls, do you think its ok to start dating a client on a personal level, meaing a guy who has come see you with a monetary donation, maybe you start to like him, where should you cross the line? I also want to know if someone has done this or not and how was the experience.
Ill post my opinion later.

i only voted yes cuz im hoping to be your trick 'n' treat someday :lol:

08-06-2008, 05:31 AM
My thing is why would you wanna date somebody anyway that had to pay a prostitute to get some. Obviously they lames if they gotta pay for it.

So, lemme get this str8, if your pay for sex, your *ahem*.....lame???

I personally dont pay for sex, but thats not to say that i never will in the future. You never know what the future holds. Some men pay for sex because they're shy and have a hard time getting it the old fashion way. Some men pay for sex because they're fat, bald, greying, ect. Some men do it just for the fuck of it. They dont want to be hassled with all the bullshit that goes down during the "dating" phase of a relationship. They just want NSA fun. Just because me or you or anybody else doesnt pay directly (your spending $ on chicks one way or the other), it doesnt make us any more or less 'lame' as the next man. Your making an absurd assumption and taking a cheap shot at alot of guys on the board. That, my friend, is LAME!

08-06-2008, 05:55 AM
I've dated a lot of working girls, but never one which I was a client of first. In general, I think that's the best practice for the girls as well.

08-06-2008, 06:14 AM
I say no.

Chances are the guy will never let it go, and itll be an issue forever. Both people with have to let go of ALOT for it to work, more than your average couples.

Any good person deserves a solid mate, but I dont think a client/escort relationship is the best starting ground, for something lasting at least.

08-06-2008, 09:48 AM
My gut reaction would be no, it's a bad idea.

Sadly, I find that hard to really back up with anything other than a gut feeling. Strangely, feelings develop in the oddest circumstances. It should be possible to do this.

There would of course be issues with him being okay with you still working.

There would also be issues with trusting him, though I'm a bit surprised that Vanessa seems to feel everyone who comes to her cheats on someone. Lots of reasons to go see a professional, and they don't all involve cheating.

Of course that's all theoretical for me, I've been alone for a couple of long stretches in my life and thought about seeing someone... but usually about the time I would be willing to pay for it I find someone. Still, I could imagine wanting to pay someone if you needed intro to a new experience and wanted to feel you were in the hands of an expert...


08-06-2008, 11:21 AM
My thing is why would you wanna date somebody anyway that had to pay a prostitute to get some. Obviously they lames if they gotta pay for it.

Men who pay for escort are actually smart and far from lame. If they are married or in a serious rekationship its away to get some on the side without having a crazy mistress all in your business calling u etc. If a guy has a certian fantasy that his wife or gf mught not be into, an escort woukd fulfil his needs. Its much easier to hire an escort when ur just plain ole horny than trying to ocurt a girl, take her out treat her nice etc when all you wanna do is fuck in the first place. I dont think its lame, I think ur lame for saying that

Theres is this sterotype that only fat old bald ugly guys pay for sex, but ud be suprised at sime of the guys we come in contact with, ur just making an elemetry decison on something you know little about.

08-06-2008, 11:22 AM
And why arent more ladies responding to this thread? Yall bytches dont wanna answer my question?????

08-06-2008, 01:42 PM
I have to agree with Jade on the type of clients and escort sees. I have been a bi male escort for the past thirteen years, and I would say the majority of my clients have been classy, intelligent, respectful people. I have done men, women and couples, and I must say, I have been hired by some very attractive women. Like the men, they are looking for something specific and are happy to pay to get it. I do alot of couples and they hire out because they don't want to try the kinky stuff with freinds and mess up relationships. Sometimes guys are just experimenting and want to be discreet.
I know Jade wanted to hear from the lady escorts, but I did date a women who was a client for awhile. She was a repeat and we hit it off so after one session I asked her to get a drink and it went from there. It was cool for awhile, personaly we got along well, but now that I look back on it, it was a free hookup for her, a chance to explore, swinging, couples, bi guys, etc. I knew she had another boyfriend at the time, and I was cool with that. It ended after we had a threesome with another guy, she just sent me a text, "dont contact me anymore". Being a pro, I didn't , but I think she had her fun, now she was going back to a striaght normal guy who was not an escort.
I would never tell any escort not to date a client, as I have had wealthy guys who wanted the same thing, but I think people in the "striaght life" don't see us escorts as real people, they think they want us and the life, but I think it's a little to tough for them once they see it up close. They can't get past you fucking other people for money. Just my opinion.

