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06-08-2008, 11:50 PM

personally hope this is the end of her carear.
she as had enough chances.
scum imvho along with her husband.

06-09-2008, 12:36 AM
Hmmm. Yeah well, she looks halfway healthy in those photo's, which is a change.

But yeah, got sick and tired of seeing her ugly mug in every paper I read for the past year of so.

Every time I read the Screws of The World I feel like I need to take a shower.

06-09-2008, 01:01 AM
shes such a loser i dont even care.

i download her music anyway. no i'll NEVER buy an album.

06-09-2008, 01:59 AM
she looks so beautiful .

06-09-2008, 02:03 AM

06-09-2008, 04:02 AM
shes such a loser i dont even care.

i download her music anyway. no i'll NEVER buy an album.

Now you know how much of a loser that crack head whore is.

06-09-2008, 04:04 AM
ive known for a while. i just love her music so much.

06-09-2008, 08:31 AM
... What's all the fuss about Amy for? We have bigots among us here at HA believe it or not. Some stupid enough to outright reveal it for everyone to see. In this poster's bigoted, narrow-minded, myopic, inexperienced, uneducated, ignorant little world, one simply takes a particularly race, embellishes that race in tired, demeaning, dehumanizing stereotypes and generalizations, compartmentalizes it, and viola! The world around him suddenly and magically conforms to his backwood biases and prejudices, and thus easier to understand. It's a fantastic way to shortcut thought and reason.

Let's see ??? Who posted the following picture along with a comment about border control -- which was not at issue -- to a Mexican-American poster in here simply to try to get at him? Hmmmm?

... What poster in here is stupid enough to do that?

06-09-2008, 08:48 AM
... What's all the fuss about Amy for? We have bigots among us here at HA believe it or not. Some stupid enough to outright reveal it for everyone to see. In this poster's bigoted, narrow-minded, myopic, inexperienced, uneducated, ignorant little world, one simply takes a particularly race, embellishes that race in tired stereotypes and generalizations, compartmentalizes it, and viola! The world around him suddenly and magically conforms to his backwood biases and prejudices, and thus easier to understand. It's a fantastic way to shortcut thought and reason.

Let's see ??? Who posted the following picture along with a comment about border control -- which was not at issue -- to a Mexican-American poster in here simply to try to get at him? Hmmmm?

Stop hijacking other peoples threads with your pre madonna bullshit you sensitive midget,that post was made in a thread about politics stop trying to take it out of context to fit your hatred towards me.For a guy who has spew some vile shit to me,you are taking what I said to heart.Because I called you a midget you threaten to beat me to a bloody pulp,LoL talk about sensitive,now fuck off napoleon.

Midget? I'm 6'2" and I believe highly capable of turning your sorry pimple laden face into a bloody pulp if it ever came down to that.

It doesn't get any more narrow minded then that!

06-09-2008, 08:58 AM
... What's all the fuss about Amy for? We have bigots among us here at HA believe it or not. Some stupid enough to outright reveal it for everyone to see. In this poster's bigoted, narrow-minded, myopic, inexperienced, uneducated, ignorant little world, one simply takes a particularly race, embellishes that race in tired stereotypes and generalizations, compartmentalizes it, and viola! The world around him suddenly and magically conforms to his backwood biases and prejudices, and thus easier to understand. It's a fantastic way to shortcut thought and reason.

Let's see ??? Who posted the following picture along with a comment about border control -- which was not at issue -- to a Mexican-American poster in here simply to try to get at him? Hmmmm?

Stop hijacking other poster's thread with your pre madonna bullshit you sensitive midget,that post was made in a thread about politics stop trying to take it out of context to fit your hatred towards me.For a guy who has spew some vile shit to me,you are taking what I said to heart.Because I called you a midget you threaten to beat me to a bloody pulp,LoL talk about sensitive,now fuck off napoleon.

Midget? I'm 6'2" and I believe highly capable of turning your sorry pimple laden face into a bloody pulp if it ever came down to that.

