View Full Version : Greatest Sci fI movie?

06-04-2008, 05:28 AM
my would be 2001

06-04-2008, 05:37 AM
Forbidden Planet

06-04-2008, 05:51 AM

06-04-2008, 06:19 AM
my would be Empire Strikes Back.

06-04-2008, 06:52 AM
Forbidden Planet

Excellent choice. A trailblazing movie with great special effects and all capped in a Freudian soup ... It was simply a movie far ahead of its time(1957), and one whose popularity seems to grow with each year. That movie's sound effects would be borrowed for years that followed by shows such as The Outer Limits and The Twilight Zone to name a couple, and who could ever forget Robby the Robot? The best Sci-Fi robot ever. :)

06-04-2008, 11:05 AM
Number 1 for me would have to be Bladerunner:

06-04-2008, 11:51 AM
Soylent Green!

Also all the Star Wars films - doncha just ADORE Jar-Jar Binks...

TS Jamie :-)

Bladerunner also!

06-04-2008, 03:07 PM
Holy fuck, don't people know how to thumbnail? I'm on a big ass WS monitor and still had to pan a screen over.

06-04-2008, 04:34 PM
We have to choose just one? *sigh*

Blade Runner, yes. 2001, yes. Silent Running, yes. Forbidden Planet, yes. Star Wars (episode IV), of course.

Buckaroo Banzai? Soylent Green? Omega Man? Planet of the Apes (original)? Alien? Aliens? Highlander? Mad Maxx? Those are all good, too.

Darkwing Duck
06-04-2008, 05:02 PM

06-04-2008, 05:36 PM
All-time number one: 2001. Kubrick and Clarke, what an amazing combination. The sequels were OK, but not a patch on the original. Great effects, serious SF, a movie which not only delivered to SF fans who had grown up on a diet of Asimov, Clarke, Heinlein, Pohl, and other greats, but which also was ideal for its time, meshing both the space race and the psychedelic acid era with the star gate sequence. (As a side note, my all-time pick as greatest TV show ever--not just SF, as it melded numerous genres together--is The Prisoner, which also both transcends its time yet reflects the issues of its time powerfully.)

Other first rank SF movies: Forbidden Planet (Shakespeare's The Tempest in outer space, plus Robbie the Robot, how can you not love it?), Bladerunner, Star Wars IV & V, The Day the Earth Stood Still, Metropolis, Alien, The Matrix, Solaris (the original), and Fifth Element (ok, the last is a guilty pleasure, but it also featured the graphic designs of Jean Giraud (Moebius) and Jean-Claude Mézières).

06-04-2008, 06:28 PM

06-04-2008, 06:28 PM
All are good choices. I really like Gattaca I would not have thought of that but it was a good movie.

06-04-2008, 06:51 PM
one of my all time favorites is GUYVER


06-04-2008, 06:52 PM
1) Close Encounters

2) Blade Runner

06-04-2008, 07:27 PM
While Kubrick had a fantastic eye for the visual, I never took to his story-telling and have always disliked 2001 as a whole (Though still marvel at its imagery).

So many good films (And shows, such as The Prisoner) mentioned here.

If I had to narrow it down to one, landmark film, it would have to be The Day The Earth Stood Still.

Aside from its excellent story, flowing imagery, and top-notch cast, it put its mark on an entire culture in a number of ways. Two examples:

"Klatuu, we're outta neckties"

And the penultimate tribute:

"Michael Rennie was ill,
the day the earth stood still,
but he told us where to stand."

06-04-2008, 08:00 PM
Yeah my order goes like this...

1. Empire
2. Aliens
3. Blade Runner
4. A New Hope
5. Jedi
6. Predator
7. Fifth Element
8. Transformers
9. Revenge of the Sith
10. The Matrix

06-04-2008, 08:16 PM
Stillies needs to see more movies. :P

06-04-2008, 09:57 PM
Stillies needs to see more movies. :P

Yes. His list is full of crap. Sorry, stillies bro. :lol:

1. 2001
2. Metropolis
3. Letters From A Dead Man
4. Solaris
5. Blade Runner
6. Amphibian Man
7. Alphaville
8. Futureworld
9. Woman in The Moon
10. The End of Eternity

06-04-2008, 11:50 PM
to be fair at least 5 of the ones on my list are among the greatest sci fi movies of all time.

06-04-2008, 11:54 PM
Blade Runner hands down for me. Fantastic cinematic experience.

06-05-2008, 12:23 AM
to be fair at least 5 of the ones on my list are among the greatest sci fi movies of all time.