08-06-2008, 05:06 PM
I think so. I just think when the tables are turned as the question you asked, none of the escorts want to contradict themselves as being escorts and wondering if their relationship material yet probably wouldn't date a client which is pretty equal to me. There are many different reasons why us guys will pay for sex of course. If I was rich what the hell is $200+ to get some ass? We cant look at a girl on the street and say I bet she likes it in the ass or she's into that dominatrix stuff that's why some guys might pay. Because they get exactly what y want without the hassle.

08-06-2008, 05:28 PM
Can your trick become your hubby? Of course it can happen. There’s nothing about the man who is your trick that intrinsically renders him unworthy of marriage. I personally recommend keeping your personal relations separate from your professional ones. Otherwise things get confusing fast. At what point in time, for example, did the professional relationship dissolve? Or if other clients perceive that another is getting favors, try explaining to them that one getting favors isn’t really a client anymore. When I was escorting I always kept it very very professional. But it was just my approach. As far as the question goes; yeah…it possible and I don’t doubt it actually happens (indeed I know of one example). I’ve never seen statistics on it, I presume it’s rather rare.

08-06-2008, 07:14 PM
Hi Jade good question,

I've done it before, and I know many other girls who have as well. In my case I started seeing this guy regularly, couple times a week. Then I hit a rough spot financially and he stepped in and helped me out. We started hanging out more and more, and he stopped paying my hourly rate. It started to get weird for me when after knowing me less than a couple months he started telling me how much he loved me etc...He was an alright guy and I never wanted to hurt his feelings, but I was certainly not in love with him. As time went on he gave me less and less in terms of gifts and donations and expected me to hang out with him and mess around for free. Ultimately, that really started to bother me, because he was still a trick, even if he was a trick that I liked (I like most of the guys I see anyways).

The final straw came when I introduced him to a good friend of mine who was visiting from NY, an hour later he called and left this pathetic message on my machine about how much he would love to have a threesome with us, or just a date alone with my friend. It was bad enough that he wasn't paying me regularly, but when he acted like a trick and assumed that all of my friends were providers, it really put things in perspective for me and I never talked to him again.

I'm not saying it is impossible, but I've known so many GG providers who have dated guys they originally saw as clients, and it never ends well. Although I do have a client in Seattle who has a sugar daddy/dating relationship with an escort and they seem to be a good match for each other. But I only see them for a couple of hours every couple of months and only for an evening of play.

But who cares what I think, it you meet someone who makes you happy who cares how you met.

08-06-2008, 07:22 PM
I know you were asking for opinions from the ladies but I would like to give some of my insight and my experiences if you don't mind.

I have only paid for it once, and although it was a pleasant experience I would not do it again for my own personal ethical reasons, and I was curiously exploring at the time.

She was a transgendered escort, I was still quite young, only 19 at the time. I had been to peanuts a few times but never felt comfortable in that environment. Made a few friends, but I don't drink, and I am not really into parties so clubs of any kind are just not my thing. I had been attracted to transsexuals for quite a while, since about 13 years old. However at the time I visited the escort I still was not quite comfortable being open about my attraction so I kept it a secret from everyone. Hence the very reason I went to an escort vs. trying to develop a relationship. I just wanted to explore my sexuality and didn't want anyone to know about it. The point I am getting at is I think a lot of guys are like I was then, still hiding this attraction. They could never be in a successful relationship because they aren't ready to be open about it.

Believe it or not I also have experience actually dating a transgendered escort. I won't name names but she has done a few photo shoots for shemale yum. We actually had a lot in common, and got a long quite well. This was last year for about 3 months or so. She had quit escorting about 6 months prior, absolutely hated the life and didn't want to go back. I was crazy about her, and she told me she was totally in love with me. However even though she was mainly attracted to genetic guys she had major trust issues due to negative past experiences. We had a lot of problems that developed due to this. Guys that would keep her a secret from their friends and family, and act like total strangers when theyd be out in public. I was very sensitive to this but it just wasn't enough. She never quite trusted me I don't think. Needless to say we broke up and she went back to escorting. It broke my heart, especially seeing her do something that I knew didn't make her happy. But as she said the life sucks you in, and its hard to stay out.