Are you so stupid to the point to think that people in here aren't simply capable enough to go to that particular thread and post exchange, and see (I guess you better go delete it now, huh? That is your style) that your racial drivel came out of the clear blue, and that it was also married to your Cheech Marin racial shot at me? Are you really that stupid? Should I post it?

...Care to show me, or the posters reading this now, how your two bigoted jabs at me were connected to anything that was being said at the time? Tell me how those two posts by you are in context, you bigoted sack of shit?!

06-09-2008, 09:47 AM
Now you know how much of a loser that crack head whore is.

Well, you would know about being a loser, wouldn't you?

06-09-2008, 09:52 AM

Are you really that stupid?

Oh definitely. I have no idea what you and that shit-fly are arguing about, but he is definitely that stupid. Not worth wiping off your shoes, mate.

ted naves
06-09-2008, 09:58 AM
Ah, look ! Heroine !

06-09-2008, 10:28 AM
personally hope this is the end of her carear.
she as had enough chances.
scum imvho along with her husband.

Scum? Or one of the most talented artists to appear out of either the US or UK in the last five years with a tragic personal life? A young person who has lost control of her life due to the malign influence of some of the people around her?

She has certainly made mistakes, and big ones, but allowing herself, while clearly right out of her tree, to be persuaded to sing childish, thoughtless songs in complete private by a vicious, violent, manipulative thug does not qualify her as "scum."

As a matter of STRICT FACT (not something you'll ever find in the News of the Screws) Amy Winehouse is extremely sensitive to racism, having suffered from it herself. She has always made much of the artistic debt she owes to black artists and she surrounds herself with black musicians, many of whom are on record in their praise of her. Jazz musos are not noted for racism, BTW.

And furthermore, amongst the ranks of "scum" you count, presumably, Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Lowell George, the King himself and so many others it hurts?

Tell me, will you remove her "scum" label once she's dead and it's too late?

You have no idea what you're talking about in regard to Amy Winehouse's personal life, her state of health or the terrible pressure that the utterly uncaring music industry puts ill-prepared young people through. Not every greatly talented artist can be a Shakira or a Beyonce, with the self-discipline to stay in control while they are riding the dragon. The music business eats vulnerable people alive.

(For the Americans: The News of the World (universally known as the News of the Screws within UK journalism) is another product of the Rupert Murdoch slime machine, and is the UK equivalent of the National Inquirer, but even more nasty, bigoted, prurient and vile.)

06-09-2008, 10:56 AM
She should have done here racist rant against whites that way she would have been praised by the media. And before i receive angry responses i believe all races are equal,not the crap cnn or fox says.

06-09-2008, 11:08 AM
She should have done here racist rant against whites that way she would have been praised by the media. And before i receive angry responses i believe all races are equal,not the crap cnn or fox says.

The sad truth is you're 100% fucking right.

But I don't believe Amy is a racist-- you can hear, if you actually watch this nonsense, how she's set up for it. The racist is the guy behind the camera, (as well as being a depraved, violent shit who can stay in jail for the rest of his natural as far as I'm concerned) who encouraged a very out-of-it girl to behave badly.

06-09-2008, 11:47 AM
I hear a lot of soul in her voice.She had to grow up near a record player listening to countless hours of jazz,r&b.This Jewish girl might be a junkie but definitely not a racist.imo

06-09-2008, 12:31 PM
I hear a lot of soul in her voice.She had to grow up near a record player listening to countless hours of jazz,r&b.This Jewish girl might be a junkie but definitely not a racist.imo

Yeah, man the Blues god kissed her in her cradle all right, brother, Amen to that. Robert Johnson didn't write "Hellhound On My Trail" for nothing.

06-09-2008, 01:49 PM
Jesus, I don't believe she's racist, and I feel sorry for her more than anything else, but she's not THAT great. She stands out because everyone else is shit

Put her in a room with Bessie Smith, Memphis Minnie, Billy Holliday, Sister Rosetta, or even fucking Janis Joplin, and she will come across as severely lacking.

