View Full Version : Legend: HA's Own Little Cockroach Bigot ...

06-06-2008, 06:53 AM
Legend, our resident little BIGOT.

Like an unwelcomed invasive cockroach that continues to mutate and develop a new resistance to the most current of insecticides, our resident turd, Legend, not only currently continues to post here as if he is welcomed here, but also continually returns to this forum after having had his ass literally pasted by countless of posters countless of times. No other poster in the history of this forum comes close to that dubious, shameful, embarrassing distinction. No other comes close.

One would think that someone exposed as the clown that he is and beaten -- beaten handily I might add -- so much by so many different posters would at some point get a clue that his legion hypocrisy, ignorance, stupidity, sycophancy, and transparency, rub many members here the wrong way, simply isn't welcomed, and should maybe move on to another juvenile game or freeper forum where one like him would be "welcomed". But like that aforementioned pesky cockroach which can't change what it is, nor obviously sense why he isn't welcomed here, Legend graces the forum once more as he did last Tuesday night to add a new depth to his stupidity and ignorance by reinventing that trademark ignorance of his once more by attacking another's ethnicity; another's race. In this case,mine. It seems our little retarded friend has issues with Mexican-Americans.

In all of my differences with other posters here on a variety of topics, not once did it ever occur to me -- or them for that matter -- to attack another on their race or ethnicity, no matter how heated the argument or how much that racial jugular presented itself for the easy taking. Going after someone's race/ethnicity is the cheapest low road shot one can take of another for the simple reason that it is something the recipient can't alter. To the vast majority of people here, and in real life, it is a cheap shot void of any substance or reason, as any rational, intelligent mind knows and just knows better not to go there. After all, how hard and/or challenging is it to attack another on their race armed with simplistic bigoted stereotypes and generalizations?
In an ignorant, bigoted (redundant) redneck mind however, none of that matters. What matters is that he place himself via any means necessary above others he sees as inferior to him through those aforementioned tired, worn, and anecdotal, depictions and stereotypes. Bigots see their race as not equal to any other one, but better than every other one. In other words, there can only be one number one in their narrow, ignorant little mind, thus making everyone else of another race a distant number two at best. Thanks to his postings Tuesday night responding to yours truly as "Cheech Marin", along with posting pictures of the border replete with his inane border commentary(Tom Tancredo anyone?), we all now have witnessed with certainty that Legend is indeed a bigot.

Finding out that Legend is a bigot shouldn't really surprise anyone who has witnessed his ignorance and stupidity time and time again in this forum. Just as one can't imagine him going any lower, he fools us all to do just that. After all, not all stupid people are bigots, but all bigots are stupid people. Legend fits that bill perfectly. ...How stupid -- stupid! -- must a person be to inject himself into a forum such as this one, and then paint the vast majority of male posters as "chasers"? One can only wonder how he feels about the other races which comprise this forum? As the genuine bigot he's revealed himself to be, we can safely assume he is simply incapable of seeing the world around him in any other way.

... I say Legend resembles the one on the right.

06-06-2008, 06:59 AM
I do not know what Legend may have said, but I think you weaken your position by using slanted imagery (kkk) and potentially offensive words (rednecks).

I do not see the border issue as one of racism so much as sovereignty.

Anyway, what did Legend say?

06-06-2008, 07:16 AM
...How stupid -- stupid! -- must a person be to inject himself into a forum such as this one, and then paint the vast majority of male posters as "chasers"? [b]

I've always found that particularly amusing myself, haha!

06-06-2008, 07:19 AM
I do not know what Legend may have said, but I think you weaken your position by using slanted imagery (kkk) and potentially offensive words (rednecks).

I do not see the border issue as one of racism so much as sovereignty.

Anyway, what did Legend say?

Oh, not at all. Race is, nor was, the issue as to the core of our differences, and yet it was he that went to the racial card. He knows why I can't stand him, and race has nothing to do with it. He did not respond with sovereignty of our borders in mind when he took his cheap shot at me since he has no clue as to what my views are on border control. He simply drew on my ethnicity to take a shot at Mexican-Americans, and thus paint me in the same way. It's what small, un-resourceful minds do. He couldn't take a shot at the issue between us, so he took the only shot he could by taking a shot at Mexican-Americans, one of which I am. He had no reason to go there, and yet he did. The implication and innuendo is obvious for all to see.

