View Full Version : Can anyone figure this out?

07-30-2005, 03:56 PM
Hello folks- just wanted to say- great website- Its good to see and feel that I'm not alone in the scene! Thanks for all of you keepin it real.
So, here's my situation-
I met this pretty T-girl online @AO-Hell.
Anyways, we got to talking and made plans to hook up at the hotel St. R_____, in the bar area. Pretty posh place, so I figured let me bring extra cash. I was supposed to meet this girl at 7:30- she got there at 8:30-(DIVA TIME) being a gentleman on an adventure, I kept quiet about the lateness thing, even though its one of my pet peeves.
So, the girl gets there, a very pretty but young girl. Oriental-but a professional woman working in a big Public relations firm. Vicious accent, so, I spent most of the time trying to figure out what she's saying.
So, we eat and drink, all the while I'm being interviewed by a early 20 something girl- something that I expected, being on a first date and all (I'm in my 30s) by the way, so I'm thinking "what the hell is she interviewing me for?" She was a lilttle rude (almost on the verge of obnoxious) the whole time. She asked a whole bunch of questions, the gist o her being "extremely impressed" by my responses.
So we made a date for the saturday following to go to the Met musuem. Everything was cool.
I offered the girl my arm as we walked onto 5th avenue. A block later, she stops at a random hotel to use he facilities. She goes inside, I'm waiting, 10,20,30 minutes. My ohone rings and she leaves a message that the "Bathroom is out of order" and she has to go to the other sode of the hotel and siince I was going back to BK, tojust go on wothout me.
Thinkin this is odd, I call back to say I'm leaving. Get home and go to bed.
The next morning the chick is on the phone at 8 am sharp and bitches me out for not waiting or staying for her. OK- I let it slide, but never called her back (thereby canceling Saturdays date) . She calls back saying that "I'm fucked up, a piece of shit- I'm embarassed and ashamed" a closet fag, all kinds of abuse."
Am I wrong fro not calling her back and going on the date> It turned out to be the TG from Hell. Please help.

07-30-2005, 06:16 PM
http://img122.imageshack.us/img122/6561/11176444723197zv.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

07-30-2005, 07:01 PM
You got the psycho from hell.
Congradulations - took me like 20 dates to get her...it can only get better.

07-30-2005, 07:38 PM
A funny tale, especially the part about you trying to figure out what she was saying. The majority of the TS ladies I have dated are Asian, and more than a few have presented me with this same issue. Though, I have to say, in most cases it has definitely been worth dealing with. I strongly prefer the company of Asian ladies where the TS community is concerned.

Your first mistake was waiting around that long; from that moment on, you were metaphorically fucked. If she can't show you the courtesy of being even remotely punctual, she is unlikely to extend any other common courtesy. Fortunately, such diva-minded women are easily replaced.
