View Full Version : Condom Issues

06-03-2008, 04:55 PM
Hello folks

I have a quite annoying Issue. I can maintain an erection, and I have usually had no issues without because I had healthy female partners only and I never had any STD. But when it comes to having sex with escorts I prefer security. But the main issue here is that I feel like almost nothing when using their type of condoms and I lose the erection right away. I'm a 7incher and it feels like my penis is getting hot, numb and kind of "put to sleep" and I sweat like hell when using it.

It's becoming frustrating. I want my sensitivity back with a condom and my willy to not chock.

Anyone who could give any advice on this? Could It be the wrong type of condom I use?

06-05-2008, 03:08 AM
Sounds like the comdoms might be too small and are squeezing the blood out of your thingy.

Also try a ultra-thin type.

Or maybe you need the one in the photo below...

TS Jamie :-)

06-05-2008, 03:00 PM
Sounds like the comdoms might be too small and are squeezing the blood out of your thingy.

Also try a ultra-thin type.

Or maybe you need the one in the photo below...

TS Jamie :-)

LOL. haha maybe thats the case;) Well I'm average, but it still feels too tight so yeah. Maybe I should try a bigger one and maybe one thats untreated and I ocnsider to maybe try out the ribs thing from Durex.

06-05-2008, 04:15 PM
The dude needs to bring his own condoms if he doesn't like the cheap skinny freebies offered by an escort.

06-05-2008, 04:24 PM
The dude needs to bring his own condoms if he doesn't like the cheap skinny freebies offered by an escort.

Of course. I don't expect that to happen, I think I will buy some packages and experiment a bit.

06-05-2008, 09:53 PM
The dude needs to bring his own condoms if he doesn't like the cheap skinny freebies offered by an escort.

Of course. I don't expect that to happen, I think I will buy some packages and experiment a bit.

try these..


06-05-2008, 11:56 PM
Dude, just get Magnums. They are less tight and doesn't feel like it's cutting off circulation or making it numb. I have 8 inches and they are so much more comfortable so it should definately help.

06-06-2008, 12:55 AM
Dude, just get Magnums. They are less tight and doesn't feel like it's cutting off circulation or making it numb. I have 8 inches and they are so much more comfortable so it should definately help.

I dont have that brand here. But I think I will try and get some from Durex. They have a really thin one. I just hope those will cut it, I will have my first experience with a tranny soon and wonders who to catch on my trip to London.