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View Full Version : trans girls and weightloss/exercise

07-31-2008, 08:02 PM
Because I'm a personal trainer the first thing girls always ask me when I'm at the parties is "how do I lose this five pounds, how do I tighten up my belly, how do I workout without putting on too much muscle..." etc.,
Its tough because for the most part you girls are working against your existing genetic material. Even with hormones, you're still more likely to develop hypertrophic muscle tissue (i.e. bigger muscles) than genetic girls. Work out too little or too light and you won't have an effect. Do only aerobic exercise and you'll not get any muscle tissue gains which really help burn bodyfat.
So I went to some conferences and attended some panels and the big thing that seems to be helping these days is vibration training.
It's a platform that has a motor built in and vibrates hundreds of times per minute, making for an unstable environment as you stand on it or push/pull against it. You use more muscle tissue to resist the vibration, but you don't experience growth. Consider when you stand on roller blades, you have to recruit through your entire body to stay upright, but you don't cause muscle fibers to tear and grow larger. You do however use almost all the muscle groups in your core to maintain balance.
Vibration works on the same principle, but you also use your upper body in the exercise sequence. People get stronger and appear to have increased weight loss and bone density, but don't get noticeably more muscular.
here's a link to some info:

and there will be some studies if you go on google. keep in mind there's one that says it may be ineffective if you never move on the platform. Evidently the Japanese just stand on the thing thinking it does all the work...
Anyone who has questions can PM me. Now hopefully we can just about sex at the parties...

07-31-2008, 08:49 PM
i just want to tighten my stomach, as another fitness guy explained, I have belly fat. And i wanna tighten that up

07-31-2008, 09:05 PM
To be perfectly honest, not to be overusing the name, but I think Kimber James perfected the whole body shape in transitioning.

If you noticed in her first films she was rail-thin, almost too thin (thereby removing all male-formed bodyfat and having a degree of muscular atrophy bringing the amount of muscle to a female level) and then gained gained back the bodyfat only, all in the proper female distribution through estrogen.

The net effect was as if she never had male bodyfat, and never had the extra musculature a guy gets, like a gg, and gained only the fat, in the female form, just like a gg. In terms of curves, you can't get a figure more close to a gg's than doing exactly what she did.* And, that's why every guy is going crazy over her.

*A thing to remember for girls starting to transition.

07-31-2008, 09:12 PM
I don't work out, I just eat junkfood

07-31-2008, 09:24 PM
I don't work out, I just eat junkfood

Like a good American girl.

08-01-2008, 04:38 AM
To be perfectly honest, not to be overusing the name, but I think Kimber James perfected the whole body shape in transitioning.

If you noticed in her first films she was rail-thin, almost too thin (thereby removing all male-formed bodyfat and having a degree of muscular atrophy bringing the amount of muscle to a female level) and then gained gained back the bodyfat only, all in the proper female distribution through estrogen.

The net effect was as if she never had male bodyfat, and never had the extra musculature a guy gets, like a gg, and gained only the fat, in the female form, just like a gg. In terms of curves, you can't get a figure more close to a gg's than doing exactly what she did.* And, that's why every guy is going crazy over her.

*A thing to remember for girls starting to transition.

Kimber was way too thin. I can't even imagine how she did that in any healthy way. I don't know if this plan as outlined above works, I can only say what I found that might work in terms of what the girls were asking me about. If some girls wanna do starvation or severe calorie restriction that's also an option, just not a healthy one.

08-01-2008, 04:44 AM
Is this what you're talking about?

08-01-2008, 08:51 AM
I thought you tended not to lose fat cells but 'empty' them and if you regained fat it would go to previously fat areas first. Probably my just my old bad out of date health class stuff.

Just wondering, as I knew someone who tried going that route. Didn't seem to be working quite right but I didn't see the final product.


08-01-2008, 11:43 AM
Personally I love to see some extra meat on the girls, for me there's nothing worst than seeing these all toned up fitness girls with no butt. Girl must have a big butt!

08-01-2008, 09:00 PM
I thought you tended not to lose fat cells but 'empty' them and if you regained fat it would go to previously fat areas first. Probably my just my old bad out of date health class stuff.

Just wondering, as I knew someone who tried going that route. Didn't seem to be working quite right but I didn't see the final product.


You're right. You'll notice I use phrases like "burn bodyfat" because that is what you're doing. Movement, activity, whatever action you're doing causes your body to "burn" the content of cells, literally like a furnace.
Fat cells reduce in size but for the most part never go away.