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06-20-2008, 02:13 PM
How do you explain the landings in the fields?

06-20-2008, 02:19 PM
College strudents with time on their hands. However I take this incident very seriously: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/2160814/Police-chase-UFO-over-Cardiff.html

06-20-2008, 03:01 PM
College strudents with time on their hands. However I take this incident very seriously: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/2160814/Police-ch

watch the video

we are not alone!

06-20-2008, 03:35 PM
How do you explain the landings in the fields?
With logic. :wink:

06-21-2008, 05:48 AM

06-21-2008, 05:53 AM
How do you explain the landings in the fields?
Lawn mowers.

The giant pumpkin flying over the bridge is cool.

06-21-2008, 06:03 AM
i place the probability of ufo's landing on earth in the past at about 8% , anything is possible of course so you have to allow for that yet the logic seems remote !

06-21-2008, 06:48 AM
1st picture looks like just some guys had fun in a field. Almost looks like there a guy is still there standing in one of the circles, wearing blue.

2nd picture looks like a reflection off the inside of the windshield. Maybe something reflective is sitting on the dashboard since it is in full sunlight.

3rd picture looks like fun with photo shop, like someone removed the pole for the lamp in the the parking lot. (you can see duplication in the trees below it)

Then again some people will believe anything, even a video like this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u81Nk1gN8ao).

06-21-2008, 06:55 AM
Not. You hockey puck.

Felicia Katt
06-21-2008, 07:21 AM
if they were here looking for intelligent life, they would have given up and gone home a long time ago LOL


06-21-2008, 08:38 AM
if they were here looking for intelligent life, they would have given up and gone home a long time ago LOL


Ba-BOOM! Thank you, folks, and be sure to tip your waiter. They have to listen to this too, after all...

06-21-2008, 11:20 AM

06-21-2008, 04:26 PM
If we had the capabilities to travel to another planet with intelligent life-forms on it, do you think we would if we saw them bombing each other with nuclear weapons?

but it is ignorant to believe there is no other life on other planets in the universe since it is (as they say) infinite...

06-21-2008, 09:14 PM
i place the probability of ufo's landing on earth in the past at about 8% , anything is possible of course so you have to allow for that yet the logic seems remote !

Why is the logic so remote? :?

06-21-2008, 09:16 PM
If we had the capabilities to travel to another planet with intelligent life-forms on it, do you think we would if we saw them bombing each other with nuclear weapons?

but it is ignorant to believe there is no other life on other planets in the universe since it is (as they say) infinite...

I think we'd see grand cities of a highly advanced, civilized society.

06-21-2008, 10:31 PM
Inca's, Egyptians, Nazcas other meso american people all had great knowledge of time, mathematics, astronomy and architecture. I think they were all visited by aliens thousands of years ago. And the universe is infinite so there is no doubt that there is life elsewhere.

06-22-2008, 03:29 AM
Inca's, Egyptians, Nazcas other meso american people all had great knowledge of time, mathematics, astronomy and architecture.

Why, because humans are just too stupid? We have enough first hand knowledge of how scientific knowledge can be discovered with help from extra-terrestrials. Moreover, we actually have the works of the early Greek geometers and Babylonian astronomers to be able to follow their reasoning and discoveries. There is absolutely nothing they've done that defies understanding, nothing that humans couldn't do on their own, nothing that requires the extraordinary hypothesis of extraterrestrial intervention.

And the universe is infinite so there is no doubt that there is life elsewhere.

It's not know whether the universe is infinite or not. But regardless, it's BIG. I agree that there's little doubt that there's life out there. Discovering a civilization that's near enough spatially and temporally for satisfactory communication is only a remote possibility. But one can always hope.

Felicia Katt
06-22-2008, 06:42 AM
That there is life elsewhere is virtually an absolute certainty. Its found in too many extreme environments here on this one small planet and the universe is so vast, its very selfish and shortsighted to assume it hasn't flourished on one or many of the millions of other possible planets in some comparable environment.

Its also selfish and shortsighted to think that alien life would ever visit here, and if it did, it would only show itself in some backwoods cornfields and only contact bumpkins or abduct blowhards. The effort and energy it takes to cross the solar system, let alone to travel from another star system entirely should mean they would land in Times Square or abduct the Pope.


06-22-2008, 10:46 AM
That there is life elsewhere is virtually an absolute certainty. Its found in too many extreme environments here on this one small planet and the universe is so vast, its very selfish and shortsighted to assume it hasn't flourished on one or many of the millions of other possible planets in some comparable environment.

Its also selfish and shortsighted to think that alien life would ever visit here, and if it did, it would only show itself in some backwoods cornfields and only contact bumpkins or abduct blowhards. The effort and energy it takes to cross the solar system, let alone to travel from another star system entirely should mean they would land in Times Square or abduct the Pope.


Energy expenditure for us bumpkins and blowhards. I laugh when people say "Well, it's too far a distence, and the speed of light barrier, etc..."

I believe that since the universe is a rather old place, that there were space farring civilizations out there when life on Earth was just slime crawling outta ponds of goo. I think, just cause we don't know how to go faster than light, does not mean other species out in the universe can't. I bet there's alien races out there that would laugh at Einstein and other like him. And seeing how fast anf far man advanced in technology.....I mean 100 years ago, we were still using horse and buggies, and now we have computer that fit in your pocket....I feel that we revered-engineered technolgy salvaged from ET vessels.