06-09-2008, 02:40 PM
Put her in a room with Bessie Smith, Memphis Minnie, Billy Holliday, Sister Rosetta, or even fucking Janis Joplin, and she will come across as severely lacking.

Speaking as a lifelong fan of the above singers and blues, r&b and soul music generally I have to totally disagree with that singularly blinkered assessment.

Amy is definitely in the class of singers you have mentioned, and frankly, much though I absolutely love JJ, Amy could sing her into a bucket. I fully accept it's not all about technique and singers like Bessie Smith were contending with recording standards that were simply not comparable to today's, but AW's technique as well as her understanding of the music and natural soul mark her out as one of the greats. The all-time greats. I'd be hard-pressed to think of a better female singer in this area to emerge since Aretha Franklin. Some other singers do some things much better, but AW's pitching, dynamics, rhythm and phrasing, not to mention the sheer blues in her voice, put together, are really exceptional.

And please note AW is also a very accomplished songwriter as well as a stellar singer.

Neither the fact that she has been given so much exposure, nor that the UK (sic) music scene has been dominated by so much relentless mediocrity for so many years, making the (very) occasional real talent stand out, detract from AW's talent, making her personal tragedy even more painful.

06-09-2008, 03:57 PM
Ah dear...Bessie Smith et al are building blocks, totally original foundation stones upon which modern music is built.

In my opinion, AW is a shallow copyist at best.

But because this is not your opinion, Macscreach, it must be blinkered.


06-09-2008, 04:34 PM
Ah dear...Bessie Smith et al are building blocks, totally original foundation stones upon which modern music is built.

In my opinion, AW is a shallow copyist at best.

But because this is not your opinion, Macscreach, it must be blinkered.


I never argued that Bessie Smith was not a foundation upon which modern music was founded, not did I suggest that the others you mentioned were anything other than great talent, and I'll thank you not to attempt to put such words into my mouth. I did say that AW was of that calibre, and she is. Great music did not end in some halcyon time in the past, it goes on, and AW has the potential to carry it forward, if she can lift herself out of the pit of her present troubles.

I am afraid that to describe her as a "shallow copyist" speaks only of the limitations of your own vision, which, of course, comes as no surprise whatsoever in your case.

But it's all right, you know, you can continue to be a narrow-minded little arse as long as you like.

06-09-2008, 05:03 PM
Think of it like this Mac (can I call you Mac?...ooh ta) :

There was a point in AW's life when she heard records by the aforementioned artists and thought to herself: 'Holy shit this stuff moves me...I'm going to make music like this'.

In fifty years time do you think 20 somethings will listen to an AW song and think the same thing?

For the record, I don't think AW is shit, I think she is insanely over-hyped, partly due to the paucity of current music...and I'm not some old fart mainlining nostalgia. I'm of her generation, and wish we had artists of the same calibre as back in the day, but we just don't, which is my generation's loss.

But, yeah...arse..and stuff.

06-09-2008, 05:26 PM
Think of it like this Mac (can I call you Mac?...ooh ta) :

There was a point in AW's life when she heard records by the aforementioned artists and thought to herself: 'Holy shit this stuff moves me...I'm going to make music like this'.


Which is what EVERY artist does. They listen, watch, or otherwise learn whatever it is that moves them, and then take that forward to create new material. EVERY ARTIST does this. Every one, including the greats of the early years of 20th century music. That music did not spring from nowhere, even though the fact that we do not have recordings of it might make it look as if it did to someone who scratches only the surface of the matter. It is natural that the first recorded artists look as if they were the very first, but in fact they were continuing and building upon a tradition. Apparently you don't understand this.

Amy Winehouse is now 24 and is, hopefully, at the beginning of her career. No one knows what heights she might achieve (if she survives,) but what she has already achieved make her very remarkable already, and I am quite certain will be listened to in the future. To condemn her as a second-rate knock-off artist, as you did, just displays your own ignorance.

And you can call me anything you like, Furby, I don't give a shit.

06-09-2008, 05:39 PM
She's had two albums out already. In the current state of musical affairs, that means she's two thirds of her way through her career. They are already grooming Duffy as her replacement.

