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View Full Version : Vegas Info Please

04-16-2003, 03:34 PM
I posted this request in the general discussion area and got no response so I'll try my luck here. I'm going to Vegas in the fall (1st time there) and would like to know what clubs anyone could recommend to see some TS dancers, the more adult the better. I'd like to get my wife interested too. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks all. Goldenrod

05-01-2003, 11:41 AM
There is only place in Las Vegas where you are guaranteed to find TSs and that is the Las Vegas Lounge at 900 E Karen Avenue.

From a floor dance to a more private dance and beyond, there are usually girls that will take it to the level you seek.

As for taking your wife, go on your own first and then decide whether that is a good idea.


07-23-2003, 08:48 PM
Thanks for the info Joanna. I'm not sure I can slip away from the wife while in Las Vegas or not, and she may freak out if I actually take her to a place that's overly racy. Hmmm, it seems I have a quandary. Anyway, I appreciate the input. Bye. Goldenrod