View Full Version : Cuba Approves Free Sex Change Surgery

06-07-2008, 07:51 AM
This can now be added to the list of the reforms/changes Raul Castro is making for the Cuban people.


Floyd R
06-07-2008, 07:54 AM
I was getting ready to add this story to the forum. Thanks.

06-07-2008, 07:55 AM
damn mama.. u should have never left :p

06-07-2008, 08:06 AM
As a Cuban born American citezen, living in exile since I was five years old, I am very happy to see the reforms the new Cuban goverment is making for its people.

This is quite revolutinary news for Cuba, as in the past you could have been arrested and jailed for expressing a different gender identity.

I truly hope that the situtation and freedoms of the Cuban people keep on expanding, ultimately leading to a favorable status between the United States & Cuba.

I am truly greatful for being able to live and prosper in America and would one day like to visit where I came from.

06-07-2008, 08:18 AM
Why don't you visit?? you can visit as it is now. I wonder if Fidel never wanted to make these reforms because it would show weakness on his side government wise and to the people. Now that his brother has the power it looks more acceptable to have these changes and people don't think of it as a weak government.

The U.S-Cuba relations won't be good for a long time because the U.S seeks to exploit the land just like in the rest of Latin America. Through the revolution(bad or good) cuba was able to rid itself of the american corporations that controlled it.

Bush already said that the U.S doesn't plan to open relations with Cuba until all the human rights violations are no more. Most likely they are just waiting for cuba to take the bait and use their economic policies as the U.S has had no problem in having relations with right-wing dictators who RAPE human rights.

06-07-2008, 08:30 AM
I dont believe you can go visit Cuba as of now. Someone correct me if Im wrong but I believe it has to do with the trade embargo.

Floyd R
06-07-2008, 08:41 AM
There are no direct flights from US to Cuba but many people living in the US travel to Cuba via Canada, Mexico, or the Bahamas.

I dont believe you can go visit Cuba as of now. Someone correct me if Im wrong but I believe it has to do with the trade embargo.

06-07-2008, 08:45 AM
Well, US Citezens are not legally allowed to visit Cuba.

Sure, many go through Canada and Mexico to visit-but I would never do anything to jeapardize my US citezenship. Plus my passport says I was born in Cuba, so even if I would attempt to do that, I am sure it would raise alarm to the Cuban immigration authorities. I think if you are born in Cuba but are a citezen of another country, you have to request a special visa from the Cuban goverment as well as present your Cuban birth certificate. I have the certificate-but since I have changed names
that would allow for further complications.

As I understand it, there are only certain reasons why one is allowed to go and I don't qualify for any of them as all of my family lives in the US.

I would not visit unless it was legal to do so.

But- you are right about what you said in terms with the US goverment
not wanting to have relations with Cuba due to human right violations-which indeed there were and are many- but the US has had and has favorable relations with other dictatorships. I think part of it is to keep a favorable postion with the anti-Castro Cuban voters by politicians.

With that said, the embargo and the Helms-Burton law propably does less good for the entire population as they are most affected by the embargo than the goverment is. Most of the international community has gone agaisnt the US embargo and the Helms-Burton law (The EU, UK, Canada, Mexico, etc) all support trade with Cuba,

My father spent four years in prison in Cuba in the 70's for selling meat in the black market and being of anti-communist/Castro sentiment. He was charged with an attempt agaisnt the goverment , was a politcal prisoner,
and labeled as a 'terrorist'; hence why we were granted access to leave in 1980. I remember ration books and have have heard many stories from family & friends about the many hardships and restrictions that were during the Fidel Castro regime.

BUT-I hope that Raul Castro will definately begin a path that will lead to better relations with the US and improve the freedoms and rights of the Cuban people.

06-07-2008, 08:54 AM
I'm not sure of the current situation but I know when I was working as a journalist I could go as a professional but not as a tourist.

I think what the deal is, is that a US citizen can "go" to Cuba, you just can't spend money there. What I hear is that if you fly from Mexico they don't stamp your passport so unless you tell somebody official there is no record. Not sure if that's still the case.

When I lived in Key West I've sailed to within 20 miles of the island, close enough to see the mountans. (And we got stopped and searched by a Coast Guard cutter on the way back.) And I've flown past it going to Central America many times. Probably as close as I'll ever get.

TS Jamie :-)

06-07-2008, 09:01 AM
Yet another MASSIVE BURN on the stupid American healthcare system. Seriously, fucking Cuba is ahead of you guys. Sucks.

06-07-2008, 09:02 AM
Yet another MASSIVE BURN on the stupid American healthcare system. Seriously, fucking Cuba is ahead of you guys. Sucks.

It is ironic that Cuba has universal free healthcare and the US does not.
Very sad actually.

06-07-2008, 09:07 AM
Sorry to hear about your dad, but i guess that also opened the door come to the U.S. I think Raul might be taking the strides of the Chinese, because its the only way to better the standard for Cuba. Although I've heard from friends that visited recently that you can see the changes and that things are not as bad as in the 70's - 80's. Due partly because Venezuela along with the other pseudo-leftist latin american countries are having more trade with them .

Also from a serious to not so serious topic, you look seriously pretty in that avatar :!:

06-07-2008, 09:12 AM
Yet another MASSIVE BURN on the stupid American healthcare system. Seriously, fucking Cuba is ahead of you guys. Sucks.

It is ironic that Cuba has universal free healthcare and the US does not.
Very sad actually.

Check out their literacy rate, and the infant mortality compared to that of the U.S it's outstanding. Also the doctors that come from Cuba are top notch, many students from Latin America/europe have the student exchange for that reason. Thats why its not impressive they could offer SRS surgery for free.

06-07-2008, 09:14 AM
Sorry to hear about your dad, but i guess that also opened the door come to the U.S. I think Raul might be taking the strides of the Chinese, because its the only way to better the standard for Cuba. Although I've heard from friends that visited recently that you can see the changes and that things are not as bad as in the 70's - 80's. Due partly because Venezuela along with the other pseudo-leftist latin american countries are having more trade with them .

Also from a serious to not so serious topic, you look seriously pretty in that avatar :!:

Thank you-
But I guess I and my entire family have to be thankful for his jail
sentence as it afforded us a way out of Cuba (as twisted as that sounds). It certainly happened for a reason and for our lives to be better.
I definately would have not been able to do any of what I have done with my life and body if we had not came to America. I am very, very thankful and extremely greatful of the freedoms and life I enjoy here that I would not be able to have in Cuba. Not that it was an easy road in the least bit nor perfect, we did live in poor for a very long time. But the ability and the freedom to overcome that and create a life of your own is pricless.