Do your research on Legend before you come out looking like a fool defending this bonafide loser, Falrune. Go look to see what he said, AND THEN COMMENT. Got that? If someone such as myself, Vicki, or a host of many others here at this forum, are coming after Legend, it is probably for very good legitimate reason(s).

06-06-2008, 07:23 AM
Monkey sad.

06-06-2008, 07:26 AM
Fuck you ,you little whiny bitch you've called me every name in the book,you think i can a damn about you calling me a bigot.I've endured alot of shit on this forum but do you see me making threads trying to win the sympathy from others no you don't but you on the other hand are the type of person who gets all fucking emotional like something i said got to you.So Realgirls4me this coming from the bottom of my heart i can care less about you as a poster and a human being so,fuck off you whiny midget.

To the people of Ha:The border comment wasn't racist at all,i do hope that obama is strong on immigration when he gets elected,the post was on topic unlike your comment in the particular thread which you made just to insult me.This person realgirls4me is like 4'11 so cheech marin was the only mexican american name i could think at the time who is short.

06-06-2008, 07:28 AM
Do your research on Legend before you come out looking like a fool defending this bonafide loser, Falrune. Go look to see what he said, AND THEN COMMENT. Got that? If someone such as myself, Vicki, or a host of many others here at this forum, are coming after Legend, it is probably for very good legitimate reason(s).

Legend has already ingratiated himself with me. I did not defend him in my post; however, I found your post to be somewhat traditionally anti-white in its leaning. You need not use language such as "GOT THAT" with me, either.

06-06-2008, 07:49 AM
Fuck you ,you little whiny bitch you've called me every name in the book,you think i can a damn about you calling me a bigot.I've endured alot of shit on this forum but do you see me making threads trying to win the sympathy from others no you don't but you on the other hand are the type of person who gets all fucking emotional like something i said got to you.So Realgirls4me this coming from the bottom of my heart i can care less about you as a poster and a human being so,fuck off you whiny midget.

To the people of Ha:The border comment wasn't racist at all,i do hope that obama is strong on immigration when he gets elected,the post was on topic unlike your comment in the particular thread which you made just to insult me.This person realgirls4me is like 4'11 so cheech marin was the only mexican american name i could think at the time who is short.

Midget? I'm 6'2" and I believe highly capable of turning your sorry pimple laden face into a bloody pulp if it ever came down to that.
So let me get this straight: You assumed I was a "midget", so that automatically linked me to Cheech Marin, is that that case? And yet, not, say, Tom Cruise or David Spade perhaps? You also expect anyone reading this to believe that your next response -- one highlighting my posting with you responding solely about border control -- was not taking a cheap cowardly shot at Mexicans or my ethnicity? What did my post about your retarded grammar and spelling have anything to do with border control, immigration, or Obama??? Just who are you trying to sell a bridge in here to, dunce?

I've called you many names (that name calling has certainly not been exhausted given all the fodder you consistently provide btw), and also have called you out many times, simply to see you back your shit about me up. Cowardly sniper shots aren't going to cut it with me, dipshit. If you are going to inject yourself between my differences with others, then back it up, "Betty".

Falrune: Show me where or how my post is "anti-white", particularly when compared with Legend's bigoted slop? Show me where I am anti-white! It seems to me you are seeing what you want to see. So Legend -- LEGEND -- has won your heart? Did I read that right?

Monkey sad.

I hope you are not talking to me, particularly since you never answered my questions to you as to who you voted for president in the last two elections.

06-06-2008, 08:00 AM
Fuck you ,you little whiny bitch you've called me every name in the book,you think i can a damn about you calling me a bigot.I've endured alot of shit on this forum but do you see me making threads trying to win the sympathy from others no you don't but you on the other hand are the type of person who gets all fucking emotional like something i said got to you.So Realgirls4me this coming from the bottom of my heart i can care less about you as a poster and a human being so,fuck off you whiny midget.