It all worked out for the best though, I met an amazing GG and we really are living happily ever after. She is better to me than anyone I have ever known. :D

08-07-2008, 08:43 AM

08-07-2008, 08:47 AM
So you start dating your John. What happens when you catch your man going to another escort down the road? That would suck.

08-07-2008, 08:57 AM
One time I dated a client, he was a Marine. He came to see me one day and when he walked in there was this weird connection. We had a great time together and at the end he asked if he could take me to dinner sometime. I just got out of a relationship and wasn't too enthused to date so I told him to call me the following week, not thinking anything of it. He called and we went to dinner. We started seeing more and more of each other. I wouldn't be intimate with him for the first month or so, I didnt want it to be about sex since that was the pretence we met under. We started dating exclusively. I wasn't escorting much, I had a sugar daddy, the two of them actually got into a scuffle one day, lol I felt so cunty the men fighting over me. I also had a few girls working for me. We dated for a year. We had a very bad break up in the end. After sometime we started talking again and have remained distant friends and talk every so often.

That was a few years ago, and the tranny scene was a lot more low key. He had never seen a tranny or an escort before me. I would not date a client now, today most clients are novices and have seen 10+ other trannys. Most are just looking for a free call or for you to support them if they say they want to date you.

08-07-2008, 04:40 PM
Hi Jade good question,

I've done it before, and I know many other girls who have as well. In my case I started seeing this guy regularly, couple times a week. Then I hit a rough spot financially and he stepped in and helped me out. We started hanging out more and more, and he stopped paying my hourly rate. It started to get weird for me when after knowing me less than a couple months he started telling me how much he loved me etc...He was an alright guy and I never wanted to hurt his feelings, but I was certainly not in love with him. As time went on he gave me less and less in terms of gifts and donations and expected me to hang out with him and mess around for free. Ultimately, that really started to bother me, because he was still a trick, even if he was a trick that I liked (I like most of the guys I see anyways).

The final straw came when I introduced him to a good friend of mine who was visiting from NY, an hour later he called and left this pathetic message on my machine about how much he would love to have a threesome with us, or just a date alone with my friend. It was bad enough that he wasn't paying me regularly, but when he acted like a trick and assumed that all of my friends were providers, it really put things in perspective for me and I never talked to him again.

I'm not saying it is impossible, but I've known so many GG providers who have dated guys they originally saw as clients, and it never ends well. Although I do have a client in Seattle who has a sugar daddy/dating relationship with an escort and they seem to be a good match for each other. But I only see them for a couple of hours every couple of months and only for an evening of play.

But who cares what I think, it you meet someone who makes you happy who cares how you met.
I've had simular expierence. Thats why I say, sometimes guys thing when you are really nice to them and go a little beyond the pay me, times up get out, that its love interest on your part.

08-07-2008, 04:48 PM
One time I dated a client, he was a Marie. He came to see me one day and when he walked in there was this weird connection. We had a great time together and at the end he asked if he could take me to dinner sometime. I just got out of a relationship and wasn't too enthused to date so I told him to call me the following week, not thinking anything of it. He called and we went to dinner. We started seeing more and more of each other. I wouldn't be intimate with him for the first month or so, I didnt want it to be about sex since that was the pretence we met under. We started dating exclusively. I wasn't escorting much, I had a sugar daddy, the two of them actually got into a scuffle one day, lol I felt so cunty the men fighting over me. I also had a few girls working for me. We dated for a year. We had a very bad break up in the end. After sometime we started talking again and have remained distant friends and talk every so often.

That was a few years ago, and the tranny scene was a lot more low key. He had never seen a tranny or an escort before me. I would not date a client now, today most clients are novices and have seen 10+ other trannys. Most are just looking for a free call or for you to support them if they say they want to date you.
Girl you are so right on the second half of your response.
Maybe one day a Ts version of Pretty Woman will be made

08-07-2008, 05:13 PM

Business is business and pleasure is pleasure... Though sometimes business is more pleasurable than other times and I will service him when I am not really working... Once money has changed hands that first time it will have to every time that follows.

08-07-2008, 05:29 PM
First off,

Jade you look stunning in your avitar picture - Amazing !

