View Full Version : Kobe's killin 'em again tonite...

06-18-2008, 05:46 AM
But tonight the "'em" who're being killed is the LAKERS.

06-18-2008, 05:59 AM
But tonight the "'em" who're being killed is the LAKERS.

I hate the celtics and Every boston team...but this just goes to show how fixed the NBA really is... I mean Really Celtics-Lakers? this is what the NBA wanted but it came in a bad year of the refs fixing games... Whats next? Knicks-Bulls next year???? Congrats to the Boston fans for having everything to cheer about but a superbowl victory...... :twisted:

06-18-2008, 06:09 AM
lmao. aww u remembered me willdle post.

tonite was pitiful.

i really didnt care who won. i just like kobe.

but eddie house is lookin good too ;)

06-18-2008, 06:44 AM
But tonight the "'em" who're being killed is the LAKERS.

I hate the celtics and Every boston team...but this just goes to show how fixed the NBA really is... I mean Really Celtics-Lakers? this is what the NBA wanted but it came in a bad year of the refs fixing games... Whats next? Knicks-Bulls next year???? Congrats to the Boston fans for having everything to cheer about but a superbowl victory...... :twisted:

That's ok, the giants will have a losing record this year. and lets remember a few years back:

"3 plays, 3 passes, Unitas to Berry, 62 yards, the giants' defense was reeling" That was the climax of the greatest game ever played, which the giants, of course lost.

and just for the record ALL FOUR Bostom teams made the post season with three of them going to the finals and two of those winning.

There's a word for you it's called sore loser (actually two words, but whatever)

06-18-2008, 08:31 AM
as a boston fan I gave the giants praise when they won. they deserved it..they made the plays when they had to. give the celts credit..they wanted it more...please provide some proof to your assertion that the NBA is fixed...

06-18-2008, 08:47 AM
God's Own Team wins another title.

06-18-2008, 11:52 AM
And somewhere up there Red lights up his trademark "Victory Cigar" :D

06-18-2008, 09:45 PM
Personally, imho, all professional sports are fixed to a certain degree. To what degree, who knows!? Perhaps as more comes out about these refs we'll find out.