In my opinion (which is not yours, and therefore ignorant of course) her songs lack 'soul'. That doesn't mean she's talentless, but she is working in a medium, pop music, that has been trawled over again and again, with most of the originality squeezed out of it.

Believe me, I understand how music evolves, and artists inspire artists, which is why a copyist like AW comes across as second rate. She is just recycling stuff.

But hey, you've got a whole mid-life crisis situation you're getting through, right? You need new music to make yourself feel young.

Don't worry pops, my dad is exactly the same way.

06-09-2008, 06:08 PM

Yup, Furby, when reason fails, resort to insult. Feel free. I'm sorry you don't have an understanding or appreciation of music, I really am. But believe me, sonny, the loss is all yours.

06-09-2008, 06:19 PM
Hey, truth hurts gramps.

Fact is, she's a musical footnote.

Nothing to stop you enjoying her of course.

06-09-2008, 06:42 PM
Hey, truth hurts gramps.

Fact is, she's a musical footnote.

Nothing to stop you enjoying her of course.

That would be in the book of musical history that you're writing? :D :D :D :D

Well, I've heard your opinion, narrow-minded and blinkered though it may be, and the only thing left to say is, time you grew up.

By the way, are you still pretending to be Scottish or have you given that up now you're down south?

06-09-2008, 06:43 PM
Sorry, back down south?

06-09-2008, 06:56 PM
Hmm, I'm kind of creeped out you remembered, and that you want to talk about me instead of Amy Winehouse.

Both my parents are Scottish. I've spent most of my life in Edinburgh. I now live in London because it is more fun, the girls are prettier and the money is better.

I cannot understand why you would give a shit and are so interested.

Since you've hijacked this thread, let's talk about you then, since I'm afraid you're are just more funny than me.

Tell me, do you reckon the poor ladyboy escorts who visit the cold gloomy climes you inhabit feel sated after your 200lb (hey, lets be realistic, it's more like 250lb right, or closer to 300 after a second plate of neeps and tatties?) frame has finished sweating over them?

You know that as soon as the door closes they're under that warm shower scrubbing off any memory of you, and vowing never to visit Glasgow again for at least five years ('cause you'll have definitely popped your clogs by then).

And Amy Winehouse is lite music.

06-09-2008, 07:28 PM
yet more crap

Ooh, sorry little queenie. Did Mac touch a sore point then? Let's explore this further, shall we? So you're actually English though you went to University in Edinburgh-- or perhaps one of those fee-paying schools, where you learned to suck cock, right?

Oh, and of course you have an English accent, and that would have got you in even more trouble. Did they bully you an awful lot? Did the girls laugh at you? IS that when you became a little queen?

And then when you went running home to mummy and daddy that didn't really help, did it? Tell me, did they touch you--where they shouldn't have? What about your father...maybe a little bit too close, in the dark nights when you were in bed and you could hear his footsteps? Remember that?

Is that why you're so bitter and twisted, queenie?

As for AW, well, I think we know what your opinion is worth on that one. A bit less than your opinion of me, and that ain't worth a damn.

By the way, thanks, I just checked--182 fully dressed. I could never get thiis pouinds/stones thing. I'll amend my sig.

06-09-2008, 07:37 PM
OMG you actually went and changed your sig. Whose the little queen then? The weight thing is obviously a thing for you.

I don't quite know where all the dick sucking comments came from
since this is a thread about music and I've never once talked about sucking cock on this board, but you obviously have cock on the brain.

I'm openly bi so, you know, gay-bash away to your little heart's content.

Anyway, its 6:30 and I'm off to get pissed.

By old man.

06-09-2008, 07:43 PM
I'm off to get pissed.

By old man.

What you actually mean is "About to go and get fucked BY an old man, I presume, queenie?"

BTW, I have nothing against you because you're bi-- I just dislike you because you are a creeping, vicious little prick.

06-11-2008, 06:30 AM
personally hope this is the end of her carear.
she as had enough chances.
scum imvho along with her husband.