I have had a successful relationship with a client. Well, we are no longer together but this is a great man. Intelligent, refined, well traveled, good sense of humor, extremely handsome, 43 years old, pretty much a great catch... Problem is his temper combined with my inability to provide him with the trust we both needed for a successful relationship. I was working and going through some major changes at the time. Also, I was still dealing with a broken heart.

It just wasn't the right time... I made the decision to just end it before it got too dramatic.

But I quit working while with him and we had a lot of fun.

08-07-2008, 07:30 PM
First off,

Jade you look stunning in your avitar picture - Amazing !

I have had a successful relationship with a client. Well, we are no longer together but this is a great man. Intelligent, refined, well traveled, good sense of humor, extremely handsome, 43 years old, pretty much a great catch... Problem is his temper combined with my inability to provide him with the trust we both needed for a successful relationship. I was working and going through some major changes at the time. Also, I was still dealing with a broken heart.

It just wasn't the right time... I made the decision to just end it before it got too dramatic.

But I quit working while with him and we had a lot of fun.Thx Ma, that shot was taken by my favorite photographer.

08-07-2008, 08:54 PM
You all are right thats my personal opinion when it comes to paying prostitutes. I can't knock everybodies hustle because of course some of you thats how you get your money. I just could never see myself paying for something that I believe I can get for free. I wasn't trying to get anybody upset Jade just stating my opinion and Im not the one to knock whatever anybody chooses to do. But if a guy is paying you why would you get in a relationship with him. If he starts having problems with you whose to say he won't pay somebody else to replace you.

08-08-2008, 07:59 AM
very tricky question...

08-08-2008, 10:41 AM
You all are right thats my personal opinion when it comes to paying prostitutes. I can't knock everybodies hustle because of course some of you thats how you get your money. I just could never see myself paying for something that I believe I can get for free. I wasn't trying to get anybody upset Jade just stating my opinion and Im not the one to knock whatever anybody chooses to do. But if a guy is paying you why would you get in a relationship with him. If he starts having problems with you whose to say he won't pay somebody else to replace you.

If a guy isnt paying you, and is just a normal guy that your dating, whose to say that if he starts to have a problem with you that he wont go behind your back and cheat or maybe even dump you and replace you with somebody else.

08-08-2008, 10:55 AM
This is a little off topic, so take it for what it's worth (and the "you" is the general 'you" not anyone in particular):

You meet a guy somewhere. He's sort of cute, maybe a little funny, you kind of like him... a little. You're horny and want to get laid. You know this guy is never going to be a client.

But you've conditioned yourself that sex equals money, so even though you'd "get something out of it", you won't get yourself laid because "no one rides for free". You've cut yourself off not only from "long term relationships" because you are in the business, but short term one's as well. You've gotten so preoccupied with getting paid for everything that if some guy asks you out to lunch you wanna know how much he's going to pay you for it. Now, there's nothing wrong with getting paid by tricks to do anything they want done, but every single relationship with a guy doesn't have to be a trick just because he's not going to be your husband.

Now, I'm not talking about doing things with guys just because they don't want to pay. what I'm talking about is not doing things you want to do because you're not getting paid for it. The reason I bring this up is that I've seen a lot of working girls get themselves into this habit, and usually they get burnt out not that long afterwords. Some of the most stable working girls I've met have always had some "safe" fuckbuddy's so that they could have some sort of "normal" (yeah, I hate that word too) relations with a guy that wasn't tricking.

08-08-2008, 12:38 PM
You all are right thats my personal opinion when it comes to paying prostitutes. I can't knock everybodies hustle because of course some of you thats how you get your money. I just could never see myself paying for something that I believe I can get for free.

Then what do you believe in paying for? Do you cook all your meals? Why go to a restaurant when you could do it yourself?

