View Full Version : FYI: Tasers in NYC (police use)

06-09-2008, 03:43 PM
I saw a small article a day or two ago in the NY POST re: tasers. It stated that the NYPD will now authorize all of their Sergeants on patrol to carry on their police gun belts a tasering device which will be carried on the opposite side of the officers firearm. It will have a bright yellow case. The stated reason for its carry on the opposite side of firearm is so John Q Public will realize that when the Sgt takes it out, it isn't his 9mm that he/she is reaching for, but the tasering device. (Of course, most of ignorant public wont know the difference anyway, probably thinking the cops were carrying a 2nd gun). Heretofore the Sarges have been using another older taser device, which they carried in the radio cars trunk and seldom used unless warranted. This necessitated them returning to where the car was parked to get the needed taser device which was a great waste of time. The new authorized taser will be smaller and easier to carry, and as previously stated will be on the sarges gun belt. I thought you might like to know !?

06-09-2008, 07:33 PM
seldom used unless warranted. This necessitated them returning to where the car was parked to get the needed taser device which was a great waste of time.

Huh? That's really surprising and not what I would have expected of a large metropolitain PD. Many PD's nowadays have all of the patrol officers carrying tasers opposite their sidearm in place of a baton. Especially in the southern and southwestern U.S. states you'll be tazed and cuffed simply for not complying fast enough with an officer's order. In some jurisdictions, officers are justified to use one if they THINK the subject is capable of non-compliance or bodily harm under certain circumstances. Sergeant's would most likely be the ones not carrying a tazer here, their capacity is more like a district supervisor. It even surprises me that N.Y.C. officers carry 9mm's. The trend has been moving toward rounds 10mm or larger for greater "stop and drop" in metropolitain pd's. N.Y. must be behind the curve in the use of force.