Scum? Or one of the most talented artists to appear out of either the US or UK in the last five years with a tragic personal life? A young person who has lost control of her life due to the malign influence of some of the people around her?

She has certainly made mistakes, and big ones, but allowing herself, while clearly right out of her tree, to be persuaded to sing childish, thoughtless songs in complete private by a vicious, violent, manipulative thug does not qualify her as "scum."

As a matter of STRICT FACT (not something you'll ever find in the News of the Screws) Amy Winehouse is extremely sensitive to racism, having suffered from it herself. She has always made much of the artistic debt she owes to black artists and she surrounds herself with black musicians, many of whom are on record in their praise of her. Jazz musos are not noted for racism, BTW.

And furthermore, amongst the ranks of "scum" you count, presumably, Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Lowell George, the King himself and so many others it hurts?

Tell me, will you remove her "scum" label once she's dead and it's too late?

You have no idea what you're talking about in regard to Amy Winehouse's personal life, her state of health or the terrible pressure that the utterly uncaring music industry puts ill-prepared young people through. Not every greatly talented artist can be a Shakira or a Beyonce, with the self-discipline to stay in control while they are riding the dragon. The music business eats vulnerable people alive.

(For the Americans: The News of the World (universally known as the News of the Screws within UK journalism) is another product of the Rupert Murdoch slime machine, and is the UK equivalent of the National Inquirer, but even more nasty, bigoted, prurient and vile.)

to be fair your talking crap.
i"m sure many others on here have had harder lives than her,and many more would love to have the opportunities she as had.
she defends her husband who is a convicted villain of a serious assult,and then sings this load of racist crap.
yes i do think she is scum and many others like her in my country.
stick them for longer in jail and get rid of the drugs that get taken in.
easy.every time that i go out and it"s not that often,im sick of seeing people in the toilets taking coke,

Skwisgarr Skwigelf
06-16-2008, 11:38 PM
I don't see why everyone has to flip out whenever Legend tries to make a post. Also if people do have to get so mad then why not make a single thread to concentrate the anger instead of having it across several hundred threads

As has been said before if you don't like it just ignore it.

06-17-2008, 06:26 AM
I don't see why everyone has to flip out whenever Legend tries to make a post. Also if people do have to get so mad then why not make a single thread to concentrate the anger instead of having it across several hundred threads

As has been said before if you don't like it just ignore it.

You asked ...

Maybe you should do a little research and see for yourself why so many posters here think so little of him. In short, he's a ridiculously stupid transparent little hypocrite bereft of any common sense and good judgment -- throw in sycophant and bigot to describe him too. Ponder this for a minute: What kind of imbecile comes into a forum such as this one and makes blanket generalizations and condemnations about it posters, such as one denigrating its male contributors by referring to them as "Chasers"? What kind of moron paints all overseas stationed military personnel negatively on the actions of a few bad apples? What kind of "resourceful, intelligent"person attacks one's race just out of the blue when race was not at issue or a topic? What kind of transparent little turd has repeatedly aligned himself with any woman in here at odds with some "chaser" simply in an attempt to ingratiate himself with her, despite not knowing any of the facts at play? And yet, despite all these examples of his stupidity, the moron still doesn't get why after all this time he's about as welcomed here as an atheist is proselytizing at some Christian site. ...I can certainly go on and on with other examples, but I'll leave that up to you to utilize this site's search function if you're really that interested in seeing what he is all about or defending him.

As you suggested, I have posted several threads solely directed at Legend so to not hijack threads, but the little coward has yet to enter one and take me on one on one. I mean, if he is so sure in his facts and what or who he is supporting, what's he afraid of?

Follow his postings. You'll see why the clown draws fire.

06-17-2008, 12:08 PM
While we're on the subject of Amy...

Amy Winehouse Arrives Drunk and Commando for $2 Million Russian Payday


Trans Mission
06-17-2008, 12:48 PM
I'm so good looking that when they asked Amy to go to rehab she said Yes, yes, yes.

Pitiful? Most likely.......