08-08-2008, 05:56 PM
Ive noticed alot of topics lately about escorts and relationships, but mainly the questions were asked from a guys perspective. Like Can you turn a hoe into a housewife, or because you escort can u still have a relationship etc. So my question is focused towards the ladies.
Girls, do you think its ok to start dating a client on a personal level, meaing a guy who has come see you with a monetary donation, maybe you start to like him, where should you cross the line? I also want to know if someone has done this or not and how was the experience.
Ill post my opinion later.hmmm well for about 2 years now i had a guy calling me sending flowers gifts etc then he stred coming to see me at the strip joint where i worked and he would bring me coffee and a present as well as alot of money on private dances,then he started renting me for 2 hours every week for a year before i dated him,he bought me a 58 inch tv for xmas new leather living room furniture for mothers day and for my birthday a new 2008 ford mustang convertable and well as 3 trips to mexico, florida and mexico again in december.he worshops me and my kids and treats us very very well,he fell in love with me the first time he layed eyes on me.and now i have stopped stripping i do still see clients andc i know it hurts him more then you could imagine but he also knows what i do for a living and knew what he was getting into,lets just say that when i enrolled into school for january in a 3 year course for a counseller working with the glbt as i have a job here in my hometown when i finish he was like a kid in a candy store lol so yes its a rarety that this can happen but hey whats the difference where ya meet?

08-08-2008, 06:20 PM
Thats true too but tell me Jade would you rather take a chance on a regular guy or a trick. Ever heard the saying you can't turn a trick into a real man. Paying to them is probably part of the attraction.

08-08-2008, 08:09 PM
So you start dating your John. What happens when you catch your man going to another escort down the road? That would suck.
That was my fear, so I never got into that. I lost a few staedy clients because of that. After so many sessions with them, and maybe sometimes you cut a deal on the price to be nice, or give them a little extra time then they want to turn that into a relationship of sorts.

08-08-2008, 08:39 PM
Ive noticed alot of topics lately about escorts and relationships, but mainly the questions were asked from a guys perspective. Like Can you turn a hoe into a housewife, or because you escort can u still have a relationship etc. So my question is focused towards the ladies.
Girls, do you think its ok to start dating a client on a personal level, meaing a guy who has come see you with a monetary donation, maybe you start to like him, where should you cross the line? I also want to know if someone has done this or not and how was the experience.
Ill post my opinion later.

Falling in love during your career while you are trying to make and save money is a no no, and whether it was the Geisha or Venetian Courtesans of old or the modern transsexual escort, falling in love with or getting emotionally attached client can lead to an emotional and financial downfall... Even falling seriously in love or getting attached to someone who is not a client while working can lead to disaster. There are so many reasons why. If it's with a client, you lose control of the situation when you fall in love, and you may want to, and that's just as well... But don't be upset when you find yourself the victim of your own emotions when something goes awry.

It's ok to like a client a build a relationship of trust, understanding, and passion, but when it becomes love and emotion it's finished, and if you don't get out of it, then so will your career.

I have experienced both situations where I have grown attached to a client and where I have grown too attached to a non-client while my career was in it's beginning and in both cases, it has caused a lot of emotional turmoil and financial loss in the end.

08-08-2008, 08:41 PM
You all are right thats my personal opinion when it comes to paying prostitutes. I can't knock everybodies hustle because of course some of you thats how you get your money. I just could never see myself paying for something that I believe I can get for free.

Then what do you believe in paying for? Do you cook all your meals? Why go to a restaurant when you could do it yourself?

Well put.

08-08-2008, 08:44 PM
I think this all depends if and when i met a guy and he gave me money ...For sex on our first meeting ...Then with me the first impression is the lasting impression ....I would always expect money from the man everytime i saw him .....Now ive i have dated men who have paided other transsexuals and never paided me ....This type of relationship doesnt bother me ...because you cant hate someone for there past ....and my past hasnt been all flowers and pansies

08-08-2008, 08:59 PM
Ive noticed alot of topics lately about escorts and relationships, but mainly the questions were asked from a guys perspective. Like Can you turn a hoe into a housewife, or because you escort can u still have a relationship etc. So my question is focused towards the ladies.
Girls, do you think its ok to start dating a client on a personal level, meaing a guy who has come see you with a monetary donation, maybe you start to like him, where should you cross the line? I also want to know if someone has done this or not and how was the experience.
Ill post my opinion later.

Falling in love during your career while you are trying to make and save money is a no no, and whether it was the Geisha or Venetian Courtesans of old or the modern transsexual escort, falling in love with or getting emotionally attached client can lead to an emotional and financial downfall... Even falling seriously in love or getting attached to someone who is not a client while working can lead to disaster. There are so many reasons why. If it's with a client, you lose control of the situation when you fall in love, and you may want to, and that's just as well... But don't be upset when you find yourself the victim of your own emotions when something goes awry.