To the people of Ha:The border comment wasn't racist at all,i do hope that obama is strong on immigration when he gets elected,the post was on topic unlike your comment in the particular thread which you made just to insult me.This person realgirls4me is like 4'11 so cheech marin was the only mexican american name i could think at the time who is short.

Midget? I'm 6'2" and I believe highly capable of turning your sorry pimple laden face into a bloody pulp if it ever came down to that.
So let me get this straight: You assumed I was a "midget", so that automatically linked me to Cheech Marin, is that that case? And yet, not, say, Tom Cruise or David Spade perhaps? You also expect anyone reading this to believe that your next response -- one highlighting my posting with you responding solely about border control -- was not taking a cheap cowardly shot at Mexicans or my ethnicity? What did my post about your retarded grammar and spelling have anything to do with border control, immigration, or Obama??? Just who are you trying to sell a bridge in here to, dunce?

I've called you many names (that name calling has certainly not been exhausted given all the fodder you consistently provide btw), and also have called you out many times, simply to see you back your shit about me up. Cowardly sniper shots aren't going to cut it with me, dipshit. If you are going to inject yourself between my differences with others, then back it up, "Betty".

Falrune: Show me where or how my post is "anti-white", particularly when compared with Legend's bigoted slop? Show me where I am anti-white!

Monkey sad.

I hope you are not talking to me, particularly since you never answered my questiones to you as to who you voted for president in the last two elections.

Napoleon complex

A persistent sense of inadequacy or a tendency to self-diminishment, sometimes resulting in excessive aggressiveness through overcompensation.

06-06-2008, 08:10 AM
Typical dipshit Legend at his game again. Confront any point about his behavior with endless tangents and digressions in the hopes that the scent is thrown off. Notice that he didn't address his linking of me to the immigration or Obama issues, which he made about me out of the clear blue.

Anything original, Legend?

... Other than Falrune and Ottorocket, just who the fuck does this idiot think he is fooling?

06-06-2008, 08:14 AM
Now children...

First of all - while name calling is usually perfectly acceptable amongst long time members who love or hate each other here on HA - I personally draw the line at physical threats which is why I'm commenting instead of bypassing this fight.

The transsexual community, especially the girls, are subject to enough violence and threats in everyday life that it doesn't need to be promoted here.

So - call Legend names if you wish, he's got a thick skin and can defend himself, but let's keep the threats to ourselves.

Now everyone go to your corner and take a water break.

TS Jamie :-)

06-06-2008, 11:11 AM
That is the problem with internet tough guys like realgirls4me,he cannot get to you with all his desperate threads(this is not his first thread dedicated to me) and countless name calling so he resorts to physical threats.

Realgirls4me,is the type of emotional bitch that can throw all kinds of bullshit towards you but when you say something that seems to offend him he goes and make threads about it,case in point this thread.But this whiny bitch has made far too many threads dedicated to me,his obssesion cannot be healthy.

1.Question For Moderators Re: Legend By Realgirls4me>>>>>>>>>>>(He made false accusations in this thread that i gave out his number on craig's list)

2.What "Game", Legend?

3.Legend: HA's Own Little Cockroach Bigot ...

Few were deleted by mods!!!!!

Dude,leave me the fuck alone and i don't care about you as a person or anything you stand for.

06-06-2008, 11:15 AM
That is the problem with internet tough guys like realgirls4me,he cannot get to you with all his desperate threads(this is not his first thread dedicated to me) and countless name calling so he resorts to physical threats.

Realgirls4me,is the type of emotional bitch that can throw all kinds of bullshit towards you but when you say something that seems to offend him he goes and make threads about it,case in point this thread.But this whiny bitch has made far too many threads dedicated to me,his obssesion cannot be healthy.

1.Question For Moderators Re: Legend By Realgirls4me>>>>>>>>>>>(He made false accusations in this thread that i gave out his number on craig's list)

2.What "Game", Legend?

3.Legend: HA's Own Little Cockroach Bigot ...

Few were deleted by mods!!!!!

Dude,leave me the fuck alone and i don't care about you as a person or anything you stand for.

Legend i think this guy has one an award and here it is......

06-06-2008, 04:36 PM
Jeez, you two, get a room already! :deadhorse