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View Full Version : i am new on NITE FLIRT

06-09-2008, 03:16 AM
i logged in last night
and forgot to shut off my status message .....
some one call me
i lost like 4 points putting me at a negative two :(
i guess you lose points every call you miss
:lol: :lol: :lol:

06-09-2008, 03:29 AM
put that rate up. $2 is not enough. youre gorgeous.

-or- make your listing for phone only (like me), and tell ppl to message u for a private cam show. THEN have them pay u thru paypal. that way u get ALL the money, and niteflirt cant take a cut.

set your preferences to have u appear as away when u miss a call. that way you will only miss one.

also, put up more pics. again, youre gorgeous. if u need help with the coding, lemme know.

loka, take it from me. im #1 on the listings cachorcha 8)

06-09-2008, 03:36 AM
put that rate up. $2 is not enough. youre gorgeous.

-or- make your listing for phone only (like me), and tell ppl to message u for a private cam show. THEN have them pay u thru paypal. that way u get ALL the money, and niteflirt cant take a cut.

set your preferences to have u appear as away when u miss a call. that way you will only miss one.

also, put up more pics. again, youre gorgeous. if u need help with the coding, lemme know.

loka, take it from me. im #1 on the listings cachorcha 8)

it was 4.00
thats how i made so much my first day
and then when i statred missing calls people told me to put it down

and yes i need help with the coding

i want a dumb ass big picture on there lol

06-09-2008, 03:38 AM
soo..hit me on yahoo.

and pay those ppl that tell u its too much. tell them to call a ugly girl then, and keep it movin.

06-09-2008, 03:39 AM
soo..hit me on yahoo.

and pay those ppl that tell u its too much. tell them to call a ugly girl then, and keep it movin.

no not the guys
t girls who are flirts like you and me

06-09-2008, 03:40 AM
oh. well do wat u want. but i find that most of those hoes are crabs in a bucket.

06-09-2008, 03:45 AM
oh. well do wat u want. but i find that most of those hoes are crabs in a bucket.

no i put the price back up i trust your judgment

06-09-2008, 03:49 AM
pretend you're talking to someone who can barely turn on a computer and work a mouse (that would be me)
no paypal account, still paying my bills with written checks,still loosing files, still using snail mail, still using AOL

explain how someone can see a private cam show with a very basic pc and how you get paid.

remember, you're explaining this to dunce

06-09-2008, 04:01 AM
check your inbox.

not trying to have miss. mimi read me to shreads for derailing her thread. lol

06-09-2008, 09:17 AM
lol.. thanks for that show alyssa.

thank god i saw this thread tonite.
i'll be hitting u up for another show soon ;)

06-09-2008, 10:52 AM
I am still on niteflirt I am pretty sure, I signed up last year and when I got my first call I thought he was scheduling a time to do it. I felt so stupid I didn't know what to say lol

I preferred iFriends but I made good money on both.

I just updated mine niteflirt.com/kellylicious

And just use imagecave for the html stuff for pics

its easy!

06-09-2008, 11:11 AM
put that rate up. $2 is not enough. youre gorgeous.

-or- make your listing for phone only (like me), and tell ppl to message u for a private cam show. THEN have them pay u thru paypal. that way u get ALL the money, and niteflirt cant take a cut.

set your preferences to have u appear as away when u miss a call. that way you will only miss one.

also, put up more pics. again, youre gorgeous. if u need help with the coding, lemme know.

loka, take it from me. im #1 on the listings cachorcha 8)
I wanetd to know how to add pics to my ads too!
they blocked certain sites that offer slide shows, so now I don't have pics on my ads!
they made me take the photobucket slide show down :cry:

06-09-2008, 11:14 AM
lol.. thanks for that show alyssa.

thank god i saw this thread tonite.
i'll be hitting u up for another show soon ;)
we give shows too :wink:

06-09-2008, 11:24 AM
put that rate up. $2 is not enough. youre gorgeous.

-or- make your listing for phone only (like me), and tell ppl to message u for a private cam show. THEN have them pay u thru paypal. that way u get ALL the money, and niteflirt cant take a cut.

set your preferences to have u appear as away when u miss a call. that way you will only miss one.

also, put up more pics. again, youre gorgeous. if u need help with the coding, lemme know.

loka, take it from me. im #1 on the listings cachorcha 8)
I wanetd to know how to add pics to my ads too!
they blocked certain sites that offer slide shows, so now I don't have pics on my ads!
they made me take the photobucket slide show down :cry: vanessa go to the site I mentioned choose the html link highlight then on your keyboard hit control C then control V to place the address in the ad.


it will say the type of link it is..choose the html