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View Full Version : For all of you that thought the Iphone was a joke.

Solitary Brother
07-12-2008, 07:39 PM
Yesterday they released the new iphone that takes advantage of AT&T's new 3g network.
This means the iphone is much faster now.
But the real good news is the IPHONE APP STORE which has many new programs you can buy for your phone and free ones too.
Some are one that you girls use such as AIM.
This means you dont have to lug around a computer AND a cellphone anymore since you can talk,email and instant message on your phone now.
A word to the wise businesswomen out there.

07-12-2008, 07:57 PM
A shame that their 3g network only covers about 10% of the US.

07-12-2008, 08:01 PM
and all the money u spent to get it from now to then , lmfao....good luck with that

07-12-2008, 08:16 PM
I've never understood the addiction that American people (Many cultures, really, but Americans in particular) have for their damned pocket phones. I finally caved and got one at the behest of friends, family, and the dotcommunists, and in the two years that I had it I don't think I used it more than a dozen times (Including times when it couldn't get a signal in Center City Philadelphia).

I've seen people chattering on the damn things with nary a breath in between calls, read of how people die in fiery wrecks because they are texting to their friends in the car behind them at high speeds, and now Maryland is funding cell-phone sniffing dogs to ferret them out of the prison system. Jeez!

Now, this AIM stuff actually seems useful, as well as other internet functions, particularly for business people (Including the gurls).

The only time in two years that my electric paperweight seemed to have any value was when I happened to call a well-known gurl and she said "Wait...Are you in the barrrrr?". :wink:

07-12-2008, 08:27 PM
Ahh balls to the I-phone. Any smartphone can do that.

What the I phone can't do is have a random piece of music as it's ring tone. OR be used as a modem for ones computer lets face it no way a 4 inch screen can be as good at the web as a 14 inch laptop.

07-12-2008, 08:46 PM
No MMS means I won't be buying one.

I refuse to be on the road and not get my random sexy pics from Jen Justice, Jen Paris.................etc.

07-12-2008, 08:52 PM
The I Phone 3G is pretty bad ass.

It does lack a couple of things like MMS (picture messaging), Video and a camera above 2 megapixels, and voice dialing, but the MMS and voice dialing can and in fact will be taken care of with 3rd party apps.

The only thing about it is, The I-Phone does cost a minimum of $70 a month to have it on your account.

07-12-2008, 09:17 PM
Did it ever get the ability to cut-n-paste?

07-12-2008, 09:25 PM
Nokia N96 here I come

07-12-2008, 10:17 PM
...lets face it no way a 4 inch screen can be as good at the web as a 14 inch laptop.

The truth will out: Size truly =DOES= matter. :wink:

07-12-2008, 10:23 PM
The only feature on Iphone that I would use and like better than whats on my Samsung Glyde is the map/navigation usage. besides that I dont like to be that connected to my Email were I want to be bothered if Im not at home, Ive already deleted my email accounts off my phone cause that was just irritating me.

07-12-2008, 11:33 PM
i currently have a nokia n95 8gig and i got to try a demo i phine today i think it's a glorified mp3 or itune player nothing more nothing less and way overprized but that's just me

07-13-2008, 07:30 AM
My #1 concern with the Iphone from day one was the battery. You have to send it to Apple to have it replaced should it die. I don't want to be out of a phone for a week. Plus the battery life on the Iphone using 3G, is pretty bad from what I'm hearing from friends.

Solitary Brother
07-13-2008, 08:01 AM
My whole thing about the iphone is this:If you have used one you HAVE to be impressed.
Sure Nokia makes great phones.
But the overall USER EXPERIENCE is much better with the iphone.
For those that have said any other phone can do what the iphone does I say NOT TRUE.
No other handset has the UI that the iphone does.
You can see the internet through the Safari web browser EXACTLY as it appears on a macbook pro or Imac.
No other handset can do that.
They have improved the sound quality of the cell phone itself when making calls and the WIFI reception is significantly stronger plus it has a built in GPS.
The real revolution is that Apple open up the iphone to software developers and useful software has ALREADY been released.

Many of you girls use AIM to network with friends and clients.
You can now do that on your phone ANYWHERE instead of lugging a laptop with you.
I have downloaded it on my phone and will use it.
Many of you use it for a myriad of activities and functions.
It is available yesterday.
You can use it to send and receive money from ANYWHERE at ANYTIME.
Also a MOBILE version of MYSPACE is available.
And this is just the FIRST DAY!

I strongly suggest you BUSINESSWOMEN/hustlers out there to investigate how this phone can save you time and make you more efficient in your day to day grind..

Solitary Brother
07-13-2008, 08:06 AM
More screenshots

07-13-2008, 05:56 PM
Well, I rock Opera Mobile on my phone... renders any site a desktop browser loads the same way, and does all that tapping with my thumb, zooming in shite that Safari does.

For IM I use Palringo... does aim, msn, yahoo, gtalk, etc.

I use googlemaps and tomtom for navigation. I put anything I see fit on my phone, not anything Steve sees fit.

My phone DOES have every feature the iPhone has, and all that it is missing. It has a full QWERTY keyboard.

The iPhone does have a slimmer form factor, but for a qwerty keyboard, that's a trade I'm willing to make.

Not to mention, I'm tethering the little bugger to my laptop right now for internet on the laptop.

Let me know when Steve sells you a few more of those features as 'revolutionary' in version 3 or 4 of the iPhone.

Enjoy your new toy :)

Solitary Brother
07-13-2008, 06:47 PM
Well, I rock Opera Mobile on my phone... renders any site a desktop browser loads the same way, and does all that tapping with my thumb, zooming in shite that Safari does.

For IM I use Palringo... does aim, msn, yahoo, gtalk, etc.

I use googlemaps and tomtom for navigation. I put anything I see fit on my phone, not anything Steve sees fit.

My phone DOES have every feature the iPhone has, and all that it is missing. It has a full QWERTY keyboard.

The iPhone does have a slimmer form factor, but for a qwerty keyboard, that's a trade I'm willing to make.

Not to mention, I'm tethering the little bugger to my laptop right now for internet on the laptop.

Let me know when Steve sells you a few more of those features as 'revolutionary' in version 3 or 4 of the iPhone.

Enjoy your new toy :)

Hey newguy
If you read my last post I said the "USER EXPERIENCE" was superior ...and it is!
They have cellphones with 8 megapixel cameras on them.....why?
A cellphone isnt the sum of its parts its how its features contribute to the user experience.

Funny how you didnt exactly NAME the great cellphone you use.

07-13-2008, 09:47 PM
In terms of the OS and UI,

There is no phone like the I-Phone.

I don't think the I-Phone is for everyone though.

07-13-2008, 09:51 PM
I wonder why a lot of people fall for the Apple hype. I myself will not. But then again I never had a cellphone because I hate them with a passion!