It's ok to like a client a build a relationship of trust, understanding, and passion, but when it becomes love and emotion it's finished, and if you don't get out of it, then so will your career.

I have experienced both situations where I have grown attached to a client and where I have grown too attached to a non-client while my career was in it's beginning and in both cases, it has caused a lot of emotional turmoil and financial loss in the end.

ITA Bolded statement

08-08-2008, 10:05 PM
Unlike others who seem to have done so, I didn't vote in the poll as it wasn't addressed to the fans/clients, but to the gurls themselves.

My thing is why would you wanna date somebody anyway that had to pay a prostitute to get some. Obviously they lames if they gotta pay for it.

Well, this tripe starts down the long, winding road of have to/need to/want to/prefer to. That wasn't the lady's question.

Theres is this sterotype that only fat old bald ugly guys pay for sex, but ud be suprised at sime of the guys we come in contact with, ur just making an elemetry decison on something you know little about.

Well, I'm not bald...yet. :lol:


1337 4 'Bump'? :wink:

So you start dating your John. What happens when you catch your man going to another escort down the road? That would suck.

Relationships are what you make of them. Some people have open relationships, or are poly. One would assume that some ground rules might be discussed along the way and various trust issues addressed. I've been in such relationships where my lovers had other lovers (Who had other lovers, etc.), sometimes it works. An interesting reference, and one that some close friends and lovers of mine tried once, was the wall of relationship connections on the first season of the show "The L Word".

It's been good to see the viewpoints of the ladies for a change. This subject comes up from time to time, under varying guises of inquiry, but it is generally from the male/courter point of view and rarely from the female/courtesan angle (A nod to Ken for his response, showing that it is not only the gurls that face this issue).

TW ("The Wife") once told me that my greatest problem in relationships is that I '...keep [my] heart in [my] dick...', thereby getting emotionally attached to pretty much anyone that I had any kind of intimate relations with. I guess it's an extreme sort of self-esteem issue that I have. If you suck my dick, then you =MUST= truly love me, right? :roll:

With that in mind, it is no wonder that I feel as close as I do to the gurls that I have been with, both socially and sexually, since I began exploring the T-world. Some have even returned the feeling, in their own way, during our times together. From lighthearted chatter and gentle non-sexual touching, to one gurl that had a fine dinner with me after the play was done and just spent some nice, relaxing time with me.

True, I sometimes wonder what a long term relationship might be with one or more of these gurls (Remember, I am poly, so the concept of multiple relationships tweaks the problem exponentially), but I don't kid myself that what I am renting today might be mine for 'free' tomorrow or, for that matter, that she is even remotely interested in spending anything beyond commercial time with me. And I have to look to my own policy of not seeing anyone intimately from my workplace (I am a firm believer in the 'Don't shit where you eat' philosophy of office dating). In the end, these gurls meet their potential suiters at 'work'.

08-09-2008, 12:16 PM
Ive noticed alot of topics lately about escorts and relationships, but mainly the questions were asked from a guys perspective. Like Can you turn a hoe into a housewife, or because you escort can u still have a relationship etc. So my question is focused towards the ladies.
Girls, do you think its ok to start dating a client on a personal level, meaing a guy who has come see you with a monetary donation, maybe you start to like him, where should you cross the line? I also want to know if someone has done this or not and how was the experience.
Ill post my opinion later.

Falling in love during your career while you are trying to make and save money is a no no, and whether it was the Geisha or Venetian Courtesans of old or the modern transsexual escort, falling in love with or getting emotionally attached client can lead to an emotional and financial downfall... Even falling seriously in love or getting attached to someone who is not a client while working can lead to disaster. There are so many reasons why. If it's with a client, you lose control of the situation when you fall in love, and you may want to, and that's just as well... But don't be upset when you find yourself the victim of your own emotions when something goes awry.

It's ok to like a client a build a relationship of trust, understanding, and passion, but when it becomes love and emotion it's finished, and if you don't get out of it, then so will your career.

I have experienced both situations where I have grown attached to a client and where I have grown too attached to a non-client while my career was in it's beginning and in both cases, it has caused a lot of emotional turmoil and financial loss in the end.

ITA Bolded statement

Unintentially funny post of the day?

08-09-2008, 08:01 PM