And seeing how UFO sightings are happening alot, it makes me thing they want to be seen, cause the American Government and Nasa won't disclouse anything until, as Hillary once said "Till the last dog dies." I find it funny how many countries....such as The UK, Brazil, France, Japan, etc have been making puplic their UFO information. Even the Vatican announcedthat believing in ET life does not counter the belief in god...I mean that's pretty hardcore for an institution who's been saying otherwise for many, many, many years. Seems the US is gonna be the last one to admit to anything.....all cause of their stone-aged mentality and loyalty to the infamous Brooking's Report that was made when Nasa was founded 50 years ago. And I've seen weird and strange things in the sky right around my home to proove to me that not only do the aliens exist, but that they are already here and it's only a matter of, in my opinion, short time, before a disclousre happens. With more people believing in UFO's and ET's, as well as people's increasing distrust of government, and even groups like the Vatican and Hollywood seemingly trying to tell us something ( You gotta read between the lines alot of times ), and authorities giving us lamer and lamer explantions for odd stuff in the sky ( flares don't look nor move like those in Pheonix, don't insult my intelligence, you stupid feds :P ) that's it's getting closer.

NASA: Never A Straight Answer.

for good reading, I suggest the book Dark Mission - The Secret History of Nasa, it's good reading. 8)

06-22-2008, 05:22 PM
There's a lot of reports about the Virgin Mary appearing in oil stains and tree bark. I found a potato chip the other day shaped exactly like the Prophet Mohammad. I have to agree with Felicia, if these guys can cross the barriers of space and time and they wanted our attention (as you say they do), they'd have no trouble getting it.

I agree with Trogdor too: there have to have been space faring civilizations out there when we were gobs of goo. (Though I'd guess that life requiring elements heavier than lithium had to wait til after the second generation of stars was born). That follows, as Trogdor says, from the observation that the universe is big and old. But what also follows from that same observation is that there may be great spans of time and space between civilizations.

We may someday have the luck (good or ill...depending on whether they're just curiour explorers, or exploitive capitalists and missionaries) to meet them. But we haven't yet. I want to believe. But reports aren't sufficent evidence.

06-22-2008, 06:26 PM
This is one of those topics that just keeps coming up. I don't know what the debate is about. Awhile back a youtube video was posted on this forum which clearly showed a brief flicker of light in the left eye of George Bush Sr, proving without question that the world has been taken over by shape shifting space lizards who wish to drink blood. Do not question the lizards.

I'm not sure if they arrived in UFO's or not, but I wouldn't be surprised. I suppose they could have rode on the backs of flying space turtles.

06-22-2008, 07:22 PM
I Want To Believe!

06-22-2008, 07:55 PM
There's a lot of reports about the Virgin Mary appearing in oil stains and tree bark. I found a potato chip the other day shaped exactly like the Prophet Mohammad. I have to agree with Felicia, if these guys can cross the barriers of space and time and they wanted our attention (as you say they do), they'd have no trouble getting it.

I agree with Trogdor too: there have to have been space faring civilizations out there when we were gobs of goo. (Though I'd guess that life requiring elements heavier than lithium had to wait til after the second generation of stars was born). That follows, as Trogdor says, from the observation that the universe is big and old. But what also follows from that same observation is that there may be great spans of time and space between civilizations.

We may someday have the luck (good or ill...depending on whether they're just curiour explorers, or exploitive capitalists and missionaries) to meet them. But we haven't yet. I want to believe. But reports aren't sufficent evidence.

Go and spend time watching the skies when you have free time. My own mother does and she sees alot of weird things in the sky that normally should not be there.

I would not suggest listening to what Nasa ( Nasa is NOT a insufficiently funded, cilvilian organization that can do no wrong....it's a millitary organization, just read the Nasa charter, and I think the whole bullshit with the shuttles and ISS are just fronts to both keep public happy and cover up their real agendas ), the American government, and what the mainstream media says, especially since the mainstream media treats UFO and ET stories are often scoffed at and looked upon as something 'cute' like a movie of the week mentality.

06-23-2008, 01:00 AM
It’s true the military has a keen interest in NASA’s launching, shuttle and satellite programs. But it’s not true that NASA is controlled by the military. The data collected by the various space telescopes and probes is largely free and open to the world. You yourself can go to the WMAP web site, for example, and download the raw data collected on the cosmic background radiation. You can also download free ware for its analysis or write your own. Not all modern astronomical knowledge is derived from NASA either. There are international probes and telescopes circling as the Earth as well as on the surface of Earth. They all share data and observations with each other. Some of these observatories are state owned, but most are university owned and maintained by university budgets as well as private and public grants. If some evening one lucky astronomer ever sees an Alien spacecraft in Earth orbit, you can bet your bottom dollar within twenty minutes all available telescopes would be trained on it. No government, military organization, UN committee or secret society will be able to contain the excitement.


Felicia Katt
06-23-2008, 02:02 AM
exactly, Trish. The government can't manange a hurricane, the war, the economy, or anything else competently or securely, but they are somehow managing to conceal extraterrestrial contact nearly completely?

The truth may be out there, but its not in the genesis of this thread