I respect your taste but the thing with your favs is that they´re just blockbusters. In fact, they´re all good movies but they can´t beat so many "unknown" movies. Star Wars ain´t Science-Fiction at all because this genre requires much more than amazing and expensive special effects and weird characters. I recommend you the literature of Isaac Asimov, so you might understand what Science-Fiction is really about. It goes hand in hand with science and I don´t see anything scientific in Star Wars. I had lots of fun watching Star Wars but it wasn´t more than entertainment.

06-05-2008, 12:25 AM
2001 definately

06-05-2008, 01:41 AM
We've had this thread before, I'm sure, and it's not possible to pick one "Greatest" movie in any genre. Instead I'll post an "odd movie, that I've forgotten the name of".

I think it's an Australian or New Zealand movie, my guess would be from the late 1980's. It involves the familiar story of a guy who wakes up one morning and he's the last man on earth, apparently. The guy tricks out a mansion with an arena size sound system, drives the coolest cars, the usual stuff, but then the story takes a turn for the weird. The premise is that some Experiment Gone Wrong made nearly everyone vanish from earth, except for people who were dying at the moment the Big Event happened.

Naturally, the main character turns out to have been working on the experiment, knew it's dangers, and dropped a toaster in his bathtub at just the right moment in an attempt to kill himself. He eventually finds a hot girl, and then soon after meets a gun carrying militant tough guy who also survived the event. Things wrap up as the main guy drives a truck into a glowing power generator, which causes him to wake up on a beach on some alien planet. Not having much else to do at this point, he walks away from the camera. Roll credits.

Yes, this is an actual movie. Anyone else ever see this? It wasn't really that great, but I can't think of the name of the damn thing.

06-05-2008, 02:18 AM
We've had this thread before, I'm sure, and it's not possible to pick one "Greatest" movie in any genre. Instead I'll post an "odd movie, that I've forgotten the name of".

I think it's an Australian or New Zealand movie, my guess would be from the late 1980's. It involves the familiar story of a guy who wakes up one morning and he's the last man on earth, apparently. The guy tricks out a mansion with an arena size sound system, drives the coolest cars, the usual stuff, but then the story takes a turn for the weird. The premise is that some Experiment Gone Wrong made nearly everyone vanish from earth, except for people who were dying at the moment the Big Event happened.

Naturally, the main character turns out to have been working on the experiment, knew it's dangers, and dropped a toaster in his bathtub at just the right moment in an attempt to kill himself. He eventually finds a hot girl, and then soon after meets a gun carrying militant tough guy who also survived the event. Things wrap up as the main guy drives a truck into a glowing power generator, which causes him to wake up on a beach on some alien planet. Not having much else to do at this point, he walks away from the camera. Roll credits.

Yes, this is an actual movie. Anyone else ever see this? It wasn't really that great, but I can't think of the name of the damn thing.

I was watching that movie 2 months ago on German TV. The movie is called "Quiet Earth".

06-05-2008, 04:02 AM
Yes, "The Quiet Earth", thanks Coroner.

The funny thing is that they put the last scene on the box cover. The entire time I was watching the movie I was thinking "Well, this is interesting, but when the hell is this guy going to arrive on the alien planet?!". He finally does, and then the movie ends without further explanation. I thought that was pretty cool.


06-05-2008, 04:13 AM
Yes, "The Quiet Earth", thanks Coroner.

The funny thing is that they put the last scene on the box cover. The entire time I was watching the movie I was thinking "Well, this is interesting, but when the hell is this guy going to arrive on the alien planet?!". He finally does, and then the movie ends without further explanation. I thought that was pretty cool.


All you see is the panorama of the awesome and incredible megacity Wellington (448.956 inhabitants :lol: ) and confusing conflicts between the three main characters, btw. the only characters in the movie. They have a small fight, chase each other with cars and become friends again, just out of nothing. :lol:
Whatever, the movie was good. It could´ve been done better but it´s still better than stillies´ movie list, right stillies? :lol: ...... just kidding :wink:

06-05-2008, 04:32 AM
I really can't give a #1 right now, but I have to say I can NOT give 2001 as it, remotely. Maybe it's because I'm a bit younger, but the movie is very, very, very slow and drags on forever at points. I love the principle of it, but a full re-edit with things like slowly rotating space stations being cut out really needs to be done.

06-05-2008, 04:44 AM
I have no pictures but I have my opinion, Logan's Run it features a destroyed Washington DC and an ice cave where people are frozen. The Planet of the Apes it has time travel and stinkin dirty, talking apes.

06-05-2008, 04:52 AM
For me "The Day the Earth Stood Still" is always a must see. Of the "Star War series I would have to pick the "The Empire Strikes Back"

06-05-2008, 08:09 AM
H.G.Wells' The Time Machine (1960)

The War of the Worlds(1953)